/* Copyright (C) 2019 Daniel Schultz This file is part of FLINT. FLINT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See . */ #include "nmod_mpoly.h" /* store in each coefficient the evaluation of the corresponding monomial */ void nmod_mpoly_evalsk(nmod_mpoly_t A, nmod_mpoly_t B, slong entries, slong * offs, ulong * masks, mp_limb_t * powers, const nmod_mpoly_ctx_t ctx) { slong i, j; slong N; FLINT_ASSERT(A->bits == B->bits); nmod_mpoly_fit_length(A, B->length, ctx); N = mpoly_words_per_exp(B->bits, ctx->minfo); for (i = 0; i < B->length; i++) { mp_limb_t prod = UWORD(1); for (j = 0; j < entries; j++) { if ((B->exps + N*i)[offs[j]] & masks[j]) { prod = nmod_mul(prod, powers[j], ctx->mod); } } A->coeffs[i] = prod; mpoly_monomial_set(A->exps + N*i, B->exps + N*i, N); } A->length = B->length; } void nmod_mpolyu_evalsk(nmod_mpolyu_t A, nmod_mpolyu_t B, slong entries, slong * offs, ulong * masks, mp_limb_t * powers, const nmod_mpoly_ctx_t ctx) { slong i; nmod_mpolyu_fit_length(A, B->length, ctx); for (i = 0; i < B->length; i++) { A->exps[i] = B->exps[i]; nmod_mpoly_evalsk(A->coeffs + i, B->coeffs + i, entries, offs, masks, powers, ctx); } A->length = B->length; } /* multiply the coefficients of A pointwise by those of B */ void nmod_mpolyu_mulsk(nmod_mpolyu_t A, nmod_mpolyu_t B, const nmod_mpoly_ctx_t ctx) { slong i, j; FLINT_ASSERT(A->length == B->length); for (i = 0; i < A->length; i++) { FLINT_ASSERT(A->exps[i] == B->exps[i]); FLINT_ASSERT((A->coeffs + i)->length == (B->coeffs + i)->length); for (j = 0; j < (A->coeffs + i)->length; j++) { (A->coeffs + i)->coeffs[j] = nmod_mul((A->coeffs + i)->coeffs[j], (B->coeffs + i)->coeffs[j], ctx->mod); } } } /* return 0 if the leading coeff of A vanishes else return 1 */ int nmod_mpolyu_evalfromsk(nmod_poly_t e, nmod_mpolyu_t A, nmod_mpolyu_t SK, const nmod_mpoly_ctx_t ctx) { slong i, j; int ret = 0; FLINT_ASSERT(A->length == SK->length); nmod_poly_zero(e); for (i = 0; i < A->length; i++) { mp_limb_t v, pp0, pp1, ac0 = 0, ac1 = 0, ac2 = 0; FLINT_ASSERT((A->coeffs + i)->length == (SK->coeffs + i)->length); for (j = 0; j < (A->coeffs + i)->length; j++) { umul_ppmm(pp1, pp0, (A->coeffs + i)->coeffs[j], (SK->coeffs + i)->coeffs[j]); add_sssaaaaaa(ac2, ac1, ac0, ac2, ac1, ac0, WORD(0), pp1, pp0); } NMOD_RED3(v, ac2, ac1, ac0, ctx->mod); nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui(e, A->exps[i], v); ret |= (i == 0 && v != 0); } return ret; } /* solve [ a[0] a[1] ... a[n-1] ] [ x[0] ] [ b[0] ] [ a[0]^2 a[1]^2 ... a[n-1]^2 ] [ x[1] ] [ b[1] ] [ ... ... ] . [ ... ] = [ ... ] [ a[0]^n a[1]^n ... a[n-1]^n ] [ x[n-1] ] [ b[n-1] ] for x */ int nmod_vandsolve(mp_limb_t * x, mp_limb_t * a, mp_limb_t * b, slong n, nmod_t mod) { int success = 0; slong i, j; mp_limb_t t; mp_limb_t Dinv; nmod_poly_t Q, P, R, u; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) x[i] = 0; nmod_poly_init(Q, mod.n); nmod_poly_init(P, mod.n); nmod_poly_init(R, mod.n); nmod_poly_init(u, mod.n); nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui(u, 1, 1); nmod_poly_product_roots_nmod_vec(P, a, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (a[i] == UWORD(0)) goto cleanup; nmod_poly_set_coeff_ui(u, 0, mod.n - a[i]); nmod_poly_divrem(Q, R, P, u); t = nmod_mul(a[i], nmod_poly_evaluate_nmod(Q, a[i]), mod); if (t == UWORD(0)) goto cleanup; Dinv = nmod_inv(t, mod); for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { t = nmod_mul(b[j], Dinv, mod); t = nmod_mul(t, nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui(Q, j), mod); x[i] = nmod_add(x[i], t, mod); } } success = 1; cleanup: nmod_poly_clear(Q); nmod_poly_clear(P); nmod_poly_clear(R); nmod_poly_clear(u); return