"use strict"; var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // monster_test.ts var monster_test_exports = {}; __export(monster_test_exports, { MyGame: () => my_game_exports, TableA: () => TableA, TableAT: () => TableAT }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(monster_test_exports); // table-a.js var flatbuffers2 = __toESM(require("flatbuffers"), 1); // my-game/other-name-space/table-b.js var flatbuffers = __toESM(require("flatbuffers"), 1); var TableB = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } static getRootAsTableB(bb, obj) { return (obj || new TableB()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsTableB(bb, obj) { bb.setPosition(bb.position() + flatbuffers.SIZE_PREFIX_LENGTH); return (obj || new TableB()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } a(obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? (obj || new TableA()).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb) : null; } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.OtherNameSpace.TableB"; } static startTableB(builder) { builder.startObject(1); } static addA(builder, aOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(0, aOffset, 0); } static endTableB(builder) { const offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; } static createTableB(builder, aOffset) { TableB.startTableB(builder); TableB.addA(builder, aOffset); return TableB.endTableB(builder); } serialize() { return this.bb.bytes(); } static deserialize(buffer) { return TableB.getRootAsTableB(new flatbuffers.ByteBuffer(buffer)); } unpack() { return new TableBT(this.a() !== null ? this.a().unpack() : null); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.a = this.a() !== null ? this.a().unpack() : null; } }; var TableBT = class { constructor(a = null) { this.a = a; } pack(builder) { const a = this.a !== null ? this.a.pack(builder) : 0; return TableB.createTableB(builder, a); } }; // table-a.js var TableA = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } static getRootAsTableA(bb, obj) { return (obj || new TableA()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsTableA(bb, obj) { bb.setPosition(bb.position() + flatbuffers2.SIZE_PREFIX_LENGTH); return (obj || new TableA()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } b(obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? (obj || new TableB()).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb) : null; } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "TableA"; } static startTableA(builder) { builder.startObject(1); } static addB(builder, bOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(0, bOffset, 0); } static endTableA(builder) { const offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; } static createTableA(builder, bOffset) { TableA.startTableA(builder); TableA.addB(builder, bOffset); return TableA.endTableA(builder); } serialize() { return this.bb.bytes(); } static deserialize(buffer) { return TableA.getRootAsTableA(new flatbuffers2.ByteBuffer(buffer)); } unpack() { return new TableAT(this.b() !== null ? this.b().unpack() : null); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.b = this.b() !== null ? this.b().unpack() : null; } }; var TableAT = class { constructor(b = null) { this.b = b; } pack(builder) { const b = this.b !== null ? this.b.pack(builder) : 0; return TableA.createTableA(builder, b); } }; // my-game.js var my_game_exports = {}; __export(my_game_exports, { Example: () => example_exports, Example2: () => example2_exports, InParentNamespace: () => InParentNamespace, InParentNamespaceT: () => InParentNamespaceT, OtherNameSpace: () => other_name_space_exports }); // my-game/in-parent-namespace.js var flatbuffers3 = __toESM(require("flatbuffers"), 1); var InParentNamespace = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } static getRootAsInParentNamespace(bb, obj) { return (obj || new InParentNamespace()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsInParentNamespace(bb, obj) { bb.setPosition(bb.position() + flatbuffers3.SIZE_PREFIX_LENGTH); return (obj || new InParentNamespace()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.InParentNamespace"; } static startInParentNamespace(builder) { builder.startObject(0); } static endInParentNamespace(builder) { const offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; } static createInParentNamespace(builder) { InParentNamespace.startInParentNamespace(builder); return InParentNamespace.endInParentNamespace(builder); } serialize() { return this.bb.bytes(); } static deserialize(buffer) { return InParentNamespace.getRootAsInParentNamespace(new flatbuffers3.ByteBuffer(buffer)); } unpack() { return new InParentNamespaceT(); } unpackTo(_o) { } }; var InParentNamespaceT = class { constructor() { } pack(builder) { return InParentNamespace.createInParentNamespace(builder); } }; // my-game/example.js var example_exports = {}; __export(example_exports, { Ability: () => Ability, AbilityT: () => AbilityT, Any: () => Any, AnyAmbiguousAliases: () => AnyAmbiguousAliases, AnyUniqueAliases: () => AnyUniqueAliases, Color: () => Color, LongEnum: () => LongEnum, Monster: () => Monster2, MonsterT: () => MonsterT2, Race: () => Race, Referrable: () => Referrable, ReferrableT: () => ReferrableT, Stat: () => Stat, StatT: () => StatT, StructOfStructs: () => StructOfStructs, StructOfStructsOfStructs: () => StructOfStructsOfStructs, StructOfStructsOfStructsT: () => StructOfStructsOfStructsT, StructOfStructsT: () => StructOfStructsT, Test: () => Test, TestSimpleTableWithEnum: () => TestSimpleTableWithEnum, TestSimpleTableWithEnumT: () => TestSimpleTableWithEnumT, TestT: () => TestT, TypeAliases: () => TypeAliases, TypeAliasesT: () => TypeAliasesT, Vec3: () => Vec3, Vec3T: () => Vec3T }); // my-game/example/ability.js var Ability = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } id() { return this.bb.readUint32(this.bb_pos); } mutate_id(value) { this.bb.writeUint32(this.bb_pos + 0, value); return true; } distance() { return this.bb.readUint32(this.bb_pos + 4); } mutate_distance(value) { this.bb.writeUint32(this.bb_pos + 4, value); return true; } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.Example.Ability"; } static sizeOf() { return 8; } static createAbility(builder, id, distance) { builder.prep(4, 8); builder.writeInt32(distance); builder.writeInt32(id); return builder.offset(); } unpack() { return new AbilityT(this.id(), this.distance()); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.id = this.id(); _o.distance = this.distance(); } }; var AbilityT = class { constructor(id = 0, distance = 0) { this.id = id; this.distance = distance; } pack(builder) { return Ability.createAbility(builder, this.id, this.distance); } }; // my-game/example2/monster.js var flatbuffers4 = __toESM(require("flatbuffers"), 1); var Monster = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } static getRootAsMonster(bb, obj) { return (obj || new Monster()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsMonster(bb, obj) { bb.setPosition(bb.position() + flatbuffers4.SIZE_PREFIX_LENGTH); return (obj || new Monster()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.Example2.Monster"; } static startMonster(builder) { builder.startObject(0); } static endMonster(builder) { const offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; } static createMonster(builder) { Monster.startMonster(builder); return Monster.endMonster(builder); } serialize() { return this.bb.bytes(); } static deserialize(buffer) { return Monster.getRootAsMonster(new flatbuffers4.ByteBuffer(buffer)); } unpack() { return new MonsterT(); } unpackTo(_o) { } }; var MonsterT = class { constructor() { } pack(builder) { return Monster.createMonster(builder); } }; // my-game/example/monster.js var flatbuffers8 = __toESM(require("flatbuffers"), 1); // my-game/example/any-ambiguous-aliases.js var AnyAmbiguousAliases; (function(AnyAmbiguousAliases2) { AnyAmbiguousAliases2[AnyAmbiguousAliases2["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; AnyAmbiguousAliases2[AnyAmbiguousAliases2["M1"] = 1] = "M1"; AnyAmbiguousAliases2[AnyAmbiguousAliases2["M2"] = 2] = "M2"; AnyAmbiguousAliases2[AnyAmbiguousAliases2["M3"] = 3] = "M3"; })(AnyAmbiguousAliases = AnyAmbiguousAliases || (AnyAmbiguousAliases = {})); function unionToAnyAmbiguousAliases(type, accessor) { switch (AnyAmbiguousAliases[type]) { case "NONE": return null; case "M1": return accessor(new Monster2()); case "M2": return accessor(new Monster2()); case "M3": return accessor(new Monster2()); default: return null; } } // my-game/example/test-simple-table-with-enum.js var flatbuffers5 = __toESM(require("flatbuffers"), 1); // my-game/example/color.js var Color; (function(Color2) { Color2[Color2["Red"] = 1] = "Red"; Color2[Color2["Green"] = 2] = "Green"; Color2[Color2["Blue"] = 8] = "Blue"; })(Color = Color || (Color = {})); // my-game/example/test-simple-table-with-enum.js var TestSimpleTableWithEnum = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } static getRootAsTestSimpleTableWithEnum(bb, obj) { return (obj || new TestSimpleTableWithEnum()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsTestSimpleTableWithEnum(bb, obj) { bb.setPosition(bb.position() + flatbuffers5.SIZE_PREFIX_LENGTH); return (obj || new TestSimpleTableWithEnum()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } color() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb_pos + offset) : Color.Green; } mutate_color(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint8(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.Example.TestSimpleTableWithEnum"; } static startTestSimpleTableWithEnum(builder) { builder.startObject(1); } static addColor(builder, color) { builder.addFieldInt8(0, color, Color.Green); } static endTestSimpleTableWithEnum(builder) { const offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; } static createTestSimpleTableWithEnum(builder, color) { TestSimpleTableWithEnum.startTestSimpleTableWithEnum(builder); TestSimpleTableWithEnum.addColor(builder, color); return TestSimpleTableWithEnum.endTestSimpleTableWithEnum(builder); } serialize() { return this.bb.bytes(); } static deserialize(buffer) { return TestSimpleTableWithEnum.getRootAsTestSimpleTableWithEnum(new