//! "Hello, world!" example for Flipper Zero. //! This app prints "Hello, Rust!" to the console then exits. #![no_main] #![no_std] // Required for panic handler extern crate flipperzero_rt; // Required for allocator #[cfg(feature = "alloc")] extern crate flipperzero_alloc; use core::ffi::CStr; use flipperzero::{debug, info, println}; use flipperzero_rt::{entry, manifest}; // Define the FAP Manifest for this application manifest!( name = "Hello, Rust!", app_version = 1, has_icon = true, // See `docs/icons.md` for icon format icon = "icons/rustacean-10x10.icon", ); // Define the entry function entry!(main); // Entry point fn main(_args: Option<&CStr>) -> i32 { info!("Hello, reader of the logs!"); println!("Hello, {}!", "Rust"); let ret_code = 0; debug!("Return code: {}", ret_code); ret_code }