success; } /* Try to set G to the gcd of A and B given the form f of G. return codes as enumerated in nmod_mpoly.h: nmod_gcds_success, nmod_gcds_form_wrong, nmod_gcds_no_solution, nmod_gcds_scales_not_found, nmod_gcds_eval_point_not_found, nmod_gcds_eval_gcd_deg_too_high */ nmod_gcds_ret_t nmod_mpolyu_gcds_zippel(nmod_mpolyu_t G, nmod_mpolyu_t A, nmod_mpolyu_t B, nmod_mpolyu_t f, slong var, const nmod_mpoly_ctx_t ctx, flint_rand_t randstate, slong * degbound) { int eval_points_tried; nmod_gcds_ret_t success; nmod_mpolyu_t Aevalsk1, Bevalsk1, fevalsk1, Aevalski, Bevalski, fevalski; nmod_poly_t Aeval, Beval, Geval; mp_limb_t * alpha, * b; nmod_mat_struct * M, * ML; nmod_mat_t MF, Msol; int lc_ok; int underdeterminedcount = 0; int exceededcount = 0; int * ML_is_initialized; slong i, j, k, s, S, nullity; slong * d; slong l; mp_limb_t * W; slong entries; slong * offs; ulong * masks; mp_limb_t * powers; TMP_INIT; FLINT_ASSERT(A->length > 0); FLINT_ASSERT(B->length > 0); FLINT_ASSERT(f->length > 0); FLINT_ASSERT(A->bits == B->bits); FLINT_ASSERT(A->bits == G->bits); FLINT_ASSERT(A->bits == f->bits); FLINT_ASSERT(var >= 0); FLINT_ASSERT(*degbound == f->exps[0]); FLINT_ASSERT(var > 0); if (f->length == 1) { if ((f->coeffs + 0)->length > 1) { /* impossible to find scale factors in this case */ return nmod_gcds_scales_not_found; } else { /* otherwise set the coeff of the monomial to one */ nmod_gcds_ret_t ret; FLINT_ASSERT((f->coeffs + 0)->length == 1); nmod_mpolyu_set(G, f, ctx); (G->coeffs + 0)->coeffs[0] = UWORD(1); nmod_mpolyu_init(Aevalsk1, f->bits, ctx); ret = nmod_gcds_form_wrong; if ( nmod_mpolyuu_divides(Aevalsk1, A, G, 1, ctx) && nmod_mpolyuu_divides(Aevalsk1, B, G, 1, ctx)) { ret = nmod_gcds_success; } nmod_mpolyu_clear(Aevalsk1, ctx); return ret; } } TMP_START; nmod_mpolyu_init(Aevalsk1, f->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_init(Bevalsk1, f->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_init(fevalsk1, f->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_init(Aevalski, f->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_init(Bevalski, f->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_init(fevalski, f->bits, ctx); nmod_poly_init(Aeval, ctx->mod.n); nmod_poly_init(Beval, ctx->mod.n); nmod_poly_init(Geval, ctx->mod.n); d = (slong *) TMP_ALLOC(f->length*sizeof(slong)); for (i = 0; i < f->length; i++) { d[i] = i; } /* make d sort the coeffs so that (f->coeffs + d[j-1])->length <= (f->coeffs + d[j-0])->length for all j */ for (i = 1; ilength; i++) { for (j=i; j > 0 && (f->coeffs + d[j-1])->length > (f->coeffs + d[j-0])->length; j--) { slong temp = d[j-1]; d[j-1] = d[j-0]; d[j-0] = temp; } } /* l is the number of images we will try to construct */ l = f->length - 3; for (i = 0; i < f->length; i++) { l += (f->coeffs + i)->length; } l = l / (f->length - 1); l = FLINT_MAX(l, (f->coeffs + d[f->length - 1])->length); /* one extra test image */ l += 1; alpha = (mp_limb_t *) TMP_ALLOC(var*sizeof(mp_limb_t)); ML = (nmod_mat_struct *) TMP_ALLOC(f->length*sizeof(nmod_mat_struct)); b = (mp_limb_t *) TMP_ALLOC((f->coeffs + d[f->length - 1])->length *sizeof(mp_limb_t)); nmod_mat_init(MF, 0, l, ctx->mod.n); M = (nmod_mat_struct *) TMP_ALLOC(f->length*sizeof(nmod_mat_struct)); ML_is_initialized = (int *) TMP_ALLOC(f->length*sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < f->length; i++) { nmod_mat_init(M + i, l, (f->coeffs + i)->length, ctx->mod.n); ML_is_initialized[i] = 0; } W = (mp_limb_t *) flint_malloc(l*f->length*sizeof(mp_limb_t)); nmod_mat_init(Msol, l, 1, ctx->mod.n); /* compute how many masks are needed */ entries = f->bits * var; offs = (slong *) TMP_ALLOC(entries*sizeof(slong)); masks = (ulong *) TMP_ALLOC(entries*sizeof(slong)); powers = (mp_limb_t *) TMP_ALLOC(entries*sizeof(mp_limb_t)); /***** evaluation loop head *******/ eval_points_tried = 0; pick_evaluation_point: if (++eval_points_tried > 10) { success = nmod_gcds_eval_point_not_found; goto finished; } /* avoid 0, 1 and -1 for the evaluation points */ FLINT_ASSERT(ctx->mod.n > UWORD(3)); for (i = 0; i < var; i++) alpha[i] = UWORD(2) + n_randint(randstate, ctx->mod.n - UWORD(3)); /* store bit masks for each power of two of the non-main variables */ for (i = 0; i < var; i++) { slong shift, off; mpoly_gen_offset_shift_sp(&off, &shift, i, f->bits, ctx->minfo); for (j = 0; j < f->bits; j++) { offs[f->bits*i + j] = off; masks[f->bits*i + j] = UWORD(1) << (j + shift); if (j == 0) powers[f->bits*i + j] = alpha[i]; else powers[f->bits*i + j] = nmod_mul(powers[f->bits*i + j-1], powers[f->bits*i + j-1], ctx->mod); } } nmod_mpolyu_evalsk(Aevalsk1, A, entries, offs, masks, powers, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_evalsk(Bevalsk1, B, entries, offs, masks, powers, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_evalsk(fevalsk1, f, entries, offs, masks, powers, ctx); for (i = 0; i < l*f->length; i++) { W[i] = 0; } for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (i == 0) { nmod_mpolyu_set(Aevalski, Aevalsk1, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_set(Bevalski, Bevalsk1, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_set(fevalski, fevalsk1, ctx); } else { nmod_mpolyu_mulsk(Aevalski, Aevalsk1, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_mulsk(Bevalski, Bevalsk1, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_mulsk(fevalski, fevalsk1, ctx); } for (j = 0; j < f->length; j++) { for (k = 0; k < (f->coeffs + j)->length; k++) { (M + j)->rows[i][k] = (fevalski->coeffs + j)->coeffs[k]; } } lc_ok = 1; lc_ok = lc_ok && nmod_mpolyu_evalfromsk(Aeval, A, Aevalski, ctx); lc_ok = lc_ok && nmod_mpolyu_evalfromsk(Beval, B, Bevalski, ctx); if (!lc_ok) { /* lc of A or B vanished */ goto pick_evaluation_point; } nmod_poly_gcd(Geval, Aeval, Beval); if (f->exps[0] < nmod_poly_degree(Geval)) { ++exceededcount; if (exceededcount < 2) goto pick_evaluation_point; success = nmod_gcds_eval_gcd_deg_too_high; goto finished; } if (f->exps[0] > nmod_poly_degree(Geval)) { success = nmod_gcds_form_main_degree_too_high; *degbound = nmod_poly_degree(Geval); goto finished; } k = nmod_poly_length(Geval); j = WORD(0); while ((--k) >= 0) { mp_limb_t ck = nmod_poly_get_coeff_ui(Geval, k); if (ck != UWORD(0)) { while (j < f->length && f->exps[j] > k) { j++; } if (j >= f->length || f->exps[j] != k) { success = nmod_gcds_form_wrong; goto finished; } W[l*j + i] = ck; } } } nullity = -1; nmod_mat_clear(MF); nmod_mat_init(MF, 0, l, ctx->mod.n); for (S = 0; S < f->length; S++) { s = d[S]; if (!ML_is_initialized[s]) { nmod_mat_init(ML + s, l, (f->coeffs + s)->length + l, ctx->mod.n); ML_is_initialized[s] = 1; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (f->coeffs + s)->length; j++) { (ML + s)->rows[i][j] = (M + s)->rows[i][j]; } (ML + s)->rows[i][(f->coeffs + s)->length + i] = W[l*s + i]; } } else { for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (f->coeffs + s)->length; j++) { (ML + s)->rows[i][j] = (M + s)->rows[i][j]; } for (j = 0; j < l; j++) { (ML + s)->rows[i][(f->coeffs + s)->length + j] = (j==i ? W[l*s + i] : UWORD(0)); } } } nmod_mat_rref(ML + s); for (i = 0; i < (f->coeffs + s)->length; i++) { if ((ML + s)->rows[i][i] != UWORD(1)) { /* evaluation points produced a singular vandermonde matrix */ goto