%{ open Source open Types open Ast open Operators open Script (* Error handling *) let error at msg = raise (Script.Syntax (at, msg)) let parse_error msg = error Source.no_region (if msg = "syntax error" then "unexpected token" else msg) (* Position handling *) let position_to_pos position = { file = position.Lexing.pos_fname; line = position.Lexing.pos_lnum; column = position.Lexing.pos_cnum - position.Lexing.pos_bol } let positions_to_region position1 position2 = { left = position_to_pos position1; right = position_to_pos position2 } let at () = positions_to_region (Parsing.symbol_start_pos ()) (Parsing.symbol_end_pos ()) let ati i = positions_to_region (Parsing.rhs_start_pos i) (Parsing.rhs_end_pos i) (* Literals *) let num f s = try f s with Failure _ -> error s.at "constant out of range" let vec f shape ss at = try f shape ss at with | Failure _ -> error at "constant out of range" | Invalid_argument _ -> error at "wrong number of lane literals" let vec_lane_nan shape l at = let open Values in match shape with | V128.F32x4 () -> NanPat (F32 l @@ at) | V128.F64x2 () -> NanPat (F64 l @@ at) | _ -> error at "invalid vector constant" let vec_lane_lit shape l at = let open Values in match shape with | V128.I8x16 () -> NumPat (I32 (I8.of_string l) @@ at) | V128.I16x8 () -> NumPat (I32 (I16.of_string l) @@ at) | V128.I32x4 () -> NumPat (I32 (I32.of_string l) @@ at) | V128.I64x2 () -> NumPat (I64 (I64.of_string l) @@ at) | V128.F32x4 () -> NumPat (F32 (F32.of_string l) @@ at) | V128.F64x2 () -> NumPat (F64 (F64.of_string l) @@ at) let vec_lane_index s at = match int_of_string s with | n when 0 <= n && n < 256 -> n | _ | exception Failure _ -> error at "malformed lane index" let shuffle_lit ss at = if not (List.length ss = 16) then error at "invalid lane length"; List.map (fun s -> vec_lane_index s.it s.at) ss let nanop f nan = let open Source in let open Values in match snd (f ("0" @@ no_region)) with | F32 _ -> F32 nan.it @@ nan.at | F64 _ -> F64 nan.it @@ nan.at | I32 _ | I64 _ -> error nan.at "NaN pattern with non-float type" let nat s at = try let n = int_of_string s in if n >= 0 then n else raise (Failure "") with Failure _ -> error at "integer constant out of range" let nat32 s at = try I32.of_string_u s with Failure _ -> error at "i32 constant out of range" let name s at = try Utf8.decode s with Utf8.Utf8 -> error at "malformed UTF-8 encoding" (* Symbolic variables *) module VarMap = Map.Make(String) type space = {mutable map : int32 VarMap.t; mutable count : int32} let empty () = {map = VarMap.empty; count = 0l} type types = {space : space; mutable list : type_ list} let empty_types () = {space = empty (); list = []} type context = { types : types; tables : space; memories : space; funcs : space; locals : space; globals : space; datas : space; elems : space; labels : int32 VarMap.t; deferred_locals : (unit -> unit) list ref } let empty_context () = { types = empty_types (); tables = empty (); memories = empty (); funcs = empty (); locals = empty (); globals = empty (); datas = empty (); elems = empty (); labels = VarMap.empty; deferred_locals = ref [] } let force_locals (c : context) = List.fold_right Stdlib.(@@) !(c.deferred_locals) (); c.deferred_locals := [] let enter_func (c : context) = {c with labels = VarMap.empty; locals = empty ()} let lookup category space x = try VarMap.find x.it space.map with Not_found -> error x.at ("unknown " ^ category ^ " " ^ x.it) let type_ (c : context) x = lookup "type" c.types.space x let func (c : context) x = lookup "function" c.funcs x let local (c : context) x = force_locals c; lookup "local" c.locals x let global (c : context) x = lookup "global" c.globals x let table (c : context) x = lookup "table" c.tables x let memory (c : context) x = lookup "memory" c.memories x let elem (c : context) x = lookup "elem segment" c.elems x let data (c : context) x = lookup "data segment" c.datas x let label (c : context) x = try VarMap.find x.it c.labels with Not_found -> error x.at ("unknown label " ^ x.it) let func_type (c : context) x = try (Lib.List32.nth c.types.list x.it).it with Failure _ -> error x.at ("unknown type " ^ Int32.to_string x.it) let anon category space n = let i = space.count in space.count <- Int32.add i n; if I32.lt_u space.count n then error no_region ("too many " ^ category ^ " bindings"); i let bind category space x = let i = anon category space 1l in if VarMap.mem x.it space.map then error x.at ("duplicate " ^ category ^ " " ^ x.it); space.map <- VarMap.add x.it i space.map; i let bind_type (c : context) x ty = c.types.list <- c.types.list @ [ty]; bind "type" c.types.space x let bind_func (c : context) x = bind "function" c.funcs x let bind_local (c : context) x = force_locals c; bind "local" c.locals x let bind_global (c : context) x = bind "global" c.globals x let bind_table (c : context) x = bind "table" c.tables x let bind_memory (c : context) x = bind "memory" c.memories x let bind_elem (c : context) x = bind "elem segment" c.elems x let bind_data (c : context) x = bind "data segment" c.datas x let bind_label (c : context) x = {c with labels = VarMap.add x.it 0l (VarMap.map (Int32.add 1l) c.labels)} let anon_type (c : context) ty = c.types.list <- c.types.list @ [ty]; anon "type" c.types.space 1l let anon_func (c : context) = anon "function" c.funcs 1l let anon_locals (c : context) lazy_ts = let f () = ignore (anon "local" c.locals (Lib.List32.length (Lazy.force lazy_ts))) in c.deferred_locals := f :: !(c.deferred_locals) let anon_global (c : context) = anon "global" c.globals 1l let anon_table (c : context) = anon "table" c.tables 1l let anon_memory (c : context) = anon "memory" c.memories 1l let anon_elem (c : context) = anon "elem segment" c.elems 1l let anon_data (c : context) = anon "data segment" c.datas 1l let anon_label (c : context) = {c with labels = VarMap.map (Int32.add 1l) c.labels} let inline_type (c : context) ft at = match Lib.List.index_where (fun ty -> ty.it = ft) c.types.list with | Some i -> Int32.of_int i @@ at | None -> anon_type c (ft @@ at) @@ at let inline_type_explicit (c : context) x ft at = if ft = FuncType ([], []) then (* Laziness ensures that type lookup is only triggered when symbolic identifiers are used, and not for desugared functions *) anon_locals c (lazy (let FuncType (ts, _) = func_type c x in ts)) else if ft <> func_type c x then error at "inline function type does not match explicit type"; x %} %token LPAR RPAR %token NAT INT FLOAT STRING VAR %token NUM_TYPE VEC_TYPE VEC_SHAPE FUNCREF EXTERNREF EXTERN MUT %token UNREACHABLE NOP DROP SELECT %token BLOCK END IF THEN ELSE LOOP BR BR_IF BR_TABLE %token CALL CALL_INDIRECT RETURN %token LOCAL_GET LOCAL_SET LOCAL_TEE GLOBAL_GET GLOBAL_SET %token TABLE_GET TABLE_SET %token TABLE_SIZE TABLE_GROW TABLE_FILL TABLE_COPY TABLE_INIT ELEM_DROP %token MEMORY_SIZE MEMORY_GROW MEMORY_FILL MEMORY_COPY MEMORY_INIT DATA_DROP %token LOAD STORE OFFSET_EQ_NAT ALIGN_EQ_NAT %token CONST UNARY BINARY TEST COMPARE CONVERT %token REF_NULL REF_FUNC REF_EXTERN REF_IS_NULL %token VEC_LOAD VEC_STORE VEC_LOAD_LANE VEC_STORE_LANE %token VEC_CONST VEC_UNARY VEC_BINARY VEC_TERNARY VEC_TEST %token VEC_SHIFT VEC_BITMASK VEC_SHUFFLE %token VEC_EXTRACT VEC_REPLACE %token FUNC START TYPE PARAM RESULT LOCAL GLOBAL %token TABLE ELEM MEMORY DATA DECLARE OFFSET ITEM IMPORT EXPORT %token MODULE BIN QUOTE %token SCRIPT REGISTER INVOKE GET JUSTRUN %token ASSERT_MALFORMED ASSERT_INVALID ASSERT_SOFT_INVALID ASSERT_UNLINKABLE %token ASSERT_RETURN ASSERT_TRAP ASSERT_EXHAUSTION %token NAN %token INPUT OUTPUT %token EOF %token NAT %token INT %token FLOAT %token STRING %token VAR %token NUM_TYPE %token VEC_TYPE %token Ast.instr' * Values.num> CONST %token string Source.phrase list -> Source.region -> Ast.instr' * Values.vec> VEC_CONST %token UNARY %token BINARY %token TEST %token COMPARE %token CONVERT %token Memory.offset -> Ast.instr'> LOAD %token Memory.offset -> Ast.instr'> STORE %token Memory.offset -> Ast.instr'> VEC_LOAD %token Memory.offset -> Ast.instr'> VEC_STORE %token Memory.offset -> int -> Ast.instr'> VEC_LOAD_LANE %token Memory.offset -> int -> Ast.instr'> VEC_STORE_LANE %token VEC_UNARY %token VEC_BINARY %token VEC_TERNARY %token VEC_TEST %token VEC_SHIFT %token VEC_BITMASK %token VEC_SPLAT %token Ast.instr'> VEC_EXTRACT %token Ast.instr'> VEC_REPLACE %token OFFSET_EQ_NAT %token ALIGN_EQ_NAT %token VEC_SHAPE %token NAN %nonassoc LOW %nonassoc VAR %start script script1 module1 %type script %type script1 %type module1 %% /* Auxiliaries */ name : | STRING { name $1 (at ()) } string_list : | /* empty */ { "" } | string_list STRING { $1 ^ $2 } /* Types */ ref_kind : | FUNC { FuncRefType } | EXTERN { ExternRefType } ref_type : | FUNCREF { FuncRefType } | EXTERNREF { ExternRefType } value_type : | NUM_TYPE { NumType $1 } | VEC_TYPE { VecType $1 } | ref_type { RefType $1 } value_type_list : | /* empty */ { [] } | value_type value_type_list { $1 :: $2 } global_type : | value_type { GlobalType ($1, Immutable) } | LPAR MUT value_type RPAR { GlobalType ($3, Mutable) } def_type : | LPAR FUNC func_type RPAR { $3 } func_type : | func_type_result { FuncType ([], $1) } | LPAR PARAM value_type_list RPAR func_type { let FuncType (ins, out) = $5 in FuncType ($3 @ ins, out) } | LPAR PARAM bind_var value_type RPAR func_type /* Sugar */ { let FuncType (ins, out) = $6 in FuncType ($4 :: ins, out) } func_type_result : | /* empty */ { [] } | LPAR RESULT value_type_list RPAR func_type_result { $3 @ $5 } table_type : | limits ref_type { TableType ($1, $2) } memory_type : | limits { MemoryType $1 } limits : | NAT { {min = nat32 $1 (ati 1); max = None} } | NAT NAT { {min = nat32 $1 (ati 1); max = Some (nat32 $2 (ati 2))} } type_use : | LPAR TYPE var RPAR { $3 } /* Immediates */ num : | NAT { $1 @@ at () } | INT { $1 @@ at () } | FLOAT { $1 @@ at () } num_list: | /* empty */ { [] } | num num_list { $1 :: $2 } var : | NAT { let at = at () in fun c lookup -> nat32 $1 at @@ at } | VAR { let at = at () in fun c lookup -> lookup c ($1 @@ at) @@ at } var_list : | /* empty */ { fun c lookup -> [] } | var var_list { fun c lookup -> $1 c lookup :: $2 c lookup } bind_var_opt : | /* empty */ { fun c anon bind -> anon c } | bind_var { fun c anon bind -> bind c $1 } /* Sugar */ bind_var : | VAR { $1 @@ at () } labeling_opt : | /* empty */ %prec LOW { fun c xs -> List.iter (fun x -> error x.at "mismatching label") xs; anon_label c } | bind_var { fun c xs -> List.iter (fun x -> if x.it <> $1.it then error x.at "mismatching label") xs; bind_label c $1 } labeling_end_opt : | /* empty */ %prec LOW { [] } | bind_var { [$1] } offset_opt : | /* empty */ { 0l } | OFFSET_EQ_NAT { nat32 $1 (at ()) } align_opt : | /* empty */ { None } | ALIGN_EQ_NAT { let n = nat $1 (at ()) in if not (Lib.Int.is_power_of_two n) then error (at ()) "alignment must be a power of two"; Some (Lib.Int.log2 n) } /* Instructions & Expressions */ instr_list : | /* empty */ { fun c -> [] } | instr1 instr_list { fun c -> $1 c @ $2 c } | select_instr_instr_list { $1 } | call_instr_instr_list { $1 } instr1 : | plain_instr { let at = at () in fun c -> [$1 c @@ at] } | block_instr { let at = at () in fun c -> [$1 c @@ at] } | expr { $1 } /* Sugar */ plain_instr : | UNREACHABLE { fun c -> unreachable } | NOP { fun c -> nop } | DROP { fun c -> drop } | BR var { fun c -> br ($2 c label) } | BR_IF var { fun c -> br_if ($2 c label) } | BR_TABLE var var_list { fun c -> let xs, x = Lib.List.split_last ($2 c label :: $3 c label) in br_table xs x } | RETURN { fun c -> return } | CALL var { fun c -> call ($2 c func) } | LOCAL_GET var { fun c -> local_get ($2 c local) } | LOCAL_SET var { fun c -> local_set ($2 c local) } | LOCAL_TEE var { fun c -> local_tee ($2 c local) } | GLOBAL_GET var { fun c -> global_get ($2 c global) } | GLOBAL_SET var { fun c -> global_set ($2 c global) } | TABLE_GET var { fun c -> table_get ($2 c table) } | TABLE_SET var { fun c -> table_set ($2 c table) } | TABLE_SIZE var { fun c -> table_size ($2 c table) } | TABLE_GROW var { fun c -> table_grow ($2 c table) } | TABLE_FILL var { fun c -> table_fill ($2 c table) } | TABLE_COPY var var { fun c -> table_copy ($2 c table) ($3 c table) } | TABLE_INIT var var { fun c -> table_init ($2 c table) ($3 c elem) } | TABLE_GET { let at = at () in fun c -> table_get (0l @@ at) } /* Sugar */ | TABLE_SET { let at = at () in fun c -> table_set (0l @@ at) } /* Sugar */ | TABLE_SIZE { let at = at () in fun c -> table_size (0l @@ at) } /* Sugar */ | TABLE_GROW { let at = at () in fun c -> table_grow (0l @@ at) } /* Sugar */ | TABLE_FILL { let at = at () in fun c -> table_fill (0l @@ at) } /* Sugar */ | TABLE_COPY /* Sugar */ { let at = at () in fun c -> table_copy (0l @@ at) (0l @@ at) } | TABLE_INIT var /* Sugar */ { let at = at () in fun c -> table_init (0l @@ at) ($2 c elem) } | ELEM_DROP var { fun c -> elem_drop ($2 c elem) } | LOAD offset_opt align_opt { fun c -> $1 $3 $2 } | STORE offset_opt align_opt { fun c -> $1 $3 $2 } | VEC_LOAD offset_opt align_opt { fun c -> $1 $3 $2 } | VEC_STORE offset_opt align_opt { fun c -> $1 $3 $2 } | VEC_LOAD_LANE offset_opt align_opt NAT { let at = at () in fun c -> $1 $3 $2 (vec_lane_index $4 at) } | VEC_STORE_LANE offset_opt align_opt NAT { let at = at () in fun c -> $1 $3 $2 (vec_lane_index $4 at) } | MEMORY_SIZE { fun c -> memory_size } | MEMORY_GROW { fun c -> memory_grow } | MEMORY_FILL { fun c -> memory_fill } | MEMORY_COPY { fun c -> memory_copy } | MEMORY_INIT