/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // This is a sandbox for modeling C++17 code generator. // C++17 code generator: "flatc --cpp-std c++17". // Warning: // This is an experimental feature and could change at any time. #include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h" #include "flatbuffers/flex_flat_util.h" #include "flatbuffers/flexbuffers.h" #include "flatbuffers/idl.h" #include "flatbuffers/minireflect.h" #include "flatbuffers/registry.h" #include "flatbuffers/util.h" #include "stringify_util.h" #include "test_assert.h" // Embed generated code into an isolated namespace. namespace cpp17 { #include "generated_cpp17/monster_test_generated.h" #include "generated_cpp17/optional_scalars_generated.h" #include "generated_cpp17/union_vector_generated.h" } // namespace cpp17 namespace cpp11 { #include "../monster_test_generated.h" #include "../optional_scalars_generated.h" } // namespace cpp11 using ::cpp17::MyGame::Example::Monster; using ::cpp17::MyGame::Example::Vec3; /******************************************************************************* ** Build some FB objects. *******************************************************************************/ namespace { const Monster *BuildMonster(flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder &fbb) { using ::cpp17::MyGame::Example::Color; using ::cpp17::MyGame::Example::MonsterBuilder; using ::cpp17::MyGame::Example::Test; auto name = fbb.CreateString("my_monster"); auto inventory = fbb.CreateVector(std::vector{ 4, 5, 6, 7 }); MonsterBuilder builder(fbb); auto vec3 = Vec3{ /*x=*/1.1f, /*y=*/2.2f, /*z=*/3.3f, /*test1=*/6.6, /*test2=*/Color::Green, /*test3=*/ Test( /*a=*/11, /*b=*/90) }; builder.add_pos(&vec3); builder.add_name(name); builder.add_mana(1); builder.add_hp(2); builder.add_testbool(true); builder.add_testhashs32_fnv1(4); builder.add_testhashu32_fnv1(5); builder.add_testhashs64_fnv1(6); builder.add_testhashu64_fnv1(7); builder.add_testhashs32_fnv1a(8); builder.add_testhashu32_fnv1a(9); builder.add_testhashs64_fnv1a(10); builder.add_testhashu64_fnv1a(11); builder.add_testf(12.1f); builder.add_testf2(13.1f); builder.add_testf3(14.1f); builder.add_single_weak_reference(15); builder.add_co_owning_reference(16); builder.add_non_owning_reference(17); builder.add_inventory(inventory); fbb.Finish(builder.Finish()); const Monster *monster = flatbuffers::GetRoot(fbb.GetBufferPointer()); return monster; } /******************************************************************************* ** Test Case: Static Field Reflection Traits for Table & Structs. *******************************************************************************/ // This test tests & demonstrates the power of the static reflection. Using it, // we can given any Flatbuffer type to a generic function and it will be able to // produce is full recursive string representation of it. // // This test covers all types: primitive types, structs, tables, Vectors, etc. // void StringifyAnyFlatbuffersTypeTest() { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; // We are using a Monster here, but we could have used any type, because the // code that follows is totally generic! const auto *monster = BuildMonster(fbb); std::string expected = R"(MyGame.Example.Monster{ pos = MyGame.Example.Vec3{ x = 1.1 y = 2.2 z = 3.3 test1 = 6.6 test2 = 2 test3 = MyGame.Example.Test{ a = 11 b = 90 } } mana = 1 hp = 2 name = "my_monster" inventory = [ 4, 5, 6, 7 ] color = 8 test_type = 0 testbool = 1 testhashs32_fnv1 = 4 testhashu32_fnv1 = 5 testhashs64_fnv1 = 6 testhashu64_fnv1 = 7 testhashs32_fnv1a = 8 testhashu32_fnv1a = 9 testhashs64_fnv1a = 10 testhashu64_fnv1a = 11 testf = 12.1 testf2 = 13.1 testf3 = 14.1 single_weak_reference = 15 co_owning_reference = 16 non_owning_reference = 17 any_unique_type = 0 any_ambiguous_type = 0 signed_enum = -1 long_enum_non_enum_default = 0 long_enum_normal_default = 2 nan_default = nan inf_default = inf positive_inf_default = inf infinity_default = inf positive_infinity_default = inf negative_inf_default = -inf