Copyright (C) 2011 William Hart
Copyright (C) 2011 Sebastian Pancratz
Copyright (C) 2014 William Hart
This file is part of FLINT.
FLINT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. See .
#include "flint.h"
#include "fmpz_vec.h"
#include "fmpz_mod_poly.h"
#include "mpn_extras.h"
We define a whole bunch of macros here which essentially provide
the nmod_poly functionality as far as the setting of coefficient
data and lengths is concerned, but which do not do any separate
memory allocation. None of these macros support aliasing.
#define __set(B, lenB, A, lenA) \
do { \
_fmpz_vec_set((B), (A), (lenA)); \
(lenB) = (lenA); \
} while (0)
#define __add(C, lenC, A, lenA, B, lenB) \
do { \
_fmpz_mod_poly_add((C), (A), (lenA), (B), (lenB), mod); \
(lenC) = FLINT_MAX((lenA), (lenB)); \
FMPZ_VEC_NORM((C), (lenC)); \
} while (0)
#define __sub(C, lenC, A, lenA, B, lenB) \
do { \
_fmpz_mod_poly_sub((C), (A), (lenA), (B), (lenB), mod); \
(lenC) = FLINT_MAX((lenA), (lenB)); \
FMPZ_VEC_NORM((C), (lenC)); \
} while (0)
#define __mul(C, lenC, A, lenA, B, lenB) \
do { \
if ((lenA) != 0 && (lenB) != 0) \
{ \
if ((lenA) >= (lenB)) \
_fmpz_mod_poly_mul((C), (A), (lenA), (B), (lenB), mod); \
else \
_fmpz_mod_poly_mul((C), (B), (lenB), (A), (lenA), mod); \
(lenC) = (lenA) + (lenB) - 1; \
} \
else \
{ \
(lenC) = 0; \
} \
} while (0)
#define __divrem(Q, lenQ, R, lenR, A, lenA, B, lenB) \
do { \
if ((lenA) >= (lenB)) \
{ \
fmpz_invmod(invB, B + lenB - 1, mod); \
_fmpz_mod_poly_divrem((Q), (R), (A), (lenA), (B), (lenB), invB, mod); \
(lenQ) = (lenA) - (lenB) + 1; \
(lenR) = (lenB) - 1; \
FMPZ_VEC_NORM((R), (lenR)); \
} \
else \
{ \
_fmpz_vec_set((R), (A), (lenA)); \
(lenQ) = 0; \
(lenR) = (lenA); \
} \
} while (0)
#define __div(Q, lenQ, A, lenA, B, lenB) \
do { \
if ((lenA) >= (lenB)) \
{ \
fmpz * __t = _fmpz_vec_init(lenB - 1); \
fmpz_invmod(invB, B + lenB - 1, mod); \
_fmpz_mod_poly_divrem((Q), __t, (A), (lenA), (B), (lenB), invB, mod); \
_fmpz_vec_clear(__t, lenB - 1); \
(lenQ) = (lenA) - (lenB) + 1; \
} \
else \
{ \
(lenQ) = 0; \
} \
} while (0)
slong _fmpz_mod_poly_xgcd_hgcd(fmpz *G, fmpz *S, fmpz *T,
const fmpz *A, slong lenA, const fmpz *B, slong lenB,
const fmpz_t mod)
slong lenG, lenS, lenT;
if (lenB == 1)
fmpz_set(G + 0, B + 0);
fmpz_set_ui(T, 1);
lenG = 1;
lenS = 0;
lenT = 1;
slong lenq, lenr, len1 = lenA + lenB;
fmpz *q = _fmpz_vec_init(len1);
fmpz *r = q + lenA;