pick_evaluation_point; } } { /* appends rows to MF */ nmod_mat_t MFtemp; nmod_mat_t Mwindow; nmod_mat_window_init(Mwindow, ML + s, (f->coeffs + s)->length, (f->coeffs + s)->length, l, (f->coeffs + s)->length + l); nmod_mat_init(MFtemp, nmod_mat_nrows(MF) + l - (f->coeffs + s)->length, l, ctx->mod.n); nmod_mat_concat_vertical(MFtemp, MF, Mwindow); nmod_mat_swap(MFtemp, MF); nmod_mat_clear(MFtemp); nmod_mat_window_clear(Mwindow); } nullity = l - nmod_mat_rref(MF); if (nullity == 0) { /* There is no solution for scale factors. Form f must be wrong */ success = nmod_gcds_form_wrong; goto finished; } if (nullity == 1) { /* There is one solution for scale factors based on equations considered thus far. Accept this as a solution and perform checks of the remaining equations at the end. */ break; } } if (nullity != 1) { ++underdeterminedcount; if (underdeterminedcount < 2) goto pick_evaluation_point; success = nmod_gcds_scales_not_found; goto finished; } nullity = nmod_mat_nullspace(Msol, MF); FLINT_ASSERT(nullity == 1); nmod_mpolyu_setform(G, f, ctx); for (i = 0; i < f->length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < (f->coeffs + i)->length; j++) { FLINT_ASSERT((f->coeffs + i)->length <= l); b[j] = nmod_mul(W[l*i + j], nmod_mat_get_entry(Msol, j, 0), ctx->mod); } success = nmod_vandsolve((G->coeffs + i)->coeffs, (fevalsk1->coeffs + i)->coeffs, b, (f->coeffs + i)->length, ctx->mod); if (!success) { /* evaluation points produced a singular vandermonde matrix */ goto pick_evaluation_point; } } /* check solution */ for (s = 0; s < f->length; s++) { mp_limb_t pp0, pp1, ac0, ac1, ac2, u, v; for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { ac0 = ac1 = ac2 = 0; for (j = 0; j < (f->coeffs + s)->length; j++) { umul_ppmm(pp1, pp0, (M + s)->rows[i][j], (G->coeffs + s)->coeffs[j]); add_sssaaaaaa(ac2, ac1, ac0, ac2, ac1, ac0, WORD(0), pp1, pp0); } NMOD_RED3(v, ac2, ac1, ac0, ctx->mod); u = nmod_mul(W[l*s + i], nmod_mat_get_entry(Msol, i, 0), ctx->mod); if (v != u) { success = nmod_gcds_no_solution; goto finished; } } } success = nmod_gcds_success; finished: flint_free(W); nmod_mat_clear(MF); nmod_mat_clear(Msol); for (i = 0; i < f->length; i++) { nmod_mat_clear(M + i); if (ML_is_initialized[i]) { nmod_mat_clear(ML + i); } } nmod_mpolyu_clear(Aevalsk1, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_clear(Bevalsk1, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_clear(fevalsk1, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_clear(Aevalski, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_clear(Bevalski, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_clear(fevalski, ctx); nmod_poly_clear(Aeval); nmod_poly_clear(Beval); nmod_poly_clear(Geval); TMP_END; return success; } static int nmod_mpolyu_gcdp_zippel_univar( nmod_mpolyu_t G, nmod_mpolyu_t Abar, nmod_mpolyu_t Bbar, nmod_mpolyu_t A, nmod_mpolyu_t B, const nmod_mpoly_ctx_t ctx) { nmod_poly_t a, b, g, t; FLINT_ASSERT(A->bits == B->bits); nmod_poly_init_mod(a, ctx->mod); nmod_poly_init_mod(b, ctx->mod); nmod_poly_init_mod(g, ctx->mod); nmod_poly_init_mod(t, ctx->mod); nmod_mpolyu_cvtto_poly(a, A, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_cvtto_poly(b, B, ctx); nmod_poly_gcd(g, a, b); nmod_mpolyu_cvtfrom_poly(G, g, ctx); nmod_poly_div(t, a, g); nmod_mpolyu_cvtfrom_poly(Abar, t, ctx); nmod_poly_div(t, b, g); nmod_mpolyu_cvtfrom_poly(Bbar, t, ctx); nmod_poly_clear(a); nmod_poly_clear(b); nmod_poly_clear(g); nmod_poly_clear(t); return 1; } static int nmod_mpolyu_gcdp_zippel_univar_no_cofactors( nmod_mpolyu_t G, nmod_mpolyu_t A, nmod_mpolyu_t B, const nmod_mpoly_ctx_t ctx) { nmod_poly_t a, b, g; FLINT_ASSERT(A->bits == B->bits); nmod_poly_init_mod(a, ctx->mod); nmod_poly_init_mod(b, ctx->mod); nmod_poly_init_mod(g, ctx->mod); nmod_poly_init_mod(g, ctx->mod); nmod_mpolyu_cvtto_poly(a, A, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_cvtto_poly(b, B, ctx); nmod_poly_gcd(g, a, b); nmod_mpolyu_cvtfrom_poly(G, g, ctx); nmod_poly_clear(a); nmod_poly_clear(b); nmod_poly_clear(g); return 1; } int nmod_mpolyu_gcdp_zippel_bivar( nmod_mpolyu_t G, nmod_mpolyu_t Abar, nmod_mpolyu_t Bbar, nmod_mpolyu_t A, nmod_mpolyu_t B, const nmod_mpoly_ctx_t ctx) { slong var = 0; slong Alastdeg; slong Blastdeg; ulong Ashift, Bshift, Gshift; slong lastdeg; slong bound; int success = 0, changed, have_enough; n_poly_t a, b, c, g, modulus, tempmod; nmod_mpolyu_t Aeval, Beval, Geval; nmod_mpolyun_t An, Bn, H, Ht; mp_limb_t geval, temp, alpha; FLINT_ASSERT(ctx->minfo->ord == ORD_LEX); FLINT_ASSERT(var >= -WORD(1)); FLINT_ASSERT(G->bits == A->bits); FLINT_ASSERT(G->bits == B->bits); nmod_mpolyun_init(An, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_init(Bn, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_cvtto_mpolyun(An, A, var, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_cvtto_mpolyun(Bn, B, var, ctx); FLINT_ASSERT(An->length > 0); FLINT_ASSERT(Bn->length > 0); Ashift = A->exps[A->length - 1]; Bshift = B->exps[B->length - 1]; Gshift = FLINT_MIN(Ashift, Bshift); nmod_mpolyun_shift_right(An, Ashift); nmod_mpolyun_shift_right(Bn, Bshift); n_poly_init(a); n_poly_init(b); n_poly_init(c); n_poly_init(g); /* if the gcd has content wrt last variable, we are going to fail */ nmod_mpolyun_content_last(a, An, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_content_last(b, Bn, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_divexact_last(An, a, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_divexact_last(Bn, b, ctx); n_poly_mod_gcd(c, a, b, ctx->mod); n_poly_mod_gcd(g, nmod_mpolyun_leadcoeff_poly(An, ctx), nmod_mpolyun_leadcoeff_poly(Bn, ctx), ctx->mod); Alastdeg = nmod_mpolyun_lastdeg(An, ctx); Blastdeg = nmod_mpolyun_lastdeg(Bn, ctx); /* bound of the number of images required */ bound = 1 + FLINT_MIN(Alastdeg, Blastdeg) + n_poly_degree(g); n_poly_init(modulus); n_poly_init(tempmod); n_poly_set_coeff(tempmod, 1, UWORD(1)); nmod_mpolyu_init(Aeval, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_init(Beval, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_init(Geval, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_init(H, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_init(Ht, A->bits, ctx); /* fail if the gcd has content wrt last variable */ if (n_poly_degree(c) > 0) { success = 0; goto finished; } n_poly_one(modulus); nmod_mpolyun_zero(H, ctx); alpha = ctx->mod.n; while (1) { if (alpha == 0) { success = 0; goto finished; } alpha--; /* make sure evaluation point does not kill both lc(A) and lc(B) */ geval = n_poly_mod_evaluate_nmod(g, alpha, ctx->mod); if (geval == WORD(0)) goto outer_continue; /* make sure evaluation point does not kill either A or B */ nmod_mpolyun_interp_reduce_sm_mpolyu(Aeval, An, alpha, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_interp_reduce_sm_mpolyu(Beval, Bn, alpha, ctx); if (Aeval->length == 0 || Beval->length == 0) goto outer_continue; nmod_mpolyu_gcdp_zippel_univar_no_cofactors(Geval, Aeval, Beval, ctx); if (nmod_mpolyu_is_one(Geval, ctx)) { nmod_mpolyu_one(G, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_swap(Abar, A, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_swap(Bbar, B, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_shift_left(G, Gshift); nmod_mpolyu_shift_left(Abar, Ashift - Gshift); nmod_mpolyu_shift_left(Bbar, Bshift - Gshift); success = 1; goto finished; } FLINT_ASSERT(Geval->length > 0); if (n_poly_degree(modulus) > 0) { if (Geval->exps[0] > H->exps[0]) { goto outer_continue; } else if (Geval->exps[0] < H->exps[0]) { n_poly_one(modulus); } } temp = n_invmod(nmod_mpolyu_leadcoeff(Geval, ctx), ctx->mod.n); temp = nmod_mul(geval, temp, ctx->mod); nmod_mpolyu_scalar_mul_nmod(Geval, temp, ctx); /* update interpolant H */ if (n_poly_degree(modulus) > 0) { mp_limb_t t = n_poly_mod_evaluate_nmod(modulus, alpha, ctx->mod); t = nmod_inv(t, ctx->mod); _n_poly_mod_scalar_mul_nmod_inplace(modulus, t, ctx->mod); changed = nmod_mpolyun_interp_crt_sm_mpolyu(&lastdeg, H, Ht, Geval, modulus, alpha, ctx); n_poly_set_coeff(tempmod, 0, ctx->mod.n - alpha); n_poly_mod_mul(modulus, modulus, tempmod, ctx->mod); have_enough = n_poly_degree(modulus) >= bound; if (changed && !have_enough) { goto outer_continue; } if (!changed || have_enough) { nmod_mpolyun_content_last(a, H, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_mul_poly(Ht, H, c, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_divexact_last(Ht, a, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_shift_left(Ht, Gshift); nmod_mpolyu_cvtfrom_mpolyun(G, Ht, var, ctx); if ( nmod_mpolyuu_divides(Abar, A, G, 1, ctx) && nmod_mpolyuu_divides(Bbar, B, G, 1, ctx)) { success = 1; goto finished; } } if (have_enough) { n_poly_one(modulus); goto outer_continue; } } else { nmod_mpolyun_interp_lift_sm_mpolyu(H, Geval, ctx); n_poly_set_coeff(tempmod, 0, ctx->mod.n - alpha); n_poly_mod_mul(modulus, modulus, tempmod, ctx->mod); } outer_continue:; } finished: n_poly_clear(a); n_poly_clear(b); n_poly_clear(c); n_poly_clear(g); n_poly_clear(modulus); n_poly_clear(tempmod); nmod_mpolyu_clear(Aeval, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_clear(Beval, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_clear(Geval, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_clear(An, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_clear(Bn, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_clear(H, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_clear(Ht, ctx); return success; } int nmod_mpolyu_gcdp_zippel( nmod_mpolyu_t G, nmod_mpolyu_t Abar, nmod_mpolyu_t Bbar, nmod_mpolyu_t A, nmod_mpolyu_t B, slong var, const nmod_mpoly_ctx_t ctx, flint_rand_t randstate) { slong lastdeg; slong Alastdeg; slong Blastdeg; ulong Ashift, Bshift, Gshift; slong degbound; slong bound; int success = 0, changed, have_enough; nmod_mpolyun_t An, Bn; n_poly_t a, b, c, g; n_poly_t modulus, tempmod; nmod_mpolyu_t Aeval, Beval, Geval, Abareval, Bbareval, Gform; nmod_mpolyun_t H, Ht; mp_limb_t geval, temp; mp_limb_t alpha, start_alpha; FLINT_ASSERT(ctx->minfo->ord == ORD_LEX); FLINT_ASSERT(var >= -WORD(1)); FLINT_ASSERT(G->bits == A->bits); FLINT_ASSERT(G->bits == B->bits); FLINT_ASSERT(A->length > 0); FLINT_ASSERT(B->length > 0); if (var == -WORD(1)) { /* no more variables left to interpolate */ return nmod_mpolyu_gcdp_zippel_univar(G, Abar, Bbar, A, B, ctx); } if (var == WORD(0)) { /* bivariate is more comfortable separated */ return nmod_mpolyu_gcdp_zippel_bivar(G, Abar, Bbar, A, B, ctx); } nmod_mpolyun_init(An, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_init(Bn, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_cvtto_mpolyun(An, A, var, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_cvtto_mpolyun(Bn, B, var, ctx); Ashift = A->exps[A->length - 1]; Bshift = B->exps[B->length - 1]; Gshift = FLINT_MIN(Ashift, Bshift); nmod_mpolyun_shift_right(An, Ashift); nmod_mpolyun_shift_right(Bn, Bshift); n_poly_init(a); n_poly_init(b); n_poly_init(c); n_poly_init(g); /* if