flatbuffers5.ByteBuffer(buffer)); } unpack() { return new TestSimpleTableWithEnumT(this.color()); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.color = this.color(); } }; var TestSimpleTableWithEnumT = class { constructor(color = Color.Green) { this.color = color; } pack(builder) { return TestSimpleTableWithEnum.createTestSimpleTableWithEnum(builder, this.color); } }; // my-game/example/any-unique-aliases.js var AnyUniqueAliases; (function(AnyUniqueAliases2) { AnyUniqueAliases2[AnyUniqueAliases2["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; AnyUniqueAliases2[AnyUniqueAliases2["M"] = 1] = "M"; AnyUniqueAliases2[AnyUniqueAliases2["TS"] = 2] = "TS"; AnyUniqueAliases2[AnyUniqueAliases2["M2"] = 3] = "M2"; })(AnyUniqueAliases = AnyUniqueAliases || (AnyUniqueAliases = {})); function unionToAnyUniqueAliases(type, accessor) { switch (AnyUniqueAliases[type]) { case "NONE": return null; case "M": return accessor(new Monster2()); case "TS": return accessor(new TestSimpleTableWithEnum()); case "M2": return accessor(new Monster()); default: return null; } } // my-game/example/race.js var Race; (function(Race2) { Race2[Race2["None"] = -1] = "None"; Race2[Race2["Human"] = 0] = "Human"; Race2[Race2["Dwarf"] = 1] = "Dwarf"; Race2[Race2["Elf"] = 2] = "Elf"; })(Race = Race || (Race = {})); // my-game/example/referrable.js var flatbuffers6 = __toESM(require("flatbuffers"), 1); var Referrable = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } static getRootAsReferrable(bb, obj) { return (obj || new Referrable()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsReferrable(bb, obj) { bb.setPosition(bb.position() + flatbuffers6.SIZE_PREFIX_LENGTH); return (obj || new Referrable()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } id() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? this.bb.readUint64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("0"); } mutate_id(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.Example.Referrable"; } static startReferrable(builder) { builder.startObject(1); } static addId(builder, id) { builder.addFieldInt64(0, id, BigInt("0")); } static endReferrable(builder) { const offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; } static createReferrable(builder, id) { Referrable.startReferrable(builder); Referrable.addId(builder, id); return Referrable.endReferrable(builder); } serialize() { return this.bb.bytes(); } static deserialize(buffer) { return Referrable.getRootAsReferrable(new flatbuffers6.ByteBuffer(buffer)); } unpack() { return new ReferrableT(this.id()); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.id = this.id(); } }; var ReferrableT = class { constructor(id = BigInt("0")) { this.id = id; } pack(builder) { return Referrable.createReferrable(builder, this.id); } }; // my-game/example/stat.js var flatbuffers7 = __toESM(require("flatbuffers"), 1); var Stat = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } static getRootAsStat(bb, obj) { return (obj || new Stat()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsStat(bb, obj) { bb.setPosition(bb.position() + flatbuffers7.SIZE_PREFIX_LENGTH); return (obj || new Stat()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } id(optionalEncoding) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? this.bb.__string(this.bb_pos + offset, optionalEncoding) : null; } val() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("0"); } mutate_val(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } count() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return offset ? this.bb.readUint16(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_count(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint16(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.Example.Stat"; } static startStat(builder) { builder.startObject(3); } static addId(builder, idOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(0, idOffset, 0); } static addVal(builder, val) { builder.addFieldInt64(1, val, BigInt("0")); } static addCount(builder, count) { builder.addFieldInt16(2, count, 0); } static endStat(builder) { const offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; } static createStat(builder, idOffset, val, count) { Stat.startStat(builder); Stat.addId(builder, idOffset); Stat.addVal(builder, val); Stat.addCount(builder, count); return Stat.endStat(builder); } serialize() { return this.bb.bytes(); } static deserialize(buffer) { return Stat.getRootAsStat(new flatbuffers7.ByteBuffer(buffer)); } unpack() { return new StatT(this.id(), this.val(), this.count()); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.id = this.id(); _o.val = this.val(); _o.count = this.count(); } }; var StatT = class { constructor(id = null, val = BigInt("0"), count = 0) { this.id = id; this.val = val; this.count = count; } pack(builder) { const id = this.id !== null ? builder.createString(this.id) : 0; return Stat.createStat(builder, id, this.val, this.count); } }; // my-game/example/test.js var Test = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } a() { return this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos); } mutate_a(value) { this.bb.writeInt16(this.bb_pos + 0, value); return true; } b() { return this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + 2); } mutate_b(value) { this.bb.writeInt8(this.bb_pos + 2, value); return true; } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.Example.Test"; } static sizeOf() { return 4; } static createTest(builder, a, b) { builder.prep(2, 4); builder.pad(1); builder.writeInt8(b); builder.writeInt16(a); return builder.offset(); } unpack() { return new TestT(this.a(), this.b()); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.a = this.a(); _o.b = this.b(); } }; var TestT = class { constructor(a = 0, b = 0) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } pack(builder) { return Test.createTest(builder, this.a, this.b); } }; // my-game/example/vec3.js var Vec3 = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } x() { return this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos); } mutate_x(value) { this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + 0, value); return true; } y() { return this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + 4); } mutate_y(value) { this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + 4, value); return true; } z() { return this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + 8); } mutate_z(value) { this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + 8, value); return true; } test1() { return this.bb.readFloat64(this.bb_pos + 16); } mutate_test1(value) { this.bb.writeFloat64(this.bb_pos + 16, value); return true; } test2() { return this.bb.readUint8(this.bb_pos + 24); } mutate_test2(value) { this.bb.writeUint8(this.bb_pos + 24, value); return true; } test3(obj) { return (obj || new Test()).__init(this.bb_pos + 26, this.bb); } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.Example.Vec3"; } static sizeOf() { return 32; } static createVec3(builder, x, y, z, test1, test2, test3_a, test3_b) { builder.prep(8, 32); builder.pad(2); builder.prep(2, 4); builder.pad(1); builder.writeInt8(test3_b); builder.writeInt16(test3_a); builder.pad(1); builder.writeInt8(test2); builder.writeFloat64(test1); builder.pad(4); builder.writeFloat32(z); builder.writeFloat32(y); builder.writeFloat32(x); return builder.offset(); } unpack() { return new Vec3T(this.x(), this.y(), this.z(), this.test1(), this.test2(), this.test3() !== null ? this.test3().unpack() : null); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.x = this.x(); _o.y = this.y(); _o.z = this.z(); _o.test1 = this.test1(); _o.test2 = this.test2(); _o.test3 = this.test3() !== null ? this.test3().unpack() : null; } }; var Vec3T = class { constructor(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, test1 = 0, test2 = Color.Red, test3 = null) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.test1 = test1; this.test2 = test2; this.test3 = test3; } pack(builder) { return Vec3.createVec3(builder, this.x, this.y, this.z, this.test1, this.test2, this.test3?.a ?? 0, this.test3?.b ?? 0); } }; // my-game/example/monster.js var Monster2 = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } static getRootAsMonster(bb, obj) { return (obj || new Monster2()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsMonster(bb, obj) { bb.setPosition(bb.position() + flatbuffers8.SIZE_PREFIX_LENGTH); return (obj || new Monster2()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static bufferHasIdentifier(bb) { return bb.__has_identifier("MONS"); } pos(obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? (obj || new Vec3()).__init(this.bb_pos + offset, this.bb) : null; } mana() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return offset ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset) : 150; } mutate_mana(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt16(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } hp() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return offset ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset) : 100; } mutate_hp(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt16(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } name(optionalEncoding) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return offset ? this.bb.__string(this.bb_pos + offset, optionalEncoding) : null; } inventory(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 14); return offset ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index) : 0; } inventoryLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 14); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } inventoryArray() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 14); return offset ? new Uint8Array(this.bb.bytes().buffer, this.bb.bytes().byteOffset + this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset)) : null; } color() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 16); return offset ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb_pos + offset) : Color.Blue; } mutate_color(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 16); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint8(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testType() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 18); return offset ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb_pos + offset) : Any.NONE; } test(obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 20); return offset ? this.bb.