Copyright (C) 2011 William Hart
This file is part of FLINT.
FLINT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. See .
#include "flint.h"
#include "nmod_vec.h"
#include "nmod_poly.h"
#include "ulong_extras.h"
void _nmod_poly_divrem_newton(mp_ptr Q, mp_ptr R, mp_srcptr A, slong lenA,
mp_srcptr B, slong lenB, nmod_t mod)
const slong lenQ = lenA - lenB + 1;
_nmod_poly_div_newton(Q, A, lenA, B, lenB, mod);
if (lenB > 1)
if (lenQ >= lenB - 1)
_nmod_poly_mullow(R, Q, lenQ, B, lenB - 1, lenB - 1, mod);
_nmod_poly_mullow(R, B, lenB - 1, Q, lenQ, lenB - 1, mod);
_nmod_vec_sub(R, A, R, lenB - 1, mod);
void nmod_poly_divrem_newton(nmod_poly_t Q, nmod_poly_t R,
const nmod_poly_t A, const nmod_poly_t B)
const slong lenA = A->length, lenB = B->length;
mp_ptr q, r;
if (lenB == 0)
if (nmod_poly_modulus(B) == 1)
nmod_poly_set(Q, A);
} else
flint_printf("Exception (nmod_poly_divrem_newton). Division by zero.\n");
if (lenA < lenB)
nmod_poly_set(R, A);
if (Q == A || Q == B)
q = _nmod_vec_init(lenA - lenB + 1);
nmod_poly_fit_length(Q, lenA - lenB + 1);
q = Q->coeffs;
if (R == A || R == B)
r = _nmod_vec_init(lenB - 1);
nmod_poly_fit_length(R, lenB - 1);
r = R->coeffs;
_nmod_poly_divrem_newton(q, r, A->coeffs, lenA,
B->coeffs, lenB, B->mod);
if (Q == A || Q == B)
Q->coeffs = q;
Q->alloc = lenA - lenB + 1;
if (R == A || R == B)
R->coeffs = r;
R->alloc = lenB - 1;
Q->length = lenA - lenB + 1;
R->length = lenB - 1;