use fltk::{app, draw, frame, prelude::*, window::Window}; const WIDTH: i32 = 600; const HEIGHT: i32 = 400; const CIRCLE_RADIUS: i16 = 64; struct World { circle_x: i16, circle_y: i16, velocity_x: i16, velocity_y: i16, } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let app = app::App::default(); let mut win = Window::default() .with_size(WIDTH, HEIGHT) .with_label("Framebuffer"); let mut frame = frame::Frame::default_fill(); win.end(); win.make_resizable(true);; let mut framebuf: Vec = vec![0; (WIDTH * HEIGHT * 4) as usize]; let mut world = World::new(); unsafe { draw::draw_rgba_nocopy(&mut frame, &framebuf); } app::add_idle3(move |_| { world.update(); world.draw(&mut framebuf); // draw::draw_rgba(&mut frame, &framebuf).unwrap(); // A safe variant of draw_rgba_nocopy win.redraw(); // sleeps are necessary when calling redraw in the event loop app::sleep(0.016); });; Ok(()) } impl World { fn new() -> Self { Self { circle_x: 300, circle_y: 200, velocity_x: 5, velocity_y: 5, } } fn update(&mut self) { if self.circle_x - CIRCLE_RADIUS <= 0 || self.circle_x + CIRCLE_RADIUS > WIDTH as i16 { self.velocity_x *= -1; } if self.circle_y - CIRCLE_RADIUS <= 0 || self.circle_y + CIRCLE_RADIUS > HEIGHT as i16 { self.velocity_y *= -1; } self.circle_x += self.velocity_x; self.circle_y += self.velocity_y; } fn draw(&self, frame: &mut [u8]) { for (i, pixel) in frame.chunks_exact_mut(4).enumerate() { let x = (i % WIDTH as usize) as i16; let y = (i / WIDTH as usize) as i16; let d = { let xd = x as i32 - self.circle_x as i32; let yd = y as i32 - self.circle_y as i32; ((xd.pow(2) + yd.pow(2)) as f64).sqrt().powi(2) }; let inside_the_circle = d < (CIRCLE_RADIUS as f64).powi(2); let rgba = if inside_the_circle { [0xac, 0x00, 0xe6, 0xff] } else { [0x26, 0x00, 0x33, 0xff] }; pixel.copy_from_slice(&rgba); } } }