__union(obj, this.bb_pos + offset) : null; } test4(index, obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 22); return offset ? (obj || new Test()).__init(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4, this.bb) : null; } test4Length() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 22); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } testarrayofstring(index, optionalEncoding) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 24); return offset ? this.bb.__string(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4, optionalEncoding) : null; } testarrayofstringLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 24); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } /** * an example documentation comment: this will end up in the generated code * multiline too */ testarrayoftables(index, obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 26); return offset ? (obj || new Monster2()).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4), this.bb) : null; } testarrayoftablesLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 26); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } enemy(obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 28); return offset ? (obj || new Monster2()).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb) : null; } testnestedflatbuffer(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 30); return offset ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index) : 0; } testnestedflatbufferLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 30); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } testnestedflatbufferArray() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 30); return offset ? new Uint8Array(this.bb.bytes().buffer, this.bb.bytes().byteOffset + this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset)) : null; } testempty(obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 32); return offset ? (obj || new Stat()).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb) : null; } testbool() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 34); return offset ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset) : false; } mutate_testbool(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 34); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt8(this.bb_pos + offset, +value); return true; } testhashs32Fnv1() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 36); return offset ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_testhashs32_fnv1(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 36); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testhashu32Fnv1() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 38); return offset ? this.bb.readUint32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_testhashu32_fnv1(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 38); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testhashs64Fnv1() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 40); return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("0"); } mutate_testhashs64_fnv1(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 40); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testhashu64Fnv1() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 42); return offset ? this.bb.readUint64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("0"); } mutate_testhashu64_fnv1(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 42); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testhashs32Fnv1a() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 44); return offset ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_testhashs32_fnv1a(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 44); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testhashu32Fnv1a() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 46); return offset ? this.bb.readUint32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_testhashu32_fnv1a(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 46); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testhashs64Fnv1a() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 48); return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("0"); } mutate_testhashs64_fnv1a(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 48); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testhashu64Fnv1a() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 50); return offset ? this.bb.readUint64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("0"); } mutate_testhashu64_fnv1a(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 50); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testarrayofbools(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 52); return offset ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index) : false; } testarrayofboolsLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 52); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } testarrayofboolsArray() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 52); return offset ? new Int8Array(this.bb.bytes().buffer, this.bb.bytes().byteOffset + this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset)) : null; } testf() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 54); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 3.14159; } mutate_testf(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 54); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testf2() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 56); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 3; } mutate_testf2(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 56); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testf3() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 58); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_testf3(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 58); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testarrayofstring2(index, optionalEncoding) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 60); return offset ? this.bb.__string(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4, optionalEncoding) : null; } testarrayofstring2Length() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 60); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } testarrayofsortedstruct(index, obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 62); return offset ? (obj || new Ability()).__init(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 8, this.bb) : null; } testarrayofsortedstructLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 62); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } flex(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 64); return offset ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index) : 0; } flexLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 64); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } flexArray() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 64); return offset ? new Uint8Array(this.bb.bytes().buffer, this.bb.bytes().byteOffset + this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset)) : null; } test5(index, obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 66); return offset ? (obj || new Test()).__init(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4, this.bb) : null; } test5Length() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 66); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } vectorOfLongs(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 68); return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 8) : BigInt(0); } vectorOfLongsLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 68); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } vectorOfDoubles(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 70); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat64(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 8) : 0; } vectorOfDoublesLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 70); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } vectorOfDoublesArray() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 70); return offset ? new Float64Array(this.bb.bytes().buffer, this.bb.bytes().byteOffset + this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset)) : null; } parentNamespaceTest(obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 72); return offset ? (obj || new InParentNamespace()).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb) : null; } vectorOfReferrables(index, obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 74); return offset ? (obj || new Referrable()).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4), this.bb) : null; } vectorOfReferrablesLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 74); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } singleWeakReference() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 76); return offset ? this.bb.readUint64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("0"); } mutate_single_weak_reference(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 76); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } vectorOfWeakReferences(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 78); return offset ? this.bb.readUint64(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 8) : BigInt(0); } vectorOfWeakReferencesLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 78); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } vectorOfStrongReferrables(index, obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 80); return offset ? (obj || new Referrable()).