.. _introduction: **Introduction** =============================================================================== What is Flint? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLINT is a C library of functions for doing basic arithmetic in support of computational number theory and other areas of computer algebra. It is highly optimised and can be compiled on numerous platforms. FLINT provides highly optimised implementations of basic rings, such as the integers, rationals, `p`-adics, finite fields, etc., and linear algebra and univariate and multivariate polynomials over most of these rings. FLINT also has some multithreading capabilities. To this end, the library is threadsafe, with few exceptions noted in the appropriate place and a number of key functions have multithreaded implementations. Maintainers and Authors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLINT is currently maintained by William Hart of Technische Universitaet in Kaiserslautern and Fredrik Johansson of INRIA Bordeaux. FLINT was originally designed by William Hart and David Harvey. Since then FLINT was rewritten as FLINT 2 by William Hart, Fredrik Johansson and Sebastian Pancratz. Many other substantial contributions have been made by other authors, e.g. Tom Bachmann, Mike Hanson, Daniel Schultz and Andy Novocin. There have been a great number of other contributors, listed on the main Flint website and the contributors section of this documentation. Requirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLINT 2 and following should compile on any machine with GCC and a standard GNU toolchain, though GCC 4.8 and following are recommended. Flint is specially optimised for x86 (32 and 64 bit) machines. There is also limited optimisation for ARM and ia64 machines. As of version 2.0, FLINT required GCC version 2.96 or later, either MPIR (2.6.0 or later) or GMP (5.1.1 or later), and MPFR 3.0.0 or later. It is also required that the platform provide a ``uint64_t`` type if a native 64 bit type is not available. Full C99 compliance is not required. Structure of Flint ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLINT is supplied as a set of modules, ``fmpz``, ``fmpz_poly``, etc., each of which can be linked to a C program making use of their functionality. All of the functions in FLINT have a corresponding test function provided in an appropriately named test file. For example, the function ``fmpz_poly_add`` located in ``fmpz_poly/add.c`` has test code in the file ``fmpz_poly/test/t-add.c``. Some modules have a ``profile`` directory in which profile programs can be found. Documentation exists in the ``doc/source`` directory in a series of ``.rst`` files. License ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLINT is distributed under the LGPL License, version 2.1+. There is a copy of the license included in the repository and distribution tarballs.