the gcd has content wrt last variable, we are going to fail */ nmod_mpolyun_content_last(a, An, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_content_last(b, Bn, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_divexact_last(An, a, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_divexact_last(Bn, b, ctx); n_poly_mod_gcd(c, a, b, ctx->mod); n_poly_mod_gcd(g, nmod_mpolyun_leadcoeff_poly(An, ctx), nmod_mpolyun_leadcoeff_poly(Bn, ctx), ctx->mod); Alastdeg = nmod_mpolyun_lastdeg(An, ctx); Blastdeg = nmod_mpolyun_lastdeg(Bn, ctx); /* bound of the number of images required */ bound = 1 + FLINT_MIN(Alastdeg, Blastdeg) + n_poly_degree(g); /* degree bound on the gcd */ degbound = FLINT_MIN(A->exps[0], B->exps[0]); n_poly_init(modulus); n_poly_init(tempmod); n_poly_set_coeff(tempmod, 1, UWORD(1)); nmod_mpolyu_init(Aeval, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_init(Beval, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_init(Geval, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_init(Abareval, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_init(Bbareval, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_init(Gform, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_init(H, A->bits, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_init(Ht, A->bits, ctx); /* fail if the gcd has content wrt last variable */ if (n_poly_degree(c) > 0) { success = 0; goto finished; } if (ctx->mod.n <= UWORD(3)) { success = 0; goto finished; } n_poly_one(modulus); nmod_mpolyun_zero(H, ctx); start_alpha = UWORD(1) + n_randint(randstate, ctx->mod.n - UWORD(1)); alpha = start_alpha; while (1) { /* get new evaluation point */ --alpha; if (alpha == 0) { alpha = ctx->mod.n - UWORD(1); } if (alpha == start_alpha) { success = 0; goto finished; } /* make sure evaluation point does not kill both lc(A) and lc(B) */ geval = n_poly_mod_evaluate_nmod(g, alpha, ctx->mod); if (geval == 0) { goto outer_continue; } /* make sure evaluation point does not kill either A or B */ nmod_mpolyun_interp_reduce_sm_mpolyu(Aeval, An, alpha, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_interp_reduce_sm_mpolyu(Beval, Bn, alpha, ctx); if (Aeval->length == 0 || Beval->length == 0) { goto outer_continue; } success = nmod_mpolyu_gcdp_zippel(Geval, Abareval, Bbareval, Aeval, Beval, var - 1, ctx, randstate); if (!success || Geval->exps[0] > degbound) { success = 0; goto finished; } degbound = Geval->exps[0]; if (nmod_mpolyu_is_one(Geval, ctx)) { nmod_mpolyu_one(G, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_swap(Abar, A, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_swap(Bbar, B, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_shift_left(G, Gshift); nmod_mpolyu_shift_left(Abar, Ashift - Gshift); nmod_mpolyu_shift_left(Bbar, Bshift - Gshift); success = 1; goto finished; } if (n_poly_degree(modulus) > 0) { if (Geval->exps[0] > H->exps[0]) { goto outer_continue; } else if (Geval->exps[0] < H->exps[0]) { n_poly_one(modulus); } } /* update interpolant H */ temp = nmod_inv(nmod_mpolyu_leadcoeff(Geval, ctx), ctx->mod); temp = nmod_mul(geval, temp, ctx->mod); nmod_mpolyu_scalar_mul_nmod(Geval, temp, ctx); if (n_poly_degree(modulus) > 0) { temp = n_poly_mod_evaluate_nmod(modulus, alpha, ctx->mod); temp = n_invmod(temp, ctx->mod.n); _n_poly_mod_scalar_mul_nmod_inplace(modulus, temp, ctx->mod); changed = nmod_mpolyun_interp_crt_sm_mpolyu(&lastdeg, H, Ht, Geval, modulus, alpha, ctx); if (!changed) { nmod_mpolyun_content_last(a, H, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_mul_poly(Ht, H, c, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_divexact_last(Ht, a, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_shift_left(Ht, Gshift); nmod_mpolyu_cvtfrom_mpolyun(G, Ht, var, ctx); if ( !nmod_mpolyuu_divides(Abar, A, G, 1, ctx) || !nmod_mpolyuu_divides(Bbar, B, G, 1, ctx)) { goto outer_continue; } success = 1; goto finished; } } else { nmod_mpolyun_interp_lift_sm_mpolyu(H, Geval, ctx); } n_poly_set_coeff(tempmod, 0, ctx->mod.n - alpha); n_poly_mod_mul(modulus, modulus, tempmod, ctx->mod); nmod_mpolyu_setform_mpolyun(Gform, H, ctx); while (1) { /* get new evaluation point */ --alpha; if (alpha == 0) { alpha = ctx->mod.n - UWORD(1); } if (alpha == start_alpha) { success = 0; goto finished; } /* make sure evaluation does not kill both lc(A) and lc(B) */ geval = n_poly_mod_evaluate_nmod(g, alpha, ctx->mod); if (geval == WORD(0)) { goto inner_continue; } /* make sure evaluation does not kill either A or B */ nmod_mpolyun_interp_reduce_sm_mpolyu(Aeval, An, alpha, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_interp_reduce_sm_mpolyu(Beval, Bn, alpha, ctx); if (Aeval->length == 0 || Beval->length == 0) { goto inner_continue; } switch (nmod_mpolyu_gcds_zippel(Geval, Aeval, Beval, Gform, var, ctx, randstate, °bound)) { default: FLINT_ASSERT(0); case nmod_gcds_form_main_degree_too_high: /* nmod_mpolyu_gcds_zippel has updated degbound */ n_poly_one(modulus); goto outer_continue; case nmod_gcds_form_wrong: case nmod_gcds_no_solution: success = 0; goto finished; case nmod_gcds_scales_not_found: case nmod_gcds_eval_point_not_found: case nmod_gcds_eval_gcd_deg_too_high: goto inner_continue; case nmod_gcds_success: (void)(NULL); } if (nmod_mpolyu_leadcoeff(Geval, ctx) == UWORD(0)) { goto inner_continue; } /* update interpolant H */ temp = nmod_inv(nmod_mpolyu_leadcoeff(Geval, ctx), ctx->mod); nmod_mpolyu_scalar_mul_nmod(Geval, nmod_mul(geval, temp, ctx->mod), ctx); FLINT_ASSERT(n_poly_degree(modulus) > 0); temp = n_poly_mod_evaluate_nmod(modulus, alpha, ctx->mod); temp = nmod_inv(temp, ctx->mod); _n_poly_mod_scalar_mul_nmod_inplace(modulus, temp, ctx->mod); changed = nmod_mpolyun_interp_crt_sm_mpolyu(&lastdeg, H, Ht, Geval, modulus, alpha, ctx); n_poly_set_coeff(tempmod, 0, ctx->mod.n - alpha); n_poly_mod_mul(modulus, modulus, tempmod, ctx->mod); have_enough = n_poly_degree(modulus) >= bound; if (changed && !have_enough) { goto inner_continue; } if (!changed || have_enough) { nmod_mpolyun_content_last(a, H, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_mul_poly(Ht, H, c, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_divexact_last(Ht, a, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_shift_left(Ht, Gshift); nmod_mpolyu_cvtfrom_mpolyun(G, Ht, var, ctx); if ( nmod_mpolyuu_divides(Abar, A, G, 1, ctx) && nmod_mpolyuu_divides(Bbar, B, G, 1, ctx)) { success = 1; goto finished; } } if (have_enough) { n_poly_one(modulus); goto outer_continue; } inner_continue:; } FLINT_ASSERT(0 && "not reachable"); outer_continue:; } FLINT_ASSERT(0 && "not reachable"); finished: n_poly_clear(a); n_poly_clear(b); n_poly_clear(c); n_poly_clear(g); n_poly_clear(modulus); n_poly_clear(tempmod); nmod_mpolyu_clear(Aeval, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_clear(Beval, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_clear(Geval, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_clear(Abareval, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_clear(Bbareval, ctx); nmod_mpolyu_clear(Gform, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_clear(An, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_clear(Bn, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_clear(H, ctx); nmod_mpolyun_clear(Ht, ctx); return success; }