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4), this.bb) : null; } vectorOfStrongReferrablesLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 80); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } coOwningReference() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 82); return offset ? this.bb.readUint64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("0"); } mutate_co_owning_reference(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 82); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } vectorOfCoOwningReferences(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 84); return offset ? this.bb.readUint64(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 8) : BigInt(0); } vectorOfCoOwningReferencesLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 84); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } nonOwningReference() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 86); return offset ? this.bb.readUint64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("0"); } mutate_non_owning_reference(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 86); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } vectorOfNonOwningReferences(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 88); return offset ? this.bb.readUint64(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 8) : BigInt(0); } vectorOfNonOwningReferencesLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 88); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } anyUniqueType() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 90); return offset ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb_pos + offset) : AnyUniqueAliases.NONE; } anyUnique(obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 92); return offset ? this.bb.__union(obj, this.bb_pos + offset) : null; } anyAmbiguousType() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 94); return offset ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb_pos + offset) : AnyAmbiguousAliases.NONE; } anyAmbiguous(obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 96); return offset ? this.bb.__union(obj, this.bb_pos + offset) : null; } vectorOfEnums(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 98); return offset ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index) : 0; } vectorOfEnumsLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 98); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } vectorOfEnumsArray() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 98); return offset ? new Uint8Array(this.bb.bytes().buffer, this.bb.bytes().byteOffset + this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset)) : null; } signedEnum() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 100); return offset ? this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset) : Race.None; } mutate_signed_enum(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 100); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt8(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } testrequirednestedflatbuffer(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 102); return offset ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index) : 0; } testrequirednestedflatbufferLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 102); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } testrequirednestedflatbufferArray() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 102); return offset ? new Uint8Array(this.bb.bytes().buffer, this.bb.bytes().byteOffset + this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset)) : null; } scalarKeySortedTables(index, obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 104); return offset ? (obj || new Stat()).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 4), this.bb) : null; } scalarKeySortedTablesLength() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 104); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } nativeInline(obj) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 106); return offset ? (obj || new Test()).__init(this.bb_pos + offset, this.bb) : null; } longEnumNonEnumDefault() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 108); return offset ? this.bb.readUint64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("0"); } mutate_long_enum_non_enum_default(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 108); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } longEnumNormalDefault() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 110); return offset ? this.bb.readUint64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("2"); } mutate_long_enum_normal_default(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 110); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } nanDefault() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 112); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset) : NaN; } mutate_nan_default(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 112); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } infDefault() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 114); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset) : Infinity; } mutate_inf_default(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 114); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } positiveInfDefault() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 116); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset) : Infinity; } mutate_positive_inf_default(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 116); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } infinityDefault() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 118); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset) : Infinity; } mutate_infinity_default(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 118); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } positiveInfinityDefault() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 120); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset) : Infinity; } mutate_positive_infinity_default(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 120); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } negativeInfDefault() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 122); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset) : -Infinity; } mutate_negative_inf_default(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 122); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } negativeInfinityDefault() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 124); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset) : -Infinity; } mutate_negative_infinity_default(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 124); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } doubleInfDefault() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 126); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat64(this.bb_pos + offset) : Infinity; } mutate_double_inf_default(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 126); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.Example.Monster"; } static startMonster(builder) { builder.startObject(62); } static addPos(builder, posOffset) { builder.addFieldStruct(0, posOffset, 0); } static addMana(builder, mana) { builder.addFieldInt16(1, mana, 150); } static addHp(builder, hp) { builder.addFieldInt16(2, hp, 100); } static addName(builder, nameOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(3, nameOffset, 0); } static addInventory(builder, inventoryOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(5, inventoryOffset, 0); } static createInventoryVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(1, data.length, 1); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt8(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startInventoryVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(1, numElems, 1); } static addColor(builder, color) { builder.addFieldInt8(6, color, Color.Blue); } static addTestType(builder, testType) { builder.addFieldInt8(7, testType, Any.NONE); } static addTest(builder, testOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(8, testOffset, 0); } static addTest4(builder, test4Offset) { builder.addFieldOffset(9, test4Offset, 0); } static startTest4Vector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 2); } static addTestarrayofstring(builder, testarrayofstringOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(10, testarrayofstringOffset, 0); } static createTestarrayofstringVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addOffset(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startTestarrayofstringVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4); } static addTestarrayoftables(builder, testarrayoftablesOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(11, testarrayoftablesOffset, 0); } static createTestarrayoftablesVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addOffset(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startTestarrayoftablesVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4); } static addEnemy(builder, enemyOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(12, enemyOffset, 0); } static addTestnestedflatbuffer(builder, testnestedflatbufferOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(13, testnestedflatbufferOffset, 0); } static createTestnestedflatbufferVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(1, data.length, 1); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt8(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startTestnestedflatbufferVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(1, numElems, 1); } static addTestempty(builder, testemptyOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(14, testemptyOffset, 0); } static addTestbool(builder, testbool) { builder.addFieldInt8(15, +testbool, 0); } static addTesthashs32Fnv1(builder, testhashs32Fnv1) { builder.addFieldInt32(16, testhashs32Fnv1, 0); } static addTesthashu32Fnv1(builder, testhashu32Fnv1) { builder.addFieldInt32(17, testhashu32Fnv1, 0); } static addTesthashs64Fnv1(builder, testhashs64Fnv1) { builder.addFieldInt64(18, testhashs64Fnv1, BigInt("0")); } static addTesthashu64Fnv1(builder, testhashu64Fnv1) { builder.addFieldInt64(19, testhashu64Fnv1, BigInt("0")); } static addTesthashs32Fnv1a(builder, testhashs32Fnv1a) { builder.addFieldInt32(20, testhashs32Fnv1a, 0); } static addTesthashu32Fnv1a(builder, testhashu32Fnv1a) { builder.addFieldInt32(21, testhashu32Fnv1a, 