use flo_draw::*; use flo_draw::canvas::*; use flo_draw::binding::*; use futures::prelude::*; use futures::executor; use futures::stream; use num_complex::*; use std::thread; use std::sync::*; use std::time::{Instant, Duration}; /// /// Renders the mandelbrot set, demonstrates how to render from multiple threads and communicate with bindings /// /// See the `flo_binding` library for some details about how bindings work /// pub fn main() { with_2d_graphics(|| { let mut window_properties = WindowProperties::from(&"Mandelbrot set"); window_properties.mouse_pointer = BindRef::from(bind(MousePointer::None)); let (canvas, events) = create_drawing_window_with_events(window_properties); let lato = CanvasFontFace::from_slice(include_bytes!("Lato-Regular.ttf")); let lato_bold = CanvasFontFace::from_slice(include_bytes!("Lato-Bold.ttf")); // Initialise the canvas canvas.draw(|gc| { gc.clear_canvas(Color::Rgba(0.9, 0.9, 1.0, 1.0)); gc.define_font_data(FontId(1), Arc::clone(&lato)); gc.define_font_data(FontId(2), Arc::clone(&lato_bold)); }); // Create some bindings that represent our state let width = bind(1024u32); let height = bind(768u32); let crossfade = bind(0.0); let bounds = bind((Complex::new(-2.5, -1.0), Complex::new(1.0, 1.0))); // The update number is used to synchronise other updates and interrupt drawing the mandelbrot let update_num = bind(0u64); // Run some threads to display some different layers. We can write to layers independently on different threads show_title(&canvas, LayerId(100), crossfade.clone()); show_stats(&canvas, LayerId(99), BindRef::from(&bounds), BindRef::from(&crossfade)); show_mandelbrot(&canvas, LayerId(0), TextureId(100), BindRef::from(&width), BindRef::from(&height), BindRef::from(&bounds), BindRef::from(&crossfade), BindRef::from(&update_num)); // Loop while there are events executor::block_on(async move { let mut events = events; while let Some(evt) = { match evt { DrawEvent::Resize(new_width, new_height) => { if width.get() != new_width as _ || height.get() != new_height as _ { width.set(new_width as _); height.set(new_height as _); update_num.set(update_num.get() + 1); } } DrawEvent::Pointer(PointerAction::Move, _, state) => { // Draw a rectangle around where the image will zoom in canvas.draw(|gc| { gc.layer(LayerId(1)); gc.clear_layer(); gc.canvas_height(height.get() as _); gc.center_region(0.0, 0.0, width.get() as _, height.get() as _); let (x, y) = state.location_in_window; let (x, y) = (x as f32, y as f32); let (w, h) = (width.get() as f32, height.get() as f32); let y = h-y; gc.new_path(); gc.rect(x - (w/4.0) + 2.0, y - (h/4.0) - 2.0, x + (w/4.0) + 2.0, y + h/4.0 - 2.0); gc.stroke_color(Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.6)); gc.line_width(4.0); gc.stroke(); gc.new_path(); gc.rect(x - (w/4.0), y - (h/4.0), x + (w/4.0), y + h/4.0); gc.stroke_color(Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.6, 0.0, 0.9)); gc.line_width(4.0); gc.stroke(); }); } DrawEvent::Pointer(PointerAction::Leave, _, _) => { // Remove the highlight when the cursor leaves the window canvas.draw(|gc| { gc.layer(LayerId(1)); gc.clear_layer(); }); } DrawEvent::Pointer(PointerAction::ButtonDown, _, state) => { // Zoom in at the point the user clicked let (x, y) = state.location_in_window; let (x, y) = (x as f64, y as f64); let (w, h) = (width.get() as f64, height.get() as f64); let y = h-y; // x and y as proportions within the min/max bounds let (x, y) = (x / w, y/h); // x and y as coordinates within the space of the mandelbrot let (min, max) = bounds.get(); let x = ( * x +; let y = ( * y +; let off_x = ( / 4.0; let off_y = ( / 4.0; // Update the bounds bounds.set((Complex::new(x-off_x, y-off_y), Complex::new(x+off_x, y+off_y))); update_num.set(update_num.get() + 1); } _ => { } } } }) }) } /// /// Runs a thread that shows the title /// fn show_title(canvas: &DrawingTarget, layer: LayerId, crossfade: Binding) { let canvas = canvas.clone(); thread::Builder::new() .name("Title thread".into()) .spawn(move || { // Draw the title with a cross-fade for fade in 0..