use flo_draw::*; use flo_canvas::*; use flo_stream::*; use rand::*; use futures::prelude::*; use futures::stream; use futures::executor; use futures_timer::*; use std::f64; use std::time::*; /// /// Demonstration of `flo_draw` that illustrates a way to implement a simple game /// pub fn main() { with_2d_graphics(|| { executor::block_on(async { // Set up let (canvas, events) = create_drawing_window_with_events("Vectoroids"); // Create a tick generator let tick_stream = tick_stream(); // Combine the tick generator into the events stream let events =|evt| VectorEvent::DrawEvent(evt)); let mut events = stream::select(events, tick_stream); // Set up the canvas by declaring the sprites and the background let ship_sprite = SpriteId(0); let bullet_sprite = SpriteId(1); let roid_sprite = SpriteId(2); canvas.draw(|gc| { gc.clear_canvas(Color::Rgba(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0)); // Game area is a 1000x1000 square gc.canvas_height(1000.0); gc.center_region(0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 1000.0); // Ship is just a triangle gc.sprite(ship_sprite); gc.clear_sprite(); gc.new_path(); gc.move_to(-10.0, -8.0); gc.line_to(0.0, 12.0); gc.line_to(10.0, -8.0); gc.line_to(8.0, -6.0); gc.line_to(-8.0, -6.0); gc.line_to(-10.0, -8.0); gc.line_width(2.0); gc.stroke_color(Color::Rgba(0.8, 0.7, 0.0, 1.0)); gc.stroke(); // Bullet is a square gc.sprite(bullet_sprite); gc.clear_sprite(); gc.new_path(); gc.rect(-1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0); gc.fill_color(Color::Rgba(1.0, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0)); gc.fill(); // 'roids are an irregular shape gc.sprite(roid_sprite); gc.clear_sprite(); gc.new_path(); gc.move_to(0.0, -15.0); gc.line_to(-15.0, -25.0); gc.line_to(-35.0, -15.0); gc.line_to(-20.0, 0.0); gc.line_to(-25.0, 5.0); gc.line_to(-10.0, 20.0); gc.line_to(5.0, 25.0); gc.line_to(30.0, 5.0); gc.line_to(20.0, -15.0); gc.line_to(10.0, -25.0); gc.line_to(0.0, -15.0); gc.line_width(3.0); gc.stroke_color(Color::Rgba(0.6, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0)); gc.stroke(); // Background is a random starscape made of squares gc.layer(LayerId(0)); gc.clear_layer(); gc.fill_color(Color::Rgba(0.7, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0)); for _star in 0..200 { let x = random::() * 1000.0; let y = random::() * 1000.0; gc.rect(x-1.0, y-1.0, x+1.0, y+1.0); gc.fill(); } }); // Run the main game loop let mut game_state = GameState::new(ship_sprite, roid_sprite); while let Some(event) = { match event { VectorEvent::Tick => { // Update the game state game_state.tick(); // Draw the game on layer 1 canvas.draw(|gc| { gc.layer(LayerId(1)); gc.clear_layer(); game_state.draw(gc); }); } VectorEvent::DrawEvent(DrawEvent::KeyDown(_, Some(Key::KeyLeft))) => { game_state.ship.rotation = (360.0) / 60.0; } VectorEvent::DrawEvent(DrawEvent::KeyDown(_, Some(Key::KeyRight))) => { game_state.ship.rotation = -(360.0) / 60.0; } VectorEvent::DrawEvent(DrawEvent::KeyUp(_, Some(Key::KeyLeft))) | VectorEvent::DrawEvent(DrawEvent::KeyUp(_, Some(Key::KeyRight))) => { game_state.ship.rotation = 0.0; } VectorEvent::DrawEvent(DrawEvent::KeyDown(_, Some(Key::KeyUp))) => { game_state.ship.thrust = 0.3; } VectorEvent::DrawEvent(DrawEvent::KeyUp(_, Some(Key::KeyUp))) => { game_state.ship.thrust = 0.0; } VectorEvent::DrawEvent(DrawEvent::KeyDown(_, Some(Key::KeySpace))) => { game_state.bullets.push(Bullet::new(bullet_sprite, game_state.ship.x, game_state.ship.y, game_state.ship.vel_x, game_state.ship.vel_y, game_state.ship.angle)); } _ => { /* Other events are ignored */ } } } }); }); } /// /// Events processed by the game /// enum VectorEvent { Tick, DrawEvent(DrawEvent) } /// /// Represents the state of a game /// struct GameState { ship: Ship, roids: Vec, bullets: Vec } /// /// Represents the state of the player's ship /// struct Ship { sprite: SpriteId, x: f64, y: f64, angle: f64, vel_x: f64, vel_y: f64, rotation: f64, thrust: f64 } /// /// Represents the state of a 'roid /// struct Roid { sprite: SpriteId, x: f64, y: f64, angle: f64, rotation: f64, vel_x: f64, vel_y: f64, } /// /// Represents the state of a bullet /// struct Bullet { sprite: SpriteId, x: f64, y: f64, vel_x: f64, vel_y: f64, time_left: usize } impl GameState { /// /// Creates a new game state /// pub fn new(ship_sprite: SpriteId, roid_sprite: SpriteId) -> GameState { GameState { ship: Ship::new(ship_sprite), roids: (0..20).into_iter().map(|_| Roid::new(roid_sprite)).collect(), bullets: vec![] } } /// /// Updates the game state after a tick /// pub fn tick(&mut