# FlagSet
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`HashSet` only implements the normal set. `HashSet` can not represent its complementary set when the complementary set is an infinite set.
`FlagSet` implemented as a tuple of a `HashSet` and a `bool` value. When the `bool` value is true, `FlagSet` represents the `HashSet` . When the `bool` value is true, `FlagSet` represents the the complementary set of `HashSet` .
As with the [`HashSet`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/collections/struct.HashSet.html) type, a `FlagSet` requires that the elements implement the [`Eq`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/cmp/trait.Eq.html) and [`Hash`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/hash/trait.Hash.html) traits. In addition to operations of `FlagSet`, the elements also implement the [`Clone`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/clone/trait.Clone.html) trait.
`FlagSet` also defines five kinds of operations of sets based on [`Binary Operations`](http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr18/#Resolving_Character_Ranges_with_Strings).
A ∪B -> A + B
A ∩ B -> A & B
A - B -> A - B
A Xor B -> A ^ B
CuA -> !A
# Examples
use std::collections::HashSet;
use flag_set::FlagSet;
let a: HashSet<_> = vec![1, 2, 3].into_iter().collect();
let b: HashSet<_> = vec![2, 3, 4].into_iter().collect();
let flag_ap = FlagSet(a.clone(), true);
let flag_an = FlagSet(a.clone(), false);
let flag_bp = FlagSet(b.clone(), true);
let flag_bn = FlagSet(b.clone(), false);
// 用new方法创建实例
// use new method create an instance
assert_eq!(flag_bn, FlagSet::new(vec![2, 3, 4], false));
// 测试并
// test union
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4], true), flag_ap.clone() + flag_bp.clone());
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![4], false), flag_ap.clone() + flag_bn.clone());
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![1], false), flag_an.clone() + flag_bp.clone());
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![2, 3], false), flag_an.clone() + flag_bn.clone());
// 测试交
// test intersection
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![2, 3], true), flag_ap.clone() & flag_bp.clone());
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![1], true), flag_ap.clone() & flag_bn.clone());
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![4], true), flag_an.clone() & flag_bp.clone());
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4], false), flag_an.clone() & flag_bn.clone());
// 测试减
// test substraction
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![1], true), flag_ap.clone() - flag_bp.clone());
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![2, 3], true), flag_ap.clone() - flag_bn.clone());
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4], false), flag_an.clone() - flag_bp.clone());
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![4], true), flag_an.clone() - flag_bn.clone());
// 测试否
// test not
assert_eq!(FlagSet(a.clone(), true), !flag_an.clone());
// 测试对称差
// test symmetric difference
assert_eq!(FlagSet::new(vec![1, 4], true), flag_ap.clone() ^ flag_bp.clone());