# Flappy Space A lil' 2D game about a UFO and asteroids inspired by Flappy Bird. Written with [Bevy](https://bevyengine.org) in [Rust](https://rust-lang.org). ## Gameplay Press the spacebar to jump. Dodge the asteroids. That's it. Yippie. ## Setup I used the [bevy_embedded_assets](https://github.com/vleue/bevy_embedded_assets) plugin so that you don't need to download the assets folder alongside the executable. However you would need to download the icon because I implemented it through winit and not Bevy, since there is no official implementation for that yet. But I think it's not too tragic. ## Assets - font: [Pixelify Sans](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Pixelify+Sans) - sprites: my own (feel free to use them) - inspired by ["ASTEROID" by greenretroman](http://greenretroman.itch.io/asteroids) - sounds: [Sci-Fi Sounds](https://kenney.nl/assets/sci-fi-sounds) and [Interface Sounds](https://kenney.nl/assets/interface-sounds) by [Kenney.nl](https://kenney.nl)