var { fun c -> memory_init ($2 c data) } | DATA_DROP var { fun c -> data_drop ($2 c data) } | REF_NULL ref_kind { fun c -> ref_null $2 } | REF_IS_NULL { fun c -> ref_is_null } | REF_FUNC var { fun c -> ref_func ($2 c func) } | CONST num { fun c -> fst (num $1 $2) } | TEST { fun c -> $1 } | COMPARE { fun c -> $1 } | UNARY { fun c -> $1 } | BINARY { fun c -> $1 } | CONVERT { fun c -> $1 } | VEC_CONST VEC_SHAPE num_list { let at = at () in fun c -> fst (vec $1 $2 $3 at) } | VEC_UNARY { fun c -> $1 } | VEC_BINARY { fun c -> $1 } | VEC_TERNARY { fun c -> $1 } | VEC_TEST { fun c -> $1 } | VEC_SHIFT { fun c -> $1 } | VEC_BITMASK { fun c -> $1 } | VEC_SHUFFLE num_list { let at = at () in fun c -> i8x16_shuffle (shuffle_lit $2 at) } | VEC_SPLAT { fun c -> $1 } | VEC_EXTRACT NAT { let at = at () in fun c -> $1 (vec_lane_index $2 at) } | VEC_REPLACE NAT { let at = at () in fun c -> $1 (vec_lane_index $2 at) } select_instr_instr_list : | SELECT select_instr_results_instr_list { let at1 = ati 1 in fun c -> let b, ts, es = $2 c in (select (if b then (Some ts) else None) @@ at1) :: es } select_instr_results_instr_list : | LPAR RESULT value_type_list RPAR select_instr_results_instr_list { fun c -> let _, ts, es = $5 c in true, $3 @ ts, es } | instr_list { fun c -> false, [], $1 c } call_instr_instr_list : | CALL_INDIRECT var call_instr_type_instr_list { let at1 = ati 1 in fun c -> let x, es = $3 c in (call_indirect ($2 c table) x @@ at1) :: es } | CALL_INDIRECT call_instr_type_instr_list /* Sugar */ { let at1 = ati 1 in fun c -> let x, es = $2 c in (call_indirect (0l @@ at1) x @@ at1) :: es } call_instr_type_instr_list : | type_use call_instr_params_instr_list { let at1 = ati 1 in fun c -> match $2 c with | FuncType ([], []), es -> $1 c type_, es | ft, es -> inline_type_explicit c ($1 c type_) ft at1, es } | call_instr_params_instr_list { let at = at () in fun c -> let ft, es = $1 c in inline_type c ft at, es } call_instr_params_instr_list : | LPAR PARAM value_type_list RPAR call_instr_params_instr_list { fun c -> let FuncType (ts1, ts2), es = $5 c in FuncType ($3 @ ts1, ts2), es } | call_instr_results_instr_list { fun c -> let ts, es = $1 c in FuncType ([], ts), es } call_instr_results_instr_list : | LPAR RESULT value_type_list RPAR call_instr_results_instr_list { fun c -> let ts, es = $5 c in $3 @ ts, es } | instr_list { fun c -> [], $1 c } block_instr : | BLOCK labeling_opt block END labeling_end_opt { fun c -> let c' = $2 c $5 in let bt, es = $3 c' in block bt es } | LOOP labeling_opt block END labeling_end_opt { fun c -> let c' = $2 c $5 in let bt, es = $3 c' in loop bt es } | IF labeling_opt block END labeling_end_opt { fun c -> let c' = $2 c $5 in let bt, es = $3 c' in if_ bt es [] } | IF labeling_opt block ELSE labeling_end_opt instr_list END labeling_end_opt { fun c -> let c' = $2 c ($5 @ $8) in let ts, es1 = $3 c' in if_ ts es1 ($6 c') } block : | type_use block_param_body { let at1 = ati 1 in fun c -> VarBlockType (inline_type_explicit c ($1 c type_) (fst $2) at1), snd $2 c } | block_param_body /* Sugar */ { let at = at () in fun c -> let bt = match fst $1 with | FuncType ([], []) -> ValBlockType None | FuncType ([], [t]) -> ValBlockType (Some t) | ft -> VarBlockType (inline_type c ft at) in bt, snd $1 c } block_param_body : | block_result_body { $1 } | LPAR PARAM value_type_list RPAR block_param_body { let FuncType (ins, out) = fst $5 in FuncType ($3 @ ins, out), snd $5 } block_result_body : | instr_list { FuncType ([], []), $1 } | LPAR RESULT value_type_list RPAR block_result_body { let FuncType (ins, out) = fst $5 in FuncType (ins, $3 @ out), snd $5 } expr : /* Sugar */ | LPAR expr1 RPAR { let at = at () in fun c -> let es, e' = $2 c in es @ [e' @@ at] } expr1 : /* Sugar */ | plain_instr expr_list { fun c -> $2 c, $1 c } | SELECT select_expr_results { fun c -> let b, ts, es = $2 c in es, select (if b then (Some ts) else None) } | CALL_INDIRECT var call_expr_type { fun c -> let x, es = $3 c in es, call_indirect ($2 c table) x } | CALL_INDIRECT call_expr_type /* Sugar */ { let at1 = ati 1 in fun c -> let x, es = $2 c in es, call_indirect (0l @@ at1) x } | BLOCK labeling_opt block { fun c -> let c' = $2 c [] in let bt, es = $3 c' in [], block bt es } | LOOP labeling_opt block { fun c -> let c' = $2 c [] in let bt, es = $3 c' in [], loop bt es } | IF labeling_opt if_block { fun c -> let c' = $2 c [] in let bt, (es, es1, es2) = $3 c c' in es, if_ bt es1 es2 } select_expr_results : | LPAR RESULT