0); } static addTesthashs64Fnv1a(builder, testhashs64Fnv1a) { builder.addFieldInt64(22, testhashs64Fnv1a, BigInt("0")); } static addTesthashu64Fnv1a(builder, testhashu64Fnv1a) { builder.addFieldInt64(23, testhashu64Fnv1a, BigInt("0")); } static addTestarrayofbools(builder, testarrayofboolsOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(24, testarrayofboolsOffset, 0); } static createTestarrayofboolsVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(1, data.length, 1); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt8(+data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startTestarrayofboolsVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(1, numElems, 1); } static addTestf(builder, testf) { builder.addFieldFloat32(25, testf, 3.14159); } static addTestf2(builder, testf2) { builder.addFieldFloat32(26, testf2, 3); } static addTestf3(builder, testf3) { builder.addFieldFloat32(27, testf3, 0); } static addTestarrayofstring2(builder, testarrayofstring2Offset) { builder.addFieldOffset(28, testarrayofstring2Offset, 0); } static createTestarrayofstring2Vector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addOffset(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startTestarrayofstring2Vector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4); } static addTestarrayofsortedstruct(builder, testarrayofsortedstructOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(29, testarrayofsortedstructOffset, 0); } static startTestarrayofsortedstructVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(8, numElems, 4); } static addFlex(builder, flexOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(30, flexOffset, 0); } static createFlexVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(1, data.length, 1); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt8(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startFlexVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(1, numElems, 1); } static addTest5(builder, test5Offset) { builder.addFieldOffset(31, test5Offset, 0); } static startTest5Vector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 2); } static addVectorOfLongs(builder, vectorOfLongsOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(32, vectorOfLongsOffset, 0); } static createVectorOfLongsVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(8, data.length, 8); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt64(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startVectorOfLongsVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(8, numElems, 8); } static addVectorOfDoubles(builder, vectorOfDoublesOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(33, vectorOfDoublesOffset, 0); } static createVectorOfDoublesVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(8, data.length, 8); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addFloat64(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startVectorOfDoublesVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(8, numElems, 8); } static addParentNamespaceTest(builder, parentNamespaceTestOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(34, parentNamespaceTestOffset, 0); } static addVectorOfReferrables(builder, vectorOfReferrablesOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(35, vectorOfReferrablesOffset, 0); } static createVectorOfReferrablesVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addOffset(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startVectorOfReferrablesVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4); } static addSingleWeakReference(builder, singleWeakReference) { builder.addFieldInt64(36, singleWeakReference, BigInt("0")); } static addVectorOfWeakReferences(builder, vectorOfWeakReferencesOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(37, vectorOfWeakReferencesOffset, 0); } static createVectorOfWeakReferencesVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(8, data.length, 8); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt64(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startVectorOfWeakReferencesVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(8, numElems, 8); } static addVectorOfStrongReferrables(builder, vectorOfStrongReferrablesOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(38, vectorOfStrongReferrablesOffset, 0); } static createVectorOfStrongReferrablesVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addOffset(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startVectorOfStrongReferrablesVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4); } static addCoOwningReference(builder, coOwningReference) { builder.addFieldInt64(39, coOwningReference, BigInt("0")); } static addVectorOfCoOwningReferences(builder, vectorOfCoOwningReferencesOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(40, vectorOfCoOwningReferencesOffset, 0); } static createVectorOfCoOwningReferencesVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(8, data.length, 8); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt64(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startVectorOfCoOwningReferencesVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(8, numElems, 8); } static addNonOwningReference(builder, nonOwningReference) { builder.addFieldInt64(41, nonOwningReference, BigInt("0")); } static addVectorOfNonOwningReferences(builder, vectorOfNonOwningReferencesOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(42, vectorOfNonOwningReferencesOffset, 0); } static createVectorOfNonOwningReferencesVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(8, data.length, 8); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt64(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startVectorOfNonOwningReferencesVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(8, numElems, 8); } static addAnyUniqueType(builder, anyUniqueType) { builder.addFieldInt8(43, anyUniqueType, AnyUniqueAliases.NONE); } static addAnyUnique(builder, anyUniqueOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(44, anyUniqueOffset, 0); } static addAnyAmbiguousType(builder, anyAmbiguousType) { builder.addFieldInt8(45, anyAmbiguousType, AnyAmbiguousAliases.NONE); } static addAnyAmbiguous(builder, anyAmbiguousOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(46, anyAmbiguousOffset, 0); } static addVectorOfEnums(builder, vectorOfEnumsOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(47, vectorOfEnumsOffset, 0); } static createVectorOfEnumsVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(1, data.length, 1); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt8(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startVectorOfEnumsVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(1, numElems, 1); } static addSignedEnum(builder, signedEnum) { builder.addFieldInt8(48, signedEnum, Race.None); } static addTestrequirednestedflatbuffer(builder, testrequirednestedflatbufferOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(49, testrequirednestedflatbufferOffset, 0); } static createTestrequirednestedflatbufferVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(1, data.length, 1); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt8(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startTestrequirednestedflatbufferVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(1, numElems, 1); } static addScalarKeySortedTables(builder, scalarKeySortedTablesOffset) { builder.addFieldOffset(50, scalarKeySortedTablesOffset, 0); } static createScalarKeySortedTablesVector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(4, data.length, 4); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addOffset(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startScalarKeySortedTablesVector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(4, numElems, 4); } static addNativeInline(builder, nativeInlineOffset) { builder.addFieldStruct(51, nativeInlineOffset, 0); } static addLongEnumNonEnumDefault(builder, longEnumNonEnumDefault) { builder.addFieldInt64(52, longEnumNonEnumDefault, BigInt("0")); } static addLongEnumNormalDefault(builder, longEnumNormalDefault) { builder.addFieldInt64(53, longEnumNormalDefault, BigInt("2")); } static addNanDefault(builder, nanDefault) { builder.addFieldFloat32(54, nanDefault, NaN); } static addInfDefault(builder, infDefault) { builder.addFieldFloat32(55, infDefault, Infinity); } static addPositiveInfDefault(builder, positiveInfDefault) { builder.addFieldFloat32(56, positiveInfDefault, Infinity); } static addInfinityDefault(builder, infinityDefault) { builder.addFieldFloat32(57, infinityDefault, Infinity); } static addPositiveInfinityDefault(builder, positiveInfinityDefault) { builder.addFieldFloat32(58, positiveInfinityDefault, Infinity); } static addNegativeInfDefault(builder, negativeInfDefault) { builder.addFieldFloat32(59, negativeInfDefault, -Infinity); } static addNegativeInfinityDefault(builder, negativeInfinityDefault) { builder.addFieldFloat32(60, negativeInfinityDefault, -Infinity); } static addDoubleInfDefault(builder, doubleInfDefault) { builder.addFieldFloat64(61, doubleInfDefault, Infinity); } static endMonster(builder) { const offset = builder.endObject(); builder.requiredField(offset, 10); return offset; } static finishMonsterBuffer(builder, offset) { builder.finish(offset, "MONS"); } static finishSizePrefixedMonsterBuffer(builder, offset) { builder.finish(offset, "MONS", true); } serialize() { return this.bb.bytes(); } static deserialize(buffer) { return Monster2.getRootAsMonster(new flatbuffers8.ByteBuffer(buffer)); } unpack() { return new MonsterT2(this.pos() !== null ? this.pos().unpack() : null, this.mana(), this.hp(), this.name(), this.bb.createScalarList(this.inventory.bind(this), this.inventoryLength()), this.color(), this.testType(), (() => { const temp = unionToAny(this.testType(), this.test.bind(this)); if (temp === null) { return null; } return temp.unpack(); })(), this.bb.createObjList(this.test4.bind(this), this.test4Length()), this.bb.createScalarList(this.testarrayofstring.bind(this), this.testarrayofstringLength()), this.bb.createObjList(this.testarrayoftables.bind(this), this.testarrayoftablesLength()), this.enemy() !