// // Fl_Group object code for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Object describing an Fl_Group and links to Fl_Window_Type.C and // the Fl_Tabs widget, with special stuff to select tab items and // insure that only one is visible. // // Copyright 1998-2023 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in // the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file. If this // file is missing or damaged, see the license at: // // https://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php // // Please see the following page on how to report bugs and issues: // // https://www.fltk.org/bugs.php // #include "Fl_Group_Type.h" #include "fluid.h" #include "file.h" #include "code.h" #include "widget_browser.h" #include "undo.h" #include "Fd_Snap_Action.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../src/flstring.h" #include #include // ---- Fl_Group_Type -------------------------------------------------- MARK: - Fl_Group_Type Fl_Group_type; // the "factory" /** Override group's resize behavior to do nothing to children by default. \param[in] X, Y, W, H new size */ void Fl_Group_Proxy::resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H) { if (Fl_Type::allow_layout > 0) { Fl_Group::resize(X, Y, W, H); } else { Fl_Widget::resize(X, Y, W, H); } redraw(); } /** Override draw() to make groups with no box or flat box background visible. */ void Fl_Group_Proxy::draw() { if (show_ghosted_outline && (box() == FL_NO_BOX)) { fl_rect(x(), y(), w(), h(), Fl::box_color(fl_color_average(FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR, color(), .1f))); } Fl_Group::draw(); } /** \brief Enlarge the group size, so all children fit within. */ void fix_group_size(Fl_Type *tt) { if (!tt || !tt->is_a(ID_Group)) return; Fl_Group_Type* t = (Fl_Group_Type*)tt; int X = t->o->x(); int Y = t->o->y(); int R = X+t->o->w(); int B = Y+t->o->h(); for (Fl_Type *nn = t->next; nn && nn->level > t->level; nn = nn->next) { if (nn->is_true_widget()) { Fl_Widget_Type* n = (Fl_Widget_Type*)nn; int x = n->o->x(); if (x < X) X = x; int y = n->o->y(); if (y < Y) Y = y; int r = x+n->o->w();if (r > R) R = r; int b = y+n->o->h();if (b > B) B = b; } } t->o->resize(X,Y,R-X,B-Y); } void group_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *) { // Find the current widget: Fl_Type *qq = Fl_Type::current; while (qq && !qq->is_true_widget()) qq = qq->parent; if (!qq || qq->level < 1 || (qq->level == 1 && qq->is_a(ID_Widget_Class))) { fl_message("Please select widgets to group"); return; } undo_checkpoint(); undo_suspend(); Fl_Widget_Type* q = (Fl_Widget_Type*)qq; force_parent = 1; Fl_Group_Type *n = (Fl_Group_Type*)(Fl_Group_type.make(kAddAsLastChild)); n->move_before(q); n->o->resize(q->o->x(),q->o->y(),q->o->w(),q->o->h()); for (Fl_Type *t = Fl_Type::first; t;) { if (t->level != n->level || t == n || !t->selected) { t = t->next; continue;} Fl_Type *nxt = t->remove(); t->add(n, kAddAsLastChild); t = nxt; } fix_group_size(n); n->layout_widget(); widget_browser->rebuild(); undo_resume(); set_modflag(1); } void ungroup_cb(Fl_Widget *, void *) { // Find the group: Fl_Type *q = Fl_Type::current; while (q && !q->is_true_widget()) q = q->parent; if (q) q = q->parent; if (!q || q->level < 1 || (q->level == 1 && q->is_a(ID_Widget_Class))) { fl_message("Please select widgets in a group"); return; } Fl_Type* n; for (n = q->next; n && n->level > q->level; n = n->next) { if (n->level == q->level+1 && !n->selected) { fl_message("Please select all widgets in group"); return; } } undo_checkpoint(); undo_suspend(); for (n = q->next; n && n->level > q->level;) { Fl_Type *nxt = n->remove(); n->insert(q); n = nxt; } delete q; widget_browser->rebuild(); undo_resume(); set_modflag(1); } void Fl_Group_Type::ideal_size(int &w, int &h) { if (parent && parent->is_true_widget()) { Fl_Widget *p = ((Fl_Widget_Type*)parent)->o; w = p->w() / 2; h = p->h() / 2; } else { w = 140; h = 140; } Fd_Snap_Action::better_size(w, h); } void Fl_Group_Type::write_code1(Fd_Code_Writer& f) { Fl_Widget_Type::write_code1(f); } void Fl_Group_Type::write_code2(Fd_Code_Writer& f) { const char *var = name() ? name() : "o"; write_extra_code(f); f.write_c("%s%s->end();\n", f.indent(), var); if (resizable()) { f.write_c("%sFl_Group::current()->resizable(%s);\n", f.indent(), var); } write_block_close(f); } // This is called when o is created. If it is in the tab group make // sure it is visible: void Fl_Group_Type::add_child(Fl_Type* cc, Fl_Type* before) { Fl_Widget_Type* c = (Fl_Widget_Type*)cc; Fl_Widget* b = before ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)before)->o : 0; ((Fl_Group*)o)->insert(*(c->o), b); o->redraw(); } // This is called when o is deleted. If it is in the tab group make // sure it is not visible: void Fl_Group_Type::remove_child(Fl_Type* cc) { Fl_Widget_Type* c = (Fl_Widget_Type*)cc; ((Fl_Group*)o)->remove(c->o); o->redraw(); } // move, don't change selected value: void Fl_Group_Type::move_child(Fl_Type* cc, Fl_Type* before) { Fl_Widget_Type* c = (Fl_Widget_Type*)cc; Fl_Widget* b = before ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)before)->o : 0; ((Fl_Group*)o)->insert(*(c->o), b); o->redraw(); } // live mode support Fl_Widget* Fl_Group_Type::enter_live_mode(int) { Fl_Group *grp = new Fl_Group(o->x(), o->y(), o->w(), o->h()); return propagate_live_mode(grp); } void Fl_Group_Type::leave_live_mode() { } /** copy all properties from the edit widget to the live widget */ void Fl_Group_Type::copy_properties() { Fl_Widget_Type::copy_properties(); } // ---- Fl_Pack_Type --------------------------------------------------- MARK: - Fl_Pack_Type Fl_Pack_type; // the "factory" const char pack_type_name[] = "Fl_Pack"; Fl_Menu_Item pack_type_menu[] = { {"HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, (void*)Fl_Pack::HORIZONTAL}, {"VERTICAL", 0, 0, (void*)Fl_Pack::VERTICAL}, {0} }; Fl_Widget *Fl_Pack_Type::enter_live_mode(int) { Fl_Group *grp = new Fl_Pack(o->x(), o->y(), o->w(), o->h()); return propagate_live_mode(grp); } void Fl_Pack_Type::copy_properties() { Fl_Group_Type::copy_properties(); Fl_Pack *d = (Fl_Pack*)live_widget, *s =(Fl_Pack*)o; d->spacing(s->spacing()); } // ---- Fl_Flex_Type --------------------------------------------------- MARK: - const char flex_type_name[] = "Fl_Flex"; Fl_Menu_Item flex_type_menu[] = { {"HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, (void*)Fl_Flex::HORIZONTAL}, {"VERTICAL", 0, 0, (void*)Fl_Flex::VERTICAL}, {0}}; Fl_Flex_Type Fl_Flex_type; // the "factory" /** Override flex's resize behavior to do nothing to children by default. \param[in] X, Y, W, H new size */ void Fl_Flex_Proxy::resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H) { if (Fl_Type::allow_layout > 0) { Fl_Flex::resize(X, Y, W, H); } else { Fl_Widget::resize(X, Y, W, H); } redraw(); } /** Override draw() to make groups with no box or flat box background visible. */ void Fl_Flex_Proxy::draw() { if (show_ghosted_outline && (box() == FL_NO_BOX)) { fl_rect(x(), y(), w(), h(), Fl::box_color(fl_color_average(FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR, color(), .1f))); } Fl_Flex::draw(); } Fl_Widget *Fl_Flex_Type::enter_live_mode(int) { Fl_Flex *grp = new Fl_Flex(o->x(), o->y(), o->w(), o->h()); propagate_live_mode(grp); Fl_Flex *d = grp, *s =(Fl_Flex*)o; int nc = s->children(), nd = d->children(); if (nc>nd) nc = nd; for (int i=0; ifixed(s->child(i))) { Fl_Widget *dc = d->child(i); d->fixed(d->child(i), s->horizontal() ? dc->w() : dc->h()); } } return grp; } void Fl_Flex_Type::copy_properties() { Fl_Group_Type::copy_properties(); Fl_Flex *d = (Fl_Flex*)live_widget, *s =(Fl_Flex*)o; int lm, tm, rm, bm; s->margin(&lm, &tm, &rm, &bm); d->margin(lm, tm, rm, bm); d->gap( s->gap() ); } void Fl_Flex_Type::write_properties(Fd_Project_Writer &f) { Fl_Group_Type::write_properties(f); Fl_Flex* flex = (Fl_Flex*)o; int lm, tm, rm, bm; flex->margin(&lm, &tm, &rm, &bm); if (lm!=0 || tm!=0 || rm!=0 || bm!=0) f.write_string("margin {%d %d %d %d}", lm, tm, rm, bm); if (flex->gap()) f.write_string("gap %d", flex->gap()); int nSet = 0; for (int i=0; ichildren(); i++) if (flex->fixed(flex->child(i))) nSet++; if (nSet) { f.write_string("fixed_size_tuples {%d", nSet); for (int i=0; ichildren(); i++) { Fl_Widget *ci = flex->child(i); if (flex->fixed(ci)) f.write_string(" %d %d", i, flex->horizontal() ? ci->w() : ci->h()); } f.write_string("}"); } } void Fl_Flex_Type::read_property(Fd_Project_Reader &f, const char *c) { Fl_Flex* flex = (Fl_Flex*)o; suspend_auto_layout = 1; if (!strcmp(c,"margin")) { int lm, tm, rm, bm; if (sscanf(f.read_word(),"%d %d %d %d",&lm,&tm,&rm,&bm) == 4) flex->margin(lm, tm, rm, bm); } else if (!strcmp(c,"gap")) { int g; if (sscanf(f.read_word(),"%d",&g)) flex->gap(g); } else if (!strcmp(c,"fixed_size_tuples")) { f.read_word(1); // must be '{' const char *nStr = f.read_word(1); // number of indices in table fixedSizeTupleSize = atoi(nStr); fixedSizeTuple = new int[fixedSizeTupleSize*2]; for (int i=0; i0) { for (int i=0; i=0 && ixchildren()) { Fl_Widget *ci = flex->child(ix); flex->fixed(ci, size); } } fixedSizeTupleSize = 0; delete[] fixedSizeTuple; fixedSizeTuple = NULL; } suspend_auto_layout = 0; } void Fl_Flex_Type::write_code2(Fd_Code_Writer& f) { const char *var = name() ? name() : "o"; Fl_Flex* flex = (Fl_Flex*)o; int lm, tm, rm, bm; flex->margin(&lm, &tm, &rm, &bm); if (lm!=0 || tm!=0 || rm!=0 || bm!=0) f.write_c("%s%s->margin(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", f.indent(), var, lm, tm, rm, bm); if (flex->gap()) f.write_c("%s%s->gap(%d);\n", f.indent(), var, flex->gap()); for (int i=0; ichildren(); ++i) { Fl_Widget *ci = flex->child(i); if (flex->fixed(ci)) f.write_c("%s%s->fixed(%s->child(%d), %d);\n", f.indent(), var, var, i, flex->horizontal() ? ci->w() : ci->h()); } Fl_Group_Type::write_code2(f); } //void Fl_Flex_Type::add_child(Fl_Type* a, Fl_Type* b) { // Fl_Group_Type::add_child(a, b); // if (!suspend_auto_layout) // ((Fl_Flex*)o)->layout(); //} // //void Fl_Flex_Type::move_child(Fl_Type* a, Fl_Type* b) { // Fl_Group_Type::move_child(a, b); // if (!suspend_auto_layout) // ((Fl_Flex*)o)->layout(); //} void Fl_Flex_Type::remove_child(Fl_Type* a) { if (a->is_widget()) ((Fl_Flex*)o)->fixed(((Fl_Widget_Type*)a)->o, 0); Fl_Group_Type::remove_child(a); // ((Fl_Flex*)o)->layout(); layout_widget(); } void Fl_Flex_Type::layout_widget() { allow_layout++; ((Fl_Flex*)o)->layout(); allow_layout--; } // Change