- [x] Automatic update check - [x] Deal with complex commands (e.g. env var specification included: `FOO=bar command -arg`) - Quick suggestions without re-running commands: - Via terminal emulator/multiplexer API - [x] tmux - [x] kitty - [x] Get only the last command output with shell integration. - [x] WezTerm - [x] iTerm2 - [x] Zellij - [x] Apple Terminal.app - [ ] Recognize OSC 133 escape sequences. This will help to determine command output boundaries. - Shell support - [x] bash - [x] zsh - [x] fish - [x] Powershell - Automated testing - [ ] Integration tests supported shells (headless) - [x] bash - [x] fish - [x] zsh - [ ] Powershell - [ ] Integration tests for supported emulators/multiplexers. - [x] tmux - [ ] Zellij - [ ] Terminal.app - [ ] Wezterm - [ ] kitty - [ ] Optional removal of a failed command from history. - Packaging - [x] Homebrew - [x] AUR - [x] deb - [ ] rpm - [ ] NixOS - anything else