== null ? this.enemy().unpack() : null, this.bb.createScalarList(this.testnestedflatbuffer.bind(this), this.testnestedflatbufferLength()), this.testempty() !== null ? this.testempty().unpack() : null, this.testbool(), this.testhashs32Fnv1(), this.testhashu32Fnv1(), this.testhashs64Fnv1(), this.testhashu64Fnv1(), this.testhashs32Fnv1a(), this.testhashu32Fnv1a(), this.testhashs64Fnv1a(), this.testhashu64Fnv1a(), this.bb.createScalarList(this.testarrayofbools.bind(this), this.testarrayofboolsLength()), this.testf(), this.testf2(), this.testf3(), this.bb.createScalarList(this.testarrayofstring2.bind(this), this.testarrayofstring2Length()), this.bb.createObjList(this.testarrayofsortedstruct.bind(this), this.testarrayofsortedstructLength()), this.bb.createScalarList(this.flex.bind(this), this.flexLength()), this.bb.createObjList(this.test5.bind(this), this.test5Length()), this.bb.createScalarList(this.vectorOfLongs.bind(this), this.vectorOfLongsLength()), this.bb.createScalarList(this.vectorOfDoubles.bind(this), this.vectorOfDoublesLength()), this.parentNamespaceTest() !== null ? this.parentNamespaceTest().unpack() : null, this.bb.createObjList(this.vectorOfReferrables.bind(this), this.vectorOfReferrablesLength()), this.singleWeakReference(), this.bb.createScalarList(this.vectorOfWeakReferences.bind(this), this.vectorOfWeakReferencesLength()), this.bb.createObjList(this.vectorOfStrongReferrables.bind(this), this.vectorOfStrongReferrablesLength()), this.coOwningReference(), this.bb.createScalarList(this.vectorOfCoOwningReferences.bind(this), this.vectorOfCoOwningReferencesLength()), this.nonOwningReference(), this.bb.createScalarList(this.vectorOfNonOwningReferences.bind(this), this.vectorOfNonOwningReferencesLength()), this.anyUniqueType(), (() => { const temp = unionToAnyUniqueAliases(this.anyUniqueType(), this.anyUnique.bind(this)); if (temp === null) { return null; } return temp.unpack(); })(), this.anyAmbiguousType(), (() => { const temp = unionToAnyAmbiguousAliases(this.anyAmbiguousType(), this.anyAmbiguous.bind(this)); if (temp === null) { return null; } return temp.unpack(); })(), this.bb.createScalarList(this.vectorOfEnums.bind(this), this.vectorOfEnumsLength()), this.signedEnum(), this.bb.createScalarList(this.testrequirednestedflatbuffer.bind(this), this.testrequirednestedflatbufferLength()), this.bb.createObjList(this.scalarKeySortedTables.bind(this), this.scalarKeySortedTablesLength()), this.nativeInline() !== null ? this.nativeInline().unpack() : null, this.longEnumNonEnumDefault(), this.longEnumNormalDefault(), this.nanDefault(), this.infDefault(), this.positiveInfDefault(), this.infinityDefault(), this.positiveInfinityDefault(), this.negativeInfDefault(), this.negativeInfinityDefault(), this.doubleInfDefault()); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.pos = this.pos() !== null ? this.pos().unpack() : null; _o.mana = this.mana(); _o.hp = this.hp(); _o.name = this.name(); _o.inventory = this.bb.createScalarList(this.inventory.bind(this), this.inventoryLength()); _o.color = this.color(); _o.testType = this.testType(); _o.test = (() => { const temp = unionToAny(this.testType(), this.test.bind(this)); if (temp === null) { return null; } return temp.unpack(); })(); _o.test4 = this.bb.createObjList(this.test4.bind(this), this.test4Length()); _o.testarrayofstring = this.bb.createScalarList(this.testarrayofstring.bind(this), this.testarrayofstringLength()); _o.testarrayoftables = this.bb.createObjList(this.testarrayoftables.bind(this), this.testarrayoftablesLength()); _o.enemy = this.enemy() !== null ? this.enemy().unpack() : null; _o.testnestedflatbuffer = this.bb.createScalarList(this.testnestedflatbuffer.bind(this), this.testnestedflatbufferLength()); _o.testempty = this.testempty() !== null ? this.testempty().unpack() : null; _o.testbool = this.testbool(); _o.testhashs32Fnv1 = this.testhashs32Fnv1(); _o.testhashu32Fnv1 = this.testhashu32Fnv1(); _o.testhashs64Fnv1 = this.testhashs64Fnv1(); _o.testhashu64Fnv1 = this.testhashu64Fnv1(); _o.testhashs32Fnv1a = this.testhashs32Fnv1a(); _o.testhashu32Fnv1a = this.testhashu32Fnv1a(); _o.testhashs64Fnv1a = this.testhashs64Fnv1a(); _o.testhashu64Fnv1a = this.testhashu64Fnv1a(); _o.testarrayofbools = this.bb.createScalarList(this.testarrayofbools.bind(this), this.testarrayofboolsLength()); _o.testf = this.testf(); _o.testf2 = this.testf2(); _o.testf3 = this.testf3(); _o.testarrayofstring2 = this.bb.createScalarList(this.testarrayofstring2.bind(this), this.testarrayofstring2Length()); _o.testarrayofsortedstruct = this.bb.createObjList(this.testarrayofsortedstruct.bind(this), this.testarrayofsortedstructLength()); _o.flex = this.bb.createScalarList(this.flex.bind(this), this.flexLength()); _o.test5 = this.bb.createObjList(this.test5.bind(this), this.test5Length()); _o.vectorOfLongs = this.bb.createScalarList(this.vectorOfLongs.bind(this), this.vectorOfLongsLength()); _o.vectorOfDoubles = this.bb.createScalarList(this.vectorOfDoubles.bind(this), this.vectorOfDoublesLength()); _o.parentNamespaceTest = this.parentNamespaceTest() !== null ? this.parentNamespaceTest().unpack() : null; _o.vectorOfReferrables = this.bb.createObjList(this.vectorOfReferrables.bind(this), this.vectorOfReferrablesLength()); _o.singleWeakReference = this.singleWeakReference(); _o.vectorOfWeakReferences = this.bb.createScalarList(this.vectorOfWeakReferences.bind(this), this.vectorOfWeakReferencesLength()); _o.vectorOfStrongReferrables = this.bb.createObjList(this.vectorOfStrongReferrables.bind(this), this.vectorOfStrongReferrablesLength()); _o.coOwningReference = this.coOwningReference(); _o.vectorOfCoOwningReferences = this.bb.createScalarList(this.vectorOfCoOwningReferences.bind(this), this.vectorOfCoOwningReferencesLength()); _o.nonOwningReference = this.nonOwningReference(); _o.vectorOfNonOwningReferences = this.bb.createScalarList(this.vectorOfNonOwningReferences.bind(this), this.vectorOfNonOwningReferencesLength()); _o.anyUniqueType = this.anyUniqueType(); _o.anyUnique = (() => { const temp = unionToAnyUniqueAliases(this.anyUniqueType(), this.anyUnique.bind(this)); if (temp === null) { return null; } return temp.unpack(); })(); _o.anyAmbiguousType = this.anyAmbiguousType(); _o.anyAmbiguous = (() => { const temp = unionToAnyAmbiguousAliases(this.anyAmbiguousType(), this.anyAmbiguous.bind(this)); if (temp === null) { return null; } return temp.unpack(); })(); _o.vectorOfEnums = this.bb.createScalarList(this.vectorOfEnums.bind(this), this.vectorOfEnumsLength()); _o.signedEnum = this.signedEnum(); _o.testrequirednestedflatbuffer = this.bb.createScalarList(this.testrequirednestedflatbuffer.bind(this), this.testrequirednestedflatbufferLength()); _o.scalarKeySortedTables = this.bb.createObjList(this.scalarKeySortedTables.bind(this), this.scalarKeySortedTablesLength()); _o.nativeInline = this.nativeInline() !== null ? this.nativeInline().unpack() : null; _o.longEnumNonEnumDefault = this.longEnumNonEnumDefault(); _o.longEnumNormalDefault = this.longEnumNormalDefault(); _o.nanDefault = this.nanDefault(); _o.infDefault = this.infDefault(); _o.positiveInfDefault = this.positiveInfDefault(); _o.infinityDefault = this.infinityDefault(); _o.positiveInfinityDefault = this.positiveInfinityDefault(); _o.negativeInfDefault = this.negativeInfDefault(); _o.negativeInfinityDefault = this.negativeInfinityDefault(); _o.doubleInfDefault = this.doubleInfDefault(); } }; var MonsterT2 = class { constructor(pos = null, mana = 150, hp = 100, name = null, inventory = [], color = Color.Blue, testType = Any.NONE, test = null, test4 = [], testarrayofstring = [], testarrayoftables = [], enemy = null, testnestedflatbuffer = [], testempty = null, testbool = false, testhashs32Fnv1 = 0, testhashu32Fnv1 = 0, testhashs64Fnv1 = BigInt("0"), testhashu64Fnv1 = BigInt("0"), testhashs32Fnv1a = 0, testhashu32Fnv1a = 0, testhashs64Fnv1a = BigInt("0"), testhashu64Fnv1a = BigInt("0"), testarrayofbools = [], testf = 3.14159, testf2 = 3, testf3 = 0, testarrayofstring2 = [], testarrayofsortedstruct = [], flex = [], test5 = [], vectorOfLongs = [], vectorOfDoubles = [], parentNamespaceTest = null, vectorOfReferrables = [], singleWeakReference = BigInt("0"), vectorOfWeakReferences = [], vectorOfStrongReferrables = [], coOwningReference = BigInt("0"), vectorOfCoOwningReferences = [], nonOwningReference = BigInt("0"), vectorOfNonOwningReferences = [], anyUniqueType = AnyUniqueAliases.NONE, anyUnique = null, anyAmbiguousType = AnyAmbiguousAliases.NONE, anyAmbiguous = null, vectorOfEnums = [], signedEnum = Race.None, testrequirednestedflatbuffer = [], scalarKeySortedTables = [], nativeInline = null, longEnumNonEnumDefault = BigInt("0"), longEnumNormalDefault = BigInt("2"), nanDefault = NaN, infDefault = Infinity, positiveInfDefault = Infinity, infinityDefault = Infinity, positiveInfinityDefault = Infinity, negativeInfDefault = -Infinity, negativeInfinityDefault = -Infinity, doubleInfDefault = Infinity) { this.pos = pos; this.mana = mana; this.hp = hp; this.name = name; this.inventory = inventory; this.color = color; this.testType = testType; this.test = test; this.test4 = test4; this.testarrayofstring = testarrayofstring; this.testarrayoftables = testarrayoftables; this.enemy = enemy; this.testnestedflatbuffer = testnestedflatbuffer; this.testempty = testempty; this.testbool = testbool; this.testhashs32Fnv1 = testhashs32Fnv1; this.testhashu32Fnv1 = testhashu32Fnv1; this.testhashs64Fnv1 = testhashs64Fnv1; this.testhashu64Fnv1 = testhashu64Fnv1; this.testhashs32Fnv1a = testhashs32Fnv1a; this.testhashu32Fnv1a = testhashu32Fnv1a; this.testhashs64Fnv1a = testhashs64Fnv1a; this.testhashu64Fnv1a = testhashu64Fnv1a; this.testarrayofbools = testarrayofbools; this.testf = testf; this.testf2 = testf2; this.testf3 = testf3; this.testarrayofstring2 = testarrayofstring2; this.testarrayofsortedstruct = testarrayofsortedstruct; this.flex = flex; this.test5 = test5; this.vectorOfLongs = vectorOfLongs; this.vectorOfDoubles = vectorOfDoubles; this.parentNamespaceTest = parentNamespaceTest; this.vectorOfReferrables = vectorOfReferrables; this.singleWeakReference = singleWeakReference; this.vectorOfWeakReferences = vectorOfWeakReferences; this.vectorOfStrongReferrables = vectorOfStrongReferrables; this.coOwningReference = coOwningReference; this.vectorOfCoOwningReferences = vectorOfCoOwningReferences; this.nonOwningReference = nonOwningReference; this.vectorOfNonOwningReferences = vectorOfNonOwningReferences; this.anyUniqueType = anyUniqueType; this.anyUnique = anyUnique; this.anyAmbiguousType = anyAmbiguousType; this.anyAmbiguous = anyAmbiguous; this.vectorOfEnums = vectorOfEnums; this.signedEnum = signedEnum; this.testrequirednestedflatbuffer = testrequirednestedflatbuffer; this.scalarKeySortedTables = scalarKeySortedTables; this.nativeInline = nativeInline; this.longEnumNonEnumDefault = longEnumNonEnumDefault; this.longEnumNormalDefault = longEnumNormalDefault; this.nanDefault = nanDefault; this.infDefault = infDefault; this.positiveInfDefault = positiveInfDefault; this.infinityDefault = infinityDefault; this.positiveInfinityDefault = positiveInfinityDefault; this.negativeInfDefault = negativeInfDefault; this.negativeInfinityDefault = negativeInfinityDefault; this.doubleInfDefault = doubleInfDefault; } pack(builder) { const name = this.name !