open Script open Source (* Errors & Tracing *) module Script = Error.Make () module Abort = Error.Make () module Assert = Error.Make () module IO = Error.Make () exception Abort = Abort.Error exception Assert = Assert.Error exception IO = IO.Error let trace name = if !Flags.trace then print_endline ("-- " ^ name) (* File types *) let binary_ext = "wasm" let sexpr_ext = "wat" let script_binary_ext = "bin.wast" let script_ext = "wast" let js_ext = "js" let dispatch_file_ext on_binary on_sexpr on_script_binary on_script on_js file = if Filename.check_suffix file binary_ext then on_binary file else if Filename.check_suffix file sexpr_ext then on_sexpr file else if Filename.check_suffix file script_binary_ext then on_script_binary file else if Filename.check_suffix file script_ext then on_script file else if Filename.check_suffix file js_ext then on_js file else raise (Sys_error (file ^ ": unrecognized file type")) (* Output *) let create_binary_file file _ get_module = trace ("Encoding (" ^ file ^ ")..."); let s = Encode.encode (get_module ()) in let oc = open_out_bin file in try trace "Writing..."; output_string oc s; close_out oc with exn -> close_out oc; raise exn let create_sexpr_file file _ get_module = trace ("Writing (" ^ file ^ ")..."); let oc = open_out file in try Print.module_ oc !Flags.width (get_module ()); close_out oc with exn -> close_out oc; raise exn let create_script_file mode file get_script _ = trace ("Writing (" ^ file ^ ")..."); let oc = open_out file in try Print.script oc !Flags.width mode (get_script ()); close_out oc with exn -> close_out oc; raise exn let create_js_file file get_script _ = trace ("Converting (" ^ file ^ ")..."); let js = Js.of_script (get_script ()) in let oc = open_out file in try trace "Writing..."; output_string oc js; close_out oc with exn -> close_out oc; raise exn let output_file = dispatch_file_ext create_binary_file create_sexpr_file (create_script_file `Binary) (create_script_file `Textual) create_js_file let output_stdout get_module = trace "Printing..."; Print.module_ stdout !Flags.width (get_module ()) (* Input *) let error at category msg = trace ("Error: "); prerr_endline (Source.string_of_region at ^ ": " ^ category ^ ": " ^ msg); false let input_from get_script run = try let script = get_script () in trace "Running..."; run script; true with | Decode.Code (at, msg) -> error at "decoding error" msg | Parse.Syntax (at, msg) -> error at "syntax error" msg | Valid.Invalid (at, msg) -> error at "invalid module" msg | Import.Unknown (at, msg) -> error at "link failure" msg | Eval.Link (at, msg) -> error at "link failure" msg | Eval.Trap (at, msg) -> error at "runtime trap" msg | Eval.Exhaustion (at, msg) -> error at "resource exhaustion" msg | Eval.Crash (at, msg) -> error at "runtime crash" msg | Encode.Code (at, msg) -> error at "encoding error" msg | Script.Error (at, msg) -> error at "script error" msg | IO (at, msg) -> error at "i/o error" msg | Assert (at, msg) -> error at "assertion failure" msg | Abort _ -> false let input_script start name lexbuf run = input_from (fun _ -> Parse.parse name lexbuf start) run let input_sexpr name lexbuf run = input_from (fun _ -> let var_opt, def = Parse.parse name lexbuf Parse.Module in [Module (var_opt, def) @@ no_region]) run let input_binary name buf run = let open Source in input_from (fun _ -> [Module (None, Encoded (name, buf) @@ no_region) @@ no_region]) run let input_sexpr_file input file run = trace ("Loading (" ^ file ^ ")..."); let ic = open_in file in try let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in trace "Parsing..."; let success = input file lexbuf run in close_in ic; success with exn -> close_in ic; raise exn let input_binary_file file run = trace ("Loading (" ^ file ^ ")..."); let ic = open_in_bin file in try let len = in_channel_length ic in let buf = Bytes.make len '\x00' in really_input ic buf 0 len; trace "Decoding..."; let success = input_binary file (Bytes.to_string buf) run in close_in ic; success with exn -> close_in ic; raise exn let input_js_file file run = raise (Sys_error (file ^ ": unrecognized input file type")) let input_file file run = dispatch_file_ext input_binary_file (input_sexpr_file input_sexpr) (input_sexpr_file (input_script Parse.Script)) (input_sexpr_file (input_script Parse.Script)) input_js_file file run let input_string string run = trace ("Running (\"" ^ String.escaped string ^ "\")..."); let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string string in trace "Parsing..."; input_script Parse.Script "string" lexbuf run (* Interactive *) let continuing = ref false let lexbuf_stdin buf len = let prompt = if !continuing then " " else "> " in print_string prompt; flush_all (); continuing := true; let rec loop i = if i = len then i else let ch = input_char stdin in Bytes.set buf i ch; if ch = '\n' then i + 1 else loop (i + 1) in let n = loop 0 in if n = 1 then continuing := false else trace "Parsing..."; n let input_stdin run = let lexbuf = Lexing.from_function lexbuf_stdin in let rec loop () = let success = input_script Parse.Script1 "stdin" lexbuf run in if not success then Lexing.flush_input lexbuf; if Lexing.(lexbuf.lex_curr_pos >= lexbuf.lex_buffer_len - 1) then continuing := false; loop () in try loop () with End_of_file -> print_endline ""; trace "Bye." (* Printing *) let print_import m im = let open Types in let category, annotation = match Ast.import_type m im with | ExternFuncType t -> "func", string_of_func_type t | ExternTableType t -> "table", string_of_table_type t | ExternMemoryType t -> "memory", string_of_memory_type t | ExternGlobalType t -> "global", string_of_global_type t in Printf.printf " import %s \"%s\" \"%s\" : %s\n" category (Ast.string_of_name (Ast.string_of_name annotation let print_export m ex = let open Types in let category, annotation = match Ast.export_type m ex with | ExternFuncType t -> "func", string_of_func_type t | ExternTableType t -> "table", string_of_table_type t | ExternMemoryType t -> "memory", string_of_memory_type t | ExternGlobalType t -> "global", string_of_global_type t in Printf.printf " export %s \"%s\" : %s\n" category (Ast.string_of_name annotation let print_module x_opt m = Printf.printf "module%s :\n" (match x_opt with None -> "" | Some x -> " " ^; List.iter (print_import m); List.iter (print_export m); flush_all () let print_values vs = let ts = Values.type_of_value vs in Printf.printf "%s : %s\n" (Values.string_of_values vs) (Types.string_of_value_types ts); flush_all () let string_of_nan = function | CanonicalNan -> "nan:canonical" | ArithmeticNan -> "nan:arithmetic" let type_of_result r = match r with | NumResult (NumPat n) -> Types.NumType (Values.type_of_num | NumResult (NanPat n) -> Types.NumType (Values.type_of_num | VecResult (VecPat _) -> Types.VecType Types.V128Type | RefResult (RefPat r) -> Types.RefType (Values.type_of_ref | RefResult (RefTypePat t) -> Types.RefType t let string_of_num_pat (p : num_pat) = match p with | NumPat n -> Values.string_of_num | NanPat nanop -> match with | Values.I32 _ | Values.I64 _ -> assert false | Values.F32 n | Values.F64 n -> string_of_nan n let string_of_vec_pat (p : vec_pat) = match p with | VecPat (Values.V128 (shape, ns)) -> String.concat " " ( string_of_num_pat ns) let string_of_ref_pat (p : ref_pat) = match p with | RefPat r -> Values.string_of_ref | RefTypePat t -> Types.string_of_refed_type t let string_of_result r = match r with | NumResult np -> string_of_num_pat np | VecResult vp -> string_of_vec_pat vp | RefResult rp -> string_of_ref_pat rp let string_of_results = function | [r] -> string_of_result r | rs -> "[" ^ String.concat " " ( string_of_result rs) ^ "]" let print_results rs = let ts = type_of_result rs in Printf.printf "%s : %s\n" (string_of_results rs) (Types.string_of_value_types ts); flush_all () (* Configuration *) module Map = Map.Make(String) let quote : script ref = ref [] let scripts : script Map.t ref = ref Map.empty let modules : Ast.module_ Map.t ref = ref Map.empty let instances : Instance.module_inst Map.t ref = ref Map.empty let registry : Instance.module_inst Map.t ref = ref Map.empty let bind map x_opt y = let map' = match x_opt with | None -> !map | Some x -> Map.add y !map in map := Map.add "" y map' let lookup category map x_opt at = let key = match x_opt with None -> "" | Some x -> in try Map.find key !map with Not_found -> IO.error at (if key = "" then "no " ^ category ^ " defined" else "unknown " ^ category ^ " " ^ key) let lookup_script = lookup "script" scripts let lookup_module = lookup "module" modules let