fmpz_t invB;
__divrem(q, lenq, r, lenr, A, lenA, B, lenB);
if (lenr == 0)
__set(G, lenG, B, lenB);
fmpz_set_ui(T + 0, 1);
lenS = 0;
lenT = 1;
fmpz *h, *j, *v, *w, *R[4], *X;
slong lenh, lenj, lenv, lenw, lenR[4], len2;
int sgnR;
lenh = lenj = lenB;
lenv = lenw = lenA + lenB - 2;
lenR[0] = lenR[1] = lenR[2] = lenR[3] = (lenB + 1) / 2;
len2 = 2 * lenh + 2 * lenv + 4 * lenR[0];
X = _fmpz_vec_init(len2);
h = X;
j = h + lenh;
v = j + lenj;
w = v + lenv;
R[0] = w + lenw;
R[1] = R[0] + lenR[0];
R[2] = R[1] + lenR[1];
R[3] = R[2] + lenR[2];
sgnR = _fmpz_mod_poly_hgcd(R, lenR, h, &lenh, j, &lenj, B, lenB, r, lenr, mod);
if (sgnR > 0)
_fmpz_mod_poly_neg(S, R[1], lenR[1], mod);
_fmpz_vec_set(T, R[0], lenR[0]);
_fmpz_vec_set(S, R[1], lenR[1]);
_fmpz_mod_poly_neg(T, R[0], lenR[0], mod);
lenS = lenR[1];
lenT = lenR[0];
while (lenj != 0)
__divrem(q, lenq, r, lenr, h, lenh, j, lenj);
__mul(v, lenv, q, lenq, T, lenT);
slong l;
_fmpz_vec_swap(S, T, FLINT_MAX(lenS, lenT));
l = lenS; lenS = lenT; lenT = l;
if (lenr != 0) /* prevent overflow of T on last iteration */
__sub(T, lenT, T, lenT, v, lenv);
else /* lenr == 0 */
__set(G, lenG, j, lenj);
goto cofactor;
fmpz *u0 = R[0], *u1 = R[1];
slong lenu0 = lenr - 1, lenu1 = lenj - 1;
fmpz_invmod(invB, r + lenr - 1, mod);
lenG = _fmpz_mod_poly_xgcd_euclidean(G, u0, u1, j, lenj, r, lenr, invB, mod);
FMPZ_VEC_NORM(u0, lenu0);
FMPZ_VEC_NORM(u1, lenu1);
__mul(v, lenv, S, lenS, u0, lenu0);
__mul(w, lenw, T, lenT, u1, lenu1);
__add(S, lenS, v, lenv, w, lenw);
goto cofactor;
sgnR = _fmpz_mod_poly_hgcd(R, lenR, h, &lenh, j, &lenj, j,lenj, r, lenr, mod);
__mul(v, lenv, R[1], lenR[1], T, lenT);
__mul(w, lenw, R[2], lenR[2], S, lenS);
__mul(q, lenq, S, lenS, R[3], lenR[3]);
if (sgnR > 0)
__sub(S, lenS, q, lenq, v, lenv);
__sub(S, lenS, v, lenv, q, lenq);
__mul(q, lenq, T, lenT, R[0], lenR[0]);
if (sgnR > WORD(0))
__sub(T, lenT, q, lenq, w, lenw);
__sub(T, lenT, w, lenw, q, lenq);
__set(G, lenG, h, lenh);
__mul(v, lenv, S, lenS, A, lenA);
__sub(w, lenw, G, lenG, v, lenv);
__div(T, lenT, w, lenw, B, lenB);
_fmpz_vec_clear(X, len2);
_fmpz_vec_clear(q, len1);
_fmpz_vec_zero(S + lenS, lenB - 1 - lenS);
_fmpz_vec_zero(T + lenT, lenA - 1 - lenT);
return lenG;
void fmpz_mod_poly_xgcd_hgcd(fmpz_mod_poly_t G, fmpz_mod_poly_t S,
fmpz_mod_poly_t T, const fmpz_mod_poly_t A,
const fmpz_mod_poly_t B, const fmpz_mod_ctx_t ctx)
if (A->length < B->length)
