// This shows usage of the TableExt::find_cell() method to populate a table with widgets, like a GroupExt widget use fltk::{prelude::*, *}; fn main() { let a = app::App::default(); let mut win = window::Window::default().with_size(500, 400); let mut table = table::Table::default() .with_size(400, 130) .center_of_parent(); table.set_frame(enums::FrameType::NoBox); table.set_scrollbar_size(-1); table.set_rows(5); table.set_cols(5); for i in 0..5 { for j in 0..5 { if let Some((x, y, w, h)) = table.find_cell(table::TableContext::Cell, i, j) { button::Button::new(x, y, w, h, None).with_label(&(i + j).to_string()); } } } table.end(); win.end(); win.show(); a.run().unwrap(); }