lookup_instance = lookup "module" instances let lookup_registry module_name item_name _t = match Instance.export (Map.find module_name !registry) item_name with | Some ext -> ext | None -> raise Not_found (* Running *) let rec run_definition def : Ast.module_ = match with | Textual m -> m | Encoded (name, bs) -> trace "Decoding..."; Decode.decode name bs | Quoted (_, s) -> trace "Parsing quote..."; let def' = Parse.string_to_module s in run_definition def' let run_action act : Values.value list = match with | Invoke (x_opt, name, vs) -> trace ("Invoking function \"" ^ Ast.string_of_name name ^ "\"..."); let inst = lookup_instance x_opt in (match Instance.export inst name with | Some (Instance.ExternFunc f) -> let Types.FuncType (ins, out) = Func.type_of f in if List.length vs <> List.length ins then Script.error "wrong number of arguments"; List.iter2 (fun v t -> if Values.type_of_value <> t then Script.error "wrong type of argument" ) vs ins; Eval.invoke f ( (fun v -> vs) | Some _ -> Assert.error "export is not a function" | None -> Assert.error "undefined export" ) | Run (x_opt, name, vs) -> trace ("Invoking function \"" ^ Ast.string_of_name name ^ "\"..."); let inst = lookup_instance x_opt in (match Instance.export inst name with | Some (Instance.ExternFunc f) -> (try let Types.FuncType (ins, out) = Func.type_of f in if List.length vs <> List.length ins then Script.error "wrong number of arguments"; List.iter2 (fun v t -> if Values.type_of_value <> t then Script.error "wrong type of argument" ) vs ins; Eval.invoke f ( (fun v -> vs) with | Decode.Code (_, _) as exn -> raise exn | Parse.Syntax (_, _) as exn -> raise exn | Valid.Invalid (_, _) as exn -> raise exn | Import.Unknown (_, _) as exn -> raise exn | Eval.Link (_, _) -> [] | Eval.Exhaustion (_, "call stack exhausted") as exn -> raise exn | Eval.Exhaustion (_, "gas pool is empty") as exn -> raise exn | Eval.Exhaustion (_, _) -> [] | Eval.Trap (_, _) -> [] | Eval.Crash (_, _) -> [] | Encode.Code (_, _) as exn -> raise exn | Script.Error (_, _) as exn -> raise exn | IO (_, _) as exn -> raise exn | Assert (_, _) as exn -> raise exn ) | Some _ -> Assert.error "export is not a function" | None -> Assert.error "undefined export" ) | Get (x_opt, name) -> trace ("Getting global \"" ^ Ast.string_of_name name ^ "\"..."); let inst = lookup_instance x_opt in (match Instance.export inst name with | Some (Instance.ExternGlobal gl) -> [Global.load gl] | Some _ -> Assert.error "export is not a global" | None -> Assert.error "undefined export" ) let assert_nan_pat n nan = let open Values in match n, with | F32 z, F32 CanonicalNan -> z = F32.pos_nan || z = F32.neg_nan | F64 z, F64 CanonicalNan -> z = F64.pos_nan || z = F64.neg_nan | F32 z, F32 ArithmeticNan -> let pos_nan = F32.to_bits F32.pos_nan in Int32.logand (F32.to_bits z) pos_nan = pos_nan | F64 z, F64 ArithmeticNan -> let pos_nan = F64.to_bits F64.pos_nan in Int64.logand (F64.to_bits z) pos_nan = pos_nan | _, _ -> false let assert_num_pat n np = match np with | NumPat n' -> n = n'.it | NanPat nanop -> assert_nan_pat n nanop let assert_vec_pat v p = let open Values in match v, p with | V128 v, VecPat (V128 (shape, ps)) -> let extract = match shape with | V128.I8x16 () -> fun v i -> I32 (V128.I8x16.extract_lane_s i v) | V128.I16x8 () -> fun v i -> I32 (V128.I16x8.extract_lane_s i v) | V128.I32x4 () -> fun v i -> I32 (V128.I32x4.extract_lane_s i v) | V128.I64x2 () -> fun v i -> I64 (V128.I64x2.extract_lane_s i v) | V128.F32x4 () -> fun v i -> F32 (V128.F32x4.extract_lane i v) | V128.F64x2 () -> fun v i -> F64 (V128.F64x2.extract_lane i v) in List.for_all2 assert_num_pat (List.init (V128.num_lanes shape) (extract v)) ps let assert_ref_pat r p = match r, p with | r, RefPat r' -> r = r'.it | Instance.FuncRef _, RefTypePat Types.FuncRefType | ExternRef _, RefTypePat Types.ExternRefType -> true | _ -> false let assert_pat v r = let open Values in match v, r with | Num n, NumResult np -> assert_num_pat n np | Vec v, VecResult vp -> assert_vec_pat v vp | Ref r, RefResult rp -> assert_ref_pat r rp | _, _ -> false let assert_result at got expect = if List.length got <> List.length expect || List.exists2 (fun v r -> not (assert_pat v r)) got expect then begin print_string "Result: "; print_values got; print_string "Expect: "; print_results expect; Assert.error at "wrong return values" end let assert_message at name msg re = if String.length msg < String.length re || String.sub msg 0 (String.length re) <> re then begin print_endline ("Result: \"" ^ msg ^ "\""); print_endline ("Expect: \"" ^ re ^ "\""); Assert.error at ("wrong " ^ name ^ " error") end let run_assertion ass = match with | AssertMalformed (def, re) -> trace "Asserting malformed..."; (match ignore (run_definition def) with | exception Decode.Code (_, msg) -> assert_message "decoding" msg re | exception Parse.Syntax (_, msg) -> assert_message "parsing" msg re | _ -> Assert.error "expected decoding/parsing error" ) | AssertInvalid (def, re) -> trace "Asserting invalid..."; (match let m = run_definition def in Valid.check_module m with | exception Valid.Invalid (_, msg) -> assert_message "validation" msg re | _ -> Assert.error "expected validation error" ) | AssertUnlinkable (def, re) -> trace "Asserting unlinkable..."; let m = run_definition def in if not !Flags.unchecked then Valid.check_module m; (match let imports = m in ignore (Eval.init m imports) with | exception (Import.Unknown (_, msg) | Eval.Link (_, msg)) -> assert_message "linking" msg re | _ -> Assert.error "expected linking error" ) | AssertUninstantiable (def, re) -> trace "Asserting trap..."; let m = run_definition def in if not !Flags.unchecked then Valid.check_module m; (match let imports = m in ignore (Eval.init m imports) with | exception Eval.Trap (_, msg) -> assert_message "instantiation" msg re | _ -> Assert.error "expected instantiation error" ) | AssertReturn (act, rs) -> trace ("Asserting return..."); let got_vs = run_action act in let expect_rs = (fun r -> rs in assert_result got_vs expect_rs | AssertTrap (act, re) -> trace ("Asserting trap..."); (match run_action act with | exception Eval.Trap (_, msg) -> assert_message "runtime" msg re | _ -> Assert.error "expected runtime error" ) | AssertExhaustion (act, re) -> trace ("Asserting exhaustion..."); (match run_action act with | exception Eval.Exhaustion (_, msg) -> assert_message "exhaustion" msg re | _ -> Assert.error "expected exhaustion error" ) let rec run_command cmd = match with | Module (x_opt, def) -> quote := cmd :: !quote; let m = run_definition def in if not !Flags.unchecked then begin trace "Checking..."; Valid.check_module m; if !Flags.print_sig then begin trace "Signature:"; print_module x_opt m end end; bind scripts x_opt [cmd]; bind modules x_opt m; if not !Flags.dry then begin trace "Initializing..."; let imports = m in let inst = Eval.init m imports in bind instances x_opt inst end | Register (name, x_opt) -> quote := cmd :: !quote; if not !Flags.dry then begin trace ("Registering module \"" ^ Ast.string_of_name name ^ "\"..."); let inst = lookup_instance x_opt in registry := Map.add (Utf8.encode name) inst !registry; Import.register name (lookup_registry (Utf8.encode name)) end | Action act -> quote := cmd :: !quote; if not !Flags.dry then begin let vs = run_action act in if vs <> [] then print_values vs end | Assertion ass -> quote := cmd :: !quote; if not !Flags.dry then begin run_assertion ass end | Meta cmd -> run_meta cmd and run_meta cmd = match with | Script (x_opt, script) -> run_quote_script script; bind scripts x_opt (lookup_script None | Input (x_opt, file) -> (try if not (input_file file run_quote_script) then Abort.error "aborting" with Sys_error msg -> IO.error msg); bind scripts x_opt (lookup_script None; if x_opt <> None then begin bind modules x_opt (lookup_module None; if not !Flags.dry then begin bind instances x_opt (lookup_instance None end end | Output (x_opt, Some file) -> (try output_file file (fun () -> lookup_script x_opt (fun () -> lookup_module x_opt with Sys_error msg -> IO.error msg) | Output (x_opt, None) -> (try output_stdout (fun () -> lookup_module x_opt with Sys_error msg -> IO.error msg) and run_script script = List.iter run_command script and run_quote_script script = let save_quote = !quote in quote := []; (try run_script script with exn -> quote := save_quote; raise exn); bind scripts None (List.rev !quote); quote := !quote @ save_quote let run_file file = input_file file run_script let run_string string = input_string string run_script let run_stdin () = input_stdin run_script