=180 { // Update the crossfade factor for the other threads. Fade goes from 0.0 to 2.0 let fade = (fade as f32) / 90.0; crossfade.set(fade); // Draw the title, with a cross fade to show the mandelbrot set canvas.draw(|gc| { gc.layer(layer); gc.clear_layer(); gc.canvas_height(1000.0); gc.center_region(0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 1000.0); let title_fade = (2.0-fade) - 0.5; let title_fade = f32::min(f32::max(title_fade, 0.0), 1.0); // Title card gc.fill_color(Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.6, title_fade)); gc.set_font_size(FontId(2), 36.0); gc.begin_line_layout(500.0, 482.0 + (title_fade*4.0), TextAlignment::Center); gc.layout_text(FontId(2), "Mandelbrot set".into()); gc.draw_text_layout(); gc.set_font_size(FontId(1), 16.0); gc.begin_line_layout(500.0, 430.0 - (title_fade*4.0), TextAlignment::Center); gc.layout_text(FontId(1), "A flo_draw demonstration".into()); gc.draw_text_layout(); gc.begin_line_layout(500.0, 400.0, TextAlignment::Center); gc.layout_text(FontId(1), "Written by Andrew Hunter".into()); gc.draw_text_layout(); }); // Fade at 60fps thread::sleep(Duration::from_nanos(1_000_000_000 / 60)); } // Blank the layer once done canvas.draw(|gc| { gc.layer(layer); gc.clear_layer(); }); }) .unwrap(); } /// /// Runs a thread that displays some statistics for the current rendering /// fn show_stats(canvas: &DrawingTarget, layer: LayerId, bounds: BindRef<(Complex, Complex)>, crossfade: BindRef) { let canvas = canvas.clone(); thread::Builder::new() .name("Stats thread".into()) .spawn(move || { // Compute the value to display on the LHS of the display let left_stats = computed(move || { let bounds = bounds.get(); let scale_factor_x = 3.5/( -; let scale_factor_y = 2.0/( -; let scale_factor = f64::max(scale_factor_x, scale_factor_y); let scale_factor = scale_factor.round(); format!("Zoom: {}x", scale_factor) }); // Run a loop to update and diplay the statistics for the mandelbrot set executor::block_on(async move { // Follow the stats as they change let alpha = computed(move || f32::max(f32::min(crossfade.get(), 1.0), 0.0)); let mut stats = follow(computed(move || (left_stats.get(), alpha.get()))); while let Some((left_stats, alpha)) = { // Redraw the stats on the layer canvas.draw(|gc| { gc.layer(layer); gc.clear_layer(); gc.canvas_height(1000.0); gc.center_region(0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 1000.0); gc.fill_color(Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, alpha * 0.7)); gc.set_font_size(FontId(1), 24.0); gc.begin_line_layout(21.0, 899.0, TextAlignment::Left); gc.layout_text(FontId(1), format!("{}", left_stats)); gc.draw_text_layout(); gc.fill_color(Color::Rgba(0.0, 0.6, 0.9, alpha * 0.9)); gc.set_font_size(FontId(1), 24.0); gc.begin_line_layout(20.0, 900.0, TextAlignment::Left); gc.layout_text(FontId(1), format!("{}", left_stats)); gc.draw_text_layout(); }); } }); }) .unwrap(); } /// /// Runs a thread that renders the mandelbrot set whenever the bindings change /// fn show_mandelbrot(canvas: &DrawingTarget, layer: LayerId, texture: TextureId, width: BindRef, height: BindRef, bounds: BindRef<(Complex, Complex)>, crossfade: BindRef, update_num: BindRef) { let canvas = canvas.clone(); thread::Builder::new() .name("Mandelbrot thread".into()) .spawn(move || { enum Event { RenderBounds((u32, u32, (Complex, Complex))), CrossFade(f32) } let alpha = computed(move || f32::min(f32::max(crossfade.get()-1.0, 0.0),1.0)); let alpha = BindRef::from(alpha); let mut texture_w = width.get(); let mut texture_h = height.get(); // The render bounds are used to determine when we start to re-render the mandelbrot set let render_bounds = computed(move || (width.get(), height.get(), bounds.get())); // Events either start rendering a new frame or changing the crossfade let render_bounds = follow(render_bounds).map(|bounds| Event::RenderBounds(bounds)).boxed(); let crossfade = follow(alpha.clone()).map(|xfade| Event::CrossFade(xfade)).boxed(); let events = stream::select_all(vec![render_bounds, crossfade]); // Wait for events and render the mandelbrot set as they arrive executor::block_on(async move { let mut events = events; while let Some(evt) = { match evt { Event::RenderBounds((new_width, new_height, new_bounds)) => { texture_w = new_width; texture_h = new_height; // Create the texture for this width and height canvas.draw(|gc| { gc.layer(layer); gc.create_texture(texture, texture_w, texture_h, TextureFormat::Rgba); gc.set_texture_fill_alpha(texture, alpha.get()); }); // Fill it in with the current bounds draw_mandelbrot(&canvas, layer, texture, new_bounds, texture_w, texture_h, &alpha, &update_num); } Event::CrossFade(new_alpha) => { // Redraw the texture with the new alpha canvas.draw(|gc| { gc.layer(layer); gc.clear_layer(); gc.set_texture_fill_alpha(texture, new_alpha); gc.canvas_height(texture_h as _); gc.center_region(0.0, 0.0, texture_w as _, texture_h as _); gc.new_path(); gc.rect(0.0, 0.0, texture_w as _, texture_h as _); gc.fill_texture(texture, 0.0, 0.0, texture_w as _, texture_h as _); gc.fill(); }); } } } }); }) .unwrap(); } /// /// Draws the mandelbrot set within a specified set of bounds /// fn draw_mandelbrot(canvas: &DrawingTarget, layer: LayerId, texture: TextureId, (min, max): (Complex, Complex), width: u32, height: u32, alpha: &BindRef, update_num: &BindRef) { // Create a vector for the pixels in the mandelbrot set let mut pixels = vec![0u8; (width*height*4) as usize]; let mut pos = 0; let update = update_num.get(); let mut start_time = Instant::now(); // Work out how many iterations to perform let scale_factor_x = 3.5/( -; let scale_factor_y = 2.0/( -; let scale_factor = f64::max(scale_factor_x, scale_factor_y); let scale_factor = scale_factor.round(); let num_cycles = if scale_factor < 64.0 { 256 } else if scale_factor < 2048.0 { 1024 } else if scale_factor < 8192.0 { 2048 } else { 4096 }; // Render each pixel in turn for y in 0..height { let y = y as f64; let y = y / (height as f64); let y = ( - * y +; for x in 0..width { let x = x as f64; let x = x / (width as f64); let x = ( - * x +; let c = Complex::new(x, y); let cycles = count_cycles(c, num_cycles); let (r, g, b, a) = color_for_cycles(cycles); pixels[pos+0] = r; pixels[pos+1] = g; pixels[pos+2] = b; pixels[pos+3] = a; pos += 4; } // Stop if there's an update to the state we're rendering if update_num.get() != update { return; } // Draw the story so far every 50ms if Instant::now().duration_since(start_time) > Duration::from_millis(50) { let intermediate_pixels = Arc::new(pixels.clone()); canvas.draw(move |gc| { gc.layer(layer); gc.clear_layer(); gc.create_texture(texture, width, height, TextureFormat::Rgba); gc.set_texture_bytes(texture, 0, 0, width, height, intermediate_pixels); gc.set_texture_fill_alpha(texture, alpha.get()); gc.canvas_height(height as _); gc.center_region(0.0, 0.0, width as _, height as _); gc.new_path(); gc.rect(0.0, 0.0, width as _, height as _); gc.fill_texture(texture, 0.0, 0.0, width as _, height as _); gc.fill(); }); start_time = Instant::now(); } } // Draw to the texture canvas.draw(move |gc| { gc.create_texture(texture, width, height, TextureFormat::Rgba); gc.set_texture_bytes(texture, 0, 0, width, height, Arc::new(pixels)); gc.layer(layer); gc.clear_layer(); gc.set_texture_fill_alpha(texture, alpha.get()); gc.canvas_height(height as _); gc.center_region(0.0, 0.0, width as _, height as _); gc.new_path(); gc.rect(0.0, 0.0, width as _, height as _); gc.fill_texture(texture, 0.0, 0.0, width as _, height as _); gc.fill(); }); } /// /// Counts the number of cycles (up to a maximum count) at a particular pixel /// #[inline] fn count_cycles(c: Complex, max_count: usize) -> usize { let mut z = Complex::new(0.0, 0.0); let mut count = 0; while count < max_count && (* +* < 2.0*2.0 { z = z*z + c; count = count + 1; } if count < max_count { count } else { 0 } } /// /// Returns the colour to use for a particular number of cycles /// #[inline] fn color_for_cycles(num_cycles: usize) -> (u8, u8, u8, u8) { let col_val = num_cycles%64; let hue = (num_cycles/64) % 8; let col_val = if col_val > 32 { 64 - col_val } else { col_val }; let col_val = col_val * 8; let hue = [ (255, 255, 255), (196, 0, 0), (128, 96, 0), (48, 128, 0), (0, 196, 255), (0, 0, 255), (128, 0, 196), (0, 196, 120) ][hue]; let (hue_r, hue_g, hue_b) = hue; let (r, g, b) = ((col_val*hue_r) >> 8, (col_val*hue_g)>>8, (col_val*hue_b)>>8); (r as u8, g as u8, b as u8, 255) }