#[ MyGame.OtherNameSpace.Unused Automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify. Or modify. I'm a message, not a cop. flatc version: 24.3.25 Declared by : Rooting type : MyGame.Example.Monster () ]# import flatbuffers type Unused* = object of FlatObj func a*(self: Unused): int32 = return Get[int32](self.tab, self.tab.Pos + 0) func `a=`*(self: var Unused, n: int32): bool = return self.tab.Mutate(self.tab.Pos + 0, n) proc UnusedCreate*(self: var Builder, a: int32): uoffset = self.Prep(4, 4) self.Prepend(a) return self.Offset()