// Loosely based on https://github.com/jonhoo/tetris-tutorial. // The scene stack implementation is inspired by Amethyst's state system // and the ggez-goodies scene stack. use rand::{self, Rng}; use firecore_tetra::audio::Sound; use firecore_tetra::graphics::scaling::{ScalingMode, ScreenScaler}; use firecore_tetra::graphics::text::{Font, Text, VectorFontBuilder}; use firecore_tetra::graphics::{self, Color, DrawParams, Texture}; use firecore_tetra::input::{self, Key}; use firecore_tetra::math::Vec2; use firecore_tetra::window; use firecore_tetra::{Context, DefaultContext, ContextBuilder, Event, State}; const SCREEN_WIDTH: i32 = 640; const SCREEN_HEIGHT: i32 = 480; const BLOCK_SIZE: i32 = 16; const BORDER_SIZE: i32 = 1; const BOARD_WIDTH: i32 = (10 * BLOCK_SIZE) + BORDER_SIZE; const BOARD_HEIGHT: i32 = (20 * BLOCK_SIZE) + BORDER_SIZE; const BOARD_OFFSET_X: i32 = (SCREEN_WIDTH - BOARD_WIDTH) / 2; const BOARD_OFFSET_Y: i32 = (SCREEN_HEIGHT - BOARD_HEIGHT) / 2; const SCORE_OFFSET_Y: i32 = BOARD_OFFSET_Y + BOARD_HEIGHT + 4; fn main() -> firecore_tetra::Result { ContextBuilder::new("Tetras", SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) .resizable(true) .quit_on_escape(true) .build()? .run(GameState::new) } // === Asset Management === // Some assets are used in multiple scenes, so we'll put them in a struct and // pass them around. This also means we can load everything up front instead // of there being a jarring pause when the second scene loads. struct Assets { bgm: Sound, soft_drop_fx: Sound, hard_drop_fx: Sound, line_clear_fx: Sound, game_over_fx: Sound, font_16: Font, font_36: Font, backdrop: Texture, block: Texture, } impl Assets { fn load(ctx: &mut DefaultContext) -> firecore_tetra::Result { let font = VectorFontBuilder::new("./examples/resources/DejaVuSansMono.ttf")?; Ok(Assets { bgm: Sound::new("./examples/resources/bgm.ogg")?, soft_drop_fx: Sound::new("./examples/resources/softdrop.ogg")?, hard_drop_fx: Sound::new("./examples/resources/harddrop.ogg")?, line_clear_fx: Sound::new("./examples/resources/lineclear.ogg")?, game_over_fx: Sound::new("./examples/resources/gameover.ogg")?, font_16: font.with_size(ctx, 16.0)?, font_36: font.with_size(ctx, 36.0)?, backdrop: Texture::new(ctx, "./examples/resources/backdrop.png")?, block: Texture::new(ctx, "./examples/resources/block.png")?, }) } } // === Scene Management === // This trait extends the normal signature of a 'State' with the ability // to return a transition, effectively making it function like a state // machine. Later versions of Tetra will probably provide a way to // do this without defining your own trait! trait Scene { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, assets: &Assets) -> firecore_tetra::Result; fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, assets: &Assets) -> firecore_tetra::Result; } enum Transition { None, Push(Box), Pop, } // Boxing/dynamic dispatch could be avoided here by defining an enum for all // of your scenes, but that adds a bit of extra boilerplate - your choice! struct GameState { scenes: Vec>, scaler: ScreenScaler, assets: Assets, } impl GameState { fn new(ctx: &mut DefaultContext) -> firecore_tetra::Result { let assets = Assets::load(ctx)?; let initial_scene = TitleScene::new(ctx, &assets)?; Ok(GameState { scenes: vec![Box::new(initial_scene)], scaler: ScreenScaler::with_window_size( ctx, 640, 480, ScalingMode::ShowAllPixelPerfect, )?, assets, }) } } impl State for GameState { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut DefaultContext) -> firecore_tetra::Result { match self.scenes.last_mut() { Some(active_scene) => match active_scene.update(ctx, &self.assets)? { Transition::None => {} Transition::Push(s) => { self.scenes.push(s); } Transition::Pop => { self.scenes.pop(); } }, None => window::quit(ctx), } Ok(()) } fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut DefaultContext) -> firecore_tetra::Result { graphics::set_canvas(ctx, self.scaler.canvas()); match self.scenes.last_mut() { Some(active_scene) => match active_scene.draw(ctx, &self.assets)? { Transition::None => {} Transition::Push(s) => { self.scenes.push(s); } Transition::Pop => { self.scenes.pop(); } }, None => window::quit(ctx), } graphics::reset_canvas(ctx); graphics::clear(ctx, Color::BLACK); self.scaler.draw(ctx); Ok(()) } fn event(&mut self, _: &mut DefaultContext, event: Event) -> firecore_tetra::Result { if let Event::Resized { width, height } = event { self.scaler.set_outer_size(width, height); } Ok(()) } } // === Title Scene === struct TitleScene { title_text: