# # Macro used by the CMake build system for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). # # Copyright 2022 by Bill Spitzak and others. # # This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in # the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this # file is missing or damaged, see the license at: # # https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php # # Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: # # https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php # ####################################################################### # fl_debug_pkg - a macro to output pkgconfig debugging info ####################################################################### # # This macro displays the name and value of some CMake variables # defined by pkg_check_modules(). # # Syntax: # # fl_debug_pkg(PREFIX NAME) # # Example for package "cairo": # # pkg_check_modules (CAIRO cairo) # fl_debug_pkg(CAIRO cairo) # # The first command searches for pkg 'cairo' and stores the results # in CMake variables with prefix 'CAIRO_'. # # The second command displays all relevant variables if the package has # been found, otherwise only 'CAIRO_FOUND' (empty or false). # ####################################################################### macro(fl_debug_pkg PREFIX NAME) message("") message(STATUS "Results of pkg_check_modules(${PREFIX}, ${NAME}):") fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_FOUND) if(${PREFIX}_FOUND) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_INCLUDE_DIRS) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_CFLAGS) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_LIBRARIES) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_LINK_LIBRARIES) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_LIBRARY_DIRS) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_LDFLAGS) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_LDFLAGS_OTHER) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_CFLAGS_OTHER) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_STATIC_INCLUDE_DIRS) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_STATIC_CFLAGS) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_STATIC_LIBRARIES) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_STATIC_LINK_LIBRARIES) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_STATIC_LIBRARY_DIRS) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_VERSION) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_PREFIX) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_INCLUDEDIR) fl_debug_var(${PREFIX}_LIBDIR) endif() message("") endmacro(fl_debug_pkg)