Copyright (C) 2013 Tom Bachmann
This file is part of FLINT.
FLINT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. See .
#include "fmpz_polyxx.h"
#include "nmod_polyxx.h"
#include "flintxx/test/helpers.h"
using namespace flint;
fmpz_polyxx p(10);
tassert(p.length() == 0);
fmpz_polyxx p, q;
tassert(p.get_coeff(5) == 0);
p.set_coeff(5, 17);
tassert(p.degree() == 5);
q.set_coeff(5, 17u);
p.set_coeff(0, fmpzxx(1));
q.coeff(0) = 1;
tassert(p == q);
tassert(p.lead() == 17);
tassert(p.length() == 6);
p.zero_coeffs(0, 6);
tassert(p.is_zero() && !p.is_one() && !p.is_unit());
p.set_coeff(0, 1);
tassert(p.is_one() && p.is_unit());
p.set_coeff(0, -1);
const fmpz_polyxx pc = p;
tassert(p.get_coeff(0) == pc.get_coeff(0));
tassert((p*q).coeff(0) == p.get_coeff(0)*q.get_coeff(0));
tassert((p*q).lead() == p.lead()*q.lead());
fmpz_polyxx p, q;
p = 1;
q = UWORD(0);
tassert(p != q);
p = q;
tassert(p == q);
p = "4 0 0 0 1";
q.set_coeff(3, 1);
tassert(p == q);
// TODO XXX this does not always fail?
//assert_exception(p = "4 1 2");
assert_exception(p = "2 1 2");
fmpz_polyxx p;
p.set_coeff(3, 1);
tassert(p.to_string() == "4 0 0 0 1");
tassert(p.pretty("x") == "x^3");
tassert(p == fmpz_polyxx("4 0 0 0 1"));
fmpz_polyxx p, q;
p = 1;
q = "4 0 0 0 1";
tassert((p + q).to_string() == "4 1 0 0 1");
tassert((p - q).to_string() == "4 1 0 0 -1");
tassert((-p).to_string() == "1 -1");
fmpzxx two(2);
tassert(two * q == 2 * q && 2u * q == q * 2
&& (two * q).to_string() == "4 0 0 0 2");
q *= 2;
tassert(q / two == q / 2u && q / 2 == q / two &&
(q / two).to_string() == "4 0 0 0 1");
// q == "4 0 0 0 2"
q.set_coeff(1, 17); // q == "4 0 17 0 2"
tassert((q % fmpzxx(5)).to_string() == "4 0 2 0 2");
p = "3 1 0 1";
tassert((p*q).to_string() == "6 0 17 0 19 0 2");
tassert((p*q) / p == q);
tassert(p + q % q == p);
tassert(p(fmpzxx(1) + fmpzxx(1)) == 5);
q = "3 0 0 1";
tassert(p(q).to_string() == "5 1 0 0 0 1");
// Won't compile if the expression is not done using addmul
bool is_ternary(const T&)
return T::ev_traits_t::temp_rule_t::TERNARY_OP_MARKER + 1;
// test stuff which we should get automatically - addmul, references etc
// TODO addmul when we have it
ulong pow(ulong base, ulong exp)
ulong res = 1;
while(exp-- > 0)
res *= base;
return base;
// test swap
fmpz_polyxx p, q;
p = 1; q = 0;
swap(p, q);
tassert(p.is_zero() && q.is_one());
// p = 0, q = 1
fmpz_polyxx f, g, xp1;
f = "4 2 0 0 1"; // f = x^3 + 2
g = "5 1 2 3 4 5";
xp1 = "2 1 1";
fmpzxx two(2);
// test lazy functions
tassert(reverse(q, 4).pretty("x") == "x^3");
tassert(mul_2exp(f, 3u) == f * 8);
tassert(f == fdiv_2exp(mul_2exp(f, 3u), 3u));
tassert(tdiv(-f, two) == tdiv(-f, 2) && tdiv(-f, 2) == tdiv(-f, 2u)
&& tdiv(-f, two).to_string() == "4 -1 0 0 0");
tassert(f == divexact(2*f, two) && f == divexact(2*f, 2u)
&& f == divexact(2*f, 2));
tassert(-f == tdiv_2exp(-8*f - q, 3u));
tassert(smod(5*f, fmpzxx(3)).to_string() == "4 1 0 0 -1");