Text, help_text: Text, } impl TitleScene { fn new(ctx: &mut Context, assets: &Assets) -> firecore_tetra::Result { // Setting a Sound to repeat without holding on to the SoundInstance // is usually a bad practice, as it means you can never stop playback. // In our case though, we want it to repeat forever, so it's fine! assets.bgm.repeat(ctx)?; Ok(TitleScene { title_text: Text::new("Tetras", assets.font_36.clone()), help_text: Text::new("An extremely legally distinct puzzle game\n\nControls:\nA and D to move\nQ and E to rotate\nS to drop one row\nSpace to hard drop\n\nPress Space to start.", assets.font_16.clone()), }) } } impl Scene for TitleScene { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, assets: &Assets) -> firecore_tetra::Result { if input::is_key_pressed(ctx, Key::Space) { Ok(Transition::Push(Box::new(GameScene::new(ctx, assets)))) } else { Ok(Transition::None) } } fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, _: &Assets) -> firecore_tetra::Result { graphics::clear(ctx, Color::rgb(0.094, 0.11, 0.16)); self.title_text.draw(ctx, Vec2::new(16.0, 16.0)); self.help_text.draw(ctx, Vec2::new(16.0, 56.0)); Ok(Transition::None) } } // === Game Scene === enum BlockShape { I, J, L, O, S, T, Z, } enum BlockRotation { A, B, C, D, } struct Block { x: i32, y: i32, shape: BlockShape, rotation: BlockRotation, } impl Block { fn new() -> Block { let shape = match rand::thread_rng().gen_range(0..7) { 0 => BlockShape::I, 1 => BlockShape::J, 2 => BlockShape::L, 3 => BlockShape::O, 4 => BlockShape::S, 5 => BlockShape::T, _ => BlockShape::Z, }; Block { x: 3, y: 0, shape, rotation: BlockRotation::A, } } fn rotate_cw(&mut self) { self.rotation = match self.rotation { BlockRotation::A => BlockRotation::B, BlockRotation::B => BlockRotation::C, BlockRotation::C => BlockRotation::D, BlockRotation::D => BlockRotation::A, } } fn rotate_ccw(&mut self) { self.rotation = match self.rotation { BlockRotation::A => BlockRotation::D, BlockRotation::B => BlockRotation::A, BlockRotation::C => BlockRotation::B, BlockRotation::D => BlockRotation::C, } } fn data(&self) -> &'static [[bool; 4]; 4] { match self.shape { BlockShape::I => match self.rotation { BlockRotation::A => &IA, BlockRotation::B => &IB, BlockRotation::C => &IC, BlockRotation::D => &ID, }, BlockShape::J => match self.rotation { BlockRotation::A => &JA, BlockRotation::B => &JB, BlockRotation::C => &JC, BlockRotation::D => &JD, }, BlockShape::L => match self.rotation { BlockRotation::A => &LA, BlockRotation::B => &LB, BlockRotation::C => &LC, BlockRotation::D => &LD, }, BlockShape::O => &O, BlockShape::S => match self.rotation { BlockRotation::A => &SA, BlockRotation::B => &SB, BlockRotation::C => &SC, BlockRotation::D => &SD, }, BlockShape::T => match self.rotation { BlockRotation::A => &TA, BlockRotation::B => &TB, BlockRotation::C => &TC, BlockRotation::D => &TD, }, BlockShape::Z => match self.rotation { BlockRotation::A => &ZA, BlockRotation::B => &ZB, BlockRotation::C => &ZC, BlockRotation::D => &ZD, }, } } fn color(&self) -> Color { match self.shape { BlockShape::I => Color::rgb(0.0, 1.0, 1.0), BlockShape::J => Color::rgb(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), BlockShape::L => Color::rgb(1.0, 0.522, 0.106), BlockShape::O => Color::rgb(1.0, 0.863, 0.0), BlockShape::S => Color::rgb(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), BlockShape::T => Color::rgb(0.694, 0.051, 0.788), BlockShape::Z => Color::rgb(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), } } fn segments(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.data().iter().enumerate().flat_map(move |(y, row)| { row.iter() .enumerate() .filter(|(_, exists)| **exists) .map(move |(x, _)| (x as i32 + self.x, y as i32 + self.y)) }) } } enum Move { Left, Right, RotateCcw, RotateCw, Drop, HardDrop, } struct GameScene { block: Block, drop_timer: i32, move_timer: i32, move_queue: Vec, board: [[Option; 10]; 22], score: i32, score_text: Text, } impl GameScene { fn new(_: &mut Context, assets: &Assets) -> GameScene { GameScene { block: Block::new(), drop_timer: 0, move_timer: 0, move_queue: Vec::new(), board: [[None; 10]; 22], score: 0, score_text: Text::new("Score: 0", assets.font_16.clone()), } } fn collides(&mut self, move_x: i32, move_y: i32) -> bool { for (x, y) in self.block.segments() { let new_x = x + move_x; let new_y = y + move_y; if new_y < 0 { continue; } if !(0..=9).contains(&new_x) || new_y > 21 || self.board[new_y as usize][new_x as usize].is_some() { return true; } } false } fn lock(&mut self) { let color = self.block.color(); for (x, y) in self.block.segments() { if (0..