use fltk::{prelude::*, *}; /* Event handling for win and dock_win can be changed. In fn prep_shape(), if you want a different shape as your background e.g a pie (circle), change draw::draw_rounded_rectf(0, 0, w, h, 16) to your desired background e.g draw::pie x, y, w, h, r * DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE IN THE prep_shape() FUNCTION * .center_screen(); -- Not a requirement .with_size(1, 1); -- If you use .center_screen(), (x, y) MUST be >0 otherwise a panic!() will be thrown win.set_color(Color::from_rgb(25, 26, 55)); -- Can be refactored to any color, no requirement e.g enums::Color::White button::Button::default(); -- Not a requirement, remove if need be and import your own Widgets */ fn main() { let app = app::App::default(); // Act as the application in the taskbar (scroll to event handling) let mut dock_win = window::Window::default() .with_size(1, 1) // So we can place it at the center of the screen (needs a size >0 to be centered) .with_label("TestApplication") .center_screen(); dock_win.size_range(0, 0, 0, 0); dock_win.make_resizable(false);; dock_win.end(); let mut win = window::Window::default() .with_size(900, 500) .with_label("TestApplication") .center_screen(); win.set_color(enums::Color::from_rgb(26, 25, 55)); let mut but = button::Button::default() .with_label("Button") .with_size(80, 80) .center_of_parent(); but.set_frame(enums::FrameType::OFlatFrame); but.set_color(enums::Color::Cyan); but.clear_visible_focus(); but.set_callback(|_| println!("Clicked"));; win.end(); let win_shape = prep_shape(win.w(), win.h()); // Called after showing window win.set_shape(Some(win_shape)); win.handle({ let mut x = 0; let mut y = 0; let mut dock_win = dock_win.clone(); move |wself, event| match event { enums::Event::Push => { let coords = app::event_coords(); x = coords.0; y = coords.1; true } enums::Event::Drag => { wself.set_pos(app::event_x_root() - x, app::event_y_root() - y); // Changing dock window position so it's close enough to the center of the application (not "visible" to user) dock_win.set_pos(wself.x() + (wself.w() / 2), wself.y() + (wself.w() / 2)); true } enums::Event::Close => { app.quit(); true } enums::Event::Hide => { app.quit(); true } _ => false, } }); // Make main window appear when "opened" via Alt+Tab or Taskbar dock_win.handle({ let mut win = win.clone(); move |_wself, event| match event { enums::Event::Focus => { let win_shape = prep_shape(win.w(), win.h());; win.set_shape(Some(win_shape)); true } enums::Event::Hide => { win.hide(); true } enums::Event::Close => { app.quit(); true } _ => false, } });; } fn prep_shape(w: i32, h: i32) -> image::RgbImage { let surf = surface::ImageSurface::new(w, h, false); surface::ImageSurface::push_current(&surf); draw::set_draw_color(enums::Color::Black); draw::draw_rectf(-1, -1, w + 2, h + 2); draw::set_draw_color(enums::Color::White); draw::draw_rounded_rectf(0, 0, w, h, 16); let img = surf.image().unwrap(); surface::ImageSurface::pop_current(); img }