
# Overview `fireblocks_sdk` is an async library for the Fireblocks [API]( !!!! Note this is community driven project and not affiliated with [Fireblocks]( !!!!! # Getting Started See developer [portal]( and sign up for a [sandbox]( account # Quick Start ```rust use fireblocks_sdk::{ClientBuilder, PagingVaultRequestBuilder}; use std::time::Duration; async fn vaults() -> color_eyre::Result<()> { let api_key = std::env::var("FIREBLOCKS_API_KEY")?; let secret = std::env::var("FIREBLOCKS_SECRET")?; let client = ClientBuilder::new(&api_key, &secret.into_bytes()) .with_timeout(Duration::from_secs(10)) .with_connect_timeout(Duration::from_secs(5)) .build()?; let params = PagingVaultRequestBuilder::new().limit(10).build()?; let (vault_accounts, request_id) = client.vaults(params).await?; println!("Got requestId: {request_id}"); println!("vault accounts: {:#?}", vault_accounts.accounts); Ok(()) } ``` # Development Create a .env file ```shell cp .env-sameple .env ``` Edit .env and configure your API and secret key Run tests: ```shell cargo test ``` --- # Supported [Endpoints](./