Copyright (C) 2018 Daniel Schultz
This file is part of FLINT.
FLINT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. See .
#include "fmpz_mpoly.h"
int i, j, w, result;
/* Check s*f = g1*q1 + ... + gn*qn + r for random polys */
for (i = 0; i < 100 * flint_test_multiplier(); i++)
fmpz_t scale;
fmpz_mpoly_ctx_t ctx;
fmpz_mpoly_t f, r, k1, k2;
fmpz_mpoly_struct * g, * q;
ordering_t ord;
slong nvars, len, len1, len2, exp_bound, exp_bound1, exp_bound2, num;
slong coeff_bits;
fmpz_mpoly_struct * qarr[5], * darr[5];
fmpz * shifts, * strides;
num = n_randint(state, 5) + 1;
g = (fmpz_mpoly_struct *) flint_malloc(num*sizeof(fmpz_mpoly_struct));
q = (fmpz_mpoly_struct *) flint_malloc(num*sizeof(fmpz_mpoly_struct));
ord = mpoly_ordering_randtest(state);
nvars = n_randint(state, 10) + 1;
fmpz_mpoly_ctx_init(ctx, nvars, ord);
for (w = 0; w < num; w++)
fmpz_mpoly_init(g + w, ctx);
darr[w] = g + w;
fmpz_mpoly_init(q + w, ctx);
qarr[w] = q + w;
fmpz_mpoly_init(f, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_init(k1, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_init(k2, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_init(r, ctx);
len = n_randint(state, 10);
len1 = n_randint(state, 12);
len2 = n_randint(state, 8) + 1;
exp_bound = n_randint(state, 10/nvars + 1) + 2;
exp_bound1 = n_randint(state, 25/nvars + 1) + 2;
exp_bound2 = n_randint(state, 20/nvars + 1) + 1;
coeff_bits = n_randint(state, 40);
shifts = (fmpz *) flint_malloc(ctx->minfo->nvars*sizeof(fmpz));
strides = (fmpz *) flint_malloc(ctx->minfo->nvars*sizeof(fmpz));
for (j = 0; j < ctx->minfo->nvars; j++)
fmpz_init(shifts + j);
fmpz_init(strides + j);
fmpz_randtest_unsigned(shifts + j, state, 100);
fmpz_randtest_unsigned(strides + j, state, 100);
fmpz_add_ui(strides + j, strides + j, 1);
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
fmpz_mpoly_randtest_bound(f, state, len1, coeff_bits, exp_bound1, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_inflate(f, f, shifts, strides, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_assert_canonical(f, ctx);
for (w = 0; w < num; w++)
do {
fmpz_mpoly_randtest_bound(darr[w], state, len2, coeff_bits + 1, exp_bound2, ctx);
} while (darr[w]->length == 0);
fmpz_mpoly_inflate(darr[w], darr[w], shifts, strides, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_assert_canonical(darr[w], ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_randtest_bound(qarr[w], state, len, coeff_bits, exp_bound, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_randtest_bound(k1, state, len, coeff_bits, exp_bound, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_randtest_bound(k2, state, len, coeff_bits, exp_bound, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_quasidivrem_ideal_heap(scale, qarr, r, f, darr, num, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_assert_canonical(r, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_set(k2, r, ctx);
for (w = 0; w < num; w++)
fmpz_mpoly_assert_canonical(qarr[w], ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_remainder_strongtest(r, darr[w], ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_mul_johnson(k1, qarr[w], darr[w], ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_add(k2, k2, k1, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_scalar_mul_fmpz(f, f, scale, ctx);
result = fmpz_mpoly_equal(f, k2, ctx);
if (!result)
flint_printf("Check s*f = g1*q1 + ... + gn*qn + r\ni=%wd j=%wd\n",i,j);
for (j = 0; j < ctx->minfo->nvars; j++)
fmpz_clear(shifts + j);
fmpz_clear(strides + j);
for (w = 0; w < num; w++)
fmpz_mpoly_clear(qarr[w], ctx);
for (w = 0; w < num; w++)
fmpz_mpoly_clear(darr[w], ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_clear(f, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_clear(k1, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_clear(k2, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_clear(r, ctx);
/* Check aliasing remainder */
for (i = 0; i < 100 * flint_test_multiplier(); i++)
fmpz_t scale;
fmpz_mpoly_ctx_t ctx;
fmpz_mpoly_t f, r, k1, k2;
fmpz_mpoly_struct * g, * q;
ordering_t ord;
slong nvars, len, len1, len2, exp_bound, exp_bound1, exp_bound2, num;
slong coeff_bits;
fmpz_mpoly_struct * qarr[5], * darr[5];
num = n_randint(state, 5) + 1;
g = (fmpz_mpoly_struct *) flint_malloc(num*sizeof(fmpz_mpoly_struct));
q = (fmpz_mpoly_struct *) flint_malloc(num*sizeof(fmpz_mpoly_struct));
ord = mpoly_ordering_randtest(state);
nvars = n_randint(state, 10) + 1;
fmpz_mpoly_ctx_init(ctx, nvars, ord);
for (w = 0; w < num; w++)
fmpz_mpoly_init(g + w, ctx);
darr[w] = g + w;
fmpz_mpoly_init(q + w, ctx);
qarr[w] = q + w;
fmpz_mpoly_init(f, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_init(k1, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_init(k2, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_init(r, ctx);
len = n_randint(state, 10);
len1 = n_randint(state, 12);
len2 = n_randint(state, 8) + 1;
exp_bound = n_randint(state, 10/nvars + 1) + 2;
exp_bound1 = n_randint(state, 25/nvars + 1) + 2;
exp_bound2 = n_randint(state, 20/nvars + 1) + 1;
coeff_bits = n_randint(state, 40);
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
fmpz_mpoly_randtest_bound(f, state, len1, coeff_bits, exp_bound1, ctx);
for (w = 0; w < num; w++)
do {
fmpz_mpoly_randtest_bound(darr[w], state, len2, coeff_bits + 1, exp_bound2, ctx);
} while (darr[w]->length == 0);
fmpz_mpoly_randtest_bound(qarr[w], state, len, coeff_bits, exp_bound, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_randtest_bound(k1, state, len, coeff_bits, exp_bound, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_randtest_bound(k2, state, len, coeff_bits, exp_bound, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_set(r, f, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_quasidivrem_ideal_heap(scale, qarr, r, r, darr, num, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_assert_canonical(r, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_set(k2, r, ctx);
for (w = 0; w < num; w++)
fmpz_mpoly_assert_canonical(qarr[w], ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_remainder_strongtest(r, darr[w], ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_mul_johnson(k1, qarr[w], darr[w], ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_add(k2, k2, k1, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_scalar_mul_fmpz(f, f, scale, ctx);
result = fmpz_mpoly_equal(f, k2, ctx);
if (!result)
flint_printf("Check aliasing remainder\ni=%wd j=%wd\n",i,j);
for (w = 0; w < num; w++)
fmpz_mpoly_clear(qarr[w], ctx);
for (w = 0; w < num; w++)
fmpz_mpoly_clear(darr[w], ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_clear(f, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_clear(k1, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_clear(k2, ctx);
fmpz_mpoly_clear(r, ctx);
return 0;