-- automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify -- namespace: NamespaceA local flatbuffers = require('flatbuffers') local SecondTableInA = {} -- the module local SecondTableInA_mt = {} -- the class metatable function SecondTableInA.New() local o = {} setmetatable(o, {__index = SecondTableInA_mt}) return o end function SecondTableInA.GetRootAsSecondTableInA(buf, offset) if type(buf) == "string" then buf = flatbuffers.binaryArray.New(buf) end local n = flatbuffers.N.UOffsetT:Unpack(buf, offset) local o = SecondTableInA.New() o:Init(buf, n + offset) return o end function SecondTableInA_mt:Init(buf, pos) self.view = flatbuffers.view.New(buf, pos) end function SecondTableInA_mt:ReferToC() local o = self.view:Offset(4) if o ~= 0 then local x = self.view:Indirect(o + self.view.pos) local obj = require('NamespaceC.TableInC').New() obj:Init(self.view.bytes, x) return obj end end function SecondTableInA.Start(builder) builder:StartObject(1) end function SecondTableInA.AddReferToC(builder, referToC) builder:PrependUOffsetTRelativeSlot(0, referToC, 0) end function SecondTableInA.End(builder) return builder:EndObject() end return SecondTableInA -- return the module