=9).contains(&x) && (0..=21).contains(&y) { self.board[y as usize][x as usize] = Some(color); } } } fn check_for_clears(&mut self) -> bool { let mut cleared = false; 'outer: for y in 0..22 { for x in 0..10 { if self.board[y][x].is_none() { continue 'outer; } } cleared = true; self.score += 1; self.score_text .set_content(format!("Score: {}", self.score)); for clear_y in (0..=y).rev() { if clear_y > 0 { self.board[clear_y] = self.board[clear_y - 1]; } else { self.board[clear_y] = [None; 10]; } } } cleared } fn check_for_game_over(&self) -> bool { self.board[0].iter().any(Option::is_some) || self.board[1].iter().any(Option::is_some) } fn board_blocks(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { self.board.iter().enumerate().flat_map(|(y, row)| { row.iter() .enumerate() .filter(|(_, segment)| segment.is_some()) .map(move |(x, segment)| (x as i32, y as i32, segment.unwrap())) }) } } impl Scene for GameScene { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, assets: &Assets) -> firecore_tetra::Result { self.drop_timer += 1; self.move_timer += 1; if self.drop_timer >= 30 { self.drop_timer = 0; self.move_queue.push(Move::Drop); } if input::is_key_pressed(ctx, Key::A) || (self.move_timer == 10 && input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::A)) { self.move_timer = 0; self.move_queue.push(Move::Left); } if input::is_key_pressed(ctx, Key::D) || (self.move_timer == 10 && input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::D)) { self.move_timer = 0; self.move_queue.push(Move::Right); } if input::is_key_pressed(ctx, Key::Q) || (self.move_timer == 10 && input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::Q)) { self.move_timer = 0; self.move_queue.push(Move::RotateCcw); } if input::is_key_pressed(ctx, Key::E) || (self.move_timer == 10 && input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::E)) { self.move_timer = 0; self.move_queue.push(Move::RotateCw); } if input::is_key_pressed(ctx, Key::S) || (self.move_timer == 10 && input::is_key_down(ctx, Key::S)) { self.move_timer = 0; self.drop_timer = 0; self.move_queue.push(Move::Drop); } if input::is_key_pressed(ctx, Key::Space) { self.drop_timer = 0; self.move_queue.push(Move::HardDrop); } let next_move = self.move_queue.pop(); match next_move { Some(Move::Left) => { if !self.collides(-1, 0) { self.block.x -= 1; } } Some(Move::Right) => { if !self.collides(1, 0) { self.block.x += 1; } } Some(Move::RotateCcw) => { self.block.rotate_ccw(); let mut nudge = 0; if self.collides(0, 0) { nudge = if self.block.x > 5 { -1 } else { 1 } } if nudge != 0 && self.collides(nudge, 0) { self.block.rotate_cw(); } else { self.block.x += nudge; } } Some(Move::RotateCw) => { self.block.rotate_cw(); let mut nudge = 0; if self.collides(0, 0) { nudge = if self.block.x > 5 { -1 } else { 1 } } if nudge != 0 && self.collides(nudge, 0) { self.block.rotate_ccw(); } else { self.block.x += nudge; } } Some(Move::Drop) => { if self.collides(0, 1) { assets.soft_drop_fx.play_with(ctx, 0.5, 1.0)?; self.lock(); if self.check_for_clears() { assets.line_clear_fx.play_with(ctx, 0.5, 1.0)?; } if self.check_for_game_over() { assets.game_over_fx.play_with(ctx, 0.2, 1.0)?; return Ok(Transition::Pop); } self.block = Block::new(); } else { self.block.y += 1; } } Some(Move::HardDrop) => { while !self.collides(0, 1) { self.block.y += 1; } assets.hard_drop_fx.play_with(ctx, 0.5, 1.0)?; self.lock(); if self.check_for_clears() { assets.line_clear_fx.play_with(ctx, 0.5, 1.0)?; } if self.check_for_game_over() { assets.game_over_fx.play_with(ctx, 0.2, 1.0)?; return Ok(Transition::Pop); } self.block = Block::new(); } None => {} } Ok(Transition::None) } fn draw(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context, assets: &Assets) -> firecore_tetra::Result { graphics::clear(ctx, Color::rgb(0.094, 0.11, 0.16)); assets .backdrop .draw(ctx, Vec2::new(BOARD_OFFSET_X as f32, BOARD_OFFSET_Y as f32)); self.score_text .draw(ctx, Vec2::new(BOARD_OFFSET_X as f32, SCORE_OFFSET_Y as f32)); for (x, y, color) in self.board_blocks() { assets.block.draw( ctx, DrawParams::new() .position(Vec2::new( (BOARD_OFFSET_X + BORDER_SIZE + x * BLOCK_SIZE) as f32, (BOARD_OFFSET_Y + BORDER_SIZE + (y - 2) * BLOCK_SIZE) as f32, )) .color(color), ); } let block_color = self.block.color(); for (x, y) in self.block.segments() { assets.block.draw( ctx, DrawParams::new() .position(Vec2::new( (BOARD_OFFSET_X + BORDER_SIZE + x * BLOCK_SIZE) as f32, (BOARD_OFFSET_Y + BORDER_SIZE + (y - 2) * BLOCK_SIZE) as