TODO ==== general ------- * Write a flint2 memory manager, both reentrant and non-reentrant stack based versions fmpz ---- * [maybe] Improve the functions fmpz_get_str and fmpz_set_str * [maybe] figure out how to write robust test code for fmpz_read (which reads from stdin), perhaps using a pipe * Inline or create inline versions of core fmpz functions. * [maybe] Avoid the double allocation of both an mpz struct and limb data, having an fmpz point directly to a combined structure. This would require writing replacements for most mpz functions. ulong_extras ------------ * in is_prime_pocklington allow the cofactor to be a perfect power not just prime * factor out some common code between n_is_perfect_power235 and n_factor_power235 * n_mod2_preinv may be slower than the chip on Core2 due to the fact that it can pipeline 2 divisions. Check all occurrences of this function and replace with divisions where it will speed things up on Core2. Beware, this will slow things down on AMD, so it is necessary to do this per architecture. The macros in nmod_vec will also be faster than the functions in ulong_extras, thus they should be tried first. * add profile code for factor_trial, factor_one_line, factor_SQUFOF * [maybe] make n_factor_t an array of length 1 so it can be passed by reference automatically, as per mpz_t's, etc * [enhancement] Implement a primality test which only requires factoring of n-1 up to n^1/3 or n^1/4 * [enhancement] Implement a combined p-1 and p+1 primality test as per * [enhancement] Implement a quadratic sieve and use it in n_factor once things get too large for SQUFOF * Claus Fieker suggested that in BPSW we should do Miller-Rabin rather than Fermat test. The advantage is it will throw out more composites before the Fibonacci or Lucas tests are run, but still ensures you have a base-2 probable prime. This should speed the test up. long_extras ----------- * write and use z_gcd and z_invert in fmpz_gcd and fmpz_invert, respectively fmpz_vec -------- * add a cache of mpfr's which can be used as temporaries for functions like _mpfr_vec_scalar_product * test code for ulong_extras/revbin.c * add test code for numerous mpfr_vec functions and mpfr_poly_mul_classical * make use of mpfr type througout LLL, mpfr_vec and mpfr_mat modules fmpz_factor ----------- * Add primality testing, perfect power testing, fast factorisation (QS, ...) * Tune Brent-Pollard Rho for optimal values * Find optimal values for B1, B2 for ECM. * Use multipoint polynomial evaluation in ECM stage II. fmpz_mpoly ---------- * Implement array version of divrem_ideal. * Don't restart division if upgrading to multiprecision. * Check quotient and remainder coefficients are normalised the same way for small vs multiprecision division functions. Beware one normalisation may require an extra bit for either q or r in signed integer division in small case. This is probably why C division is normalised the way it is. * Implement fmpz_mpoly_ui/si/fmpz_sub functions for Nemo. * Add references to Monagan and Pearce papers to bibtex and reference in heap multiplication, powering and division functions. * Move functions in mpoly/MISSING_FXNS.c and decarations in mpoly.h to their appropriate places. nmod_poly --------- * Make some assembly optimisations to nmod_poly module. * Add basecase versions of log, sqrt, invsqrt series * Add O(M(n)) powering mod x^n based on exp and log * Implement fast mulmid and use to improve Newton iteration * Determine cutoffs for compose_series_divconquer for default use in compose_series (only when one polynomial is small). * Add asymptotically fast resultants? * Optimise, write an underscore version of, and test nmod_poly_remove * Improve powmod and powpowmod using precomputed Newton inverse and 2^k-ary/sliding window powering. * Maybe restructure the code in factor.c * Add a (fast) function to convert an nmod_poly_factor_t to an expanded polynomial fmpz_poly --------- * add test code for fmpz_poly_max_limbs * Improve the implementations of fmpz_poly_divrem, _div, and _rem, check that the documentations still apply, and write test code for this --- all of this makes more sense once there is a choice of algorithms * Include test code for fmpz_poly_inv_series, once this method does anything better than aliasing fmpz_poly_inv_newton * Sort out the fmpz_poly_pseudo_div and _rem code. Currently this is just a hack to call fmpz_poly_pseudo_divrem * Fix the inefficient cases in CRT_ui, and move the relevant parts of this function to the fmpz_vec module * Avoid redundant work and memory allocation in fmpz_poly_bit_unpack and fmpz_poly_bit_unpack_unsigned. * Add functions for composition, multiplication and division by a monic linear factor, i.e. P(x +/- c), P * (x +/- c), P / (x +/- c). * xgcd_modular is really slow. But it is not clear why. 1/3 of the time is spent in resultant, but the CRT code or the nmod_poly_xgcd code may also be to blame. * Make resultants use fast GCD? * In fmpz_poly_pseudo_divrem_divconquer, fix the repeated memory allocation of size O(lenA) in the case when lenA >> lenB. fmpq_poly --------- * add fmpq_poly_fprint_pretty * Rewrite _fmpq_poly_interpolate_fmpz_vec to use the Newton form as done in the fmpz_poly interpolation function. In general this should be much faster. * Add versions of fmpq_poly_interpolate_fmpz_vec for fmpq y values, and fmpq values of both x and y. * Add mulhigh * Add asymptotically fast resultants? * Add pow_trunc * Add gcdinv * Add discriminant fmpz_mod_poly ------------- * Replace fmpz_mod_poly_rem by a proper implementation which actually saves work over divrem. Then, also add test code. * Implement a faster GCD function then the euclidean one, then make the wrapping GCD function choose the appropriate algorithm, and add some test code fmpz_poly_mat ------------- * Tune multiplication cutoffs. * Take sparseness into account when selecting between algorithms. * Investigate more clever pivoting strategies in row reduction. arith ----- * Think of a better name for this module and/or move parts of it to other modules. * Write profiling code. * Write a faster