Copyright (C) 2010 Fredrik Johansson
Copyright (C) 2013 Mike Hansen
This file is part of FLINT.
FLINT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. See .
#ifdef T
#include "templates.h"
slong i;
for (i = 0; i < 2 * flint_test_multiplier(); i++)
TEMPLATE(T, ctx_t) ctx;
TEMPLATE(T, mat_t) A, B, C, D, T, E;
slong m, k, n;
TEMPLATE(T, ctx_randtest) (ctx, state);
m = n_randint(state, 50);
k = n_randint(state, 50);
n = n_randint(state, 50);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_init) (A, m, k, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_init) (B, k, n, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_init) (C, m, n, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_init) (D, m, n, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_init) (T, m, n, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_init) (E, m, n, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_randtest) (A, state, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_randtest) (B, state, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_randtest) (C, state, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_submul) (D, C, A, B, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_mul) (T, A, B, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_sub) (E, C, T, ctx);
if (!TEMPLATE(T, mat_equal) (D, E, ctx))
printf("FAIL: results not equal\n");
TEMPLATE(T, mat_print_pretty) (A, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_print_pretty) (B, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_print_pretty) (C, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_print_pretty) (D, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_print_pretty) (E, ctx);
/* Check aliasing */
TEMPLATE(T, mat_submul) (C, C, A, B, ctx);
if (!TEMPLATE(T, mat_equal) (C, E, ctx))
printf("FAIL: results not equal (aliasing)\n");
TEMPLATE(T, mat_print_pretty) (A, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_print_pretty) (B, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_print_pretty) (C, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_print_pretty) (D, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_print_pretty) (E, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_clear) (A, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_clear) (B, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_clear) (C, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_clear) (D, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_clear) (E, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, mat_clear) (T, ctx);
TEMPLATE(T, ctx_clear) (ctx);
return 0;