negative_infinity_default = -inf double_inf_default = inf })"; // Call a generic function that has no specific knowledge of the flatbuffer we // are passing in; it should use only static reflection to produce a string // representations of the field names and values recursively. We give it an // initial indentation so that the result can be compared with our raw string // above, which we wanted to indent so that it will look nicer in this code. // // A note about JSON: as can be seen from the string above, this produces a // JSON-like notation, but we are not using any of Flatbuffers' JSON infra to // produce this! It is produced entirely using compile-time reflection, and // thus does not require any runtime access to the *.fbs definition files! std::optional result = cpp17::StringifyFlatbufferValue(*monster, /*indent=*/" "); TEST_ASSERT(result.has_value()); TEST_EQ_STR(expected.c_str(), result->c_str()); } /******************************************************************************* ** Test Traits::FieldType *******************************************************************************/ using pos_type = Monster::Traits::FieldType<0>; static_assert(std::is_same_v); using mana_type = Monster::Traits::FieldType<1>; static_assert(std::is_same_v); using name_type = Monster::Traits::FieldType<3>; static_assert(std::is_same_v); /******************************************************************************* ** Generic Create Function Test. *******************************************************************************/ void CreateTableByTypeTest() { flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder builder; // We will create an object of this type using only the type. using type_to_create_t = cpp17::MyGame::Example::Stat; [&builder] { auto id_str = builder.CreateString("my_id"); auto table = type_to_create_t::Traits::Create(builder, id_str, 42, 7); // Be sure that the correct return type was inferred. static_assert( std::is_same_v>); builder.Finish(table); }(); // Access it. auto stat = flatbuffers::GetRoot(builder.GetBufferPointer()); TEST_EQ_STR(stat->id()->c_str(), "my_id"); TEST_EQ(stat->val(), 42); TEST_EQ(stat->count(), 7); } void OptionalScalarsTest() { static_assert( std::is_same, std::optional>::value); static_assert(std::is_same::value); // test C++ nullable flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder fbb; FinishScalarStuffBuffer(fbb, cpp17::optional_scalars::CreateScalarStuff( fbb, 1, static_cast(2))); auto opts = cpp17::optional_scalars::GetMutableScalarStuff(fbb.GetBufferPointer()); TEST_ASSERT(!opts->maybe_bool()); TEST_ASSERT(!opts->maybe_f32().has_value()); TEST_ASSERT(opts->maybe_i8().has_value()); TEST_EQ(opts->maybe_i8().value(), 2); TEST_ASSERT(opts->mutate_maybe_i8(3)); TEST_ASSERT(opts->maybe_i8().has_value()); TEST_EQ(opts->maybe_i8().value(), 3); TEST_ASSERT(!opts->mutate_maybe_i16(-10)); cpp17::optional_scalars::ScalarStuffT obj; opts->UnPackTo(&obj); TEST_ASSERT(!obj.maybe_bool); TEST_ASSERT(!obj.maybe_f32.has_value()); TEST_ASSERT(obj.maybe_i8.has_value() && obj.maybe_i8.value() == 3); TEST_ASSERT(obj.maybe_i8 && *obj.maybe_i8 == 3); obj.maybe_i32 = -1; fbb.Clear(); FinishScalarStuffBuffer( fbb, cpp17::optional_scalars::ScalarStuff::Pack(fbb, &obj)); opts = cpp17::optional_scalars::GetMutableScalarStuff(fbb.GetBufferPointer()); TEST_ASSERT(opts->maybe_i8().has_value()); TEST_EQ(opts->maybe_i8().value(), 3); TEST_ASSERT(opts->maybe_i32().has_value()); TEST_EQ(opts->maybe_i32().value(), -1); TEST_EQ(std::optional(opts->maybe_i32()).value(), -1); TEST_EQ(std::optional(opts->maybe_i32()).value(), -1); TEST_ASSERT(opts->maybe_i32() == std::optional(-1)); } int FlatBufferCpp17Tests() { CreateTableByTypeTest(); OptionalScalarsTest(); StringifyAnyFlatbuffersTypeTest(); return 0; } } // namespace int main(int /*argc*/, const char * /*argv*/[]) { InitTestEngine(); FlatBufferCpp17Tests(); if (!testing_fails) { TEST_OUTPUT_LINE("C++17: ALL TESTS PASSED"); } else { TEST_OUTPUT_LINE("C++17: %d FAILED TESTS", testing_fails); } return CloseTestEngine(); }