arith_divisors using the merge sort algorithm (see Sage's implementation). Alternatively (or as a complement) write a supernaturally fast _fmpz_vec_sort. * Improve arith_divisors by using long and longlong arithmetic for divisors that fit in 1 or 2 limbs. * Optimise memory management in mpq_harmonic. * Maybe move the helper functions in primorial.c to the mpn_extras module. * Implement computation of generalised harmonic numbers. * Maybe: move Stirling number matrix functions to the fmpz_mat module. * Implement computation of Bernoulli numbers modulo a prime (e.g. porting the code from flint 1) * Implement multimodular computation of large Bernoulli numbers (e.g. porting bernmm) * Implement rising factorials and falling factorials (x)_n, (x)^n as fmpz_poly functions, and add fmpz functions for their direct evaluation. * Implement the binomial coefficient binomial(x,n) as an fmpq_poly function. * Implement Fibonacci polynomials and fmpz Fibonacci numbers. * Implement orthogonal polynomials (Jacobi, Hermite, Laguerre, Gegenbauer). * Implement hypergeometric polynomials and series. * Change the partition function code to use an fmpz (or mpz) instead of ulong for n, to allow n larger than 10^9 on 32 bits (or 10^19 on 64 bits!) * Write tests for the arith_hrr_expsum_factored functions. fmpz_mat -------- * Add fmpz_mat/randajtai2.c based on Stehle's matrix.cpp in fpLLL (requires mpfr_t's). * Add element getter and setter methods. * Implement Strassen multiplication. * Implement fast multiplication when when results are smaller than 2^(FLINT_BITS-1) by using fmpz arithmetic directly. Also use 2^FLINT_BITS as one of the "primes" for multimodular multiplication, along with fast CRT code for this purpose. * Write multiplication functions optimised for sparse matrices by changing the loop order and discarding zero multipliers. * Implement fast null space computation. * The Dixon p-adic solver should implement output-sensitive termination. * The Dixon p-adic solver currently spends most of the time computing integer matrix-vector products. Instead of using a single prime, it is likely to be faster to use a product of primes to increase the proportion of time spent on modular linear algebra. The code should also use fast radix conversion instead of building up the result incrementally to improve performance when the output gets large. * Maybe optimise multimodular multiplication by pre-transposing so that transposed nmod_mat multiplication can be used directly instead of creating a transposed copy in nmod_mat_mul. However, this doesn't help in the Strassen range unless there also is a transpose version of nmod_mat_mul_strassen. * Use _fmpz_vec functions instead of for loops in some more places. * Add transpose versions of common functions, in-place addmul etc. * Take sparseness into account when selecting between algorithms. * Maybe simplify the interface for row reduction by guaranteeing that the denominator is the determinant. fmpz_lll -------- * Improve the wrapper strategy, if possible. * Add an mpf version of is_reduced functions so that the dependency on MPFR can be removed. * Componentize the is_reduced code so that the R computed during LLL can be reused. nmod_mat -------- * Support BLAS and use this for multiplication when entries fit in a double before reduction. Even for large moduli, it might be faster to use repeated BLAS multiplications modulo a few small primes followed by CRT. Linear algebra operations would benefit from BLAS versions of triangular solving as well. * Improve multiplication with packed entries using SSE. Maybe also write a Strassen for packed entries that does additions faster. * Investigate why the constant of solving/rref/inverse compared to multiplication appears to be worse than in theory (recent paper by Jeannerod, Pernet and Storjohann). * See if Strassen can be improved using combined addmul operations. * Consider getting rid of the row pointer array, using offsets instead of window matrices. The row pointer is only useful for Gaussian elimination, but there we end up working with a separate permutation array anyway. * Add element getter and setter methods, more convenience functions for setting the zero matrix, identity matrix, etc. * Implement nmod_mat_pow. * Add functions for computing A*B^T and A^T*B, using transpose multiplications directly to avoid creating a temporary copy. * Maybe: add asserts to check that the modulus is a prime where this is assumed. * Add transpose versions of common functions, in-place addmul etc. * The current addmul/submul functions are misnamed since they implement a more general operation. * Improve rref and inverse to perform everything in-place. fmpq ---- * Add more functions for generating random numbers. * Write a subquadratic fmpq_get_cfrac * Implement subquadratic rational reconstruction. Also improve detection of integers, etc. and perhaps add CRT functions to hide the intermediate step going from residues -> integer -> rational. fmpq_mat -------- * Add more random functions. * Add a user-friendly function for LUP decomposition. * Add a nullspace function. padic ----- * Add test code for the various output formats; perhaps in the form of examples? * Implement padic_val_fac for generic inputs mpf_vec/mat ----------- * _mpf_vec_approx_equal uses the bizarre mpf notion of equal; it should be either renamed equal_bits or the absolute value of the difference should be compared with zero * The conditions used in mpf_mat_qr/gso (similarly for d_mat module) work, but don't match those used in the algorithm in the paper referenced in the docs. This is possibly because mpf doesn't do exact rounding. The tests could probably be improved. d_mat ----- * d_mat_transpose tries to be clever with the cache, but it could use L1 sized blocks and optimise for sequential reading/writing. It could also handle in-place much more efficiently. * d_mat_is_reduced doesn't seem to make any guarantees about reducedness, just approximately checks the Lovasz conditions in double arithmetic. I think this is superceded now and can be removed. It is not used anywhere.