== null ? builder.createString(this.name) : 0; const inventory = Monster2.createInventoryVector(builder, this.inventory); const test = builder.createObjectOffset(this.test); const test4 = builder.createStructOffsetList(this.test4, Monster2.startTest4Vector); const testarrayofstring = Monster2.createTestarrayofstringVector(builder, builder.createObjectOffsetList(this.testarrayofstring)); const testarrayoftables = Monster2.createTestarrayoftablesVector(builder, builder.createObjectOffsetList(this.testarrayoftables)); const enemy = this.enemy !== null ? this.enemy.pack(builder) : 0; const testnestedflatbuffer = Monster2.createTestnestedflatbufferVector(builder, this.testnestedflatbuffer); const testempty = this.testempty !== null ? this.testempty.pack(builder) : 0; const testarrayofbools = Monster2.createTestarrayofboolsVector(builder, this.testarrayofbools); const testarrayofstring2 = Monster2.createTestarrayofstring2Vector(builder, builder.createObjectOffsetList(this.testarrayofstring2)); const testarrayofsortedstruct = builder.createStructOffsetList(this.testarrayofsortedstruct, Monster2.startTestarrayofsortedstructVector); const flex = Monster2.createFlexVector(builder, this.flex); const test5 = builder.createStructOffsetList(this.test5, Monster2.startTest5Vector); const vectorOfLongs = Monster2.createVectorOfLongsVector(builder, this.vectorOfLongs); const vectorOfDoubles = Monster2.createVectorOfDoublesVector(builder, this.vectorOfDoubles); const parentNamespaceTest = this.parentNamespaceTest !== null ? this.parentNamespaceTest.pack(builder) : 0; const vectorOfReferrables = Monster2.createVectorOfReferrablesVector(builder, builder.createObjectOffsetList(this.vectorOfReferrables)); const vectorOfWeakReferences = Monster2.createVectorOfWeakReferencesVector(builder, this.vectorOfWeakReferences); const vectorOfStrongReferrables = Monster2.createVectorOfStrongReferrablesVector(builder, builder.createObjectOffsetList(this.vectorOfStrongReferrables)); const vectorOfCoOwningReferences = Monster2.createVectorOfCoOwningReferencesVector(builder, this.vectorOfCoOwningReferences); const vectorOfNonOwningReferences = Monster2.createVectorOfNonOwningReferencesVector(builder, this.vectorOfNonOwningReferences); const anyUnique = builder.createObjectOffset(this.anyUnique); const anyAmbiguous = builder.createObjectOffset(this.anyAmbiguous); const vectorOfEnums = Monster2.createVectorOfEnumsVector(builder, this.vectorOfEnums); const testrequirednestedflatbuffer = Monster2.createTestrequirednestedflatbufferVector(builder, this.testrequirednestedflatbuffer); const scalarKeySortedTables = Monster2.createScalarKeySortedTablesVector(builder, builder.createObjectOffsetList(this.scalarKeySortedTables)); Monster2.startMonster(builder); Monster2.addPos(builder, this.pos !== null ? this.pos.pack(builder) : 0); Monster2.addMana(builder, this.mana); Monster2.addHp(builder, this.hp); Monster2.addName(builder, name); Monster2.addInventory(builder, inventory); Monster2.addColor(builder, this.color); Monster2.addTestType(builder, this.testType); Monster2.addTest(builder, test); Monster2.addTest4(builder, test4); Monster2.addTestarrayofstring(builder, testarrayofstring); Monster2.addTestarrayoftables(builder, testarrayoftables); Monster2.addEnemy(builder, enemy); Monster2.addTestnestedflatbuffer(builder, testnestedflatbuffer); Monster2.addTestempty(builder, testempty); Monster2.addTestbool(builder, this.testbool); Monster2.addTesthashs32Fnv1(builder, this.testhashs32Fnv1); Monster2.addTesthashu32Fnv1(builder, this.testhashu32Fnv1); Monster2.addTesthashs64Fnv1(builder, this.testhashs64Fnv1); Monster2.addTesthashu64Fnv1(builder, this.testhashu64Fnv1); Monster2.addTesthashs32Fnv1a(builder, this.testhashs32Fnv1a); Monster2.addTesthashu32Fnv1a(builder, this.testhashu32Fnv1a); Monster2.addTesthashs64Fnv1a(builder, this.testhashs64Fnv1a); Monster2.addTesthashu64Fnv1a(builder, this.testhashu64Fnv1a); Monster2.addTestarrayofbools(builder, testarrayofbools); Monster2.addTestf(builder, this.testf); Monster2.addTestf2(builder, this.testf2); Monster2.addTestf3(builder, this.testf3); Monster2.addTestarrayofstring2(builder, testarrayofstring2); Monster2.addTestarrayofsortedstruct(builder, testarrayofsortedstruct); Monster2.addFlex(builder, flex); Monster2.addTest5(builder, test5); Monster2.addVectorOfLongs(builder, vectorOfLongs); Monster2.addVectorOfDoubles(builder, vectorOfDoubles); Monster2.addParentNamespaceTest(builder, parentNamespaceTest); Monster2.addVectorOfReferrables(builder, vectorOfReferrables); Monster2.addSingleWeakReference(builder, this.singleWeakReference); Monster2.addVectorOfWeakReferences(builder, vectorOfWeakReferences); Monster2.addVectorOfStrongReferrables(builder, vectorOfStrongReferrables); Monster2.addCoOwningReference(builder, this.coOwningReference); Monster2.addVectorOfCoOwningReferences(builder, vectorOfCoOwningReferences); Monster2.addNonOwningReference(builder, this.nonOwningReference); Monster2.addVectorOfNonOwningReferences(builder, vectorOfNonOwningReferences); Monster2.addAnyUniqueType(builder, this.anyUniqueType); Monster2.addAnyUnique(builder, anyUnique); Monster2.addAnyAmbiguousType(builder, this.anyAmbiguousType); Monster2.addAnyAmbiguous(builder, anyAmbiguous); Monster2.addVectorOfEnums(builder, vectorOfEnums); Monster2.addSignedEnum(builder, this.signedEnum); Monster2.addTestrequirednestedflatbuffer(builder, testrequirednestedflatbuffer); Monster2.addScalarKeySortedTables(builder, scalarKeySortedTables); Monster2.addNativeInline(builder, this.nativeInline !== null ? this.nativeInline.pack(builder) : 0); Monster2.addLongEnumNonEnumDefault(builder, this.longEnumNonEnumDefault); Monster2.addLongEnumNormalDefault(builder, this.longEnumNormalDefault); Monster2.addNanDefault(builder, this.nanDefault); Monster2.addInfDefault(builder, this.infDefault); Monster2.addPositiveInfDefault(builder, this.positiveInfDefault); Monster2.addInfinityDefault(builder, this.infinityDefault); Monster2.addPositiveInfinityDefault(builder, this.positiveInfinityDefault); Monster2.addNegativeInfDefault(builder, this.negativeInfDefault); Monster2.addNegativeInfinityDefault(builder, this.negativeInfinityDefault); Monster2.addDoubleInfDefault(builder, this.doubleInfDefault); return Monster2.endMonster(builder); } }; // my-game/example/any.js var Any; (function(Any2) { Any2[Any2["NONE"] = 0] = "NONE"; Any2[Any2["Monster"] = 1] = "Monster"; Any2[Any2["TestSimpleTableWithEnum"] = 2] = "TestSimpleTableWithEnum"; Any2[Any2["MyGame_Example2_Monster"] = 3] = "MyGame_Example2_Monster"; })(Any = Any || (Any = {})); function unionToAny(type, accessor) { switch (Any[type]) { case "NONE": return null; case "Monster": return accessor(new Monster2()); case "TestSimpleTableWithEnum": return accessor(new TestSimpleTableWithEnum()); case "MyGame_Example2_Monster": return accessor(new Monster()); default: return null; } } // my-game/example/long-enum.js var LongEnum; (function(LongEnum2) { LongEnum2["LongOne"] = "2"; LongEnum2["LongTwo"] = "4"; LongEnum2["LongBig"] = "1099511627776"; })(LongEnum = LongEnum || (LongEnum = {})); // my-game/example/struct-of-structs.js var StructOfStructs = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } a(obj) { return (obj || new Ability()).__init(this.bb_pos, this.bb); } b(obj) { return (obj || new Test()).__init(this.bb_pos + 8, this.bb); } c(obj) { return (obj || new Ability()).__init(this.bb_pos + 12, this.bb); } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.Example.StructOfStructs"; } static sizeOf() { return 20; } static createStructOfStructs(builder, a_id, a_distance, b_a, b_b, c_id, c_distance) { builder.prep(4, 20); builder.prep(4, 8); builder.writeInt32(c_distance); builder.writeInt32(c_id); builder.prep(2, 4); builder.pad(1); builder.writeInt8(b_b); builder.writeInt16(b_a); builder.prep(4, 8); builder.writeInt32(a_distance); builder.writeInt32(a_id); return builder.offset(); } unpack() { return new StructOfStructsT(this.a() !== null ? this.a().unpack() : null, this.b() !== null ? this.b().unpack() : null, this.c() !== null ? this.c().unpack() : null); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.a = this.a() !== null ? this.a().unpack() : null; _o.b = this.b() !== null ? this.b().unpack() : null; _o.c = this.c() !== null ? this.c().unpack() : null; } }; var StructOfStructsT = class { constructor(a = null, b = null, c = null) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; } pack(builder) { return StructOfStructs.createStructOfStructs(builder, this.a?.id ?? 0, this.a?.distance ?? 0, this.b?.a ?? 0, this.b?.b ?? 0, this.c?.id ?? 0, this.c?.distance ?? 0); } }; // my-game/example/struct-of-structs-of-structs.js var StructOfStructsOfStructs = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } a(obj) { return (obj || new StructOfStructs()).