use flo_draw::*; use flo_draw::canvas::*; use std::io; /// /// Simple example that displays a canvas window and renders an image from a png file /// pub fn main() { // 'with_2d_graphics' is used to support operating systems that can't run event loops anywhere other than the main thread with_2d_graphics(|| { // Load a png file let flo_bytes: &[u8] = include_bytes!["flo_drawing_on_window.png"]; // Create a window let canvas = create_drawing_window("Flo drawing on a window"); // Render the png to the window canvas.draw(|gc| { // Clear the canvas and set up the coordinates gc.clear_canvas(Color::Rgba(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); gc.canvas_height(1000.0); gc.center_region(0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 1000.0); // Set up the texture let (flo_w, flo_h) = gc.load_texture(TextureId(0), io::Cursor::new(flo_bytes)).unwrap(); let ratio = (flo_w as f32)/(flo_h as f32); let height = 1000.0 / ratio; let y_pos = (1000.0-height)/2.0; // Draw a rectangle... gc.new_path(); gc.rect(0.0, y_pos, 1000.0, y_pos+height); // Fill with the texture we just loaded gc.fill_texture(TextureId(0), 0.0, y_pos+height as f32, 1000.0, y_pos); gc.fill(); }); }); }