use firestore_db_and_auth::{errors, sessions, Credentials, JWKSet}; use firestore_db_and_auth::jwt::download_google_jwks; #[allow(dead_code)] pub const TEST_USER_ID: &str = include_str!("../test_user_id.txt"); pub async fn user_session_with_cached_refresh_token(cred: &Credentials) -> errors::Result { println!("Refresh token from file"); // Read refresh token from file if possible instead of generating a new refresh token each time let refresh_token: String = match std::fs::read_to_string("refresh-token-for-tests.txt") { Ok(v) => v, Err(e) => { if e.kind() != std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound { return Err(errors::FirebaseError::IO(e)); } String::new() } }; // Generate a new refresh token if necessary println!("Generate new user auth token"); let user_session: sessions::user::Session = if refresh_token.is_empty() { let session = sessions::user::Session::by_user_id(&cred, TEST_USER_ID, true).await?; std::fs::write("refresh-token-for-tests.txt", &session.refresh_token.as_ref().unwrap())?; session } else { println!("user::Session::by_refresh_token"); sessions::user::Session::by_refresh_token(&cred, &refresh_token).await? }; Ok(user_session) } /// Download the two public key JWKS files if necessary and cache the content at the given file path. /// Only use this option in cloud functions if the given file path is persistent. /// You can use [`Credentials::add_jwks_public_keys`] to manually add more public keys later on. pub async fn from_cache_file(cache_file: &std::path::Path, c: &Credentials) -> errors::Result { use std::fs::File; use std::io::BufReader; Ok(if cache_file.exists() { let f = BufReader::new(File::open(cache_file)?); let jwks_set: JWKSet = serde_json::from_reader(f)?; jwks_set } else { // If not present, download the two jwks (specific service account + google system account), // merge them into one set of keys and store them in the cache file. let jwk_set_1 = download_google_jwks(&c.client_email).await?; let jwk_set_2 = download_google_jwks("").await?; let mut jwks = JWKSet::new(&jwk_set_1.0)?; jwks.keys.append(&mut JWKSet::new(&jwk_set_2.0)?.keys); let f = File::create(cache_file)?; serde_json::to_writer_pretty(f, &jwks)?; jwks }) } /// For integration tests and doc code snippets: Create a Credentials instance. /// Necessary public jwk sets are downloaded or re-used if already present. #[cfg(test)] #[allow(dead_code)] pub async fn valid_test_credentials() -> errors::Result { use std::path::PathBuf; let mut jwks_path = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); jwks_path.push("firebase-service-account.jwks"); let cred: Credentials = Credentials::new(include_str!("../../firebase-service-account.json")).await?; // Only download the public keys once, and cache them. let jwkset = from_cache_file(jwks_path.as_path(), &cred).await?; cred.add_jwks_public_keys(&jwkset).await; cred.verify().await?; Ok(cred) }