f32, )) .color(block_color), ); } Ok(Transition::None) } } // === Static Data === static IA: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, false, false, false], [true, true, true, true], [false, false, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static IB: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, false, true, false], [false, false, true, false], [false, false, true, false], [false, false, true, false], ]; static IC: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, false, false, false], [false, false, false, false], [true, true, true, true], [false, false, false, false], ]; static ID: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, true, false, false], [false, true, false, false], [false, true, false, false], [false, true, false, false], ]; static JA: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [true, false, false, false], [true, true, true, false], [false, false, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static JB: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, true, true, false], [false, true, false, false], [false, true, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static JC: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, false, false, false], [true, true, true, false], [false, false, true, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static JD: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, true, false, false], [false, true, false, false], [true, true, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static LA: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, false, true, false], [true, true, true, false], [false, false, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static LB: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, true, false, false], [false, true, false, false], [false, true, true, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static LC: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, false, false, false], [true, true, true, false], [true, false, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static LD: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [true, true, false, false], [false, true, false, false], [false, true, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static O: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, false, false, false], [false, true, true, false], [false, true, true, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static SA: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, true, true, false], [true, true, false, false], [false, false, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static SB: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, true, false, false], [false, true, true, false], [false, false, true, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static SC: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, false, false, false], [false, true, true, false], [true, true, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static SD: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [true, false, false, false], [true, true, false, false], [false, true, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static TA: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, true, false, false], [true, true, true, false], [false, false, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static TB: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, true, false, false], [false, true, true, false], [false, true, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static TC: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, false, false, false], [true, true, true, false], [false, true, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static TD: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, true, false, false], [true, true, false, false], [false, true, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static ZA: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [true, true, false, false], [false, true, true, false], [false, false, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static ZB: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, false, true, false], [false, true, true, false], [false, true, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static ZC: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, false, false, false], [true, true, false, false], [false, true, true, false], [false, false, false, false], ]; static ZD: [[bool; 4]; 4] = [ [false, true, false, false], [true, true, false, false], [true, false, false, false], [false, false, false, false], ];