value_type_list RPAR select_expr_results { fun c -> let _, ts, es = $5 c in true, $3 @ ts, es } | expr_list { fun c -> false, [], $1 c } call_expr_type : | type_use call_expr_params { let at1 = ati 1 in fun c -> match $2 c with | FuncType ([], []), es -> $1 c type_, es | ft, es -> inline_type_explicit c ($1 c type_) ft at1, es } | call_expr_params { let at1 = ati 1 in fun c -> let ft, es = $1 c in inline_type c ft at1, es } call_expr_params : | LPAR PARAM value_type_list RPAR call_expr_params { fun c -> let FuncType (ts1, ts2), es = $5 c in FuncType ($3 @ ts1, ts2), es } | call_expr_results { fun c -> let ts, es = $1 c in FuncType ([], ts), es } call_expr_results : | LPAR RESULT value_type_list RPAR call_expr_results { fun c -> let ts, es = $5 c in $3 @ ts, es } | expr_list { fun c -> [], $1 c } if_block : | type_use if_block_param_body { let at = at () in fun c c' -> VarBlockType (inline_type_explicit c ($1 c type_) (fst $2) at), snd $2 c c' } | if_block_param_body /* Sugar */ { let at = at () in fun c c' -> let bt = match fst $1 with | FuncType ([], []) -> ValBlockType None | FuncType ([], [t]) -> ValBlockType (Some t) | ft -> VarBlockType (inline_type c ft at) in bt, snd $1 c c' } if_block_param_body : | if_block_result_body { $1 } | LPAR PARAM value_type_list RPAR if_block_param_body { let FuncType (ins, out) = fst $5 in FuncType ($3 @ ins, out), snd $5 } if_block_result_body : | if_ { FuncType ([], []), $1 } | LPAR RESULT value_type_list RPAR if_block_result_body { let FuncType (ins, out) = fst $5 in FuncType (ins, $3 @ out), snd $5 } if_ : | expr if_ { fun c c' -> let es = $1 c in let es0, es1, es2 = $2 c c' in es @ es0, es1, es2 } | LPAR THEN instr_list RPAR LPAR ELSE instr_list RPAR /* Sugar */ { fun c c' -> [], $3 c', $7 c' } | LPAR THEN instr_list RPAR /* Sugar */ { fun c c' -> [], $3 c', [] } expr_list : | /* empty */ { fun c -> [] } | expr expr_list { fun c -> $1 c @ $2 c } const_expr : | instr_list { let at = at () in fun c -> $1 c @@ at } /* Functions */ func : | LPAR FUNC bind_var_opt func_fields RPAR { let at = at () in fun c -> let x = $3 c anon_func bind_func @@ at in fun () -> $4 c x at } func_fields : | type_use func_fields_body { fun c x at -> let c' = enter_func c in let y = inline_type_explicit c' ($1 c' type_) (fst $2) at in [{(snd $2 c') with ftype = y} @@ at], [], [] } | func_fields_body /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> let c' = enter_func c in let y = inline_type c' (fst $1) at in [{(snd $1 c') with ftype = y} @@ at], [], [] } | inline_import type_use func_fields_import /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> let y = inline_type_explicit c ($2 c type_) $3 at in [], [{ module_name = fst $1; item_name = snd $1; idesc = FuncImport y @@ at } @@ at ], [] } | inline_import func_fields_import /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> let y = inline_type c $2 at in [], [{ module_name = fst $1; item_name = snd $1; idesc = FuncImport y @@ at } @@ at ], [] } | inline_export func_fields /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> let fns, ims, exs = $2 c x at in fns, ims, $1 (FuncExport x) c :: exs } func_fields_import : /* Sugar */ | func_fields_import_result { $1 } | LPAR PARAM value_type_list RPAR func_fields_import { let FuncType (ins, out) = $5 in FuncType ($3 @ ins, out) } | LPAR PARAM bind_var value_type RPAR func_fields_import /* Sugar */ { let FuncType (ins, out) = $6 in FuncType ($4 :: ins, out) } func_fields_import_result : /* Sugar */ | /* empty */ { FuncType ([], []) } | LPAR RESULT value_type_list RPAR func_fields_import_result { let FuncType (ins, out) = $5 in FuncType (ins, $3 @ out) } func_fields_body : | func_result_body { $1 } | LPAR PARAM value_type_list RPAR func_fields_body { let FuncType (ins, out) = fst $5 in FuncType ($3 @ ins, out), fun c -> anon_locals c (lazy $3); snd $5 c } | LPAR PARAM bind_var value_type RPAR func_fields_body /* Sugar */ { let FuncType (ins, out) = fst $6 in FuncType ($4 :: ins, out), fun c -> ignore (bind_local c $3); snd $6 c } func_result_body : | func_body { FuncType ([], []), $1 } | LPAR RESULT value_type_list RPAR func_result_body { let FuncType (ins, out) = fst $5 in FuncType (ins, $3 @ out), snd $5 } func_body : | instr_list { fun c -> let c' = anon_label c in {ftype = -1l @@ at(); locals = []; body = $1 c'} } | LPAR LOCAL value_type_list RPAR func_body { fun c -> anon_locals c (lazy $3); let f = $5 c in {f with locals = $3 @ f.locals} } | LPAR LOCAL bind_var value_type