--- site_name: Fisher documentation copyright: Created by Pietro Albini nav: - "Home page": "index.md" - "Introduction": - "Why you should use Fisher": "why.md" - "Installing Fisher": "install.md" - "Tutorials": - "Automatic deploy from GitHub": "tutorial/auto-deploy.md" - "Send emails when scripts fails": "tutorial/failure-email.md" - "Features": - "Live reloading": "features/live-reload.md" - "Monitoring with status hooks": "features/status-hooks.md" - "Monitoring with the health endpoint": "features/health-endpoint.md" - "Rate limits": "features/rate-limits.md" - "Third-party providers": "features/providers.md" - "Documentation": - "The configuration file": "docs/config.md" - "Configuration comments": "docs/config-comments.md" - "Scripts execution context": "docs/env.md" - "Supported providers": - "Standalone provider": "providers/standalone.md" - "GitHub provider": "providers/github.md" - "GitLab provider": "providers/gitlab.md" - "Other information": - "Changelog": "changelog.md" plugins: [] markdown_extensions: - meta theme: name: null custom_dir: theme extra: color: "#00695c" navbar: "Source code": https://github.com/pietroalbini/fisher "Report an issue": https://github.com/pietroalbini/fisher/issues/new docs_dir: src site_dir: build