# flawless-slack docs.rs docs crates.io version Transport protocol agnostic Slack client for Rust. ### Motivation Rust code can run in many places, from tiny embedded systems, all they way to the browser. Those environments are very different from each other. Some require you to roll your own TCP implementation, others don't even give you access to low-level primitives like TCP. `flawless-slack` is an attempt to build a Slack client that works equally well "everywhere". It was born out of a need for a Slack client inside the [flawless] durable execution engine. The engine runs Rust compiled to WebAssembly and doesn't provide raw access to TCP streams, nor access to non-blocking `syscalls` that an `async` executor could use. This disqualifies most other Slack client libraries out there. By default, `flawless-slack` will use [`reqwest::blocking`] as a transport layer on systems that are not WebAssembly. When compiling to `wasm32-unknown-unknown` it will use the `flawless` implementation. However, all default transport layers can be disabled and directly provided by you, in case you want to use it in a custom environment. ### Quick start The Slack client takes 2 arguments, a secret token and an HTTP client implementation. If you would like to use the client inside flawless, you can use the provided `FlawlessHttpClient`: ```rust,ignore use flawless_slack::{http_client::flawless_http_client::FlawlessHttpClient, SlackClient}; let secret_token = "".to_owned(); let slack_client = SlackClient::new(secret_token, FlawlessHttpClient {}); slack_client.send_message("#general","Hello World!").ok(); ``` [flawless]: https://flawless.dev [`reqwest::blocking`]: https://docs.rs/reqwest/latest/reqwest/blocking/index.html