open Source open Ast open Script open Values open Types open Sexpr (* Generic formatting *) let nat n = I32.to_string_u (I32.of_int_u n) let nat32 = I32.to_string_u let add_hex_char buf c = Printf.bprintf buf "\\%02x" (Char.code c) let add_char buf = function | '\n' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\\n" | '\t' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\\t" | '\"' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\\\"" | '\\' -> Buffer.add_string buf "\\\\" | c when '\x20' <= c && c < '\x7f' -> Buffer.add_char buf c | c -> add_hex_char buf c let add_unicode_char buf = function | (0x09 | 0x0a) as uc -> add_char buf (Char.chr uc) | uc when 0x20 <= uc && uc < 0x7f -> add_char buf (Char.chr uc) | uc -> Printf.bprintf buf "\\u{%02x}" uc let string_with iter add_char s = let buf = Buffer.create 256 in Buffer.add_char buf '\"'; iter (add_char buf) s; Buffer.add_char buf '\"'; Buffer.contents buf let bytes = string_with String.iter add_hex_char let string = string_with String.iter add_char let name = string_with List.iter add_unicode_char let list_of_opt = function None -> [] | Some x -> [x] let list f xs = f xs let listi f xs = List.mapi f xs let opt f xo = list f (list_of_opt xo) let tab head f xs = if xs = [] then [] else [Node (head, list f xs)] let atom f x = Atom (f x) let break_bytes s = let ss = Lib.String.breakup s 16 in list (atom bytes) ss let break_string s = let ss, s' = Lib.List.split_last (Lib.String.split s '\n') in list (atom string) ( (fun s -> s ^ "\n") ss @ [s']) (* Types *) let num_type t = string_of_num_type t let vec_type t = string_of_vec_type t let ref_type t = string_of_ref_type t let refed_type t = string_of_refed_type t let value_type t = string_of_value_type t let decls kind ts = tab kind (atom value_type) ts let func_type (FuncType (ins, out)) = Node ("func", decls "param" ins @ decls "result" out) let struct_type = func_type let limits nat {min; max} = String.concat " " (nat min :: opt nat max) let global_type = function | GlobalType (t, Immutable) -> atom string_of_value_type t | GlobalType (t, Mutable) -> Node ("mut", [atom string_of_value_type t]) let pack_size = function | Pack8 -> "8" | Pack16 -> "16" | Pack32 -> "32" | Pack64 -> "64" let extension = function | SX -> "_s" | ZX -> "_u" let pack_shape = function | Pack8x8 -> "8x8" | Pack16x4 -> "16x4" | Pack32x2 -> "32x2" let vec_extension sz = function | ExtLane (sh, ext) -> pack_shape sh ^ extension ext | ExtSplat -> pack_size sz ^ "_splat" | ExtZero -> pack_size sz ^ "_zero" (* Operators *) module IntOp = struct open Ast.IntOp let testop xx = function | Eqz -> "eqz" let relop xx = function | Eq -> "eq" | Ne -> "ne" | LtS -> "lt_s" | LtU -> "lt_u" | GtS -> "gt_s" | GtU -> "gt_u" | LeS -> "le_s" | LeU -> "le_u" | GeS -> "ge_s" | GeU -> "ge_u" let unop xx = function | Clz -> "clz" | Ctz -> "ctz" | Popcnt -> "popcnt" | ExtendS sz -> "extend" ^ pack_size sz ^ "_s" let binop xx = function | Add -> "add" | Sub -> "sub" | Mul -> "mul" | DivS -> "div_s" | DivU -> "div_u" | RemS -> "rem_s" | RemU -> "rem_u" | And -> "and" | Or -> "or" | Xor -> "xor" | Shl -> "shl" | ShrS -> "shr_s" | ShrU -> "shr_u" | Rotl -> "rotl" | Rotr -> "rotr" let cvtop xx = function | ExtendSI32 -> "extend_i32_s" | ExtendUI32 -> "extend_i32_u" | WrapI64 -> "wrap_i64" | TruncSF32 -> "trunc_f32_s" | TruncUF32 -> "trunc_f32_u" | TruncSF64 -> "trunc_f64_s" | TruncUF64 -> "trunc_f64_u" | TruncSatSF32 -> "trunc_sat_f32_s" | TruncSatUF32 -> "trunc_sat_f32_u" | TruncSatSF64 -> "trunc_sat_f64_s" | TruncSatUF64 -> "trunc_sat_f64_u" | ReinterpretFloat -> "reinterpret_f" ^ xx end module FloatOp = struct open Ast.FloatOp let testop xx = function (_ : testop) -> . let relop xx = function | Eq -> "eq" | Ne -> "ne" | Lt -> "lt" | Gt -> "gt" | Le -> "le" | Ge -> "ge" let unop xx = function | Neg -> "neg" | Abs -> "abs" | Ceil -> "ceil" | Floor -> "floor" | Trunc -> "trunc" | Nearest -> "nearest" | Sqrt -> "sqrt" let binop xx = function | Add -> "add" | Sub -> "sub" | Mul -> "mul" | Div -> "div" | Min -> "min" | Max -> "max" | CopySign -> "copysign" let cvtop xx = function | ConvertSI32 -> "convert_i32_s" | ConvertUI32 -> "convert_i32_u" | ConvertSI64 -> "convert_i64_s" | ConvertUI64 -> "convert_i64_u" | PromoteF32 -> "promote_f32" | DemoteF64 -> "demote_f64" | ReinterpretInt -> "reinterpret_i" ^ xx end module V128Op = struct open Ast.V128Op let half = function | "16x8" -> "8x16" | "32x4" -> "16x8" | "64x2" -> "32x4" | _ -> assert false let double = function | "8x16" -> "16x8" | "16x8" -> "32x4" | "32x4" -> "64x2" | _ -> assert false let voidop xxxx = function (_ : void) -> . let itestop xxxx (op : itestop) = match op with | AllTrue -> "all_true" let iunop xxxx (op : iunop) = match op with | Neg -> "neg" | Abs -> "abs" | Popcnt -> "popcnt" let funop xxxx (op : funop) = match op with | Neg -> "neg" | Abs -> "abs" | Sqrt -> "sqrt" | Ceil -> "ceil" | Floor -> "floor" | Trunc -> "trunc" | Nearest -> "nearest" let ibinop xxxx (op : ibinop) = match op with | Add -> "add" | AddSatS -> "add_sat_s" | AddSatU -> "add_sat_u" | Sub -> "sub" | SubSatS -> "sub_sat_s" | SubSatU -> "sub_sat_u" | Mul -> "mul" | DotS -> "dot_i" ^ half xxxx ^ "_s" | ExtMulLowS -> "extmul_low_i" ^ half xxxx ^ "_s" | ExtMulHighS -> "extmul_high_i" ^ half xxxx ^ "_s" | ExtMulLowU -> "extmul_low_i" ^ half xxxx ^ "_u" | ExtMulHighU -> "extmul_high_i" ^ half xxxx ^ "_u" | Q15MulRSatS -> "q15mulr_sat_s" | MinS -> "min_s" | MinU -> "min_u" | MaxS -> "max_s" | MaxU -> "max_u" | AvgrU -> "avgr_u" | NarrowS -> "narrow_i" ^ double xxxx ^ "_s" | NarrowU -> "narrow_i" ^ double xxxx ^ "_u" | Shuffle is -> "shuffle " ^ String.concat " " ( nat is) | Swizzle -> "swizzle" let fbinop xxxx (op : fbinop) = match op with | Add -> "add" | Sub -> "sub" | Mul -> "mul" | Div -> "div" | Min -> "min" | Max -> "max" | Pmin -> "pmin" | Pmax -> "pmax" let irelop xxxx (op : irelop) = match op with | Eq -> "eq" | Ne -> "ne" | LtS -> "lt_s" | LtU -> "lt_u" | GtS -> "gt_s" | GtU -> "gt_u" | LeS -> "le_s" | LeU -> "le_u" | GeS -> "ge_s" | GeU -> "ge_u" let frelop xxxx (op : frelop) = match op with | Eq -> "eq" | Ne -> "ne" | Lt -> "lt" | Le -> "le" | Gt -> "gt" | Ge -> "ge" let icvtop xxxx (op : icvtop) = match op with | ExtendLowS -> "extend_low_i" ^ half xxxx ^ "_s" | ExtendLowU -> "extend_low_i" ^ half xxxx ^ "_u" | ExtendHighS -> "extend_high_i" ^ half xxxx ^ "_s" | ExtendHighU -> "extend_high_i" ^ half xxxx ^ "_u" | ExtAddPairwiseS -> "extadd_pairwise_i" ^ half xxxx ^ "_s" | ExtAddPairwiseU -> "extadd_pairwise_i" ^ half xxxx ^ "_u" | TruncSatSF32x4 -> "trunc_sat_f32x4_s" | TruncSatUF32x4 -> "trunc_sat_f32x4_u" | TruncSatSZeroF64x2 -> "trunc_sat_f64x2_s_zero" | TruncSatUZeroF64x2 -> "trunc_sat_f64x2_u_zero" let fcvtop xxxx (op : fcvtop) = match op with | DemoteZeroF64x2 -> "demote_f64x2_zero" | PromoteLowF32x4 -> "promote_low_f32x4" | ConvertSI32x4 -> "convert_" ^ (if xxxx = "32x4" then "" else "low_") ^ "i32x4_s" | ConvertUI32x4 -> "convert_" ^ (if xxxx = "32x4" then "" else "low_") ^ "i32x4_u" let ishiftop xxxx (op : ishiftop) = match op with | Shl -> "shl" | ShrS -> "shr_s" | ShrU -> "shr_u" let ibitmaskop xxxx (op : ibitmaskop) = match op with | Bitmask -> "bitmask" let vtestop (op : vtestop) = match op with | AnyTrue -> "any_true" let vunop (op : vunop) = match op with | Not -> "not" let vbinop (op : vbinop) = match op with | And -> "and" | AndNot -> "andnot" | Or -> "or" | Xor -> "xor" let vternop (op : vternop) = match op with | Bitselect -> "bitselect" let splatop xxxx (op : nsplatop) = match op with | Splat -> "splat" let pextractop xxxx (op : extension nextractop) = match op with | Extract (i, ext) -> "extract_lane" ^ extension ext ^ " " ^ nat i let extractop xxxx (op : unit nextractop) = match op with | Extract (i, ()) -> "extract_lane " ^ nat i let replaceop xxxx (op : nreplaceop) = match op with | Replace i -> "replace_lane " ^ nat i let lane_oper (pop, iop, fop) op = match op with | V128.I8x16 o -> pop "8x16" o | V128.I16x8 o -> pop "16x8" o | V128.I32x4 o -> iop "32x4" o | V128.I64x2 o -> iop "64x2" o | V128.F32x4 o -> fop "32x4" o | V128.F64x2 o -> fop "64x2" o end let oper (iop, fop) op = num_type (type_of_num op) ^ "." ^ (match op with | I32 o -> iop "32" o | I64 o -> iop "64" o | F32 o -> fop "32" o | F64 o -> fop "64" o ) let vec_oper (vop) op = match op with | V128 o -> "v128." ^ vop o let vec_shape_oper (pop, iop, fop) op = match op with | V128 o -> V128.string_of_shape o ^ "." ^ V128Op.lane_oper (pop, iop, fop) o let unop = oper (IntOp.unop, FloatOp.unop) let binop = oper (IntOp.binop, FloatOp.binop) let testop = oper (IntOp.testop, FloatOp.testop) let relop = oper (IntOp.relop, FloatOp.relop) let cvtop = oper (IntOp.cvtop, FloatOp.cvtop) let vec_unop = vec_shape_oper (V128Op.iunop, V128Op.iunop, V128Op.funop) let vec_binop = vec_shape_oper (V128Op.ibinop, V128Op.ibinop, V128Op.fbinop) let vec_testop = vec_shape_oper (V128Op.itestop, V128Op.itestop, V128Op.voidop) let vec_relop = vec_shape_oper (V128Op.irelop, V128Op.irelop, V128Op.frelop) let vec_cvtop = vec_shape_oper (V128Op.icvtop, V128Op.icvtop, V128Op.fcvtop) let vec_shiftop = vec_shape_oper (V128Op.ishiftop, V128Op.ishiftop, V128Op.voidop) let vec_bitmaskop = vec_shape_oper (V128Op.ibitmaskop, V128Op.ibitmaskop, V128Op.voidop) let vec_vunop = vec_oper (V128Op.vunop) let vec_vbinop = vec_oper (V128Op.vbinop) let vec_vternop = vec_oper (V128Op.vternop) let vec_vtestop = vec_oper (V128Op.vtestop) let vec_splatop = vec_shape_oper (V128Op.splatop, V128Op.splatop, V128Op.splatop) let vec_extractop = vec_shape_oper (V128Op.pextractop, V128Op.extractop, V128Op.extractop) let vec_replaceop = vec_shape_oper (V128Op.replaceop, V128Op.replaceop, V128Op.replaceop) let memop name typ {ty; align; offset; _} sz = typ ty ^ "." ^ name ^ (if offset = 0l then "" else " offset=" ^ nat32 offset) ^ (if 1 lsl align = sz then "" else " align=" ^ nat (1 lsl align)) let loadop op = match op.pack with | None -> memop "load" num_type op (num_size op.ty) | Some (sz, ext) -> memop ("load" ^ pack_size sz ^ extension ext) num_type op (packed_size sz) let storeop op = match op.pack with | None -> memop "store" num_type op (num_size op.ty) | Some sz -> memop ("store" ^ pack_size sz) num_type op (packed_size sz) let vec_loadop (op : vec_loadop) = match op.pack with | None -> memop "load" vec_type op (vec_size op.ty) | Some (sz, ext) -> memop ("load" ^ vec_extension sz ext) vec_type op (packed_size sz) let vec_storeop op = memop "store" vec_type op (vec_size op.ty) let vec_laneop instr (op, i) = memop (instr ^ pack_size op.pack ^ "_lane") vec_type op (packed_size op.pack) ^ " " ^ nat i (* Expressions *) let var x = nat32 let num v = string_of_num let vec v = string_of_vec let constop v = num_type (type_of_num v) ^ ".const" let vec_constop v = vec_type (type_of_vec v) ^ ".const i32x4" let block_type = function | VarBlockType x -> [Node ("type " ^ var x, [])] | ValBlockType ts -> decls "result" (list_of_opt ts) let rec instr e = let head, inner = match with | Unreachable -> "unreachable", [] | Nop -> "nop", [] | Drop -> "drop", [] | Select None -> "select", [] | Select (Some []) -> "select", [Node ("result", [])] | Select (Some ts) -> "select", decls "result" ts | Block (bt, es) -> "block", block_type bt @ list instr es | Loop (bt, es) -> "loop", block_type bt @ list instr es | If (bt, es1, es2) -> "if", block_type bt @ [Node ("then", list instr es1); Node ("else", list instr es2)] | Br x -> "br " ^ var x, [] | BrIf x -> "br_if " ^ var x, [] | BrTable (xs, x) -> "br_table " ^ String.concat " " (list var (xs @ [x])), [] | Return -> "return", [] | Call x -> "call " ^ var x, [] | CallIndirect (x, y) -> "call_indirect " ^ var x, [Node ("type " ^ var y, [])] | LocalGet x -> "local.get " ^ var x, [] | LocalSet x -> "local.set " ^ var x, [] | LocalTee x -> "local.tee " ^ var x, [] | GlobalGet x -> "global.get " ^ var x, [] | GlobalSet x -> "global.set " ^ var x, [] | TableGet x -> "table.get " ^ var x, [] | TableSet x -> "table.set " ^ var x, [] | TableSize x -> "table.size " ^ var x, [] | TableGrow x -> "table.grow " ^ var x, [] | TableFill x -> "table.fill " ^ var x, [] | TableCopy (x, y) -> "table.copy " ^ var x ^ " " ^ var y, [] | TableInit (x, y) -> "table.init " ^ var x ^ " " ^ var y, [] | ElemDrop x -> "elem.drop " ^ var x, [] | Load op -> loadop op, [] | Store op -> storeop op, [] | VecLoad op -> vec_loadop op, [] | VecStore op -> vec_storeop op, [] | VecLoadLane op -> vec_laneop "load" op, [] | VecStoreLane op -> vec_laneop "store" op, [] | MemorySize -> "memory.size", [] | MemoryGrow -> "memory.grow", [] | MemoryFill -> "memory.fill", [] | MemoryCopy -> "memory.copy", [] | MemoryInit x -> "memory.init " ^ var x, [] | DataDrop x -> "data.drop " ^ var x, [] | RefNull t -> "ref.null", [Atom (refed_type t)] | RefIsNull -> "ref.is_null", [] | RefFunc x -> "ref.func " ^ var x, [] | Const n -> constop ^ " " ^ num n, [] | Test op -> testop op, [] | Compare op -> relop op, [] | Unary op -> unop op, [] | Binary op -> binop op, [] | Convert op -> cvtop op, [] | VecConst v -> vec_constop ^ " " ^ vec v, [] | VecTest op -> vec_testop op, [] | VecUnary op -> vec_unop op, [] | VecBinary op -> vec_binop op, [] | VecCompare op -> vec_relop op, [] | VecConvert op -> vec_cvtop op, [] | VecShift op -> vec_shiftop op, [] | VecBitmask op -> vec_bitmaskop op, [] | VecTestBits op -> vec_vtestop op, [] | VecUnaryBits op -> vec_vunop op, [] | VecBinaryBits op -> vec_vbinop op, [] | VecTernaryBits op -> vec_vternop op, [] | VecSplat op -> vec_splatop op, [] | VecExtract op -> vec_extractop op, [] | VecReplace op -> vec_replaceop op, [] in Node (head, inner) let const head c = match with | [e] -> instr e | es -> Node (head, list instr (* Functions *) let func_with_name name f = let {ftype; locals; body} = in Node ("func" ^ name, [Node ("type " ^ var ftype, [])] @ decls "local" locals @ list instr body ) let func_with_index off i f = func_with_name (" $" ^ nat (off + i)) f let func f = func_with_name "" f (* Tables & memories *) let table off i tab = let {ttype = TableType (lim, t)} = in Node ("table $" ^ nat (off + i) ^ " " ^ limits nat32 lim, [atom ref_type t] ) let memory off i mem = let {mtype = MemoryType lim} = in Node ("memory $" ^ nat (off + i) ^ " " ^ limits nat32 lim, []) let is_elem_kind = function | FuncRefType -> true | _ -> false let elem_kind = function | FuncRefType -> "func" | _ -> assert false let is_elem_index e = match with | [{it = RefFunc _; _}] -> true | _ -> false let elem_index e = match with | [{it = RefFunc x; _}] -> atom var x | _ -> assert false let segment_mode category mode = match with | Passive -> [] | Active {index; offset} -> (if = 0l then [] else [Node (category, [atom var index])]) @ [const "offset" offset] | Declarative -> [Atom "declare"] let elem i seg = let {etype; einit; emode} = in Node ("elem $" ^ nat i, segment_mode "table" emode @ if is_elem_kind etype && List.for_all is_elem_index einit then atom elem_kind etype :: list elem_index einit else atom ref_type etype :: list (const "item") einit ) let data i seg = let {dinit; dmode} = in Node ("data $" ^ nat i, segment_mode "memory" dmode @ break_bytes dinit) (* Modules *) let typedef i ty = Node ("type $" ^ nat i, [struct_type]) let import_desc fx tx mx gx d = match with | FuncImport x -> incr fx; Node ("func $" ^ nat (!fx - 1), [Node ("type", [atom var x])]) | TableImport t -> incr tx; table 0 (!tx - 1) ({ttype = t} @@ | MemoryImport t -> incr mx; memory 0 (!mx - 1) ({mtype = t} @@ | GlobalImport t -> incr gx; Node ("global $" ^ nat (!gx - 1), [global_type t]) let import fx tx mx gx im = let {module_name; item_name; idesc} = in Node ("import", [atom name module_name; atom name item_name; import_desc fx tx mx gx idesc] ) let export_desc d = match with | FuncExport x -> Node ("func", [atom var x]) | TableExport x -> Node ("table", [atom var x]) | MemoryExport x -> Node ("memory", [atom var x]) | GlobalExport x -> Node ("global", [atom var x]) let export ex = let {name = n; edesc} = in Node ("export", [atom name n; export_desc edesc]) let global off i g = let {gtype; ginit} = in Node ("global $" ^ nat (off + i), global_type gtype :: list instr let start s = Node ("start " ^ var, []) (* Modules *) let var_opt = function | None -> "" | Some x -> " " ^ let module_with_var_opt x_opt m = let fx = ref 0 in let tx = ref 0 in let mx = ref 0 in let gx = ref 0 in let imports = list (import fx tx mx gx) in Node ("module" ^ var_opt x_opt, listi typedef @ imports @ listi (table !tx) @ listi (memory !mx) @ listi (global !gx) @ listi (func_with_index !fx) @ list export @ opt start @ listi elem @ listi data ) let binary_module_with_var_opt x_opt bs = Node ("module" ^ var_opt x_opt ^ " binary", break_bytes bs) let quoted_module_with_var_opt x_opt s = Node ("module" ^ var_opt x_opt ^ " quote", break_string s) let module_ = module_with_var_opt None (* Scripts *) let num mode = if mode = `Binary then hex_string_of_num else string_of_num let vec mode = if mode = `Binary then hex_string_of_vec else string_of_vec let ref_ = function | NullRef t -> Node ("ref.null " ^ refed_type t, []) | ExternRef n -> Node ("ref.extern " ^ nat32 n, []) | _ -> assert false let literal mode lit = match with | Num n -> Node (constop n ^ " " ^ num mode n, []) | Vec v -> Node (vec_constop v ^ " " ^ vec mode v, []) | Ref r -> ref_ r let definition mode x_opt def = try match mode with | `Textual -> let rec unquote def = match with | Textual m -> m | Encoded (_, bs) -> Decode.decode "" bs | Quoted (_, s) -> unquote (Parse.string_to_module s) in module_with_var_opt x_opt (unquote def) | `Binary -> let rec unquote def = match with | Textual m -> Encode.encode m | Encoded (_, bs) -> Encode.encode (Decode.decode "" bs) | Quoted (_, s) -> unquote (Parse.string_to_module s) in binary_module_with_var_opt x_opt (unquote def) | `Original -> match with | Textual m -> module_with_var_opt x_opt m | Encoded (_, bs) -> binary_module_with_var_opt x_opt bs | Quoted (_, s) -> quoted_module_with_var_opt x_opt s with Parse.Syntax _ -> quoted_module_with_var_opt x_opt "" let access x_opt n = String.concat " " [var_opt x_opt; name n] let action mode act = match with | Invoke (x_opt, name, lits) -> Node ("invoke" ^ access x_opt name, (literal mode) lits) | Run (x_opt, name, lits) -> Node ("just_run" ^ access x_opt name, (literal mode) lits) | Get (x_opt, name) -> Node ("get" ^ access x_opt name, []) let nan = function | CanonicalNan -> "nan:canonical" | ArithmeticNan -> "nan:arithmetic" let nanop (n : nanop) = match with | F32 n' | F64 n' -> nan n' | _ -> . let num_pat mode = function | NumPat n -> literal mode (Values.Num @@ | NanPat nan -> Node (constop ^ " " ^ nanop nan, []) let lane_pat mode pat shape = let choose fb ft = if mode = `Binary then fb else ft in match pat, shape with | NumPat {it = Values.I32 i; _}, V128.I8x16 () -> choose I8.to_hex_string I8.to_string_s i | NumPat {it = Values.I32 i; _}, V128.I16x8 () -> choose I16.to_hex_string I16.to_string_s i | NumPat n, _ -> num mode | NanPat nan, _ -> nanop nan let vec_pat mode = function | VecPat (V128 (shape, pats)) -> let lanes = (fun p -> Atom (lane_pat mode p shape)) pats in Node ("v128.const " ^ V128.string_of_shape shape, lanes) let ref_pat = function | RefPat r -> ref_ | RefTypePat t -> Node ("ref." ^ refed_type t, []) let result mode res = match with | NumResult np -> num_pat mode np | VecResult vp -> vec_pat mode vp | RefResult rp -> ref_pat rp let assertion mode ass = match with | AssertMalformed (def, re) -> (match mode, with | `Binary, Quoted _ -> [] | _ -> [Node ("assert_malformed", [definition `Original None def; Atom (string re)])] ) | AssertInvalid (def, re) -> [Node ("assert_invalid", [definition mode None def; Atom (string re)])] | AssertUnlinkable (def, re) -> [Node ("assert_unlinkable", [definition mode None def; Atom (string re)])] | AssertUninstantiable (def, re) -> [Node ("assert_trap", [definition mode None def; Atom (string re)])] | AssertReturn (act, results) -> [Node ("assert_return", action mode act :: (result mode) results)] | AssertTrap (act, re) -> [Node ("assert_trap", [action mode act; Atom (string re)])] | AssertExhaustion (act, re) -> [Node ("assert_exhaustion", [action mode act; Atom (string re)])] let command mode cmd = match with | Module (x_opt, def) -> [definition mode x_opt def] | Register (n, x_opt) -> [Node ("register " ^ name n ^ var_opt x_opt, [])] | Action act -> [action mode act] | Assertion ass -> assertion mode ass | Meta _ -> assert false let script mode scr = Lib.List.concat_map (command mode) scr