load("@aspect_rules_js//js:defs.bzl", "js_test") load("//:typescript.bzl", "flatbuffer_ts_library") package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:private"]) flatbuffer_ts_library( name = "typescript_ts_fbs", srcs = ["typescript_keywords.fbs"], deps = [ "//tests/ts/test_dir:include_ts_fbs", "//tests/ts/test_dir:typescript_transitive_ts_fbs", ], ) TEST_DATA = glob([ "my-game/*.js", "my-game/example/*.js", "my-game/example2/*.js", ]) TEST_UNION_VECTOR_DATA = glob([ "union_vector/*.js", ]) TEST_COMPLEX_ARRAYS_DATA = glob([ "arrays_test_complex/**/*.js", ]) # Here we're running the tests against the checked-in generated files. These # are kept up-to-date with a CI-based mechanism. The intent of running these # tests here via bazel is not to validate that they're up-to-date. Instead, we # just want to make it easy to run these tests while making other changes. For # example, this is useful when making changes to the rules_js setup to validate # that the basic infrastructure is still working. [js_test( name = "%s_test" % test, chdir = package_name(), data = data + [ "package.json", "//:node_modules/flatbuffers", "//tests:test_data_copied_to_bin", ], entry_point = "%s.js" % test, ) for test, data in ( ("JavaScriptTest", TEST_DATA), ("JavaScriptUnionVectorTest", TEST_UNION_VECTOR_DATA), # TODO(philsc): Figure out how to run this test with flexbuffers available. # At the moment the flexbuffer library is not exposed as a bazel target. #("JavaScriptFlexBuffersTest", TBD_DATA) ("JavaScriptComplexArraysTest", TEST_COMPLEX_ARRAYS_DATA), )] sh_test( name = "bazel_repository_test", srcs = ["bazel_repository_test.sh"], data = [ "//:distribution", "@bazel_linux_x86_64//file", ] + glob( [ "bazel_repository_test_dir/**/*", ], exclude = [ "bazel_repository_test_dir/bazel-*/**", ], ), tags = [ # Since we have bazel downloading external repositories inside this # test, we need to give it access to the internet. "requires-network", ], # We only have x86_64 Linux bazel exposed so restrict the test to that. target_compatible_with = [ "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", "@platforms//os:linux", ], deps = ["@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles"], )