RPAR func_body /* Sugar */ { fun c -> ignore (bind_local c $3); let f = $6 c in {f with locals = $4 :: f.locals} } /* Tables, Memories & Globals */ table_use : | LPAR TABLE var RPAR { fun c -> $3 c } memory_use : | LPAR MEMORY var RPAR { fun c -> $3 c } offset : | LPAR OFFSET const_expr RPAR { $3 } | expr { let at = at () in fun c -> $1 c @@ at } /* Sugar */ elem_kind : | FUNC { FuncRefType } elem_expr : | LPAR ITEM const_expr RPAR { $3 } | expr { let at = at () in fun c -> $1 c @@ at } /* Sugar */ elem_expr_list : | /* empty */ { fun c -> [] } | elem_expr elem_expr_list { fun c -> $1 c :: $2 c } elem_var_list : | var_list { let f = function {at; _} as x -> [ref_func x @@ at] @@ at in fun c lookup -> List.map f ($1 c lookup) } elem_list : | elem_kind elem_var_list { ($1, fun c -> $2 c func) } | ref_type elem_expr_list { ($1, fun c -> $2 c) } elem : | LPAR ELEM bind_var_opt elem_list RPAR { let at = at () in fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_elem bind_elem); fun () -> { etype = (fst $4); einit = (snd $4) c; emode = Passive @@ at } @@ at } | LPAR ELEM bind_var_opt table_use offset elem_list RPAR { let at = at () in fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_elem bind_elem); fun () -> { etype = (fst $6); einit = (snd $6) c; emode = Active {index = $4 c table; offset = $5 c} @@ at } @@ at } | LPAR ELEM bind_var_opt DECLARE elem_list RPAR { let at = at () in fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_elem bind_elem); fun () -> { etype = (fst $5); einit = (snd $5) c; emode = Declarative @@ at } @@ at } | LPAR ELEM bind_var_opt offset elem_list RPAR /* Sugar */ { let at = at () in fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_elem bind_elem); fun () -> { etype = (fst $5); einit = (snd $5) c; emode = Active {index = 0l @@ at; offset = $4 c} @@ at } @@ at } | LPAR ELEM bind_var_opt offset elem_var_list RPAR /* Sugar */ { let at = at () in fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_elem bind_elem); fun () -> { etype = FuncRefType; einit = $5 c func; emode = Active {index = 0l @@ at; offset = $4 c} @@ at } @@ at } table : | LPAR TABLE bind_var_opt table_fields RPAR { let at = at () in fun c -> let x = $3 c anon_table bind_table @@ at in fun () -> $4 c x at } table_fields : | table_type { fun c x at -> [{ttype = $1} @@ at], [], [], [] } | inline_import table_type /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> [], [], [{ module_name = fst $1; item_name = snd $1; idesc = TableImport $2 @@ at } @@ at], [] } | inline_export table_fields /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> let tabs, elems, ims, exs = $2 c x at in tabs, elems, ims, $1 (TableExport x) c :: exs } | ref_type LPAR ELEM elem_var_list RPAR /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> let offset = [i32_const (0l @@ at) @@ at] @@ at in let einit = $4 c func in let size = Lib.List32.length einit in let emode = Active {index = x; offset} @@ at in [{ttype = TableType ({min = size; max = Some size}, $1)} @@ at], [{etype = FuncRefType; einit; emode} @@ at], [], [] } | ref_type LPAR ELEM elem_expr elem_expr_list RPAR /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> let offset = [i32_const (0l @@ at) @@ at] @@ at in let einit = (fun c -> $4 c :: $5 c) c in let size = Lib.List32.length einit in let emode = Active {index = x; offset} @@ at in [{ttype = TableType ({min = size; max = Some size}, $1)} @@ at], [{etype = FuncRefType; einit; emode} @@ at], [], [] } data : | LPAR DATA bind_var_opt string_list RPAR { let at = at () in fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_data bind_data); fun () -> {dinit = $4; dmode = Passive @@ at} @@ at } | LPAR DATA bind_var_opt memory_use offset string_list RPAR { let at = at () in fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_data bind_data); fun () -> {dinit = $6; dmode = Active {index = $4 c memory; offset = $5 c} @@ at} @@ at } | LPAR DATA bind_var_opt offset string_list RPAR /* Sugar */ { let at = at () in fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_data bind_data); fun () -> {dinit = $5; dmode = Active {index = 0l @@ at; offset = $4 c} @@ at} @@ at } memory : | LPAR MEMORY bind_var_opt memory_fields RPAR { let at = at () in fun c -> let x = $3 c anon_memory bind_memory @@ at in fun () -> $4 c x at } memory_fields : | memory_type { fun c x at -> [{mtype = $1} @@ at], [], [], [] } | inline_import memory_type /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> [], [], [{ module_name = fst $1; item_name = snd $1; idesc = MemoryImport $2 @@ at } @@ at], [] } | inline_export memory_fields /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> let mems, data, ims, exs = $2 c x at in mems, data, ims, $1 (MemoryExport x) c :: exs } | LPAR DATA string_list RPAR /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> let offset = [i32_const (0l @@ at) @@ at] @@ at in let size = Int32.