## Fisher [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/pietroalbini/fisher.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/pietroalbini/fisher) Fisher is a fast, simple webhooks catcher written in Rust. It's easy to set up, it features builtin security, and you can monitor its status with a simple HTTP request. Being a single binary, you can deploy it easily wherever you want. Fisher is released under the GNU GPL v3+ license, see LICENSE for more details. In order to build it, you need to have Rust 1.31.1 or greater installed. ### Usage Fist of all, you need to [download Fisher][download] and place the executable on your server (possibly in a directory in `$PATH`). Fisher doesn't have a configuration file, and you only need to place your hooks in a directory (make sure they're executable!): ``` $ mkdir /srv/hooks $ cat > /srv/hooks/example-hook.sh << EOF #!/bin/bash echo "I'm an hook!" EOF $ chmod +x /srv/hooks/example-hook.sh ``` Then, you start fisher and you're good to go! ``` $ fisher /srv/hooks Total hooks collected: 1 Web API listening on ``` You can now call your hook: the request will be queued by Fisher and the script will be executed. ``` $ curl ``` ### Building Fisher In order to build fisher, you need a stable Rust compiler and cargo installed. ``` $ git clone https://github.com/pietroalbini/fisher $ cd fisher $ cargo build --release ``` The compiled binary will be available in `target/release/fisher`. [download]: https://files.pietroalbini.io/releases/fisher