# # FLTKConfig.cmake - FLTK CMake configuration file for external projects. # # This file is generated by CMake and used to load FLTK's settings for # an external project. # # It defines the following variables: # # FLTK_VERSION - FLTK version string ("x.y.z") # FLTK_INCLUDE_DIRS - FLTK include directories # FLTK_LIBRARIES - list of FLTK libraries built (not yet implemented) # FLTK_FLUID_EXECUTABLE - needed by the function FLTK_RUN_FLUID # (or the deprecated fltk_wrap_ui() CMake command) # # It defines the following deprecated variables for backwards # compatibility (do not use for new projects): # # FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR - FLTK include directories (same as FLTK_INCLUDE_DIRS) # # FLTK_USE_FILE - previously used to set things up to use FLTK # - deprecated since FLTK 1.3.4 # - will be removed in FLTK 1.4.0 or later # # Important note: FLTK's CMake build files are not yet complete and may be # changed in future versions. This includes the list of defined variables # above that may be changed if necessary. # set (FLTK_VERSION @FLTK_VERSION@) include (${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/FLTK-Targets.cmake) set (FLTK_INCLUDE_DIRS "@INCLUDE_DIRS@") set (FLTK_USE_FILE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/UseFLTK.cmake) # for compatibility with CMake's FindFLTK.cmake set (FLTK_INCLUDE_DIR "${FLTK_INCLUDE_DIRS}") if (CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) find_file(FLUID_PATH NAMES fluid fluid.exe PATHS ENV PATH NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH ) add_executable(fluid IMPORTED) set_target_properties(fluid PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${FLUID_PATH} ) set (FLTK_FLUID_EXECUTABLE ${FLUID_PATH}) else () set (FLTK_FLUID_EXECUTABLE fluid) endif (CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING)