Instructions on installing flint 2 ---------------------------------- FLINT 2 follows a standard format for installation: ./configure make make check make install However, this assumes that MPIR and MPFR are already installed in the default search path of your compiler (e.g. /usr/include/ and /usr/lib/). If these libraries are not in such location you must specify where they are by passing their location to configure `--with-mpir=ABSOLUTE_PATH` for MPIR and `--with-mpfr=ABSOLUTE_PATH` for MPFR. The configure script also assumes you wish to install FLINT 2 at the prefix /usr/local. If not you must pass the prefix (the directory containing lib and include subdirectories into which FLINT will be installed) to configure with the option `--prefix=PATH`. A complete example of a custom configuration command would be ./configure --with-mpir=/home/user1/mpir-2.1.1/ --with-mpfr=/usr --prefix=/usr Note that the FLINT configure system can handle MPIR/MPFR as installed (in lib and include dirs) at some location, or as source builds (built from source and not installed). Though, to run the FLINT tests, MPIR/MPFR needs to be properly installed. For further configure and make options, please refer to the FLINT 2 documentation.