open Types open Ast open Script open Source (* Harness *) let harness = {| 'use strict'; let externrefs = {}; let externsym = Symbol("externref"); function externref(s) { if (! (s in externrefs)) externrefs[s] = {[externsym]: s}; return externrefs[s]; } function is_externref(x) { return (x !== null && externsym in x) ? 1 : 0; } function is_funcref(x) { return typeof x === "function" ? 1 : 0; } function eq_externref(x, y) { return x === y ? 1 : 0; } function eq_funcref(x, y) { return x === y ? 1 : 0; } let spectest = { externref: externref, is_externref: is_externref, is_funcref: is_funcref, eq_externref: eq_externref, eq_funcref: eq_funcref, print: console.log.bind(console), print_i32: console.log.bind(console), print_i32_f32: console.log.bind(console), print_f64_f64: console.log.bind(console), print_f32: console.log.bind(console), print_f64: console.log.bind(console), global_i32: 666, global_i64: 666n, global_f32: 666, global_f64: 666, table: new WebAssembly.Table({initial: 10, maximum: 20, element: 'anyfunc'}), memory: new WebAssembly.Memory({initial: 1, maximum: 2}) }; let handler = { get(target, prop) { return (prop in target) ? target[prop] : {}; } }; let registry = new Proxy({spectest}, handler); function register(name, instance) { registry[name] = instance.exports; } function module(bytes, valid = true) { let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(bytes.length); let view = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i) { view[i] = bytes.charCodeAt(i); } let validated; try { validated = WebAssembly.validate(buffer); } catch (e) { throw new Error("Wasm validate throws"); } if (validated !== valid) { throw new Error("Wasm validate failure" + (valid ? "" : " expected")); } return new WebAssembly.Module(buffer); } function instance(bytes, imports = registry) { return new WebAssembly.Instance(module(bytes), imports); } function call(instance, name, args) { return instance.exports[name](...args); } function get(instance, name) { let v = instance.exports[name]; return (v instanceof WebAssembly.Global) ? v.value : v; } function exports(instance) { return {module: instance.exports, spectest: spectest}; } function run(action) { action(); } function assert_malformed(bytes) { try { module(bytes, false) } catch (e) { if (e instanceof WebAssembly.CompileError) return; } throw new Error("Wasm decoding failure expected"); } function assert_invalid(bytes) { try { module(bytes, false) } catch (e) { if (e instanceof WebAssembly.CompileError) return; } throw new Error("Wasm validation failure expected"); } function assert_unlinkable(bytes) { let mod = module(bytes); try { new WebAssembly.Instance(mod, registry) } catch (e) { if (e instanceof WebAssembly.LinkError) return; } throw new Error("Wasm linking failure expected"); } function assert_uninstantiable(bytes) { let mod = module(bytes); try { new WebAssembly.Instance(mod, registry) } catch (e) { if (e instanceof WebAssembly.RuntimeError) return; } throw new Error("Wasm trap expected"); } function assert_trap(action) { try { action() } catch (e) { if (e instanceof WebAssembly.RuntimeError) return; } throw new Error("Wasm trap expected"); } let StackOverflow; try { (function f() { 1 + f() })() } catch (e) { StackOverflow = e.constructor } function assert_exhaustion(action) { try { action() } catch (e) { if (e instanceof StackOverflow) return; } throw new Error("Wasm resource exhaustion expected"); } function assert_return(action, ...expected) { let actual = action(); if (actual === undefined) { actual = []; } else if (!Array.isArray(actual)) { actual = [actual]; } if (actual.length !