use firecore_tetra::audio::{self, Sound, SoundInstance}; use firecore_tetra::graphics::text::{Font, Text}; use firecore_tetra::graphics::{self, Color}; use firecore_tetra::input::{self, Key}; use firecore_tetra::math::Vec2; use firecore_tetra::{DefaultContext, ContextBuilder, State}; const INSTRUCTIONS: &str = "\ Press Space to 'fire and forget' a sound. There are also three SoundInstances that can be controlled independently: | | Play | Pause | Stop | Toggle Repeating | | Channel 1 | Q | W | E | R | | Channel 2 | A | S | D | F | | Channel 3 | Z | X | C | V | "; struct GameState { text: Text, sound: Sound, channel1: SoundInstance, channel2: SoundInstance, channel3: SoundInstance, } impl GameState { fn new(ctx: &mut DefaultContext) -> firecore_tetra::Result { audio::set_master_volume(ctx, 0.4); let sound = Sound::new("./examples/resources/powerup.ogg")?; let channel1 = sound.spawn(ctx)?; let channel2 = sound.spawn(ctx)?; let channel3 = sound.spawn(ctx)?; Ok(GameState { text: Text::new( INSTRUCTIONS, Font::vector(ctx, "./examples/resources/DejaVuSansMono.ttf", 16.0)?, ), sound, channel1, channel2, channel3, }) } } impl State for GameState { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut DefaultContext) -> firecore_tetra::Result { for key in input::get_keys_pressed(ctx) { match key { Key::Space => {; } Key::Q =>, Key::W => self.channel1.pause(), Key::E => self.channel1.stop(), Key::R => self.channel1.toggle_repeating(), Key::A =>, Key::S => self.channel2.pause(), Key::D => self.channel2.stop(), Key::F => self.channel2.toggle_repeating(), Key::Z =>, Key::X => self.channel3.pause(), Key::C => self.channel3.stop(), Key::V => self.channel3.toggle_repeating(), _ => {} } } Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut DefaultContext) -> firecore_tetra::Result { graphics::clear(ctx, Color::rgb(0.392, 0.584, 0.929)); self.text.draw(ctx, Vec2::new(16.0, 16.0)); Ok(()) } } fn main() -> firecore_tetra::Result { ContextBuilder::new("Audio Playback", 640, 480) .quit_on_escape(true) .build()? .run(GameState::new) }