extern crate fiona; use std::future::Future; struct NopWaker {} impl std::task::Wake for NopWaker { fn wake(self: std::sync::Arc) {} } #[test] fn sockaddr_in_ffi_check() { let addr = fiona::ip::tcp::sockaddr_in::default(); let _addr2 = unsafe { fiona::libc::rio_sockaddr_in_test(addr) }; } #[test] fn kernel_timespec_ffi_check() { let timespec = fiona::libc::kernel_timespec { tv_nsec: 1337, tv_sec: 7331, }; let t2 = unsafe { fiona::libc::rio_timespec_test(timespec) }; assert_eq!(t2.tv_sec, timespec.tv_sec); assert_eq!(t2.tv_nsec, timespec.tv_nsec); } #[test] fn tcp_acceptor() { static mut NUM_RUNS: i32 = 0; async fn server(ex: fiona::Executor) { let mut acceptor = fiona::ip::tcp::Acceptor::new(ex); acceptor.listen(0x7f000001, 3300).unwrap(); let mut stream = acceptor.async_accept().await.unwrap(); let mut buf = vec![0_u8; 4096]; unsafe { buf.set_len(0); } let buf = stream.async_read(buf).await.unwrap(); assert_eq!(buf.len(), 13); let str = unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(&buf[0..buf.len()]) }; assert_eq!(str, "Hello, world!"); unsafe { NUM_RUNS += 1 }; } async fn client(ex: fiona::Executor) { let mut client = fiona::ip::tcp::Socket::new(ex); client.async_connect(0x7f000001, 3300).await.unwrap(); let str = String::from("Hello, world!").into_bytes(); client.async_write(str).await.unwrap(); unsafe { NUM_RUNS += 1 }; } let mut ioc = fiona::IoContext::new(); let ex = ioc.get_executor(); ioc.post(Box::pin(server(ex.clone()))); ioc.post(Box::pin(client(ex))); ioc.run(); assert_eq!(unsafe { NUM_RUNS }, 2); } #[test] fn econnrefused_connect_future() { static mut NUM_RUNS: i32 = 0; let mut ioc = fiona::IoContext::new(); let ex = ioc.get_executor(); let mut timer = fiona::time::Timer::new(ex.clone()); ioc.post(Box::pin(async move { timer.expires_after(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1500)); timer.async_wait().await.unwrap(); unsafe { NUM_RUNS += 1 }; })); let mut client = fiona::ip::tcp::Socket::new(ex); ioc.post(Box::pin(async move { let r = client.async_connect(0x7f000001, 3301).await; match r { Err(e) => match e { fiona::libc::Errno::ECONNREFUSED => {} _ => panic!("incorrect errno value, should be ECONNREFUSED"), }, _ => panic!("expected an error when connecting"), } unsafe { NUM_RUNS += 1 }; })); ioc.run(); assert_eq!(unsafe { NUM_RUNS }, 2); } #[test] fn connect_timeout() { static mut NUM_RUNS: i32 = 0; let mut ioc = fiona::IoContext::new(); let ex = ioc.get_executor(); let mut client = fiona::ip::tcp::Socket::new(ex); ioc.post(Box::pin(async move { // use one of the IP addresses from the test networks: // // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Protocol_version_4#Special-use_addresses let r = client.async_connect(0xc0000201, 3301).await; match r { Err(e) => match e { fiona::libc::Errno::ECANCELED => {} _ => panic!("incorrect errno value, should be ECANCELED"), }, _ => panic!("expected an error when connecting"), } println!("do I really get here????"); unsafe { NUM_RUNS += 1 }; })); ioc.run(); assert_eq!(unsafe { NUM_RUNS }, 1); } #[test] fn drop_accept_pending() { static mut NUM_RUNS: i32 = 0; let mut ioc = fiona::IoContext::new(); let ex = ioc.get_executor(); ioc.post(Box::pin(async { let mut acceptor = fiona::ip::tcp::Acceptor::new(ex.clone()); acceptor.listen(0x7f000001, 3302).unwrap(); let mut f = acceptor.async_accept(); let waker = std::sync::Arc::new(NopWaker {}).into(); let mut cx = std::task::Context::from_waker(&waker); assert!( unsafe { std::pin::Pin::new_unchecked(&mut f).poll(&mut cx) } .is_pending() ); let mut timer = fiona::time::Timer::new(ex); timer.expires_after(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500)); timer.async_wait().await.unwrap(); std::mem::drop(f); timer.async_wait().await.unwrap(); unsafe { NUM_RUNS += 1 }; })); ioc.run(); assert_eq!(unsafe { NUM_RUNS }, 1); } #[test] fn cancel_accept() { static mut NUM_RUNS: i32 = 0; let mut ioc = fiona::IoContext::new(); let mut ex = ioc.get_executor(); ioc.post(Box::pin(async move { let mut acceptor = fiona::ip::tcp::Acceptor::new(ex.clone()); acceptor.listen(0x7f000001, 3303).unwrap(); let f = acceptor.async_accept(); let c = f.get_cancel_handle(); ex.post(Box::pin({ let ex = ex.clone(); async move { let mut timer = fiona::time::Timer::new(ex); timer.expires_after(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500)); timer.async_wait().await.unwrap(); c.cancel(); } })); let result = f.await; match result { Ok(_) => panic!("Ok is not valid for cancellation"), Err(err) => match err { fiona::libc::Errno::ECANCELED => {} _ => panic!("incorrect errno value"), }, } unsafe { NUM_RUNS += 1 }; })); ioc.run(); assert_eq!(unsafe { NUM_RUNS }, 1); }