== expected.length) { throw new Error(expected.length + " value(s) expected, got " + actual.length); } for (let i = 0; i < actual.length; ++i) { switch (expected[i]) { case "nan:canonical": case "nan:arithmetic": case "nan:any": // Note that JS can't reliably distinguish different NaN values, // so there's no good way to test that it's a canonical NaN. if (!Number.isNaN(actual[i])) { throw new Error("Wasm return value NaN expected, got " + actual[i]); }; return; case "ref.func": if (typeof actual[i] !== "function") { throw new Error("Wasm function return value expected, got " + actual[i]); }; return; case "ref.extern": if (actual[i] === null) { throw new Error("Wasm reference return value expected, got " + actual[i]); }; return; default: if (![i], expected[i])) { throw new Error("Wasm return value " + expected[i] + " expected, got " + actual[i]); }; } } } |} (* Context *) module NameMap = Map.Make(struct type t = let compare = compare end) module Map = Map.Make(String) type exports = extern_type NameMap.t type modules = {mutable env : exports Map.t; mutable current : int} let exports m : exports = List.fold_left (fun map exp -> NameMap.add (export_type m exp) map) NameMap.empty let modules () : modules = {env = Map.empty; current = 0} let current_var (mods : modules) = "$" ^ string_of_int mods.current let of_var_opt (mods : modules) = function | None -> current_var mods | Some x -> let bind (mods : modules) x_opt m = let exports = exports m in mods.current <- mods.current + 1; mods.env <- Map.add (of_var_opt mods x_opt) exports mods.env; if x_opt <> None then mods.env <- Map.add (current_var mods) exports mods.env let lookup (mods : modules) x_opt name at = let exports = try Map.find (of_var_opt mods x_opt) mods.env with Not_found -> raise (Eval.Crash (at, if x_opt = None then "no module defined within script" else "unknown module " ^ of_var_opt mods x_opt ^ " within script")) in try NameMap.find name exports with Not_found -> raise (Eval.Crash (at, "unknown export \"" ^ string_of_name name ^ "\" within module")) (* Wrappers *) let subject_idx = 0l let externref_idx = 1l let is_externref_idx = 2l let is_funcref_idx = 3l let eq_externref_idx = 4l let _eq_funcref_idx = 5l let subject_type_idx = 6l let eq_of = function | I32Type -> Values.I32 I32Op.Eq | I64Type -> Values.I64 I64Op.Eq | F32Type -> Values.F32 F32Op.Eq | F64Type -> Values.F64 F64Op.Eq let and_of = function | I32Type | F32Type -> Values.I32 I32Op.And | I64Type | F64Type -> Values.I64 I64Op.And let reinterpret_of = function | I32Type -> I32Type, Nop | I64Type -> I64Type, Nop | F32Type -> I32Type, Convert (Values.I32 I32Op.ReinterpretFloat) | F64Type -> I64Type, Convert (Values.I64 I64Op.ReinterpretFloat) let canonical_nan_of = function | I32Type | F32Type -> Values.I32 (F32.to_bits F32.pos_nan) | I64Type | F64Type -> Values.I64 (F64.to_bits F64.pos_nan) let abs_mask_of = function | I32Type | F32Type -> Values.I32 Int32.max_int | I64Type | F64Type -> Values.I64 Int64.max_int let value v = match with | Values.Num n -> [Const (n @@ @@] | Values.Vec s -> [VecConst (s @@ @@] | Values.Ref (Values.NullRef t) -> [RefNull t @@] | Values.Ref (ExternRef n) -> [Const (Values.I32 n @@ @@; Call (externref_idx @@ @@] | Values.Ref _ -> assert false let invoke ft vs at = [ft @@ at], FuncImport (subject_type_idx @@ at) @@ at, List.concat ( value vs) @ [Call (subject_idx @@ at) @@ at] let get t at = [], GlobalImport t @@ at, [GlobalGet (subject_idx @@ at) @@ at] let run ts at = [], [] let assert_return ress ts at = let test res = let nan_bitmask_of = function | CanonicalNan -> abs_mask_of (* must only differ from the canonical NaN in its sign bit *) | ArithmeticNan -> canonical_nan_of (* can be any NaN that's one everywhere the canonical NaN is one *) in match with | NumResult (NumPat {it = num; at = at'}) -> let t', reinterpret = reinterpret_of (Values.type_of_num num) in [ reinterpret @@ at; Const (num @@ at') @@ at; reinterpret @@ at; Compare (eq_of t') @@ at; Test (Values.I32 I32Op.Eqz) @@ at; BrIf (0l @@ at) @@ at ] | NumResult (NanPat nanop) -> let nan = match with | Values.I32 _ | Values.I64 _ -> . | Values.F32 n | Values.F64 n -> n in let t = Values.type_of_num in let t', reinterpret = reinterpret_of t in [ reinterpret @@ at; Const (nan_bitmask_of nan t' @@ at) @@ at; Binary (and_of t') @@ at; Const (canonical_nan_of t' @@ at) @@ at; Compare (eq_of t') @@ at; Test (Values.I32 I32Op.Eqz) @@ at; BrIf (0l @@ at) @@ at ] | VecResult (VecPat (Values.V128 (shape, pats))) -> let open Values in (* VecResult is a list of NumPat or LitPat. For float shapes, we can have a mix of literals * and NaNs. For NaNs, we need to mask it and compare with a canonical NaN. To simplify * comparison, we build masks even for literals (will just be all set), collect them into * a v128, then compare the entire 128 bits. *) let mask_and_canonical = function | NumPat {it = I32 _ as i; _} -> I32 (Int32.minus_one), i | NumPat {it = I64 _ as i; _} -> I64 (Int64.minus_one), i | NumPat {it = F32 f; _} -> I32 (Int32.minus_one), I32 (I32_convert.reinterpret_f32 f) | NumPat {it = F64 f; _} -> I64 (Int64.minus_one), I64 (I64_convert.reinterpret_f64 f) | NanPat {it = F32 nan; _} -> nan_bitmask_of nan I32Type, canonical_nan_of I32Type | NanPat {it = F64 nan; _} -> nan_bitmask_of nan I64Type, canonical_nan_of I64Type | _ -> . in let masks, canons = List.split ( (fun p -> mask_and_canonical p) pats) in let all_ones = V128.I32x4.of_lanes (List.init 4 (fun _ -> Int32.minus_one)) in let mask, expected = match shape with | V128.I8x16 () -> all_ones, V128.I8x16.of_lanes ( (I32Num.of_num 0) canons) | V128.I16x8 () -> all_ones, V128.I16x8.of_lanes ( (I32Num.of_num 0) canons) | V128.I32x4 () -> all_ones, V128.I32x4.of_lanes ( (I32Num.of_num 0) canons) | V128.I64x2 () -> all_ones, V128.I64x2.of_lanes ( (I64Num.of_num 0) canons) | V128.F32x4 () -> V128.I32x4.of_lanes ( (I32Num.of_num 0) masks), V128.I32x4.of_lanes ( (I32Num.of_num 0) canons) | V128.F64x2 () -> V128.I64x2.of_lanes ( (I64Num.of_num 0) masks), V128.I64x2.of_lanes ( (I64Num.of_num 0) canons) in [ VecConst (V128 mask @@ at) @@ at; VecBinaryBits (V128 V128Op.And) @@ at; VecConst (V128 expected @@ at) @@ at; VecCompare (V128 (V128.I8x16 V128Op.Eq)) @@ at; (* If all lanes are non-zero, then they are equal *) VecTest (V128 (V128.I8x16 V128Op.AllTrue)) @@ at; Test (I32 I32Op.Eqz) @@ at; BrIf (0l @@ at) @@ at ] | RefResult (RefPat {it = Values.NullRef t; _}) -> [ RefIsNull @@ at; Test (Values.I32 I32Op.Eqz) @@ at; BrIf (0l @@ at) @@ at ] | RefResult (RefPat {it = ExternRef n; _}) -> [ Const (Values.I32 n @@ at) @@ at; Call (externref_idx @@ at) @@ at; Call (eq_externref_idx @@ at) @@ at; Test (Values.I32 I32Op.Eqz) @@ at; BrIf (0l @@ at) @@ at ] | RefResult (RefPat _) -> assert false | RefResult (RefTypePat t) -> let is_ref_idx = match t with | FuncRefType -> is_funcref_idx | ExternRefType -> is_externref_idx in [ Call (is_ref_idx @@ at) @@ at; Test (Values.I32 I32Op.Eqz) @@ at; BrIf (0l @@ at) @@ at ] in [], List.flatten (List.rev_map test ress) let wrap item_name wrap_action wrap_assertion at = let itypes, idesc, action = wrap_action at in let locals, assertion = wrap_assertion