fmpz_mod_poly_xgcd_hgcd(G, T, S, B, A, ctx);
else /* lenA >= lenB >= 0 */
const fmpz * p = fmpz_mod_ctx_modulus(ctx);
const slong lenA = A->length, lenB = B->length;
slong lenS, lenT;
fmpz_t inv;
if (lenA == 0) /* lenA = lenB = 0 */
fmpz_mod_poly_zero(G, ctx);
fmpz_mod_poly_zero(S, ctx);
fmpz_mod_poly_zero(T, ctx);
else if (lenB == 0) /* lenA > lenB = 0 */
fmpz_invmod(inv, A->coeffs + lenA - 1, p);
fmpz_mod_poly_scalar_mul_fmpz(G, A, inv, ctx);
fmpz_mod_poly_zero(T, ctx);
fmpz_mod_poly_set_coeff_fmpz(S, 0, inv, ctx);
_fmpz_mod_poly_set_length(S, 1);
else if (lenB == 1) /* lenA >= lenB = 1 */
fmpz_mod_poly_fit_length(T, 1, ctx);
_fmpz_mod_poly_set_length(T, 1);
fmpz_invmod(inv, B->coeffs + 0, p);
fmpz_set(T->coeffs + 0, inv);
fmpz_mod_poly_set_coeff_ui(G, 0, 1, ctx);
_fmpz_mod_poly_set_length(G, 1);
fmpz_mod_poly_zero(S, ctx);
else /* lenA >= lenB >= 2 */
fmpz *g, *s, *t;
slong lenG;
if (G == A || G == B)
g = _fmpz_vec_init(FLINT_MIN(lenA, lenB));
fmpz_mod_poly_fit_length(G, FLINT_MIN(lenA, lenB), ctx);
g = G->coeffs;
if (S == A || S == B)
s = _fmpz_vec_init(FLINT_MAX(lenB - 1, 2));
fmpz_mod_poly_fit_length(S, FLINT_MAX(lenB - 1, 2), ctx);
s = S->coeffs;
if (T == A || T == B)
t = _fmpz_vec_init(FLINT_MAX(lenA - 1, 2));
fmpz_mod_poly_fit_length(T, FLINT_MAX(lenA - 1, 2), ctx);
t = T->coeffs;
if (lenA >= lenB)
lenG = _fmpz_mod_poly_xgcd_hgcd(g, s, t, A->coeffs, lenA,
B->coeffs, lenB, p);
lenG = _fmpz_mod_poly_xgcd_hgcd(g, t, s, B->coeffs, lenB,
A->coeffs, lenA, p);
if (G == A || G == B)
_fmpz_vec_clear(G->coeffs, FLINT_MIN(lenA, lenB));
G->coeffs = g;
G->alloc = FLINT_MIN(lenA, lenB);
if (S == A || S == B)
_fmpz_vec_clear(S->coeffs, FLINT_MAX(lenB - 1, 2));
S->coeffs = s;
S->alloc = FLINT_MAX(lenB - 1, 2);
if (T == A || T == B)
_fmpz_vec_clear(T->coeffs, FLINT_MAX(lenA - 1, 2));
T->coeffs = t;
T->alloc = FLINT_MAX(lenA - 1, 2);
_fmpz_mod_poly_set_length(G, lenG);
lenS = FLINT_MAX(lenB - lenG, 1);
lenT = FLINT_MAX(lenA - lenG, 1);
FMPZ_VEC_NORM(S->coeffs, lenS);
FMPZ_VEC_NORM(T->coeffs, lenT);
_fmpz_mod_poly_set_length(S, lenS);
_fmpz_mod_poly_set_length(T, lenT);
if (!fmpz_is_one(G->coeffs + lenG - 1))
fmpz_invmod(inv, G->coeffs + lenG - 1, p);
fmpz_mod_poly_scalar_mul_fmpz(G, G, inv, ctx);
fmpz_mod_poly_scalar_mul_fmpz(S, S, inv, ctx);
fmpz_mod_poly_scalar_mul_fmpz(T, T, inv, ctx);
#undef __set
#undef __add
#undef __sub
#undef __mul
#undef __divrem
#undef __div