open Ast open Source open Types (* Errors *) module Invalid = Error.Make () exception Invalid = Invalid.Error let error = Invalid.error let require b at s = if not b then error at s (* Context *) type context = { types : func_type list; funcs : func_type list; tables : table_type list; memories : memory_type list; globals : global_type list; elems : ref_type list; datas : unit list; locals : value_type list; results : value_type list; labels : result_type list; refs : Free.t; } let empty_context = { types = []; funcs = []; tables = []; memories = []; globals = []; elems = []; datas = []; locals = []; results = []; labels = []; refs = Free.empty } let lookup category list x = try Lib.List32.nth list with Failure _ -> error ("unknown " ^ category ^ " " ^ I32.to_string_u let type_ (c : context) x = lookup "type" c.types x let func (c : context) x = lookup "function" c.funcs x let table (c : context) x = lookup "table" c.tables x let memory (c : context) x = lookup "memory" c.memories x let global (c : context) x = lookup "global" c.globals x let elem (c : context) x = lookup "elem segment" c.elems x let data (c : context) x = lookup "data segment" c.datas x let local (c : context) x = lookup "local" c.locals x let label (c : context) x = lookup "label" c.labels x let refer category (s : Free.Set.t) x = if not (Free.Set.mem s) then error ("undeclared " ^ category ^ " reference " ^ Int32.to_string let refer_func (c : context) x = refer "function" c.refs.Free.funcs x (* Stack typing *) (* * Note: The declarative typing rules are non-deterministic, that is, they * have the liberty to locally "guess" the right types implied by the context. * In the algorithmic formulation required here, stack types are hence modelled * as lists of _options_ of types, where `None` represents a locally * unknown type. Furthermore, an ellipses flag represents arbitrary sequences * of unknown types, in order to handle stack polymorphism algorithmically. *) type ellipses = NoEllipses | Ellipses type infer_result_type = ellipses * value_type option list type op_type = {ins : infer_result_type; outs : infer_result_type} let known = (fun t -> Some t) let stack ts = (NoEllipses, known ts) let (-~>) ts1 ts2 = {ins = NoEllipses, ts1; outs = NoEllipses, ts2} let (-->) ts1 ts2 = {ins = NoEllipses, known ts1; outs = NoEllipses, known ts2} let (-~>...) ts1 ts2 = {ins = Ellipses, ts1; outs = Ellipses, ts2} let (-->...) ts1 ts2 = {ins = Ellipses, known ts1; outs = Ellipses, known ts2} let string_of_infer_type t = Lib.Option.get ( string_of_value_type t) "_" let string_of_infer_types ts = "[" ^ String.concat " " ( string_of_infer_type ts) ^ "]" let eq_ty t1 t2 = (t1 = t2 || t1 = None || t2 = None) let check_stack ts1 ts2 at = require (List.length ts1 = List.length ts2 && List.for_all2 eq_ty ts1 ts2) at ("type mismatch: instruction requires " ^ string_of_infer_types ts1 ^ " but stack has " ^ string_of_infer_types ts2) let pop (ell1, ts1) (ell2, ts2) at = let n1 = List.length ts1 in let n2 = List.length ts2 in let n = min n1 n2 in let n3 = if ell2 = Ellipses then (n1 - n) else 0 in check_stack ts1 (Lib.List.make n3 None @ Lib.List.drop (n2 - n) ts2) at; (ell2, if ell1 = Ellipses then [] else Lib.List.take (n2 - n) ts2) let push (ell1, ts1) (ell2, ts2) = assert (ell1 = NoEllipses || ts2 = []); (if ell1 = Ellipses || ell2 = Ellipses then Ellipses else NoEllipses), ts2 @ ts1 let peek i (ell, ts) = try List.nth (List.rev ts) i with Failure _ -> None (* Type Synthesis *) let type_num = Values.type_of_num let type_vec = Values.type_of_vec let type_vec_lane = function | Values.V128 laneop -> V128.type_of_lane laneop let type_cvtop at = function | Values.I32 cvtop -> let open I32Op in (match cvtop with | ExtendSI32 | ExtendUI32 -> error at "invalid conversion" | WrapI64 -> I64Type | TruncSF32 | TruncUF32 | TruncSatSF32 | TruncSatUF32 | ReinterpretFloat -> F32Type | TruncSF64 | TruncUF64 | TruncSatSF64 | TruncSatUF64 -> F64Type ), I32Type | Values.I64 cvtop -> let open I64Op in (match cvtop with | ExtendSI32 | ExtendUI32 -> I32Type | WrapI64 -> error at "invalid conversion" | TruncSF32 | TruncUF32 | TruncSatSF32 | TruncSatUF32 -> F32Type | TruncSF64 | TruncUF64 | TruncSatSF64 | TruncSatUF64 | ReinterpretFloat -> F64Type ), I64Type | Values.F32 cvtop -> let open F32Op in (match cvtop with | ConvertSI32 | ConvertUI32 | ReinterpretInt -> I32Type | ConvertSI64 | ConvertUI64 -> I64Type | PromoteF32 -> error at "invalid conversion" | DemoteF64 -> F64Type ), F32Type | Values.F64 cvtop -> let open F64Op in (match cvtop with | ConvertSI32 | ConvertUI32 -> I32Type | ConvertSI64 | ConvertUI64 | ReinterpretInt -> I64Type | PromoteF32 -> F32Type | DemoteF64 -> error at "invalid conversion" ), F64Type let num_lanes = function | Values.V128 laneop -> V128.num_lanes laneop let lane_extractop = function | Values.V128 extractop -> let open V128 in let open V128Op in match extractop with | I8x16 (Extract (i, _)) | I16x8 (Extract (i, _)) | I32x4 (Extract (i, _)) | I64x2 (Extract (i, _)) | F32x4 (Extract (i, _)) | F64x2 (Extract (i, _)) -> i let lane_replaceop = function | Values.V128 replaceop -> let open V128 in let open V128Op in match replaceop with | I8x16 (Replace i) | I16x8 (Replace i) | I32x4 (Replace i) | I64x2 (Replace i) | F32x4 (Replace i) | F64x2 (Replace i) -> i (* Expressions *) let check_pack sz t_sz at = require (packed_size sz < t_sz) at "invalid sign extension" let check_unop unop at = match unop with | Values.I32 (IntOp.ExtendS sz) | Values.I64 (IntOp.ExtendS sz) -> check_pack sz (num_size (Values.type_of_num unop)) at | _ -> () let check_vec_binop binop at = match binop with | Values.(V128 (V128.I8x16 (V128Op.Shuffle is))) -> if List.exists ((<=) 32) is then error at "invalid lane index" | _ -> () let check_memop (c : context) (memop : ('t, 's) memop) ty_size get_sz at = let _mt = memory c (0l @@ at) in let size = match get_sz memop.pack with | None -> ty_size memop.ty | Some sz -> check_pack sz (ty_size memop.ty) at; packed_size sz in require (1 lsl memop.align <= size) at "alignment must not be larger than natural" (* * Conventions: * c : context * e : instr * es : instr list * v : value * t : value_type var * ts : result_type * x : variable * * Note: To deal with the non-determinism in some of the declarative rules, * the function takes the current stack `s` as an additional argument, allowing * it to "peek" when it would otherwise have to guess an input type. * * Furthermore, stack-polymorphic types are given with the `-->...` operator: * a type `ts1 -->... ts2` expresses any type `(ts1' @ ts1) -> (ts2' @ ts2)` * where `ts1'` and `ts2'` would be chosen non-deterministically in the * declarative typing rules. *) let check_block_type (c : context) (bt : block_type) : func_type = match bt with | VarBlockType x -> type_ c x | ValBlockType None -> FuncType ([], []) | ValBlockType (Some t) -> FuncType ([], [t]) let rec check_instr (c : context) (e : instr) (s : infer_result_type) : op_type = match with | Unreachable -> [] -->... [] | Nop -> [] --> [] | Drop -> [peek 0 s] -~> [] | Select None -> let t = peek 1 s in require (match t with None -> true | Some t -> is_num_type t || is_vec_type t) ("type mismatch: instruction requires numeric or vector type" ^ " but stack has " ^ string_of_infer_type t); [t; t; Some (NumType I32Type)] -~> [t] | Select (Some ts) -> require (List.length ts = 1) "invalid result arity other than 1 is not (yet) allowed"; (ts @ ts @ [NumType I32Type]) --> ts | Block (bt, es) -> let FuncType (ts1, ts2) as ft = check_block_type c bt in check_block {c with labels = ts2 :: c.labels} es ft; ts1 --> ts2 | Loop (bt, es) -> let FuncType (ts1, ts2) as ft = check_block_type c bt in check_block {c with labels = ts1 :: c.labels} es ft; ts1 --> ts2 | If (bt, es1, es2) -> let FuncType (ts1, ts2) as ft = check_block_type c bt in check_block {c with labels = ts2 :: c.labels} es1 ft; check_block {c with labels = ts2 :: c.labels} es2 ft; (ts1 @ [NumType I32Type]) --> ts2 | Br x -> label c x -->... [] | BrIf x -> (label c x @ [NumType I32Type]) --> label c x | BrTable (xs, x) -> let n = List.length (label c x) in let ts = Lib.List.table n (fun i -> peek (n - i) s) in check_stack ts (known (label c x)); List.iter (fun x' -> check_stack ts (known (label c x')) x'.at) xs; (ts @ [Some (NumType I32Type)]) -~>... [] | Return -> c.results -->... [] | Call x -> let FuncType (ts1, ts2) = func c x in ts1 --> ts2 | CallIndirect (x, y) -> let TableType (lim, t) = table c x in let FuncType (ts1, ts2) = type_ c y in require (t = FuncRefType) ("type mismatch: instruction requires table of functions" ^ " but table has " ^ string_of_ref_type t); (ts1 @ [NumType I32Type]) --> ts2 | LocalGet x -> [] --> [local c x] | LocalSet x -> [local c x] --> [] | LocalTee x -> [local c x] --> [local c x] | GlobalGet x -> let GlobalType (t, _mut) = global c x in [] --> [t] | GlobalSet x -> let GlobalType (t, mut) = global c x in require (mut = Mutable) "global is immutable"; [t] --> [] | TableGet x -> let TableType (_lim, t) = table c x in [NumType I32Type] --> [RefType t] | TableSet x -> let TableType (_lim, t) = table c x in [NumType I32Type; RefType t] --> [] | TableSize x -> let _tt = table c x in [] --> [NumType I32Type] | TableGrow x -> let TableType (_lim, t) = table c x in [RefType t; NumType I32Type] --> [NumType I32Type] | TableFill x -> let TableType (_lim, t) = table c x in [NumType I32Type; RefType t; NumType I32Type] --> [] | TableCopy (x, y) -> let TableType (_lim1, t1) = table c x in let TableType (_lim2, t2) = table c y in require (t1 = t2) ("type mismatch: source element type " ^ string_of_ref_type t1 ^ " does not match destination element type " ^ string_of_ref_type t2); [NumType I32Type; NumType I32Type; NumType I32Type] --> [] | TableInit (x, y) -> let TableType (_lim1, t1) = table c x in let t2 = elem c y in require (t1 = t2) ("type mismatch: element segment's type " ^ string_of_ref_type t1 ^ " does not match table's element type " ^ string_of_ref_type t2); [NumType I32Type; NumType I32Type; NumType I32Type] --> [] | ElemDrop x -> ignore (elem c x); [] --> [] | Load memop -> check_memop c memop num_size ( fst); [NumType I32Type] --> [NumType memop.ty] | Store memop -> check_memop c memop num_size (fun sz -> sz); [NumType I32Type; NumType memop.ty] --> [] | VecLoad memop -> check_memop c memop vec_size ( fst); [NumType I32Type] --> [VecType memop.ty] | VecStore memop -> check_memop c memop vec_size (fun _ -> None); [NumType I32Type; VecType memop.ty] --> [] | VecLoadLane (memop, i) -> check_memop c memop vec_size (fun sz -> Some sz); require (i < vec_size memop.ty / packed_size memop.pack) "invalid lane index"; [NumType I32Type; VecType memop.ty] --> [VecType memop.ty] | VecStoreLane (memop, i) -> check_memop c memop vec_size (fun sz -> Some sz); require (i < vec_size memop.ty / packed_size memop.pack) "invalid lane index"; [NumType I32Type; VecType memop.ty] --> [] | MemorySize -> let _mt = memory c (0l @@ in [] --> [NumType I32Type] | MemoryGrow -> let _mt = memory c (0l @@ in [NumType I32Type] --> [NumType I32Type] | MemoryFill -> ignore (memory c (0l @@; [NumType I32Type; NumType I32Type; NumType I32Type] --> [] | MemoryCopy -> ignore (memory c (0l @@; [NumType I32Type; NumType I32Type; NumType I32Type] --> [] | MemoryInit x -> ignore (memory c (0l @@; ignore (data c x); [NumType I32Type; NumType I32Type; NumType I32Type] --> [] | DataDrop x -> ignore (data c x); [] --> [] | RefNull t -> [] --> [RefType t] | RefIsNull -> let t = peek 0 s in require (match t with None -> true | Some t -> is_ref_type t) ("type mismatch: instruction requires reference type" ^ " but