at in let types = (FuncType ([], []) @@ at) :: (FuncType ([NumType I32Type], [RefType ExternRefType]) @@ at) :: (FuncType ([RefType ExternRefType], [NumType I32Type]) @@ at) :: (FuncType ([RefType FuncRefType], [NumType I32Type]) @@ at) :: (FuncType ([RefType ExternRefType; RefType ExternRefType], [NumType I32Type]) @@ at) :: (FuncType ([RefType FuncRefType; RefType FuncRefType], [NumType I32Type]) @@ at) :: itypes in let imports = [ {module_name = Utf8.decode "module"; item_name; idesc} @@ at; {module_name = Utf8.decode "spectest"; item_name = Utf8.decode "externref"; idesc = FuncImport (1l @@ at) @@ at} @@ at; {module_name = Utf8.decode "spectest"; item_name = Utf8.decode "is_externref"; idesc = FuncImport (2l @@ at) @@ at} @@ at; {module_name = Utf8.decode "spectest"; item_name = Utf8.decode "is_funcref"; idesc = FuncImport (3l @@ at) @@ at} @@ at; {module_name = Utf8.decode "spectest"; item_name = Utf8.decode "eq_externref"; idesc = FuncImport (4l @@ at) @@ at} @@ at; {module_name = Utf8.decode "spectest"; item_name = Utf8.decode "eq_funcref"; idesc = FuncImport (5l @@ at) @@ at} @@ at ] in let item = List.fold_left (fun i im -> match with FuncImport _ -> Int32.add i 1l | _ -> i ) 0l imports @@ at in let edesc = FuncExport item @@ at in let exports = [{name = Utf8.decode "run"; edesc} @@ at] in let body = [ Block (ValBlockType None, action @ assertion @ [Return @@ at]) @@ at; Unreachable @@ at ] in let funcs = [{ftype = 0l @@ at; locals; body} @@ at] in let m = {empty_module with types; funcs; imports; exports} @@ at in Encode.encode m let is_js_num_type = function | I32Type -> true | I64Type | F32Type | F64Type -> false let is_js_value_type = function | NumType t -> is_js_num_type t | VecType t -> false | RefType t -> true let is_js_global_type = function | GlobalType (t, mut) -> is_js_value_type t && mut = Immutable let is_js_func_type = function | FuncType (ins, out) -> List.for_all is_js_value_type (ins @ out) (* Script conversion *) let add_hex_char buf c = Printf.bprintf buf "\\x%02x" (Char.code c) let add_char buf c = if c < '\x20' || c >= '\x7f' then add_hex_char buf c else begin if c = '\"' || c = '\\' then Buffer.add_char buf '\\'; Buffer.add_char buf c end let add_unicode_char buf uc = if uc < 0x20 || uc >= 0x7f then Printf.bprintf buf "\\u{%02x}" uc else add_char buf (Char.chr uc) let of_string_with iter add_char s = let buf = Buffer.create 256 in Buffer.add_char buf '\"'; iter (add_char buf) s; Buffer.add_char buf '\"'; Buffer.contents buf let of_bytes = of_string_with String.iter add_hex_char let of_name = of_string_with List.iter add_unicode_char let of_float z = match string_of_float z with | "nan" -> "NaN" | "-nan" -> "-NaN" | "inf" -> "Infinity" | "-inf" -> "-Infinity" | s -> s let of_num n = let open Values in match n with | I32 i -> I32.to_string_s i | I64 i -> "int64(\"" ^ I64.to_string_s i ^ "\")" | F32 z -> of_float (F32.to_float z) | F64 z -> of_float (F64.to_float z) let of_vec v = let open Values in match v with | V128 v -> "v128(\"" ^ V128.to_string v ^ "\")" let of_ref r = let open Values in match r with | NullRef _ -> "null" | ExternRef n -> "externref(" ^ Int32.to_string n ^ ")" | _ -> assert false let of_value v = let open Values in match with | Num n -> of_num n | Vec v -> of_vec v | Ref r -> of_ref r let of_nan = function | CanonicalNan -> "\"nan:canonical\"" | ArithmeticNan -> "\"nan:arithmetic\"" let of_num_pat = function | NumPat num -> of_num | NanPat nanop -> match with | Values.I32 _ | Values.I64 _ -> . | Values.F32 n | Values.F64 n -> of_nan n let of_vec_pat = function | VecPat (Values.V128 (shape, pats)) -> Printf.sprintf "v128(\"%s\")" (String.concat " " ( of_num_pat pats)) let of_ref_pat = function | RefPat r -> of_ref | RefTypePat t -> "\"ref." ^ string_of_refed_type t ^ "\"" let of_result res = match with | NumResult np -> of_num_pat np | VecResult vp -> of_vec_pat vp | RefResult rp -> of_ref_pat rp let rec of_definition def = match with | Textual m -> of_bytes (Encode.encode m) | Encoded (_, bs) -> of_bytes bs | Quoted (_, s) -> try of_definition (Parse.string_to_module s) with Parse.Syntax _ -> of_bytes "" let of_wrapper mods x_opt name wrap_action wrap_assertion at = let x = of_var_opt mods x_opt in let bs = wrap name wrap_action wrap_assertion at in "call(instance(" ^ of_bytes bs ^ ", " ^ "exports(" ^ x ^ ")), " ^ " \"run\", [])" let of_action mods act = match with | Invoke (x_opt, name, vs) -> "call(" ^ of_var_opt mods x_opt ^ ", " ^ of_name name ^ ", " ^ "[" ^ String.concat ", " ( of_value vs) ^ "])", (match lookup mods x_opt name with | ExternFuncType ft when not (is_js_func_type ft) -> let FuncType (_, out) = ft in Some (of_wrapper mods x_opt name (invoke ft vs), out) | _ -> None ) | Run (x_opt, name, vs) -> "call(" ^ of_var_opt mods x_opt ^ ", " ^ of_name name ^ ", " ^ "[" ^ String.concat ", " ( of_value vs) ^ "])", (match lookup mods x_opt name with | ExternFuncType ft when not (is_js_func_type ft) -> let FuncType (_, out) = ft in Some (of_wrapper mods x_opt name (invoke ft vs), out) | _ -> None ) | Get (x_opt, name) -> "get(" ^ of_var_opt mods x_opt ^ ", " ^ of_name name ^ ")", (match lookup mods x_opt name with | ExternGlobalType gt when not (is_js_global_type gt) -> let GlobalType (t, _) = gt in Some (of_wrapper mods x_opt name (get gt), [t]) | _ -> None ) let of_assertion' mods act name args wrapper_opt = let act_js, act_wrapper_opt = of_action mods act in let js = name ^ "(() => " ^ act_js ^ String.concat ", " ("" :: args) ^ ")" in match act_wrapper_opt with | None -> js ^ ";" | Some (act_wrapper, out) -> let run_name, wrapper = match wrapper_opt with | None -> name, run | Some wrapper -> "run", wrapper in run_name ^ "(() => " ^ act_wrapper (wrapper out) ^ "); // " ^ js let of_assertion mods ass = match with | AssertMalformed (def, _) -> "assert_malformed(" ^ of_definition def ^ ");" | AssertInvalid (def, _) -> "assert_invalid(" ^ of_definition def ^ ");" | AssertUnlinkable (def, _) -> "assert_unlinkable(" ^ of_definition def ^ ");" | AssertUninstantiable (def, _) -> "assert_uninstantiable(" ^ of_definition def ^ ");" | AssertReturn (act, ress) -> of_assertion' mods act "assert_return" ( of_result ress) (Some (assert_return ress)) | AssertTrap (act, _) -> of_assertion' mods act "assert_trap" [] None | AssertExhaustion (act, _) -> of_assertion' mods act "assert_exhaustion" [] None let of_command mods cmd = "\n// " ^ Filename.basename ^ ":" ^ string_of_int ^ "\n" ^ match with | Module (x_opt, def) -> let rec unquote def = match with | Textual m -> m | Encoded (_, bs) -> Decode.decode "binary" bs | Quoted (_, s) -> unquote (Parse.string_to_module s) in bind mods x_opt (unquote def); "let " ^ current_var mods ^ " = instance(" ^ of_definition def ^ ");\n" ^ (if x_opt = None then "" else "let " ^ of_var_opt mods x_opt ^ " = " ^ current_var mods ^ ";\n") | Register (name, x_opt) -> "register(" ^ of_name name ^ ", " ^ of_var_opt mods x_opt ^ ")\n" | Action act -> of_assertion' mods act "run" [] None ^ "\n" | Assertion ass -> of_assertion mods ass ^ "\n" | Meta _ -> assert false let of_script scr = (if !Flags.harness then harness else "") ^ String.concat "" ( (of_command (modules ())) scr)