[![Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.](https://www.repostatus.org/badges/latest/active.svg)](https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/User65k/flash_rust_ws)](./LICENSE) ![GitHub Workflow Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/User65k/flash_rust_ws/rust.yml) A Webserver written in Rust. Build on the speedy [Hyper](https://hyper.rs/). # Usage ## Installation [Install cargo](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install) and then: `cargo install flash_rust_ws` (stable) `cargo install --git https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws.git` (hottest kind of hot) ## Running Create a config file and execute the binary :relaxed: See the [Wiki](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki) for some help with the config file. You will need at least a single [Host](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki/virtual-host) containing a [Mount Path](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki/mount-path). Minimal Example: ```toml ["example.com"] ip = "" dir = "/var/www/" ``` Let's Encrypt Example: ```toml ["example.com"] ip = "[::]:443" validate_server_name = true dir = "/var/www/" tls.host.ACME = {uri="https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory",cache_dir=".",contact=["mailto:admin@example.com"]} ``` # Goals - Easy configuration and safe defaults - Light Footprint - Speed # Functions - [x] [Virtual Hosts](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki/virtual-host) - [x] ["Mount Points"](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki/mount-path) to serve files from - [x] [FastCGI](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki/FCGI) - [x] [HTTPS](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki/TLS) - [x] Cert per vHost / SNI - [x] Cert per Keytype (EC, ED, RSA) - [x] ACME-TLS - [x] HTTP2 - [x] [WebDAV](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki/webdav) - [ ] Reverse-Proxy - [x] [Websocket](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki/websocket) - [x] Customizable [Logging](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki/logging) - [x] to [journald](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki/systemd#journal) - [ ] to Windows Event Log? - [ ] Security - [x] [HTTP user auth](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki/authentication): Digest - (MD5 because FireFox, but better that nothing) - [x] [Systemd Socket Activation](https://github.com/User65k/flash_rust_ws/wiki/systemd#socket-activation) - [ ] DoS protection - [x] Don't be affected by Sloloris - [ ] limit connection count ? - [ ] rate ? - [ ] min speed ? - [x] no default files - [ ] no DAV without users? - [x] no folder listings (except DAV) - [x] recomended http headers by default - [x] no path traversals :-) - [x] only use filters based on allowed values - [ ] only https ? - [x] avoid BEAST and CRIME - [x] only follow symlinks if told so - [ ] SCGI