stack has " ^ string_of_infer_type t); [t] -~> [Some (NumType I32Type)] | RefFunc x -> let _ft = func c x in refer_func c x; [] --> [RefType FuncRefType] | Const v -> let t = NumType (type_num in [] --> [t] | Test testop -> let t = NumType (type_num testop) in [t] --> [NumType I32Type] | Compare relop -> let t = NumType (type_num relop) in [t; t] --> [NumType I32Type] | Unary unop -> check_unop unop; let t = NumType (type_num unop) in [t] --> [t] | Binary binop -> let t = NumType (type_num binop) in [t; t] --> [t] | Convert cvtop -> let t1, t2 = type_cvtop cvtop in [NumType t1] --> [NumType t2] | VecConst v -> let t = VecType (type_vec in [] --> [t] | VecTest testop -> let t = VecType (type_vec testop) in [t] --> [NumType I32Type] | VecUnary unop -> let t = VecType (type_vec unop) in [t] --> [t] | VecBinary binop -> check_vec_binop binop; let t = VecType (type_vec binop) in [t; t] --> [t] | VecCompare relop -> let t = VecType (type_vec relop) in [t; t] --> [t] | VecConvert cvtop -> let t = VecType (type_vec cvtop) in [t] --> [t] | VecShift shiftop -> let t = VecType (type_vec shiftop) in [t; NumType I32Type] --> [VecType V128Type] | VecBitmask bitmaskop -> let t = VecType (type_vec bitmaskop) in [t] --> [NumType I32Type] | VecTestBits vtestop -> let t = VecType (type_vec vtestop) in [t] --> [NumType I32Type] | VecUnaryBits vunop -> let t = VecType (type_vec vunop) in [t] --> [t] | VecBinaryBits vbinop -> let t = VecType (type_vec vbinop) in [t; t] --> [t] | VecTernaryBits vternop -> let t = VecType (type_vec vternop) in [t; t; t] --> [t] | VecSplat splatop -> let t1 = type_vec_lane splatop in let t2 = VecType (type_vec splatop) in [NumType t1] --> [t2] | VecExtract extractop -> let t = VecType (type_vec extractop) in let t2 = type_vec_lane extractop in require (lane_extractop extractop < num_lanes extractop) "invalid lane index"; [t] --> [NumType t2] | VecReplace replaceop -> let t = VecType (type_vec replaceop) in let t2 = type_vec_lane replaceop in require (lane_replaceop replaceop < num_lanes replaceop) "invalid lane index"; [t; NumType t2] --> [t] and check_seq (c : context) (s : infer_result_type) (es : instr list) : infer_result_type = match es with | [] -> s | _ -> let es', e = Lib.List.split_last es in let s' = check_seq c s es' in let {ins; outs} = check_instr c e s' in push outs (pop ins s' and check_block (c : context) (es : instr list) (ft : func_type) at = let FuncType (ts1, ts2) = ft in let s = check_seq c (stack ts1) es in let s' = pop (stack ts2) s at in require (snd s' = []) at ("type mismatch: block requires " ^ string_of_result_type ts2 ^ " but stack has " ^ string_of_infer_types (snd s)) (* Types *) let check_limits {min; max} range at msg = require (I32.le_u min range) at msg; match max with | None -> () | Some max -> require (I32.le_u max range) at msg; require (I32.le_u min max) at "size minimum must not be greater than maximum" let check_num_type (t : num_type) at = () let check_vec_type (t : vec_type) at = () let check_ref_type (t : ref_type) at = () let check_value_type (t : value_type) at = match t with | NumType t' -> check_num_type t' at | VecType t' -> check_vec_type t' at | RefType t' -> check_ref_type t' at let check_func_type (ft : func_type) at = let FuncType (ts1, ts2) = ft in List.iter (fun t -> check_value_type t at) ts1; List.iter (fun t -> check_value_type t at) ts2 let check_table_type (tt : table_type) at = let TableType (lim, t) = tt in check_limits lim 0xffff_ffffl at "table size must be at most 2^32-1"; check_ref_type t at let check_memory_type (mt : memory_type) at = let MemoryType lim = mt in check_limits lim 0x1_0000l at "memory size must be at most 65536 pages (4GiB)" let check_global_type (gt : global_type) at = let GlobalType (t, mut) = gt in check_value_type t at let check_type (t : type_) = check_func_type (* Functions & Constants *) (* * Conventions: * c : context * m : module_ * f : func * e : instr * v : value * t : value_type * s : func_type * x : variable *) let check_func (c : context) (f : func) = let {ftype; locals; body} = in let FuncType (ts1, ts2) = type_ c ftype in let c' = {c with locals = ts1 @ locals; results = ts2; labels = [ts2]} in check_block c' body (FuncType ([], ts2)) let is_const (c : context) (e : instr) = match with | RefNull _ | RefFunc _ | Const _ | VecConst _ -> true | GlobalGet x -> let GlobalType (_, mut) = global c x in mut = Immutable | _ -> false let check_const (c : context) (const : const) (t : value_type) = require (List.for_all (is_const c) "constant expression required"; check_block c (FuncType ([], [t])) (* Tables, Memories, & Globals *) let check_table (c : context) (tab : table) = let {ttype} = in check_table_type ttype let check_memory (c : context) (mem : memory) = let {mtype} = in check_memory_type mtype let check_elem_mode (c : context) (t : ref_type) (mode : segment_mode) = match with | Passive -> () | Active {index; offset} -> let TableType (_, et) = table c index in require (t = et) ("type mismatch: element segment's type " ^ string_of_ref_type t ^ " does not match table's element type " ^ string_of_ref_type et); check_const c offset (NumType I32Type) | Declarative -> () let check_elem (c : context) (seg : elem_segment) = let {etype; einit; emode} = in List.iter (fun const -> check_const c const (RefType etype)) einit; check_elem_mode c etype emode let check_data_mode (c : context) (mode : segment_mode) = match with | Passive -> () | Active {index; offset} -> ignore (memory c index); check_const c offset (NumType I32Type) | Declarative -> assert false let check_data (c : context) (seg : data_segment) = let {dinit; dmode} = in check_data_mode c dmode let check_global (c : context) (glob : global) = let {gtype; ginit} = in let GlobalType (t, mut) = gtype in check_const c ginit t (* Modules *) let check_start (c : context) (start : start) = let {sfunc} = in require (func c sfunc = FuncType ([], [])) "start function must not have parameters or results" let check_import (im : import) (c : context) : context = let {module_name = _; item_name = _; idesc} = in match with | FuncImport x -> {c with funcs = type_ c x :: c.funcs} | TableImport tt -> check_table_type tt; {c with tables = tt :: c.tables} | MemoryImport mt -> check_memory_type mt; {c with memories = mt :: c.memories} | GlobalImport gt -> check_global_type gt; {c with globals = gt :: c.globals} module NameSet = Set.Make(struct type t = let compare = compare end) let check_export (c : context) (set : NameSet.t) (ex : export) : NameSet.t = let {name; edesc} = in (match with | FuncExport x -> ignore (func c x) | TableExport x -> ignore (table c x) | MemoryExport x -> ignore (memory c x) | GlobalExport x -> ignore (global c x) ); require (not (NameSet.mem name set)) "duplicate export name"; NameSet.add name set let check_module (m : module_) = let { types; imports; tables; memories; globals; funcs; start; elems; datas; exports } = in let c0 = List.fold_right check_import imports { empty_context with refs = Free.module_ ({ with funcs = []; start = None} @@; types = (fun ty -> types; } in let c1 = { c0 with funcs = c0.funcs @ (fun f -> type_ c0 funcs; tables = c0.tables @ (fun tab -> tables; memories = c0.memories @ (fun mem -> memories; elems = (fun elem -> elems; datas = (fun _data -> ()) datas; } in let c = { c1 with globals = c1.globals @ (fun g -> globals } in List.iter check_type types; List.iter (check_global c1) globals; List.iter (check_table c1) tables; List.iter (check_memory c1) memories; List.iter (check_elem c1) elems; List.iter (check_data c1) datas; List.iter (check_func c) funcs; (check_start c) start; ignore (List.fold_left (check_export c) NameSet.empty exports); require (List.length c.memories <= 1) "multiple memories are not allowed (yet)"