import sys, os """ doc_sync: writes all the contents in your README file to your `` as the lib doc. By default, it replaces the head of your lib file, with "//!" or space lines, with your README. The old lines will be printed, in case you accidentally overwrite anything important. """ proj_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) readme_path = "" lib_path = "src/" os.chdir(proj_path) with open(readme_path, 'r') as f: readme = f.readlines() doc = ["//! " + line for line in readme] with open(lib_path, 'r') as f: lib = f.readlines() desserted_doc = [] lib = list(reversed(lib)) while len(lib) > 0 and (lib[-1].startswith("//!") or lib[-1].isspace()): line = lib.pop() desserted_doc.append(line) lib = list(reversed(lib)) # backup print(">>>>>>") for line in desserted_doc: print(line, end="") print("<<<<<<") lib = doc + ["\n"] + lib with open(lib_path, 'w') as f: f.writelines(lib)