open Types (* Values and operators *) type ('i32, 'i64, 'f32, 'f64) op = I32 of 'i32 | I64 of 'i64 | F32 of 'f32 | F64 of 'f64 type ('v128) vecop = V128 of 'v128 type num = (I32.t, I64.t, F32.t, F64.t) op type vec = (V128.t) vecop type ref_ = .. type ref_ += NullRef of ref_type type value = Num of num | Vec of vec | Ref of ref_ (* Injection & projection *) let as_num = function | Num n -> n | _ -> failwith "as_num" let as_vec = function | Vec i -> i | _ -> failwith "as_vec" let as_ref = function | Ref r -> r | _ -> failwith "as_ref" exception TypeError of int * num * num_type module type NumType = sig type t val to_num : t -> num val of_num : int -> num -> t end module I32Num = struct type t = I32.t let to_num i = I32 i let of_num n = function I32 i -> i | v -> raise (TypeError (n, v, I32Type)) end module I64Num = struct type t = I64.t let to_num i = I64 i let of_num n = function I64 i -> i | v -> raise (TypeError (n, v, I64Type)) end module F32Num = struct type t = F32.t let to_num i = F32 i let of_num n = function F32 z -> z | v -> raise (TypeError (n, v, F32Type)) end module F64Num = struct type t = F64.t let to_num i = F64 i let of_num n = function F64 z -> z | v -> raise (TypeError (n, v, F64Type)) end module type VecType = sig type t val to_vec : t -> vec val of_vec : int -> vec -> t end module V128Vec = struct type t = V128.t let to_vec i = V128 i let of_vec n = function V128 z -> z end (* Typing *) let type_of_num = function | I32 _ -> I32Type | I64 _ -> I64Type | F32 _ -> F32Type | F64 _ -> F64Type let type_of_vec = function | V128 _ -> V128Type let type_of_ref' = ref (function NullRef t -> t | _ -> assert false) let type_of_ref r = !type_of_ref' r let type_of_value = function | Num n -> NumType (type_of_num n) | Vec i -> VecType (type_of_vec i) | Ref r -> RefType (type_of_ref r) (* Comparison *) let eq_num n1 n2 = n1 = n2 let eq_vec v1 v2 = v1 = v2 let eq_ref' = ref (fun r1 r2 -> match r1, r2 with | NullRef _, NullRef _ -> true | _, _ -> false ) let eq_ref r1 r2 = !eq_ref' r1 r2 let eq v1 v2 = match v1, v2 with | Num n1, Num n2 -> eq_num n1 n2 | Vec v1, Vec v2 -> eq_vec v1 v2 | Ref r1, Ref r2 -> eq_ref r1 r2 | _, _ -> false (* Defaults *) let default_num = function | I32Type -> I32 | I64Type -> I64 | F32Type -> F32 | F64Type -> F64 let default_vec = function | V128Type -> V128 let default_ref = function | t -> NullRef t let default_value = function | NumType t' -> Num (default_num t') | VecType t' -> Vec (default_vec t') | RefType t' -> Ref (default_ref t') (* Conversion *) let value_of_bool b = Num (I32 (if b then 1l else 0l)) let string_of_num = function | I32 i -> I32.to_string_s i | I64 i -> I64.to_string_s i | F32 z -> F32.to_string z | F64 z -> F64.to_string z let hex_string_of_num = function | I32 i -> I32.to_hex_string i | I64 i -> I64.to_hex_string i | F32 z -> F32.to_hex_string z | F64 z -> F64.to_hex_string z let string_of_vec = function | V128 v -> V128.to_string v let hex_string_of_vec = function | V128 v -> V128.to_hex_string v let string_of_ref' = ref (function NullRef t -> "null" | _ -> "ref") let string_of_ref r = !string_of_ref' r let string_of_value = function | Num n -> string_of_num n | Vec i -> string_of_vec i | Ref r -> string_of_ref r let string_of_values = function | [v] -> string_of_value v | vs -> "[" ^ String.concat " " ( string_of_value vs) ^ "]"