use std::{ env, ffi::{OsStr, OsString}, fs, io::Result as IoResult, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::Command, str, }; const FLINT_DIR: &str = "flint-2.8.5-c"; const FLINT_LIB: &str = "libflint.a"; const FLINT_VER: &str = "2.8.5"; const FLINT_HEADERS: &[&str] = &[ "aprcl.h", "arith.h", "d_mat.h", "double_extras.h", "d_vec.h", "exception.h", "fft.h", "fft_tuning.h", "flint-config.h", "flint.h", "fmpq.h", "fmpq_mat.h", "fmpq_mpoly_factor.h", "fmpq_mpoly.h", "fmpq_poly.h", "fmpq_vec.h", "fmpz-conversions.h", "fmpz_factor.h", "fmpz.h", "fmpz_lll.h", "fmpz_mat.h", "fmpz_mod.h", "fmpz_mod_mat.h", "fmpz_mod_mpoly_factor.h", "fmpz_mod_mpoly.h", "fmpz_mod_poly_factor.h", "fmpz_mod_poly.h", "fmpz_mod_vec.h", "fmpz_mpoly_factor.h", "fmpz_mpoly.h", "fmpz_poly_factor.h", "fmpz_poly.h", "fmpz_poly_mat.h", "fmpz_poly_q.h", "fmpz_vec.h", "fq_default.h", "fq_default_mat.h", "fq_default_poly_factor.h", "fq_default_poly.h", "fq_embed.h", "fq_embed_templates.h", "fq.h", "fq_mat.h", "fq_mat_templates.h", "fq_nmod_embed.h", "fq_nmod.h", "fq_nmod_mat.h", "fq_nmod_mpoly_factor.h", "fq_nmod_mpoly.h", "fq_nmod_poly_factor.h", "fq_nmod_poly.h", "fq_nmod_vec.h", "fq_poly_factor.h", "fq_poly_factor_templates.h", "fq_poly.h", "fq_poly_templates.h", "fq_templates.h", "fq_vec.h", "fq_vec_templates.h", "fq_zech_embed.h", "fq_zech.h", "fq_zech_mat.h", "fq_zech_mpoly_factor.h", "fq_zech_mpoly.h", "fq_zech_poly_factor.h", "fq_zech_poly.h", "fq_zech_vec.h", "gmpcompat.h", "hashmap.h", "long_extras.h", "longlong.h", "mpf_mat.h", "mpfr_mat.h", "mpfr_vec.h", "mpf_vec.h", "mpn_extras.h", "mpoly.h", "nmod_mat.h", "nmod_mpoly_factor.h", "nmod_mpoly.h", "nmod_poly_factor.h", "nmod_poly.h", "nmod_poly_mat.h", "nmod_vec.h", "n_poly.h", "NTL-interface.h", "padic.h", "padic_mat.h", "padic_poly.h", "perm.h", "profiler.h", "qadic.h", "qsieve.h", "templates.h", "thread_pool.h", "thread_support.h", "ulong_extras.h", ]; #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] enum Target { Mingw, Msvc, Other, } struct Environment { target: Target, gmp_mpfr_dir: PathBuf, src_dir: PathBuf, out_dir: PathBuf, lib_dir: PathBuf, include_dir: PathBuf, build_dir: PathBuf, cache_dir: Option, jobs: OsString, } fn main() { let cc = env::var_os("CC"); let cc_cache_dir = cc.as_ref().map(|cc| { let mut dir = OsString::from("CC-"); dir.push(cc); dir }); let raw_target = cargo_env("TARGET") .into_string() .expect("env var TARGET having sensible characters"); let target = if raw_target.contains("-windows-msvc") { Target::Msvc } else if raw_target.contains("-windows-gnu") { Target::Mingw } else { Target::Other }; let gmp_mpfr_dir = PathBuf::from(cargo_env("DEP_GMP_OUT_DIR")); let src_dir = PathBuf::from(cargo_env("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); let out_dir = PathBuf::from(cargo_env("OUT_DIR")); println!("cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=FLINT_SYS_CACHE"); let cache_dir = if env::var("DOCS_RS").is_ok() { None } else { match env::var_os("FLINT_SYS_CACHE") { Some(ref c) if c.is_empty() || c == "_" => None, Some(c) => Some(PathBuf::from(c)), None => system_cache_dir().map(|c| c.join("flint-sys")), } }; let cache_dir = cache_dir .map(|cache| cache.join(&FLINT_VER)) .map(|cache| match cc_cache_dir { Some(dir) => cache.join(dir), None => cache, }); let env = Environment { target, gmp_mpfr_dir, src_dir, out_dir: out_dir.clone(), lib_dir: out_dir.join("lib"), include_dir: out_dir.join("include"), build_dir: out_dir.join("build"), cache_dir, jobs: cargo_env("NUM_JOBS"), }; // make sure we have target directories create_dir_or_panic(&env.lib_dir); create_dir_or_panic(&env.include_dir); compile(&env); } fn compile(env: &Environment) { if need_compile(env) { check_for_msvc(env); remove_dir_or_panic(&env.build_dir); copy_dir_or_panic(&env.src_dir.join(FLINT_DIR), &env.build_dir); build(env); remove_dir_or_panic(&env.build_dir); save_cache(env); } write_link_info(env); } fn need_compile(env: &Environment) -> bool { let mut ok = env.lib_dir.join(FLINT_LIB).is_file(); for h in FLINT_HEADERS { ok = ok && env.include_dir.join(h).is_file(); } if ok { if should_save_cache(env) { save_cache(env); } return false; } else if load_cache(env) { // if loading cache works, we're done return false; } true } fn save_cache(env: &Environment) -> bool { let cache_dir = match env.cache_dir { Some(ref s) => s, None => return false, }; let mut ok = create_dir(&cache_dir).is_ok(); ok = ok && copy_file(&env.lib_dir.join(FLINT_LIB), &cache_dir.join(FLINT_LIB)).is_ok(); for h in FLINT_HEADERS { ok = ok && copy_file(&env.include_dir.join(h), &cache_dir.join(h)).is_ok(); } ok } fn load_cache(env: &Environment) -> bool { let cache_dir = match env.cache_dir { Some(ref s) => s, None => return false, }; let mut ok = true; ok = ok && copy_file(&cache_dir.join(FLINT_LIB), &env.lib_dir.join(FLINT_LIB)).is_ok(); for h in FLINT_HEADERS { ok = ok && copy_file(&cache_dir.join(h), &env.include_dir.join(h)).is_ok(); } ok } fn should_save_cache(env: &Environment) -> bool { let cache_dir = match env.cache_dir { Some(ref s) => s, None => return false, }; let mut ok = true; ok = ok && cache_dir.join(FLINT_LIB).is_file(); for h in FLINT_HEADERS { ok = ok && cache_dir.join(h).is_file(); } !ok } fn build(env: &Environment) { println!("$ cd {:?}", &env.build_dir); let conf = String::from(format!( "./configure --disable-shared --with-gmp={} --with-mpfr={}", env.gmp_mpfr_dir.display(), env.gmp_mpfr_dir.display(), )); configure(&env.build_dir, &OsString::from(conf)); make_and_check(env, &env.build_dir); let build_lib = &env.build_dir.join(FLINT_LIB); copy_file_or_panic(&build_lib, &env.lib_dir.join(FLINT_LIB)); for h in FLINT_HEADERS { copy_file_or_panic(&env.build_dir.join(h), &env.include_dir.join(h)); } } fn write_link_info(env: &Environment) { let out_str = env.out_dir.to_str().unwrap_or_else(|| { panic!( "Path contains unsupported characters, can only make {}", env.out_dir.display() ) }); let lib_str = env.lib_dir.to_str().unwrap_or_else(|| { panic!( "Path contains unsupported characters, can only make {}", env.lib_dir.display() ) }); let include_str = env.include_dir.to_str().unwrap_or_else(|| { panic!( "Path contains unsupported characters, can only make {}", env.include_dir.display() ) }); println!("cargo:out_dir={}", out_str); println!("cargo:lib_dir={}", lib_str); println!("cargo:include_dir={}", include_str); println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", lib_str); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=mpfr"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=gmp"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=flint"); } fn cargo_env(name: &str) -> OsString { env::var_os(name) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("environment variable not found: {}, please use cargo", name)) } fn check_for_msvc(env: &Environment) { if == Target::Msvc { panic!("Windows MSVC target is not supported (linking would fail)"); } } fn remove_dir(dir: &Path) -> IoResult<()> { if !dir.exists() { return Ok(()); } assert!(dir.is_dir(), "Not a directory: {:?}", dir); println!("$ rm -r {:?}", dir); fs::remove_dir_all(dir) } fn remove_dir_or_panic(dir: &Path) { remove_dir(dir).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Unable to remove directory: {:?}", dir)); } fn create_dir(dir: &Path) -> IoResult<()> { println!("$ mkdir -p {:?