open Types type module_inst = { types : func_type list; funcs : func_inst list; tables : table_inst list; memories : memory_inst list; globals : global_inst list; elems : elem_inst list; datas : data_inst list; exports : export_inst list; gas: int64 ref; } and func_inst = module_inst ref Func.t and table_inst = Table.t and memory_inst = Memory.t and global_inst = Global.t and elem_inst = Elem.t and data_inst = Data.t and export_inst = * extern and extern = | ExternFunc of func_inst | ExternTable of table_inst | ExternMemory of memory_inst | ExternGlobal of global_inst (* Reference types *) type Values.ref_ += FuncRef of func_inst let () = let type_of_ref' = !Values.type_of_ref' in Values.type_of_ref' := function | FuncRef _ -> FuncRefType | r -> type_of_ref' r let () = let string_of_ref' = !Values.string_of_ref' in Values.string_of_ref' := function | FuncRef _ -> "func" | r -> string_of_ref' r let () = let eq_ref' = !Values.eq_ref' in Values.eq_ref' := fun r1 r2 -> match r1, r2 with | FuncRef f1, FuncRef f2 -> f1 == f2 | _, _ -> eq_ref' r1 r2 (* Auxiliary functions *) let new_module_inst (gas : int64) = { types = []; funcs = []; tables = []; memories = []; globals = []; elems = []; datas = []; exports = []; gas = ref gas; } let extern_type_of = function | ExternFunc func -> ExternFuncType (Func.type_of func) | ExternTable tab -> ExternTableType (Table.type_of tab) | ExternMemory mem -> ExternMemoryType (Memory.type_of mem) | ExternGlobal glob -> ExternGlobalType (Global.type_of glob) let export inst name = try Some (List.assoc name inst.exports) with Not_found -> None