tassert(f == fmpz_polyxx::bit_unpack(bit_pack(f, 10u), 10u));
tassert(f == fmpz_polyxx::bit_unpack_unsigned(bit_pack(f, 10u), 10u));
tassert(mul_classical(f, g) == f*g);
tassert(mul_karatsuba(f, g) == f*g);
tassert(mul_SS(f, g) == f*g);
tassert(mul_KS(f, g) == f*g);
fmpz_polyxx res; res = f*g; res.truncate(3);
tassert(mullow_classical(f, g, 3) == res);
tassert(mullow_karatsuba_n(f, g, 3) == res);
tassert(mullow_KS(f, g, 3) == res);
tassert(mullow_SS(f, g, 3) == res);
tassert(mullow(f, g, 3) == res);
res = f*g; res.zero_coeffs(0, 5);
tassert(mulhigh_classical(f, g, 5) == res);
tassert(mulhigh_karatsuba_n(f, g, 6) == res);
res = mulhigh_n(f, g, 5);
res.zero_coeffs(0, 5);
tassert(res == mulhigh_classical(f, g, 5));
tassert(mulmid_classical(g, f).to_string() == "2 9 12");
tassert(sqr(f) == f*f);
tassert(sqr_KS(f) == f*f);
tassert(sqr_karatsuba(f) == f*f);
tassert(sqr_classical(f) == f*f);
res = sqr(f);res.truncate(4);
tassert(sqrlow(f, 4) == res);
tassert(sqrlow_KS(f, 4) == res);
tassert(sqrlow_karatsuba_n(f, 4) == res);
tassert(sqrlow_classical(f, 4) == res);
tassert(pow(f, 3u) == f*f*f);
tassert(pow_multinomial(f, 3u) == f*f*f);
tassert(pow_binexp(f, 3u) == f*f*f);
tassert(pow_addchains(f, 3u) == f*f*f);
res = pow(f, 10u);
tassert(pow_trunc(f, 10u, 10) == res);
fmpz_polyxx binomial;
binomial = "2 1 2";
tassert(pow_binomial(binomial, 3u) == binomial*binomial*binomial);
fmpz_polyxx x; x = "2 0 1";
tassert(shift_left(f, 5) == f*pow(x, 5u));
tassert(shift_right(shift_left(f, 5), 5) == f);
tassert(height(g) == 5);
tassert(twonorm(g) == 7);
tassert(resultant(f, g) == 1797);
tassert(gcd(f, g).is_one());
tassert(gcd_subresultant(f, g).is_one());
tassert(gcd_heuristic(f, g).is_one());
tassert(gcd_modular(f, g).is_one());
fmpz_polyxx r, s;fmpzxx number;
res = 1797;
ltupleref(number, r, s) = xgcd(f, g);
tassert(r*f + s*g == res && number == 1797);
r = 0; s = 0; number = 0;
ltupleref(number, r, s) = xgcd_modular(f, g);
tassert(r*f + s*g == res && number == 1797);
tassert(lcm(f, g) == f*g);
tassert(content(2*g) == 2);
tassert(primitive_part(2*g) == g);
tassert(div_basecase(f*g, g) == f);
tassert(div_divconquer(f*g, g) == f);
tassert(rem_basecase(f + g, g) == f);
res = 1;
tassert(div_root(f*(x - res), fmpzxx(1)) == f);
tassert(inv_series(xp1, 5).to_string() == "5 1 -1 1 -1 1");
tassert(inv_series(xp1, 10) == inv_series_newton(xp1, 10));
tassert((compose(xp1, f) - f).is_one());
tassert((compose_divconquer(xp1, f) - f).is_one());
tassert((compose_horner(xp1, f) - f).is_one());
tassert(evaluate(xp1, fmpzxx(1)) == 2);
tassert(evaluate_horner(xp1, fmpzxx(1)) == 2);
tassert(evaluate_divconquer(xp1, fmpzxx(1)) == 2);
tassert(evaluate_mod(xp1, 1u, 10u) == 2);
fmpz_vecxx xs(3), ys(3);
xs[0] = 0; xs[1] = 1; xs[2] = 2;
ys[0] = 1; ys[1] = 2; ys[2] = 3;
tassert(evaluate(xp1, xs) == ys);
tassert(f(xp1) == taylor_shift(f, fmpzxx(1)));
tassert(f(xp1) == taylor_shift_horner(f, fmpzxx(1)));
