#使用Rust实现FlatBuffers 需要手动遍历序列化的实例的每个字段,但是序列化需要更大空间 类型暂时仅支持 String, bool, Vec, Struct, 可以相互嵌套 直接定位解析数据位置,速度更快 #Structure - flatbuffer - Define the structure of the FlatBuffers. - flatbuffer_var - Define some types in FlatBuffers. - flatbuffer_helper - Realize the transform between primitive type and FlatBufferVar - flatbuffer_builder - Create a FlatBuffer instance, add fields to FlatBuffer - flatbuffer_handler - Get the filed which you want in bytes - flatbuffer_manager - Save primitive struct infomation #Future to do Convert primitive type to **Vec** faster ? Add more primitive type #Issue How to make Type **V** convert to **Vec** if **V** is **Vec<_>** ?