use std::io::*; use std::sync::Arc; use flicbtn::*; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let event = event_handler(|event| { println!("ping response: {:?}", event); }); let client = FlicClient::new("") .await? .register_event_handler(event) .await; let client1 = Arc::new(client); let client2 = client1.clone(); let button = "80:e4:da:76:fa:55"; let mut scan_wizard_id = 0; let mut conn_id = 0; let cmd = tokio::spawn(async move { println!("==============================================="); println!("*** Hello to the Flic2 Button Simple Client ***"); println!("==============================================="); client1.submit(Command::GetInfo).await; println!(""); loop { show_commands(); println!(""); print!("-- Choose: "); let _ = stdout().flush(); let mut input = String::new(); stdin() .read_line(&mut input) .expect("Did not enter correct string!"); let input = input.trim(); match input { "X" => break, "1" => { println!("-- start scan wizard"); scan_wizard_id += 1; client1 .submit(Command::CreateScanWizard { scan_wizard_id }) .await; } "2" => { println!("-- cancel scan wizard"); client1 .submit(Command::CancelScanWizard { scan_wizard_id }) .await; //scan_wizard_id -= 1; } "3" => { println!("-- create connection channel"); conn_id += 1; client1 .submit(Command::CreateConnectionChannel { conn_id, bd_addr: button.to_string(), latency_mode: LatencyMode::NormalLatency, auto_disconnect_time: 11111_i16, }) .await; } "4" => { println!("-- remove connection channel"); client1 .submit(Command::RemoveConnectionChannel { conn_id }) .await; //conn_id -= 1; } "5" => { println!("-- button info"); client1 .submit(Command::GetButtonInfo { bd_addr: button.to_string(), }) .await; } _ => { println!("-- unknown command"); } } println!(""); } client1.stop().await; }); let lst = tokio::spawn(async move { client2.listen().await; println!("stop"); }); lst.await?; cmd.await?; Ok(()) } fn show_commands() { println!("1) Start Scan Wizard"); println!("2) Cancel Scan Wizard"); println!("3) Create Connection Channel"); println!("4) Remove Connection Channel"); println!("5) Get Button Info"); println!("X) End"); }