}", dir); fs::create_dir_all(dir) } fn create_dir_or_panic(dir: &Path) { create_dir(dir).unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Unable to create directory: {:?}", dir)); } pub fn copy_dir(from: &Path, to: &Path) -> IoResult<()> { let mut stack = Vec::new(); stack.push(PathBuf::from(from)); let output_root = PathBuf::from(to); let input_root = PathBuf::from(from).components().count(); while let Some(working_path) = stack.pop() { println!("process: {:?}", &working_path); // Generate a relative path let src: PathBuf = working_path.components().skip(input_root).collect(); // Create a destination if missing let dest = if src.components().count() == 0 { output_root.clone() } else { output_root.join(&src) }; if fs::metadata(&dest).is_err() { println!("$ mkdir {:?}", dest); fs::create_dir_all(&dest)?; } for entry in fs::read_dir(working_path)? { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path(); if path.is_dir() { stack.push(path); } else { match path.file_name() { Some(filename) => { let dest_path = dest.join(filename); println!(" copy: {:?} -> {:?}", &path, &dest_path); fs::copy(&path, &dest_path)?; } None => { println!("failed: {:?}", path); } } } } } Ok(()) } fn copy_dir_or_panic(src: &Path, dst: &Path) { copy_dir(src, dst).unwrap_or_else(|_| { panic!("Unable to copy {:?} -> {:?}", src, dst); }); } fn copy_file(src: &Path, dst: &Path) -> IoResult { println!("$ cp {:?} {:?}", src, dst); fs::copy(src, dst) } fn copy_file_or_panic(src: &Path, dst: &Path) { copy_file(src, dst).unwrap_or_else(|_| { panic!("Unable to copy {:?} -> {:?}", src, dst); }); } fn configure(build_dir: &Path, conf_line: &OsStr) { let mut conf = Command::new("sh"); conf.current_dir(&build_dir).arg("-c").arg(conf_line); execute(conf); } fn make_and_check(env: &Environment, build_dir: &Path) { let mut make = Command::new("make"); make.current_dir(build_dir).arg("-j").arg(&; execute(make); if !cfg!(feature = "disable-make-check") { let mut make_check = Command::new("make"); make_check .current_dir(build_dir) .arg("-j") .arg(& .arg("check"); execute(make_check); } } fn execute(mut command: Command) { println!("$ {:?}", command); let status = command .status() .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Unable to execute: {:?}", command)); if !status.success() { if let Some(code) = status.code() { panic!("Program failed with code {}: {:?}", code, command); } else { panic!("Program failed: {:?}", command); } } } fn system_cache_dir() -> Option { #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] { use core::{mem::MaybeUninit, ptr, slice}; use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStringExt; use winapi::{ shared::winerror::S_OK, um::{combaseapi, knownfolders::FOLDERID_LocalAppData, shlobj, winbase}, }; let id = &FOLDERID_LocalAppData; let flags = 0; let access = ptr::null_mut(); let mut path = MaybeUninit::uninit(); unsafe { if shlobj::SHGetKnownFolderPath(id, flags, access, path.as_mut_ptr()) == S_OK { let path = path.assume_init(); let slice = slice::from_raw_parts(path, winbase::lstrlenW(path) as usize); let string = OsString::from_wide(slice); combaseapi::CoTaskMemFree(path as _); Some(string.into()) } else { None } } } #[cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))] { env::var_os("HOME") .filter(|x| !x.is_empty()) .map(|x| AsRef::::as_ref(&x).join("Library").join("Caches")) } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "windows", target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios")))] { env::var_os("XDG_CACHE_HOME") .filter(|x| !x.is_empty()) .map(PathBuf::from) .or_else(|| { env::var_os("HOME") .filter(|x| !x.is_empty()) .map(|x| AsRef::::as_ref(&x).join(".cache")) }) } }