tassert(f(xp1) == taylor_shift_divconquer(f, fmpzxx(1)));
fmpz_polyxx inner;inner = "3 0 -1 5";
res = g(inner); res.truncate(10);
tassert(compose_series(g, inner, 10) == res);
tassert(compose_series_horner(g, inner, 10) == res);
tassert(compose_series_brent_kung(g, inner, 10) == res);
res = "2 0 1";
tassert(compose_series(inner, revert_series(inner, 10), 10) == res);
tassert(compose_series(inner, revert_series_lagrange(inner, 10), 10)
== res);
tassert(compose_series(inner, revert_series_lagrange_fast(inner, 10), 10)
== res);
tassert(compose_series(inner, revert_series_newton(inner, 10), 10) == res);
tassert(sqrt(f*f) == f);
tassert(sqrt_classical(f*f) == f);
assert_exception(sqrt(f*f + xp1).evaluate());
assert_exception(sqrt_classical(f*f + xp1).evaluate());
res = "5 32 0 0 0 1";
tassert(bound_roots(res) >= 2);
// test immediate functions
p.set_coeff(3, 1);
tassert(f.max_limbs() == 1);
tassert(g.max_bits() == 3);
r = 0; s = 0;
ltupleref(r, s) = divrem(g, f);
tassert(r*f + s == g);
tassert(r.to_string() == "2 4 5");
r = 0; s = 0;
ltupleref(r, s) = divrem_basecase(g, f);
tassert(r*f + s == g);
tassert(r.to_string() == "2 4 5");
r = 0; s = 0;
ltupleref(r, s) = divrem_divconquer(g, f);
tassert(r*f + s == g);
tassert(r.to_string() == "2 4 5");
bool does_divide;
ltupleref(does_divide, res) = divides(f*g, g);
tassert(does_divide && res == f);
tassert(div_series(f, xp1, 10) * xp1 % pow(x, 10u) == f);
f *= 2;
ulong d = 0;
ltupleref(r, s, d) = pseudo_divrem(g, f);
tassert(r*f + s == g*fmpzxx(pow(2, d) + 0.5));
r = 0; r = 0; d = 0;
ltupleref(r, s, d) = pseudo_divrem_basecase(g, f);
tassert(r*f + s == g*fmpzxx(pow(2, d) + 0.5));
r = 0; r = 0; d = 0;
ltupleref(r, s, d) = pseudo_divrem_divconquer(g, f);
tassert(r*f + s == g*fmpzxx(pow(2, d) + 0.5));
tassert(pseudo_div(g, f).get<0>() == r);
tassert(pseudo_rem(g, f).get<0>() == s);
r = 0; r = 0;
ltupleref(r, s) = pseudo_divrem_cohen(g, f);
tassert(r*f + s == g*4);
tassert(pseudo_rem_cohen(g, f).to_string() == "3 -28 -32 12");
f = "4 1 0 0 1";
slong r1, r2;
f.signature(r1, r2);
tassert(r1 == 1 && r2 == 1);
// test static functions
frandxx state;
tassert(fmpz_polyxx::randtest(state, 4, 10).length() <= 4);
tassert(fmpz_polyxx::randtest_unsigned(state, 4, 10).get_coeff(0) >= 0);
tassert(fmpz_polyxx::randtest_not_zero(state, 4, 10).is_zero() == false);
tassert(fmpz_polyxx::interpolate(xs, ys) == xp1);
xs[0] = 0;xs[1] = -1; xs[2] = -1;
tassert(fmpz_polyxx::product_roots(xs) == x*xp1*xp1);
// just a sample, since they all come from macros
fmpz_polyxx f, g;
f = "4 2 0 0 1";
g = "5 1 2 3 4 5";
tassert(f.bit_pack(17u) == bit_pack(f, 17u));
tassert(f.divrem(g) == divrem(f, g));
tassert(f.derivative() == derivative(f));
tassert(f.bound_roots() == bound_roots(f));
tassert(f.content() == content(f));
tassert(f.pow_trunc(15u, 10) == pow_trunc(f, 15u, 10));
fmpz_polyxx f, g;
// two irreducible polynomials
f = "4 1 17 0 1";
g = "6 2 0 2 0 0 1";
// TODO are these deterministic?