self) { self.ship.tick(); self.roids.iter_mut().for_each(|roid| roid.tick()); self.bullets.iter_mut().for_each(|bullet| bullet.tick()); self.bullets.retain(|bullet| bullet.time_left > 0); } pub fn draw(&self, gc: &mut dyn GraphicsContext) { self.roids.iter().for_each(|roid| roid.draw(gc)); self.ship.draw(gc); self.bullets.iter().for_each(|bullet| bullet.draw(gc)); } } impl Ship { /// /// Creates a new ship state /// pub fn new(sprite: SpriteId) -> Ship { Ship { sprite: sprite, x: 500.0, y: 500.0, vel_x: 0.0, vel_y: 0.0, angle: 0.0, rotation: 0.0, thrust: 0.0 } } /// /// Updates the ship state after a tick /// pub fn tick(&mut self) { // Move the ship self.x += self.vel_x; self.y += self.vel_y; self.angle += self.rotation; self.angle = self.angle % 360.0; // Clip to the play area if self.x < 0.0 { self.x = 1000.0 }; if self.y < 0.0 { self.y = 1000.0 }; if self.x > 1000.0 { self.x = 0.0 }; if self.y > 1000.0 { self.y = 0.0 }; // Apply thrust let (acc_x, acc_y) = Transform2D::rotate_degrees(self.angle as _).transform_point(0.0, self.thrust as _); self.vel_x += acc_x as f64; self.vel_y += acc_y as f64; // Friction self.vel_x *= 0.99; self.vel_y *= 0.99; } pub fn draw(&self, gc: &mut dyn GraphicsContext) { gc.sprite_transform(SpriteTransform::Identity); gc.sprite_transform(SpriteTransform::Translate(self.x as _, self.y as _)); gc.sprite_transform(SpriteTransform::Rotate(self.angle as _)); gc.draw_sprite(self.sprite); } } impl Roid { /// /// Creates a new 'roid state /// pub fn new(sprite: SpriteId) -> Roid { Roid { sprite: sprite, x: random::() * 1000.0, y: random::() * 1000.0, vel_x: random::() * 3.0 - 1.5, vel_y: random::() * 3.0 - 1.5, angle: random::() * 360.0, rotation: random::() * 8.0 - 4.0 } } /// /// Updates the 'roid state after a tick /// pub fn tick(&mut self) { // Move the 'roid self.x += self.vel_x; self.y += self.vel_y; self.angle += self.rotation; self.angle = self.angle % 360.0; // Clip to the play area if self.x < 0.0 { self.x = 1000.0 }; if self.y < 0.0 { self.y = 1000.0 }; if self.x > 1000.0 { self.x = 0.0 }; if self.y > 1000.0 { self.y = 0.0 }; } pub fn draw(&self, gc: &mut dyn GraphicsContext) { gc.sprite_transform(SpriteTransform::Identity); gc.sprite_transform(SpriteTransform::Translate(self.x as _, self.y as _)); gc.sprite_transform(SpriteTransform::Rotate(self.angle as _)); gc.draw_sprite(self.sprite); } } impl Bullet { /// /// Creates a new bullet state /// pub fn new(sprite: SpriteId, x: f64, y: f64, ship_vel_x: f64, ship_vel_y: f64, ship_angle: f64) -> Bullet { let transform = Transform2D::rotate_degrees(ship_angle as _); let (offset_x, offset_y) = transform.transform_point(0.0, 11.0); let (x, y) = (x+offset_x as f64, y+offset_y as f64); let (vel_x, vel_y) = transform.transform_point(0.0, 4.0); let (vel_x, vel_y) = (ship_vel_x+vel_x as f64, ship_vel_y+vel_y as f64); Bullet { sprite: sprite, x: x, y: y, vel_x: vel_x, vel_y: vel_y, time_left: 90 } } /// /// Updates the bullet state after a tick /// pub fn tick(&mut self) { // Move the bullet self.x += self.vel_x; self.y += self.vel_y; self.time_left -= 1; // Clip to the play area if self.x < 0.0 { self.x = 1000.0 }; if self.y < 0.0 { self.y = 1000.0 }; if self.x > 1000.0 { self.x = 0.0 }; if self.y > 1000.0 { self.y = 0.0 }; } pub fn draw(&self, gc: &mut dyn GraphicsContext) { gc.sprite_transform(SpriteTransform::Identity); gc.sprite_transform(SpriteTransform::Translate(self.x as _, self.y as _)); gc.draw_sprite(self.sprite); } } /// /// A stream that generates a 'tick' event every time the game state should update /// fn tick_stream() -> impl Send+Unpin+Stream { generator_stream(|yield_value| async move { // Set up the clock let start_time = Instant::now(); let mut last_time = Duration::from_millis(0); // We limit to a certain number of ticks per callback (in case the task is suspended or stuck for a prolonged period of time) let max_ticks_per_call = 5; // Ticks are generated 60 times a second let tick_length = Duration::from_nanos(1_000_000_000 / 60); loop { // Time that has elapsed since the last tick let elapsed = start_time.elapsed() - last_time; // Time remaining let mut remaining = elapsed; let mut num_ticks = 0; while remaining >= tick_length { if num_ticks < max_ticks_per_call { // Generate the tick yield_value(VectorEvent::Tick).await; num_ticks += 1; } // Remove from the remaining time, and update the last tick time remaining -= tick_length; last_time += tick_length; } // Wait for half a tick before generating more ticks let next_time = tick_length - remaining; let wait_time = Duration::min(tick_length / 2, next_time); Delay::new(wait_time).await; } }.boxed()) }