use std::path::PathBuf; use floem::keyboard::NamedKey; use floem::views::{button, container, text, v_stack, Button, Decorators, Label}; use floem::{IntoView, View}; use floem_css::{theme_provider, ProviderOptions, StyleCss}; fn main() { // Enable logging to see info and errors env_logger::builder() .filter_level(log::LevelFilter::Off) .filter_module("floem_css", log::LevelFilter::Debug) .init(); // Styles are read from path. Modify the css file to instantly see changes in app. // Path can point to file or folder. let options = ProviderOptions { path: PathBuf::from("examples/style.css"), ..Default::default() }; // Wrap your app in theme_provider floem::launch(|| theme_provider(main_view, options)) } fn light_button(lbl: &'static str) -> Button { button(lbl).css("button button-light") } fn dark_button(lbl: &'static str) -> Button { button(lbl).css("button button-dark") } fn h3(lbl: &str) -> Label { text(lbl).css("h3") } fn main_view() -> impl IntoView { let button_light_1 = light_button("Light button 1"); let button_light_2 = light_button("Light button 2"); let button_dark_1 = dark_button("Dark button 1"); let button_dark_2 = dark_button("Dark button 2"); let some_header_1 = h3("Light buttons"); let some_header_2 = h3("Dark buttons"); let stack = v_stack(( some_header_1, button_light_1, button_light_2, some_header_2, button_dark_1, button_dark_2, )) .css(".button-stack"); let main = container(stack).css("body"); let id =; main.keyboard_navigable().on_key_up( NamedKey::F11.into(), |m| m.is_empty(), move |_| id.inspect(), ) }