fmpz_poly_factorxx f1, f2;
f1.insert(f, 1);
f2.insert(g, 2);
f1.content() = 7;
tassert(f1 == factor_zassenhaus(7*f*g*g));
f1.insert(f, 1);
f1.insert(g, 2);
f1.content() = 1;
tassert(f1 == factor_squarefree(f*g*g));
// TODO test set_factor_zassenhaus_recombination
print(f1); // make sure this compiles
mp_limb_t pl = 1031;
frandxx state;
nmod_polyxx gl(nmod_polyxx::randtest_irreducible(pl, state, 5).make_monic());
nmod_polyxx hl(nmod_polyxx::randtest_irreducible(pl, state, 6).make_monic());
while(gl.length() != 5)
gl = nmod_polyxx::randtest_irreducible(pl, state, 5).make_monic();
while(hl.length() != 5)
hl = nmod_polyxx::randtest_irreducible(pl, state, 5).make_monic();
nmod_polyxx al(pl), bl(pl);
ltupleref(_, al, bl) = xgcd(gl, hl);
tassert((al*gl + bl*hl).is_one());
fmpz_polyxx f = fmpz_polyxx::lift(gl*hl);
fmpz_polyxx g = fmpz_polyxx::lift(gl);
fmpz_polyxx h = fmpz_polyxx::lift(hl);
fmpz_polyxx a = fmpz_polyxx::lift(al);
fmpz_polyxx b = fmpz_polyxx::lift(bl);
fmpz_polyxx G, H, A, B;
fmpzxx p(pl), p1(1031);
tassert(((f - g*h) % p).is_zero());
//ltupleref(G, H, A, B) = hensel_lift(f, g, h, a, b, p, p1);
fmpz_poly_hensel_lift(G._poly(), H._poly(), A._poly(), B._poly(), f._poly(), g._poly(), h._poly(), a._poly(), b._poly(), p._fmpz(), p1._fmpz());
tassert(((f - G*H) % (p1*p)).is_zero());
tassert(((A*G + B*H) % (p1*p)).is_one());
tassert(ltupleref(G, H) == hensel_lift_without_inverse(f, g, h, a, b, p, p1));
tassert(ltupleref(A, B) == hensel_lift_only_inverse(G, H, a, b, p, p1));
nmod_poly_factorxx local_fac = factor(gl*hl);
fmpz_poly_factorxx lifted_fac = hensel_lift_once(f, local_fac, 3);
tassert(lifted_fac.size() == 2
&& lifted_fac.exp(0) == 1 && lifted_fac.exp(1) == 1);
tassert(((lifted_fac.p(0)*lifted_fac.p(1) - f) % p.pow(3u)).is_zero());
frandxx state;
fmpz_polyxx f = fmpz_polyxx::randtest(state, 4, 10);
fmpz_polyxx a = fmpz_polyxx::from_ground(1);
const fmpz_polyxx& b = a;
tassert(b.lead() == 1 && b.coeff(0) == 1);
std::cout << "fmpz_polyxx....";
std::cout << "PASS" << std::endl;
return 0;