## How to compile and run the examples 1. Create a Lambda function called _RuntimeTest_ in AWS with a custom runtime and no code. 2. Compile all examples ``` cargo build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --examples ``` 3. Prepare the package for the example you want to test, e.g. ``` cp ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/examples/hello ./bootstrap && zip lambda.zip bootstrap && rm bootstrap ``` 4. Upload the package to AWS Lambda ``` aws lambda update-function-code --region us-east-1 --function-name RuntimeTest --zip-file fileb://lambda.zip ``` _Feel free to replace the names and IDs with your own values._ ## basic.rs **Deployment**: ```bash cp ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/examples/basic ./bootstrap && zip lambda.zip bootstrap && rm bootstrap aws lambda update-function-code --region us-east-1 --function-name RuntimeTest --zip-file fileb://lambda.zip ``` **Test event JSON (success)**: ```json { "command": "do something" } ``` Sample response: ```json { "msg": "Command do something executed.", "req_id": "67a038e4-dc19-4adf-aa32-5ba09312c6ca" } ``` **Test event JSON (error)**: ```json { "foo": "do something" } ``` Sample response: ```json { "errorType": "Runtime.ExitError", "errorMessage": "RequestId: 586366df-f271-4e6e-9c30-b3dcab30f4e8 Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 1" } ``` The runtime could not deserialize our invalid input, but it did not give a detailed explanation why the error occurred in the response. More details appear in the CloudWatch log: ``` START RequestId: 6e667f61-c5d4-4b07-a60f-cd1ab339c35f Version: $LATEST Error: Error("missing field `command`", line: 1, column: 22) END RequestId: 6e667f61-c5d4-4b07-a60f-cd1ab339c35f REPORT RequestId: 6e667f61-c5d4-4b07-a60f-cd1ab339c35f Duration: 36.34 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 10 MB RequestId: 6e667f61-c5d4-4b07-a60f-cd1ab339c35f Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 1 Runtime.ExitError ``` See _error-handling.rs_ example for more error handling options. **Deployment**: ```bash cp ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/examples/macro ./bootstrap && zip lambda.zip bootstrap && rm bootstrap aws lambda update-function-code --region us-east-1 --function-name RuntimeTest --zip-file fileb://lambda.zip ``` **Test event JSON**: ```json { "foo": "bar" } ``` Sample response: ```json { "foo": "bar" } ``` ## error-handling.rs Errors are logged by the runtime only if `log` is initialized by the handler. These examples use `simple_logger`, but you can use any other provider that works with `log`. ``` simple_logger::init_with_level(log::Level::Debug)?; ``` **Deployment**: ```bash cp ./target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/examples/error-handling ./bootstrap && zip lambda.zip bootstrap && rm bootstrap aws lambda update-function-code --region us-east-1 --function-name RuntimeTest --zip-file fileb://lambda.zip ``` The following input/output examples correspond to different `match` arms in the handler of `error-handling.rs`. #### Invalid event JSON Test input: ```json { "event_type": "WrongType" } ``` Lambda output: ``` { "errorType": "alloc::boxed::Box", "errorMessage": "unknown variant `WrongType`, expected one of `Response`, `ExternalError`, `SimpleError`, `CustomError`" } ``` CloudWatch records: ``` START RequestId: b98e07c6-e2ba-4ca6-9968-d0b94729ddba Version: $LATEST 2020-07-21 04:28:52,630 ERROR [lambda] unknown variant `WrongType`, expected one of `Response`, `ExternalError`, `SimpleError`, `CustomError` END RequestId: b98e07c6-e2ba-4ca6-9968-d0b94729ddba REPORT RequestId: b98e07c6-e2ba-4ca6-9968-d0b94729ddba Duration: 2.06 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 28 MB Init Duration: 33.67 ms ``` #### A simple text-only error Test event JSON: ```json { "event_type": "SimpleError" } ``` Lambda output: ``` { "errorType": "alloc::boxed::Box", "errorMessage": "A simple error as requested!" } ``` CloudWatch records: ``` START RequestId: 77c66dbf-bd60-4f77-8453-682d0bceba91 Version: $LATEST 2020-07-21 04:35:28,044 ERROR [lambda] A simple error as requested! END RequestId: 77c66dbf-bd60-4f77-8453-682d0bceba91 REPORT RequestId: 77c66dbf-bd60-4f77-8453-682d0bceba91 Duration: 0.98 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 28 MB ``` #### A custom error with JSON output for Display trait Test event JSON: ```json { "event_type": "CustomError" } ``` Lambda output: ``` { "errorType": "alloc::boxed::Box", "errorMessage": "{\"is_authenticated\":false,\"msg\":\"A custom error as requested!\",\"req_id\":\"b46b0588-1383-4224-bc7a-42b0d61930c1\"}" } ``` CloudWatch records: ``` START RequestId: b46b0588-1383-4224-bc7a-42b0d61930c1 Version: $LATEST 2020-07-21 04:39:00,133 ERROR [lambda] {"is_authenticated":false,"msg":"A custom error as requested!","req_id":"b46b0588-1383-4224-bc7a-42b0d61930c1"} END RequestId: b46b0588-1383-4224-bc7a-42b0d61930c1 REPORT RequestId: b46b0588-1383-4224-bc7a-42b0d61930c1 Duration: 0.91 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 29 MB ``` #### A 3rd party error from _std::fs::File::open_ Test event JSON: ```json { "event_type": "ExternalError" } ``` Lambda output: ``` { "errorType": "alloc::boxed::Box", "errorMessage": "No such file or directory (os error 2)" } ``` CloudWatch records: ``` START RequestId: 893d24e5-cb79-4f6f-bae0-36304c62e9da Version: $LATEST 2020-07-21 04:43:56,254 ERROR [lambda] No such file or directory (os error 2) END RequestId: 893d24e5-cb79-4f6f-bae0-36304c62e9da REPORT RequestId: 893d24e5-cb79-4f6f-bae0-36304c62e9da Duration: 1.15 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 29 MB ``` #### Handler panic Test event JSON: ```json { "event_type": "Panic" } ``` Lambda output: ``` { "errorType": "Runtime.ExitError", "errorMessage": "RequestId: 2d579019-07f7-409a-a6e6-af7725253307 Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 101" } ``` CloudWatch records: ``` START RequestId: 2d579019-07f7-409a-a6e6-af7725253307 Version: $LATEST thread 'main' panicked at 'explicit panic', lambda/examples/error-handling.rs:87:13 note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace END RequestId: 2d579019-07f7-409a-a6e6-af7725253307 REPORT RequestId: 2d579019-07f7-409a-a6e6-af7725253307 Duration: 43.40 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 27 MB Init Duration: 23.15 ms RequestId: 2d579019-07f7-409a-a6e6-af7725253307 Error: Runtime exited with error: exit status 101 Runtime.ExitError ``` #### A response to a successful Lambda execution Test event JSON: ```json { "event_type": "Response" } ``` Lambda output: ``` { "msg": "OK", "req_id": "9752a3ad-6566-44e4-aafd-74db1fd4f361" } ``` CloudWatch records: ``` START RequestId: 9752a3ad-6566-44e4-aafd-74db1fd4f361 Version: $LATEST END RequestId: 9752a3ad-6566-44e4-aafd-74db1fd4f361 REPORT RequestId: 9752a3ad-6566-44e4-aafd-74db1fd4f361 Duration: 0.89 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 29 MB ```