__init(this.bb_pos, this.bb); } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.Example.StructOfStructsOfStructs"; } static sizeOf() { return 20; } static createStructOfStructsOfStructs(builder, a_a_id, a_a_distance, a_b_a, a_b_b, a_c_id, a_c_distance) { builder.prep(4, 20); builder.prep(4, 20); builder.prep(4, 8); builder.writeInt32(a_c_distance); builder.writeInt32(a_c_id); builder.prep(2, 4); builder.pad(1); builder.writeInt8(a_b_b); builder.writeInt16(a_b_a); builder.prep(4, 8); builder.writeInt32(a_a_distance); builder.writeInt32(a_a_id); return builder.offset(); } unpack() { return new StructOfStructsOfStructsT(this.a() !== null ? this.a().unpack() : null); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.a = this.a() !== null ? this.a().unpack() : null; } }; var StructOfStructsOfStructsT = class { constructor(a = null) { this.a = a; } pack(builder) { return StructOfStructsOfStructs.createStructOfStructsOfStructs(builder, this.a?.a?.id ?? 0, this.a?.a?.distance ?? 0, this.a?.b?.a ?? 0, this.a?.b?.b ?? 0, this.a?.c?.id ?? 0, this.a?.c?.distance ?? 0); } }; // my-game/example/type-aliases.js var flatbuffers9 = __toESM(require("flatbuffers"), 1); var TypeAliases = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } static getRootAsTypeAliases(bb, obj) { return (obj || new TypeAliases()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsTypeAliases(bb, obj) { bb.setPosition(bb.position() + flatbuffers9.SIZE_PREFIX_LENGTH); return (obj || new TypeAliases()).__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb); } i8() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return offset ? this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_i8(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt8(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } u8() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return offset ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_u8(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint8(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } i16() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return offset ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_i16(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt16(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } u16() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return offset ? this.bb.readUint16(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_u16(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint16(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } i32() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12); return offset ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_i32(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } u32() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 14); return offset ? this.bb.readUint32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_u32(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 14); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } i64() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 16); return offset ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("0"); } mutate_i64(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 16); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeInt64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } u64() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 18); return offset ? this.bb.readUint64(this.bb_pos + offset) : BigInt("0"); } mutate_u64(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 18); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeUint64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } f32() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 20); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_f32(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 20); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat32(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } f64() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 22); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat64(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } mutate_f64(value) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 22); if (offset === 0) { return false; } this.bb.writeFloat64(this.bb_pos + offset, value); return true; } v8(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 24); return offset ? this.bb.readInt8(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index) : 0; } v8Length() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 24); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } v8Array() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 24); return offset ? new Int8Array(this.bb.bytes().buffer, this.bb.bytes().byteOffset + this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset)) : null; } vf64(index) { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 26); return offset ? this.bb.readFloat64(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index * 8) : 0; } vf64Length() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 26); return offset ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0; } vf64Array() { const offset = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 26); return offset ? new Float64Array(this.bb.bytes().buffer, this.bb.bytes().byteOffset + this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + offset), this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset)) : null; } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.Example.TypeAliases"; } static startTypeAliases(builder) { builder.startObject(12); } static addI8(builder, i8) { builder.addFieldInt8(0, i8, 0); } static addU8(builder, u8) { builder.addFieldInt8(1, u8, 0); } static addI16(builder, i16) { builder.addFieldInt16(2, i16, 0); } static addU16(builder, u16) { builder.addFieldInt16(3, u16, 0); } static addI32(builder, i32) { builder.addFieldInt32(4, i32, 0); } static addU32(builder, u32) { builder.addFieldInt32(5, u32, 0); } static addI64(builder, i64) { builder.addFieldInt64(6, i64, BigInt("0")); } static addU64(builder, u64) { builder.addFieldInt64(7, u64, BigInt("0")); } static addF32(builder, f32) { builder.addFieldFloat32(8, f32, 0); } static addF64(builder, f64) { builder.addFieldFloat64(9, f64, 0); } static addV8(builder, v8Offset) { builder.addFieldOffset(10, v8Offset, 0); } static createV8Vector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(1, data.length, 1); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addInt8(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startV8Vector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(1, numElems, 1); } static addVf64(builder, vf64Offset) { builder.addFieldOffset(11, vf64Offset, 0); } static createVf64Vector(builder, data) { builder.startVector(8, data.length, 8); for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { builder.addFloat64(data[i]); } return builder.endVector(); } static startVf64Vector(builder, numElems) { builder.startVector(8, numElems, 8); } static endTypeAliases(builder) { const offset = builder.endObject(); return offset; } static createTypeAliases(builder, i8, u8, i16, u16, i32, u32, i64, u64, f32, f64, v8Offset, vf64Offset) { TypeAliases.startTypeAliases(builder); TypeAliases.addI8(builder, i8); TypeAliases.addU8(builder, u8); TypeAliases.addI16(builder, i16); TypeAliases.addU16(builder, u16); TypeAliases.addI32(builder, i32); TypeAliases.addU32(builder, u32); TypeAliases.addI64(builder, i64); TypeAliases.addU64(builder, u64); TypeAliases.addF32(builder, f32); TypeAliases.addF64(builder, f64); TypeAliases.addV8(builder, v8Offset); TypeAliases.addVf64(builder, vf64Offset); return TypeAliases.endTypeAliases(builder); } serialize() { return this.bb.bytes(); } static deserialize(buffer) { return TypeAliases.getRootAsTypeAliases(new flatbuffers9.ByteBuffer(buffer)); } unpack() { return new TypeAliasesT(this.i8(), this.u8(), this.i16(), this.u16(), this.i32(), this.u32(), this.i64(), this.u64(), this.f32(), this.f64(), this.bb.createScalarList(this.v8.bind(this), this.v8Length()), this.bb.createScalarList(this.vf64.bind(this), this.vf64Length())); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.i8 = this.i8(); _o.u8 = this.u8(); _o.i16 = this.i16(); _o.u16 = this.u16(); _o.i32 = this.i32(); _o.u32 = this.u32(); _o.i64 = this.i64(); _o.u64 = this.u64(); _o.f32 = this.f32(); _o.f64 = this.f64(); _o.v8 = this.bb.createScalarList(this.v8.bind(this), this.v8Length()); _o.vf64 = this.bb.createScalarList(this.vf64.bind(this), this.vf64Length()); } }; var TypeAliasesT = class { constructor(i8 = 0, u8 = 0, i16 = 0, u16 = 0, i32 = 0, u32 = 0, i64 = BigInt("0"), u64 = BigInt("0"), f32 = 0, f64 = 0, v8 = [], vf64 = []) { this.i8 = i8; this.u8 = u8; this.i16 = i16; this.u16 = u16; this.i32 = i32; this.u32 = u32; this.i64 = i64; this.u64 = u64; this.f32 = f32; this.f64 = f64; this.v8 = v8; this.vf64 = vf64; } pack(builder) { const v8 = TypeAliases.createV8Vector(builder, this.v8); const vf64 = TypeAliases.createVf64Vector(builder, this.vf64); return TypeAliases.createTypeAliases(builder, this.i8, this.u8, this.i16, this.u16, this.i32, this.u32, this.i64, this.u64, this.f32, this.f64, v8, vf64); } }; // my-game/example2.js var example2_exports = {}; __export(example2_exports, { Monster: () => Monster, MonsterT: () => MonsterT }); // my-game/other-name-space.js var other_name_space_exports = {}; __export(other_name_space_exports, { FromInclude: () => FromInclude, TableB: () => TableB, TableBT: () => TableBT, Unused: () => Unused, UnusedT: () => UnusedT }); // my-game/other-name-space/from-include.js var FromInclude; (function(FromInclude2) { FromInclude2["IncludeVal"] = "0"; })(FromInclude = FromInclude || (FromInclude = {})); // my-game/other-name-space/unused.js var Unused = class { constructor() { this.bb = null; this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(i, bb) { this.bb_pos = i; this.bb = bb; return this; } a() { return this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos); } mutate_a(value) { this.bb.writeInt32(this.bb_pos + 0, value); return true; } static getFullyQualifiedName() { return "MyGame.OtherNameSpace.Unused"; } static sizeOf() { return 4; } static createUnused(builder, a) { builder.prep(4, 4); builder.writeInt32(a); return builder.offset(); } unpack() { return new UnusedT(this.a()); } unpackTo(_o) { _o.a = this.a(); } }; var UnusedT = class { constructor(a = 0) { this.a = a; } pack(builder) { return Unused.createUnused(builder, this.a); } };