# Flipper Zero Application build utils Typically for usage from build script. It do following things: 1. Build FAP manifest using [fam crate][fam] 2. Read env var [`FLIPPER_SDK_PATH_ENV`][] 3. Copy or link (now just link) the output dir where manifest (fam) is to `$FLIPPER_FW_SRC_PATH/applications_user/{fap-id}/` 4. Same for assets such as icons After this you can just execute `./fbt firmware_{fap-id}` from the root [flipperzero-firmware][] repository clone. `$FLIPPER_FW_SRC_PATH` should points to working copy of the flipperzero-firmware repository. __[Example](https://github.com/boozook/flipper0/tree/master/examples/app-build/).__ [fam]: https://crates.io/crates/fam [flipperzero-firmware]: https://github.com/flipperdevices/flipperzero-firmware [`FLIPPER_SDK_PATH_ENV`]: https://docs.rs/flipper0-build-cfg/latest/flipper0_build_cfg/consts/env/constant.FLIPPER_SDK_PATH_ENV.html