(div (add (of_int (String.length $3)) 65535l) 65536l) in [{mtype = MemoryType {min = size; max = Some size}} @@ at], [{dinit = $3; dmode = Active {index = x; offset} @@ at} @@ at], [], [] } global : | LPAR GLOBAL bind_var_opt global_fields RPAR { let at = at () in fun c -> let x = $3 c anon_global bind_global @@ at in fun () -> $4 c x at } global_fields : | global_type const_expr { fun c x at -> [{gtype = $1; ginit = $2 c} @@ at], [], [] } | inline_import global_type /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> [], [{ module_name = fst $1; item_name = snd $1; idesc = GlobalImport $2 @@ at } @@ at], [] } | inline_export global_fields /* Sugar */ { fun c x at -> let globs, ims, exs = $2 c x at in globs, ims, $1 (GlobalExport x) c :: exs } /* Imports & Exports */ import_desc : | LPAR FUNC bind_var_opt type_use RPAR { fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_func bind_func); fun () -> FuncImport ($4 c type_) } | LPAR FUNC bind_var_opt func_type RPAR /* Sugar */ { let at4 = ati 4 in fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_func bind_func); fun () -> FuncImport (inline_type c $4 at4) } | LPAR TABLE bind_var_opt table_type RPAR { fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_table bind_table); fun () -> TableImport $4 } | LPAR MEMORY bind_var_opt memory_type RPAR { fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_memory bind_memory); fun () -> MemoryImport $4 } | LPAR GLOBAL bind_var_opt global_type RPAR { fun c -> ignore ($3 c anon_global bind_global); fun () -> GlobalImport $4 } import : | LPAR IMPORT name name import_desc RPAR { let at = at () and at5 = ati 5 in fun c -> let df = $5 c in fun () -> {module_name = $3; item_name = $4; idesc = df () @@ at5} @@ at } inline_import : | LPAR IMPORT name name RPAR { $3, $4 } export_desc : | LPAR FUNC var RPAR { fun c -> FuncExport ($3 c func) } | LPAR TABLE var RPAR { fun c -> TableExport ($3 c table) } | LPAR MEMORY var RPAR { fun c -> MemoryExport ($3 c memory) } | LPAR GLOBAL var RPAR { fun c -> GlobalExport ($3 c global) } export : | LPAR EXPORT name export_desc RPAR { let at = at () and at4 = ati 4 in fun c -> {name = $3; edesc = $4 c @@ at4} @@ at } inline_export : | LPAR EXPORT name RPAR { let at = at () in fun d c -> {name = $3; edesc = d @@ at} @@ at } /* Modules */ type_ : | def_type { $1 @@ at () } type_def : | LPAR TYPE type_ RPAR { fun c -> anon_type c $3 } | LPAR TYPE bind_var type_ RPAR /* Sugar */ { fun c -> bind_type c $3 $4 } start : | LPAR START var RPAR { let at = at () in fun c -> {sfunc = $3 c func} @@ at } module_fields : | /* empty */ { fun (c : context) () -> {empty_module with types = c.types.list} } | module_fields1 { $1 } module_fields1 : | type_def module_fields { fun c -> ignore ($1 c); $2 c } | global module_fields { fun c -> let gf = $1 c in let mf = $2 c in fun () -> let globs, ims, exs = gf () in let m = mf () in if globs <> [] && m.imports <> [] then error (List.hd m.imports).at "import after global definition"; { m with globals = globs @ m.globals; imports = ims @ m.imports; exports = exs @ m.exports } } | table module_fields { fun c -> let tf = $1 c in let mf = $2 c in fun () -> let tabs, elems, ims, exs = tf () in let m = mf () in if tabs <> [] && m.imports <> [] then error (List.hd m.imports).at "import after table definition"; { m with tables = tabs @ m.tables; elems = elems @ m.elems; imports = ims @ m.imports; exports = exs @ m.exports } } | memory module_fields { fun c -> let mmf = $1 c in let mf = $2 c in fun () -> let mems, data, ims, exs = mmf () in let m = mf () in if mems <> [] && m.imports <> [] then error (List.hd m.imports).at "import after memory definition"; { m with memories = mems @ m.memories; datas = data @ m.datas; imports = ims @ m.imports; exports = exs @ m.exports } } | func module_fields { fun c -> let ff = $1 c in let mf = $2 c in fun () -> let funcs, ims, exs = ff () in let m = mf () in if funcs <> [] && m.imports <> [] then error (List.hd m.imports).at "import after function definition"; { m with funcs = funcs @ m.funcs; imports = ims @ m.imports; exports = exs @ m.exports } } | elem module_fields { fun c -> let ef = $1 c in let mf = $2 c in fun () -> let elems = ef () in let m = mf () in {m with elems = elems :: m.elems} } | data module_fields { fun c -> let df = $1 c in let mf = $2 c in fun () -> let data = df () in let m = mf () in {m with datas = data :: m.datas} } | start module_fields { fun c -> let mf = $2 c in fun () -> let m = mf () in let x = $1 c in match m.start with | Some _ -> error x.at "multiple start sections" | None -> {m with start = Some x} } | import module_fields { fun c -> let imf = $1 c in let mf = $2 c in fun () -> let im = imf () in let m = mf () in {m with imports = im :: m.imports} } | export module_fields { fun c -> let mf = $2 c in fun () -> let m = mf () in {m with exports = $1 c :: m.exports} } module_var_opt : | /* empty */ { None } | VAR { Some ($1 @@ at ()) } /* Sugar */ module_ : | LPAR MODULE module_var_opt module_fields RPAR { $3, Textual ($4 (empty_context ()) () @@ at ()) @@ at () } inline_module : /* Sugar */ | module_fields { Textual ($1 (empty_context ()) () @@ at ()) @@ at () } inline_module1 : /* Sugar */ | module_fields1 { Textual ($1 (empty_context ()) () @@ at ()) @@ at () } /* Scripts */ script_var_opt : | /* empty */ { None } | VAR { Some ($1 @@ at ()) } /* Sugar */ script_module : | module_ { $1 } | LPAR MODULE module_var_opt BIN string_list RPAR { $3, Encoded ("binary:" ^ string_of_pos (at()).left, $5) @@ at() } | LPAR MODULE module_var_opt QUOTE string_list RPAR { $3, Quoted ("quote:" ^ string_of_pos (at()).left, $5) @@ at() } action : | LPAR INVOKE module_var_opt name literal_list RPAR { Invoke ($3, $4, $5) @@ at () } | LPAR JUSTRUN module_var_opt name literal_list RPAR { Run ($3, $4, $5) @@ at () } | LPAR GET module_var_opt name RPAR { Get ($3, $4) @@ at() } assertion : | LPAR ASSERT_MALFORMED script_module STRING RPAR { AssertMalformed (snd $3, $4) @@ at () } | LPAR ASSERT_INVALID script_module STRING RPAR { AssertInvalid (snd $3, $4) @@ at () } | LPAR ASSERT_UNLINKABLE script_module STRING RPAR { AssertUnlinkable (snd $3, $4) @@ at () } | LPAR ASSERT_TRAP script_module STRING RPAR { AssertUninstantiable (snd $3, $4) @@ at () } | LPAR ASSERT_RETURN action result_list RPAR { AssertReturn ($3, $4) @@ at () } | LPAR ASSERT_TRAP action STRING RPAR { AssertTrap ($3, $4) @@ at () } | LPAR ASSERT_EXHAUSTION action STRING RPAR { AssertExhaustion ($3, $4) @@ at () } cmd : | action { Action $1 @@ at () } | assertion { Assertion $1 @@ at () } | script_module { Module (fst $1, snd $1) @@ at () } | LPAR REGISTER name module_var_opt RPAR { Register ($3, $4) @@ at () } | meta { Meta $1 @@ at () } cmd_list : | /* empty */ { [] } | cmd cmd_list { $1 :: $2 } meta : | LPAR SCRIPT script_var_opt cmd_list RPAR { Script ($3, $4) @@ at () } | LPAR INPUT script_var_opt STRING RPAR { Input ($3, $4) @@ at () } | LPAR OUTPUT script_var_opt STRING RPAR { Output ($3, Some $4) @@ at () } | LPAR OUTPUT script_var_opt RPAR { Output ($3, None) @@ at () } literal_num : | LPAR CONST num RPAR { snd (num $2 $3) } literal_vec : | LPAR VEC_CONST VEC_SHAPE num_list RPAR { snd (vec $2 $3 $4 (at ())) } literal_ref : | LPAR REF_NULL ref_kind RPAR { Values.NullRef $3 } | LPAR REF_EXTERN NAT RPAR { ExternRef (nat32 $3 (ati 3)) } literal : | literal_num { Values.Num $1 @@ at () } | literal_vec { Values.Vec $1 @@ at () } | literal_ref { Values.Ref $1 @@ at () } literal_list : | /* empty */ { [] } | literal literal_list { $1 :: $2 } numpat : | num { fun sh -> vec_lane_lit sh $1.it $1.at } | NAN { fun sh -> vec_lane_nan sh $1 (ati 3) } numpat_list: | /* empty */ { [] } | numpat numpat_list { $1 :: $2 } result : | literal_num { NumResult (NumPat ($1 @@ at())) @@ at () } | LPAR CONST NAN RPAR { NumResult (NanPat (nanop $2 ($3 @@ ati 3))) @@ at () } | literal_ref { RefResult (RefPat ($1 @@ at ())) @@ at () } | LPAR REF_FUNC RPAR { RefResult (RefTypePat FuncRefType) @@ at () } | LPAR REF_EXTERN RPAR { RefResult (RefTypePat ExternRefType) @@ at () } | LPAR VEC_CONST VEC_SHAPE numpat_list RPAR { if V128.num_lanes $3 <> List.length $4 then error (at ()) "wrong number of lane literals"; VecResult (VecPat (Values.V128 ($3, List.map (fun lit -> lit $3) $4))) @@ at () } result_list : | /* empty */ { [] } | result result_list { $1 :: $2 } script : | cmd_list EOF { $1 } | inline_module1 EOF { [Module (None, $1) @@ at ()] } /* Sugar */ script1 : | cmd { [$1] } module1 : | module_ EOF { $1 } | inline_module EOF { None, $1 } /* Sugar */ %%