from HORIZONTAL to VERTICAL or back. // Children in a horizontal Flex have already the full vertical height. If we // just change to vertical, the accumulated hight of all children is too big. // We need to relayout existing children. void Fl_Flex_Type::change_subtype_to(int n) { Fl_Flex* f = (Fl_Flex*)o; if (f->type()==n) return; int nc = f->children(); if (nc > 0) { int dw = Fl::box_dw(f->box()); int dh = Fl::box_dh(f->box()); int lm, tm, rm, bm; f->margin(&lm, &tm, &rm, &bm); int gap = f->gap(); int fw = f->w()-dw-lm-rm-(nc*gap); if (fw<=nc) fw = nc; // avoid division by zero int fh = f->h()-dh-tm-bm-(nc*gap); if (fh<=nc) fh = nc; // avoid division by zero if (f->type()==Fl_Flex::HORIZONTAL && n==Fl_Flex::VERTICAL) { float scl = (float)fh/(float)fw; for (int i=0; ichild(i); c->size(f->w(), (int)(c->w()*scl)); } } else if (f->type()==Fl_Flex::VERTICAL && n==Fl_Flex::HORIZONTAL) { float scl = (float)fw/(float)fh; for (int i=0; ichild(i); c->size((int)(c->h()*scl), f->h()); } } } f->type(n); f->layout(); } int Fl_Flex_Type::parent_is_flex(Fl_Type *t) { return (t->is_widget() && t->parent && t->parent->is_a(ID_Flex)); } /** Insert a widget in the child list so that it moves as close as possible the position. \param[in] child any widget in the tree but this, may already be a child of this and will be relocated if so \param[in] x, y pixel coordinates relative to the top left of the window */ void Fl_Flex_Type::insert_child_at(Fl_Widget *child, int x, int y) { Fl_Flex *flex = (Fl_Flex*)o; // find the insertion point closest to x, y int d = flex->w() + flex->h(), di = -1; if (flex->horizontal()) { int i, dx; for (i=0; ichildren(); i++) { dx = x - flex->child(i)->x(); if (dx < 0) dx = -dx; if (dx < d) { d = dx; di = i; } } dx = x - (flex->x()+flex->w()); if (dx < 0) dx = -dx; if (dx < d) { d = dx; di = i; } } else { int i, dy; for (i=0; ichildren(); i++) { dy = y - flex->child(i)->y(); if (dy < 0) dy = -dy; if (dy < d) { d = dy; di = i; } } dy = y - (flex->y()+flex->h()); if (dy < 0) dy = -dy; if (dy < d) { d = dy; di = i; } } if (di > -1) { flex->insert(*child, di); } } /** Move children around using the keyboard. \param[in] child pointer to the child type \param[in] key code of the last keypress when handling a FL_KEYBOARD event. */ void Fl_Flex_Type::keyboard_move_child(Fl_Widget_Type *child, int key) { Fl_Flex *flex = ((Fl_Flex*)o); int ix = flex->find(child->o); if (ix == flex->children()) return; if (flex->horizontal()) { if (key==FL_Right) { flex->insert(*child->o, ix+2); } else if (key==FL_Left) { if (ix > 0) flex->insert(*child->o, ix-1); } } else { if (key==FL_Down) { flex->insert(*child->o, ix+2); } else if (key==FL_Up) { if (ix > 0) flex->insert(*child->o, ix-1); } } } int Fl_Flex_Type::size(Fl_Type *t, char fixed_only) { if (!t->is_widget()) return 0; if (!t->parent) return 0; if (!t->parent->is_a(ID_Flex)) return 0; Fl_Flex_Type* ft = (Fl_Flex_Type*)t->parent; Fl_Flex* f = (Fl_Flex*)ft->o; Fl_Widget *w = ((Fl_Widget_Type*)t)->o; if (fixed_only && !f->fixed(w)) return 0; return f->horizontal() ? w->w() : w->h(); } int Fl_Flex_Type::is_fixed(Fl_Type *t) { if (!t->is_widget()) return 0; if (!t->parent) return 0; if (!t->parent->is_a(ID_Flex)) return 0; Fl_Flex_Type* ft = (Fl_Flex_Type*)t->parent; Fl_Flex* f = (Fl_Flex*)ft->o; Fl_Widget *w = ((Fl_Widget_Type*)t)->o; return f->fixed(w); } // ---- Fl_Table_Type -------------------------------------------------- MARK: - Fl_Table_Type Fl_Table_type; // the "factory" static const int MAX_ROWS = 14; static const int MAX_COLS = 7; // this is a minimal table widget used as an example when adding tables in Fluid class Fluid_Table : public Fl_Table { int data[MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLS]; // data array for cells // Draw the row/col headings // Make this a dark thin upbox with the text inside. // void DrawHeader(const char *s, int X, int Y, int W, int H) { fl_push_clip(X,Y,W,H); fl_draw_box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX, X,Y,W,H, row_header_color()); fl_color(FL_BLACK); fl_draw(s, X,Y,W,H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER); fl_pop_clip(); } // Draw the cell data // Dark gray text on white background with subtle border // void DrawData(const char *s, int X, int Y, int W, int H) { fl_push_clip(X,Y,W,H); // Draw cell bg fl_color(FL_WHITE); fl_rectf(X,Y,W,H); // Draw cell data fl_color(FL_GRAY0); fl_draw(s, X,Y,W,H, FL_ALIGN_CENTER); // Draw box border fl_color(color()); fl_rect(X,Y,W,H); fl_pop_clip(); } // Handle drawing table's cells // Fl_Table calls this function to draw each visible cell in the table. // It's up to us to use FLTK's drawing functions to draw the cells the way we want. // void draw_cell(TableContext context, int ROW=0, int COL=0, int X=0, int Y=0, int W=0, int H=0) FL_OVERRIDE { static char s[40]; switch ( context ) { case CONTEXT_STARTPAGE: // before page is drawn.. fl_font(FL_HELVETICA, 16); // set the font for our drawing operations return; case CONTEXT_COL_HEADER: // Draw column headers sprintf(s,"%c",'A'+COL); // "A", "B", "C", etc. DrawHeader(s,X,Y,W,H); return; case CONTEXT_ROW_HEADER: // Draw row headers sprintf(s,"%03d:",ROW); // "001:", "002:", etc DrawHeader(s,X,Y,W,H); return; case CONTEXT_CELL: // Draw data in cells sprintf(s,"%d",data[ROW][COL]); DrawData(s,X,Y,W,H); return; default: return; } } public: Fluid_Table(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *l=0L) : Fl_Table(x, y, w, h, l) { end(); for ( int r=0; ro : 0; if (((Fl_Table*)o)->children()==1) { // the FLuid_Table has one extra child fl_message("Inserting child widgets into an Fl_Table is not recommended.\n" "Please refer to the documentation on Fl_Table."); } ((Fl_Table*)o)->insert(*(c->o), b); o->redraw(); } void Fl_Table_Type::remove_child(Fl_Type* cc) { Fl_Widget_Type* c = (Fl_Widget_Type*)cc; ((Fl_Table*)o)->remove(*(c->o)); o->redraw(); } void Fl_Table_Type::move_child(Fl_Type* cc, Fl_Type* before) { Fl_Widget_Type* c = (Fl_Widget_Type*)cc; Fl_Widget* b = before ? ((Fl_Widget_Type*)before)->o : 0; ((Fl_Table*)o)->insert(*(c->o), b); o->redraw(); } Fl_Widget *Fl_Table_Type::enter_live_mode(int) { Fl_Group *grp = new Fluid_Table(o->x(), o->y(), o->w(), o->h()); live_widget = grp; copy_properties(); grp->end(); return live_widget; } void Fl_Table_Type::ideal_size(int &w, int &h) { w = 160; h = 120; Fd_Snap_Action::better_size(w, h); } // ---- Fl_Tabs_Type --------------------------------------------------- MARK: - Fl_Tabs_Type Fl_Tabs_type; // the "factory" const char tabs_type_name[] = "Fl_Tabs"; // Override group's resize behavior to do nothing to children: void Fl_Tabs_Proxy::resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H) { if (Fl_Type::allow_layout > 0) { Fl_Tabs::resize(X, Y, W, H); } else { Fl_Widget::resize(X, Y, W, H); } redraw(); } /** Override draw() to make groups with no box or flat box background visible. */ void Fl_Tabs_Proxy::draw() { if (show_ghosted_outline && (box() == FL_NO_BOX)) { fl_rect(x(), y(), w(), h(), Fl::box_color(fl_color_average(FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR, color(), .1f))); } Fl_Tabs::draw(); } // This is called when user clicks on a widget in the window. See // if it is a tab title, and adjust visibility and return new selection: // If none, return o unchanged: Fl_Type* Fl_Tabs_Type::click_test(int x, int y) { Fl_Tabs *t = (Fl_Tabs*)o; Fl_Widget *a = t->which(x,y); if (!a) return 0; // didn't click on tab // changing the visible tab has an impact on the generated // source code, so mark this project as changed. int changed = (a!=t->value()); // okay, run the tabs ui until they let go of mouse: t->handle(FL_PUSH); Fl::pushed(t); while (Fl::pushed()==t) Fl::wait(); if (changed) set_modflag(1); return (Fl_Type*)(t->value()->user_data()); } void Fl_Tabs_Type::add_child(Fl_Type* c, Fl_Type* before) { Fl_Group_Type::add_child(c, before); } void Fl_Tabs_Type::remove_child(Fl_Type* cc) { Fl_Widget_Type* c = (Fl_Widget_Type*)cc; Fl_Tabs *t = (Fl_Tabs*)o; if (t->value() == c->o) t->value(0); Fl_Group_Type::remove_child(c); } Fl_Widget *Fl_Tabs_Type::enter_live_mode(int) { Fl_Tabs *original = static_cast(o); Fl_Tabs *clone = new Fl_Tabs(o->x(), o->y(), o->w(), o->h()); propagate_live_mode(clone); int tab_index = original->find(original->value()); if ((tab_index>=0) && (tab_indexchildren())) clone->value(clone->child(tab_index)); return clone; } // ---- Fl_Scroll_Type ------------------------------------------------- MARK: - Fl_Scroll_Type Fl_Scroll_type; // the "factory" const char scroll_type_name[] = "Fl_Scroll"; Fl_Menu_Item scroll_type_menu[] = { {"BOTH", 0, 0, 0/*(void*)Fl_Scroll::BOTH*/}, {"HORIZONTAL", 0, 0, (void*)Fl_Scroll::HORIZONTAL}, {"VERTICAL", 0, 0, (void*)Fl_Scroll::VERTICAL}, {"HORIZONTAL_ALWAYS", 0, 0, (void*)Fl_Scroll::HORIZONTAL_ALWAYS}, {"VERTICAL_ALWAYS", 0, 0, (void*)Fl_Scroll::VERTICAL_ALWAYS}, {"BOTH_ALWAYS", 0, 0, (void*)Fl_Scroll::BOTH_ALWAYS}, {0}}; Fl_Widget *Fl_Scroll_Type::enter_live_mode(int) { Fl_Group *grp = new Fl_Scroll(o->x(), o->y(), o->w(), o->h()); grp->show(); return propagate_live_mode(grp); } void Fl_Scroll_Type::copy_properties() { Fl_Group_Type::copy_properties(); Fl_Scroll *s = (Fl_Scroll*)o, *d = (Fl_Scroll*)live_widget; d->scroll_to(s->xposition(), s->yposition()); d->type(s->type()); d->scrollbar.align(s->scrollbar.align()); d->hscrollbar.align(s->hscrollbar.align()); } // ---- Fl_Tile_Type --------------------------------------------------- MARK: - Fl_Tile_Type Fl_Tile_type; // the "factory" const char tile_type_name[] = "Fl_Tile"; void Fl_Tile_Type::copy_properties() { Fl_Group_Type::copy_properties(); // no additional properties } // ---- Fl_Wizard_Type ------------------------------------------------ MARK: - Fl_Wizard_Type Fl_Wizard_type; // the "factory" const char wizard_type_name[] = "Fl_Wizard"; // Override group's resize behavior to do nothing to children: void Fl_Wizard_Proxy::resize(int X, int Y, int W, int H) { if (Fl_Type::allow_layout > 0) { Fl_Wizard::resize(X, Y, W, H); } else { Fl_Widget::resize(X, Y, W, H); } redraw(); } /** Override draw() to make groups with no box or flat box background visible. */ void Fl_Wizard_Proxy::draw() { if (show_ghosted_outline && (box() == FL_NO_BOX)) { fl_rect(x(), y(), w(), h(), Fl::box_color(fl_color_average(FL_FOREGROUND_COLOR, color(), .1f))); } Fl_Wizard::draw(); }